t Heppner Gazette Times, TKurs'day, September 13, 1956 Pagt 5 Social H appenmgs I Mrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays I Billie Jean Privett I Weds Gerald Taber In Walla Walla I At the Central Christian church i in Walla Walla, Miss Billie Jean I Privett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Privett, became the bride of A3-c Gerald L. Taber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Taber of Ava, Itassouri, on Monday afternoon. Kev. H. R Baird officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride wore an Ivory faille ancrnoon gown with blue acces sories and had a corsage of pink daisies and carnations. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Scholen Grabill. The mother of the bride wore rose linen with white accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. JThe groom's mother was dressed (in tose brocade with white acces sories and a white carnation cor. ,sage. The bride is a graduate of Hepp ner high school and attended the Eastern Oregon College for two years, the groom attended schools In Ava, Missouri. f. The new Mrs. Taber will be employed in Pendleton while the i' groom is stationed in Alaska. I . Those from Heppner attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Privett and Joe Privett. Extension Unit Makes Plans for Year I The Heppner Extension unit met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Paul Warren and plans were made for the coming year. Attending were Mrs. Al Fetsch, Mrs. Lee Scrivner, Mrs. Sam Tur ner, Mrs. Gene Ferguson, Mrs. Bay Drake, Mrs. William Heath, Mrs. Kemp Dick, Mrs. Bill Gen try; Mrs. N. C. Anderson and Mrs. Itferritt Gray. I The Oct. 9 project meeting will !e!on "seafood in your meals". The leaders will be Mrs. Dick and )Is. Gray. Iedd ing Date Set Py Heppner Couple flr. and Mrs. Joe Wright an nounce the coming marriage of Jheir daughter, Judy Wright, to Delmer Buschke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke, Saturday, Dctober 27, at tfte Methodist hurch in Heppner. Rainbow Girls Fete State Worthy Advisor Miss Mary Hisler, The Dalles, state worthy grand advisor and supreme nature of Rainbow for Girls made her visitation to the Heppner assembly Wednesday night and 'was honored by a bar becue preceding the meeting at the Oliver Creswick patio. j Advisory board members who were hostesses for the barbecue were Mrs. Claude Graham, Mrs. James Thomson, Mrs. Dick Wil kinson and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael. Rainbow officers present were Barbara Warren, worthy advisor; Meredith Thomson, associate worthy advisor; Phyllis Quacken bush, charity; Frances Slocum, hope; Helen Graham, faith and Janice Beamer, ..drill leader. Other guests were Mrs. Harold Becket, sub deputy for Rainbow Girls; Mr. Becket, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Creswick. At the business meeting the ballot was exemplified for Miss Hisler and an adenda given In her honor by- all line of- ricers wearing cowboy hats and riding broomstick horses. They presented her with a cowboy hat trimmed with dol lar bills for her year's project from the Heppner group. In ad dition she was given a miniature gun and holster set, neck scarf and spurs. A personal gift was presented to her following the meeting. Refreshments were served by members of the refreshment com mittee at the close of the even ing to about 35 members and guests. The serving table, ar ranged by Mary Jo Stewart, was deorated with the Rainbow colors running diagonally across the table and featured baskets of fall flowers and wheat and cowboy dolls. Bank Employees Hold Sunday Picnic Employees of the Heppner Branch of the First National Bank enjoyed a picnic in the moun tains Sunday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Soward and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gil man, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fer rell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wagoner and children, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crowell and children, Clifford Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Green, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lovgren and son, Lora Lee Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bed ford and daughters of Bakersfield, Calif., and Mrs. Beatrice Bedford, Portland. Answer is & gqdJL David George Honored On Tenth Birthday David George was honored on his tenth birthday with a family dinner party given by his mother, Mrs. Elaine George, at the Wagon Wheel Saturday evening. Other guests were Mrs. Emile Groshens, Mr. and Mrs." V. R. Runnion, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van Marter and children, La Verne and Marie and Kit George. o Leslee Faye Meador Given Birthday Party Leslee Faye Meador was hon ored with a party on her eighth birthday September 4 given by Mrs. Dougls Price and Mrs. Nor man Peters at the Meador home. Guests were David Gray, Tim Driscoll, Meredith Webb, Trisha Farley, Joan Stockard, Brenda Young, Kerry Huggett and David Matheny. o IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Church school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m, with Lloyd Knight of Corvallis, interim pastor, officiating. The annual church meeting will be held in the afternon and a potluck dinner will be served in the church parlors at 12:30 p. m. Members and friends of the church are urged to attend this meeting. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Merlin W. Zler, Pastor Morning Worship 9:30 a. m. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. . Adult Class 10:30 a. m. Meeting In the Seventh Day Adventis church. Mrs. Smith Hostess For Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Marvin Smith entertained Tuesday afternon with a bridge luncheon at her home on Chase street. Guests were Mrs. L. D. Tibbies, Mrs. E. K. Schaffitz, Mrs. Claude Graham, Mrs. Robert Penland, Mrs. Lowell Gribble, Mrs. Clar ence Rosewall, Mrs. William Bar ratt, and Mrs. Cyrene Barratt. High score was held by Mrs. William Barratt and Mrs. Tib bies was low. Mothers Club Meets Monday Evening The Young Mothers club held Its first meeting of the fall sea son Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Nels Anderson with eleven members and families attending. The next meeting will be Mon day, October 8. Engagement Told Mrs. Ida Coleman of lone has announced the engagement of her daughter Susan Jane to Rich ard Arthur Ekstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom of lone. No wedding date has been set. o LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The Heppner American Legion auxiliary will meet Tuesday, Sep tember 18 for the first meeting of the fall. The meeting will be at the Legion hall at 8:00 p. m and there will be installation of officers. The members are all urged to attend. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH 8 Church Street L D. Boulden, Minister Church School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Choir Practice, Thursday at 7:30 p. m. VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH Morning Worship 11:15 a. m. Meeting even' second and last Sunday of the month. IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Charles Wilkes, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 a. m Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Young peoples meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evening worship at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8:00 p. m, on Thursday evening. HEPPNER SCHOOL NEWS Heppner high school's first Na tional School Assembly program for this year will be Thursday, September 27, at 12:45 p. m. in the high school gymnasium. The Mississippi Jubilee Sing ers make up one of the best known jubilee quartets of the entire country. With their uni que background of experience ana training they form a combi nation of voices seldom equalled. Probably no jubilee male quartet in America is Riving a more au thentic interpretation of Neero spirituals, camp meeting shouts, or of the popular plantation melodies. Each member of the quartet is a fine soloist. The repertoire of the Mississipplans is extensive, including the best in Negro music. The entire program reflects the humor, the deep re ligious flavor, the drama and pathos, the good nature, and the musical gift of their race. This unusual quartet is under the personal direction of Thomas Fruitt, of Berkeley, California. Mr. Pruitt is a graduate of the tamous Negro school at Piney Woods, Mississippi. He is a master in the field of music and readings. An informative talk at the start or the program explains the na ture of the Negro folk music. Several years of radio experi ence over western stations and the National Broadcasting Svs tern of San Francisco have made them well known and widely popular. Parents and adults are Invited to attend this assembly proeram Admission will be 25 cents or a student body card. OSC Picked to Giro Flight Instruction OREGON STATE COLEGE Oregon State college has been picked as one of the first insti tutions in the country to intro lone News ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL 7:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. Morning prayer or Holy Communion and sermon. Wednesdays 10 a. m. and 8 p. m., Holy Communioa ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Gale and Willow Willis W. Geyer, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Young People 7:45 p. m. Thursday Bible Hour 7:45 p. m. in Condon Main Speaker SENATOR WAYNE L. MORSE ALSO ROBERT HOLMES, Candidate for Governor AL ULLMAN, Candidate for Congress MONROE SWEETLAND, Candidate for Sec. of State BEN MUSA, Candidate for State Senate JERRY BARNETT, Candidate for State Legislature and others Condon Grade School Play Shed SEPTEMBER 23, 1956 6:00 P. M. PRICE $5.00 PER PLATE Get Your Tickets Early From Al Lamb W. C. Rosewall Newt O'Harra (Paid Political ad by Gilliam County Democratic Committee J. O. Burns Chrm.) CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V. Knox, minister Bible School 9:45 a. m. Worship 11:00 a. m. Wednesday Women's all day meeting at the church, potluck dinner at noon. Business meet ing, 2:00 p. m. Mrs. Wrinkle, the district C W. F. secretary from Milton-Freewater will be a guest. Mrs. Edith White and son Dale Mrs. Imogene Mooney and Mr. ana Mrs. bam Esteb are spend ing a few days at the Ernest Heliker cabin in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom and sons, Dick and Roland, at tended the baptismal services for the grandchildren, Herbert Ru ben, III and Cynthia Mae Ek strom, children of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom. II, in The Dal les Sunday at the Zion Lutheran church with Rev. David C. Gen- zendander officiating. Others at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Cv Flack and Archie Ball Jr. of Heppner, Sue Coleman, Jean Ann Swansou and Sam Bamett of lone. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns are vacationing at Victoria, D. C. Airman Sam Bamett, who has been stationed at Memphis, Tenn. spent a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bamett. The Barnetts met him at Idaho Falls. He will go to Los Angeles this week where he will be stationed. Mrs. C. E. Brenner, Mrs. Elba Akers and Mrs. Robert DeSpain attended a lunch room work shop in Pendleton Saturday. Mr. Wood- roof took them over. Mrs. Bren ner and Mrs. Akers are the school cooks. Mrs. DeSpain works in the school office. ' Guests at the Donald Peterson home the past week were her brother, Herb Hanson, of Port land, and her brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalthoro or tnensDurg, wash. Judy Eubanks of Monmouth is staying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brenner and attending school here. Among those from here who attended the football game in Portland over the weekend were: Wallace Matthews, Rollo Craw ford, Robert Drake, Sam Bamett, dick hkstrom, Jean Ann Swan son and Sue Coleman. Guests last week at the Grant Rigby home were his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nelvin Ruth and son. Jimmy of Edmonds, Wash., and his mother, Mrs. Amy Rigby of Woodenville, Wash. Mr. Rigby and children and the Ruth family went to Celilo Falls Sun day and took photos of the In dians who were in full dress. The Photographic Society of America met there Sunday. Mrs. Amv Rigby will remain for a longer visit. duce a newly authorized flight instruction program into its air force reserve officer training course during 1956-57. ' The flight instruction program was authorized by the last Con gress as a means of stimulating interest in the air force as a career and as a way of determin ing a student's qualifications for flying before he actually embarks on the long and costly air force flight traininff program after graduation. OSC's air force unit will begin training winter quarter, accord ing to Col. LeRoy G. Heston. air force unit commandant. The congressional action also authorizes flight training in army and navy ROTC programs both of which OSC has but no defi nite plans have been announced yet to local units. Most of the 180 