Page 5 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 20, 1956 You'll find "fcV1 A W it in The TP- Classified Rates 2c per word minimum 35c pr Insertion Black face or cap, double rat Cards of Thanks $1.00 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE I p. nt. Wednesday SPINET PIANO. Will sacrifice for quick sale in this locality. Cash or terms. Write Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., Salem Ore. 28-30c FORD has done it again. FOR SALE Used oil heaters, $20 and up. Jim Healy. 27-30c FOR SALE two bedroom house near depot. Phone 6-9169. 25tfc FOR SALE Duo Therm oil stove, automatic liehter and fan, used one winter, size for 5-room house, light tan color $100; also Kenmore Automatic washer, new in 1954, good condition, $100. Apt. 2, Heppner Clinic, Dhone 6-9101. 28-29c MAKE YOUR RUGS and carpets look like new. call case irur niture Co. for carpet cleaning service. 46tfc SOMEONE can use your young ster's out-grown clothes. Save them for the Heppner Civic League rummage sale. Call . Call 6-9125 or 6-5323 lor tree pickup. 28tfc MERCURY 1955 Montclair sport coupe. It has everything. Pay " $895.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR CEMENT ROCK and sand call Les Heman, Hermiston, Oregon, phone JOrdan 7-6942. 25-28p FREE Ask To Have Our Used MACHINERY BARGAIN LT Sent You lee Aoy EMPIRE MACHINERY CO. FOUND Tuesday afternon, large gray dog with bobbed tail. Call Dr. Huber, phone 6-5353. 28p FORD has done it again. PIERSOL CLEANERS pickup and deliver Monday ana mursaay in HeDDner. Write Heppner P. n hnv 2fi for Dickuo. 28tfc FOR SALE one 30-30 rifle. Bruce Bothwell. 27-29p RANCHES FOR SALE wheat lease and pnuiDment. 2000 acres stubble, 1600 acres summer fallow, all fertilized. Elevator on railroad track, get 5-year lease, pay one third rent delivered. 35-40 bus hel land, good modern improve mpnfs. pxtra eood set of equip ment. Selling pice $85,000, will take at least $60,000 cash to h qi-iHIp STOCK RANCH FOR SALE 3100 acres, all fenced sheep-tight, in three pastures, 125 acres hay Ann prain land, good modern improvements, 5-bedroom home, worlds ol water, i raura num school, $45,000 with 29 down, 5 years on balance with privi lege of paying more, 5 inter est. An extra good stock ranch. Full set of equipment can be bought if wanted. ALSO other combined wheat and stock ranches for sale. V. R. "BOB" RUNNION Heppner 27-28c FALL BULBS are now in. iiya cinths, crocus, tulips. Heppner Flower Shop. 28c TV-uuHTC-riP and Irrigation Wells located with The Mansfield Automatic Water Finder. In i.nri Trriffntion Co.. box 144, i.n,Uotnn Phone 828. 8tfc FOR SALE seed rye, cleaned and A. OllUtv. vVa. " sacked. 3c lb. or $bu per wn Tvm Ppiikpr. Dhone 8-7160. 26-33C PHF.VROLET 1954 Sport coupe Deep tread tires, New appear- i ance. Pay $4aa.w aowu. iwc wall Motor Co. at titrations and sewing, will call for and deliver. Lennle Louden, 410 Church St., phone 25-29C FOR LOCKER BEEF, shop at home and save on your meau hiiu hw the case and save. Heppner Market W. Willow St 20tfc RELIABLE MAN WITH CAR to serve 800 family iooa rouic, Dottor than average earnings, Nationally advertised. If you have good credit reputation and and industrious, write for information to J. R. urottins fomDanv. 3903 Brook- lyn, Ave., Seattle 5, wn. run iqi ninkuD with Hydra UiUV - " " matin transmission. The same type transmission used in the roMUafi PflV $9b.lAJ QUWIl FOR SALE large house and lot, IF i made in two apartments, can hp uspd as onp home. Concrete' walks and retaining wall. Call o Dion Tn ! Lexington. 28tfc ROSY SAYS: Ford has done it again. That is what you will say when you see the complete ly all new 1957 Ford when it goes on display Wednesday, October 3rd. I predict this new Ford will set a new standard of value for the automobile industry. There is a 'treat in store for you. DON'T THROW those surplus household gadgets away they'll be the best sellers at the Heppner Civic League rummage sale. Call 6-9125 or 6-5323 for free pickup. 28tfc FORD has done it again. SPENCER corsettiere, Mrs. Mary McMurtry, Phone 6-9703. 27-29p CEDAR fence posts, 6 and 7 ft Hams Truck Line, Phone lone 8-7277. 13tfc WOMAN wanted for steady posi tion. Apply at Heppner Clean ers. 28-29c MERCURY 1955 Monterey Sport coupe equipped with overdrive. Pay $795.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE modern 2 bedroom older type home on Green Street. First house above Cres wick Mortuary. Call collect Pilot Rock 2993 or write Harold Castor. 25-28c FOR SALE Gray chrome dinette table, with leaf and four chairs, $50.00. Also white enamel trash burner, like new, $40.00. Phone 6-9404. 28-31c NEED a eood used truck. Rose wall Motor Company has two trucks with grain beds and stock racks readv to eo to work. Better come in and look them over if you want to save money. FOR SALE four unit apartment house, including basic mrni- ture for all four apartments, yard tools, etc. $6500.00 with $1,000 down, balance easy pay ments. See Bobbie Fisher, at O'Donnell's Cafe. 27-29p FOR RENT one bedroom house. Phone 6-9762. tic LAWNMOWER sharpening and reoair ins. N. D. Bailey, rnone 8-9491. 7tfc TIRED of that 1952 dress? We'd like it for the kindergarten benefit rummage sale spon sored by the Heppner Civic League. Call 6-9125 or 6-5323 fnr free nickUD. 28tfc. FORD has done it again. STILL in business but moved to 106 Baltimore St. Yuor Rawleigh ripaw. Earl L. Soward . 28c for SAI.F. Rifle. 30-30 bolt artinn Savasze. Good condition S9s.nn. Rav Avers. Dhone 6-9108. 27-29C work- wanted Bv hieh sshool boy and girl after scnooi ana weekends. Call 3-8400, Lexing ton. 27-29C FRIENDS of Wayne Morse are in vited to visit hint during coffee hour Monady afternoon be- turppn 1 n. m. and 3:30 p. m at the W. C. Rosewall home at in7 North Court Street in Heppner. SAVE THE DATE St. Elizabeth's guild card party, episcopal narish house October 18. 27c FOR SALE Factory made metal f " "' 2-wheel Spencer utility iraner, good tires. Frank W. Baker, 23 s Underwood. Kennewick, Wn. 27-28C FOR SALE one electric Hawai ian guitar with stand, ime new. $11. Al Huit, Phone 6-5328.. 28-31p WE SPECIALIZE in case lot sales of frozen looas. necu our prices before buying out t num Hpnnner Market W. ui w n , . Wlllnw St.. 20UC FOR SALE ten Suffolk bucks ivin rirppnuD. Dhone o-tuya. . 25-28c TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Lar.ham apartments. vuc rv-wT vuait until the last min JJWi. A ute to have your car put in shape for the trip to the woods. The hunting season opens oey tember 29th. We have the real McCoy to protect your car against a freeze-up while in the hills hunting. Rosewall Motor Company WANTED high school girl, pre ferably Junior or senior, to woik after school and Saturdays, ran K.s-m. 28tfc for rent clean two bedroom ot stoves and water iur nished. Phone 6-9959. 25p Mtrrn FINANCING: UUT AB n."" - . .... financing plan is avauame ior anything we seu, lumoer, uimu Inir cnrtnlips. tools. Daints etc- In amounts up to $1,000. No down payment up to 36 months to pay. Ask us at Turn- A .Tiirr, T.iimher CO.. dial Hepp ner fi.9212. 7tfC DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist 007 c Main St.. Pendleton. Of- 4V" ' - - . fipp Phone 609. 48tfc you want your vote to count i u !... uf. rt you snuuiu rcgisici uciuie 6th. j-qK sale seed rye. Phone 26-29p 6-5337, O. E. Wright. RUGS AND CARPETS cleaned in your home. Wool or cotton. Fast service. Phone 6-9432. 4Ctfc Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS .Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has bene duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Executrix of the estate of OLIVER G. HAGUEWOOD, deceased, and all persons having claims against thp estate of said deceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouchers auiy veri fied to the Executrix at the of fice of Mahoney and Fancher, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 30th day of August, 1956. Vivian A. Haguewooa, Executrix 25-29c NOTICE OF HEARING TO INCORPORATE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of the County Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, a public hearing will be held at the Morrow County Courthouse. Heppner, Oregon on the 3rd day of October, 1956, at the hour of 2:00 r. M. at wnicn time anv Derson interested may appear and present oral or writ ten objections to the petition on file herein requesting the sub mission to the legal voters resid ing within the following de scribed territory the proposition that a city to be known as the City of Irrigon, be incorporated within the following described boundaries: to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the West boundary line oi Second Street extended and the South meander line of the Col umbia River, in the Original Town Site of Irrigon, Morrow Countv. Oreeon, thence South following the West boundary line of said Second Street to the intersection of said boundary line and, California Ave., thence East following the South bound tary line of California Ave. to the intersection of Fifteenth Street, thence North following the East boundary line of Fif teenth Street extended to the South meander line of the Col umbia River, thence West fol lowing the South meander line of the Columbia River to the point of beginning, all being within the County of Morrow, State of Oreeon. By Order of the Morrow County Court, dated this 12th day of Sep tember, 1956. GARNET BARRATT Morrow County Judge Attest: BRUCE LINDSAY Morrow County Clerk 28-29c CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the I council of the City of Heppner will until 8 o'clock p. m. October 1, 1956, accept bids for providing and installing a remote control system for the control of the up per well from the lower well of the city water system. Said remote control system is to include automatic "on" and off" control with a safety de vice to stop motor in case of loss of water or loss of water pres sure, also an indicating device to show operator that pump is run ning. . , a romDlete description or tne type of remote system desired as well as full information on aist anr-P Etc. is available at the or fipp nf the Citv Recorder of the city of Heppner. It is also required that the system be guaranteed lor one year. Olympia ...with " SSAil accuracy, Olympia sretresmng r if character adds pleasure to I A itUCe f the experience. csv tercel ,1 - i;ycj0 I M7t' the Water" that makes the difference eUYMPI CAPITAL PARADE Continued from Page 2 their execution. If vou have taken a book on government from the library and read it this year you are 99 per cent ahead of the average voter. A small group in my neighbor hood, doing research on govern ment, can reveal a great deal that is not on the surface. If you want to know how your Senators and Representatives per formed in the Legislature at Salem you can get the Conclud ing Calendar, the Senate Journal and House Journal from the State Library. If your local library or the state depository libraries near vou do not have these, and the State Library have all their fonips "out", the Secretary ot State usually can fill these orders promptly. The progress of all bills, those that became law, those that fail ed to pass, those that "died" in rv.mmittpp were witnurawn or vetoed, can be found in the above Dublications. However, now is the time to lnaH the old musket and turn the bloodhounds loose. I.O; THE POOR INDIAN More Northwest Indians are at tending regular schools and col leges as integration of the In dian race with the rest of the pub lie snoeds ahead in the west. This year there are only 100 Northwest Indian students at his- toried old Chemawa Indian school, near Salem. Last year there were only 150 and 400 only four years ago. Indian children trom urana Ronrle and Siletz tribes are not eligible to attend Chemawa. Those tribes recently sold most oi tneir reservation lands ana nave re linquished Indian privileges. Navajo children now preuomi- nate at Chemawa. A picturesque caravan of 500 Navajo Indian boys and girls from Arizona, Utah and New Mexico recently amveu at Chemawa. MOTOR VEHICLE VIOLATIONS A total of 78 drivers had licen ses suspended in August because of traffic law violations or acci Hents Sir drivers were ground ed because they were involved in fatal accidents. Oregon law per mits the department to suspend a driver's license when he has by incompetent reckless or unlawiui nnpration. caused or contributed to an accident resulting in the Hoath or sprious miurv of any 'other person or serious property damage. Other seasons for licenses sus pensions last month included while intoxicated 317, reckless driving 66, violation of basic rule 51, hit and run 4, taiiure to re port an accident 83, driving re cord 44, and failure to pass tests 11. NEWBRY IN CARMEL Secretary of State Earl T. New bry, accompanied by Mrs. New bry, attended the national con vention of secretaries of state at rarm.Pl. California this week. Mr. Newbry is a past-president of the association. Mr. ana Mrs. new bry will return to balem bep tember 24. rAPiTAL SHORTS npadline for mailing absentee ballots to those who have made onnlinntinn is October 2fa . . 4D people were killed in Oregon traf- f p ace dents last momn uuusi- ing the eight-month traffic toll to 9KQ whirh is seven more 'deaths than were reported for the same . ,j Orpffon's' penuu lasi jcai . . . v-.0-.. - bonded indebtedness now $171,- All bids must be in the pos session of the undersigned Re corder of the City of Heppner not lotor than s o'clock c. m. on the first day of October 1956, and the council reserves tne ngm u re ject any or all bids. TED SMITH City Recorder 27 -29c pitldbUl c Whether you enjoy collecting fine firing pieces, or testing their accuracy, Olympia's refreshing character adds pleasure to the experience. IMWIM COMFAHY, LTMrIA, WMn.. . - 696.000 has been reduced $5,361, 200 from the $178,330,200 debt figure shown Jan. 1, 1955 ... A $2,242,000 annual phone rate has been requested by Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co. which will average $5.48 a year per tele phone in Oregon. -o Livestock Prices Holding Steady HERMISTON Volume at the Hermiston Livestock Commission Co. sale was down Friday due to the heavy pulling power of the Pendleton Round up. Still is was a good "Round-Up sale" with 57 consignors tossing 328 cattle, 249 sheep and 52 hogs on the auction block to be picKea up by buyers from Washington, Idaho and Oregon. Prices remained steady with the best vear taken at $19.30 cwt. Steer calves did well with a hign of $17.90 cwt. and top fat hogs brought $17.70 cwt. The sale moved swiftly with plenty of buyers on hand to bid. Sale manager Delbert Anson an nounced that fat cattle of all kinds will be needed for next week's sale. CATTLE: Babv calves, 1.50 to 11 per head; steer calves, 16.70 to 17.90 cwt.; heifer calves, 14.20 to 15.90 cwt.: veal. 17.40 to 19.30 cwt.; stocker steers, 15.10 to 16.80 cwt.; feeder steers, 16.80 to 17 .du cwx.; dairy cows, 91 to 137.50 per head; stocker cows with calves at side, none; commercial cows, 11.10 to 12.40 cwt.; utility cows, 9.80 to 10.90 -cwt.; canners and cutters, 7.80 to 9.20 cwt.; shells, 4.bu to 7.40 cwt; and bulls, 11.70 to 13.90 cwt. HOGS: Weaner pigs, 7.50 to 11.75 cwt.; feeder pigs, 15.60 to 16.90 cwt.; fat hogs, 16.60 to 17.70 sows. 11.30 to 15.10 cwt.; and boars, 2.50 to 6:30 cwt. ? SHEEP: Ewes by the head, 5 to 14; bucks, 8 to 22 per head; feed er lambs, 14.35 to 17.10 cwt. Thnsp earning tOD prices at the market included Sam Grant, Prescott, Wash., 17.10 cwt. for 42 inmhs of 4030 Dounds: C. McDon ald, Walla Walla, 22 per neau ior 5 blackface yearling bucks; Frank Bensel, Hermiston, 17.70 cwt. for 24 fat hogs of 4500 pounds; Wil bur Jones, Hermiston, 17.90 cwt. for 2 steer calves of 760 pounds; or,H Arrhie Warner. Pilot Rock, 15.90 cwt. for 9 yearling heifers of 5565 pounds. o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS USED CARS WITH AN I THAT COUNTS 1954 ford V-8 Fordor . $1250 1953 Chevrolet door Bel All 2 .. $1050 1951 Chevrolet Bel Alt $700 21950 Chevrolets Ed. $450 Trucks - Pickups 1955 Chevrolet pickup $1550 4 1949 Pickups Ea. $400 Aa la 1948 Chevrolet l ton $900 1947 CMC 1 ton $650 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. WEDDING INVITATIONS Al Important i the trousseau, to invite friends to your wedding or to announce that you are married. Unsurpassed In quality; velvety raised lettering on Strath more Expressive paper at a price that you can afford: no finer paper ever made. 0l 'Wow tft&t you ah to f M&rrtedF K A By Virginia Courten&y, cont&ins m&ny f . Y htlplul susststions mJ intim&tt ctiit'cfat 11 on important iod&l customs btfon aW afer At vvecdW Etch brtJftO'b nay Heppner Gazette Times BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Heppner City f MfttUrmtiaoaday lOUnCII XMb Month Citizens havine matters for discussion. Dlease bring them before the Council Ph. 8-9618 Complete Line PLUMBING & HEATING Jim Angell CASE FURNITURE CO. Phone 6-9432 - Monow County Form Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Lex. Center 2nd Tuesday lone Cente--3rd Tuesday SEWING MACHINES Sales Service Accessories Free Home or Store Demonstration 2nd and 4th Wednesdays GILLIAM & BISBEE Thompson Photo Service Alex & Jo Thompson Portrait & Commercial Phone 6-9489 p amoTV RANGE. REFIG. SALES & SERVICE WILCOX HOME APPLIANCES 254 Hermiston Ave. Ph. 7-6198 Hermiston JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Pheme 8-8213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND FANCHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-4210 Off. Ph. 8-69616 A.D. McMurdo, M.D. FHYSICIXN SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office tn Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon DR. L. J. WHALON DENTIST Hotel Heppnet Bldg. Phone 6-9227 , Wallace H Wolff, M. D. Office Houri 10 to 12, 2 to S Monday through Saturday Ph. 6-9253. Res. 6-9620 The Heppner Clinic C M. WAGNER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone Office 6-9114 Res. 6-9208 WHITE CROSS PLAN Bankers Life & Casualty Co. Hazel Downing, Rep. Ph. 6788 Hermiston 765 Orchard Ave. t f J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gut Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 t Morrow County Abstract fir Title Co. nra ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE OKioa in Fctan Bonding C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phono 6-9625 Box 811 Heppner. Oregon MONUMENTS - MARKERS - See Oliver Croswick Craswick Mortuary vautMuvi Rosewall Motor Co. FORD has done it again.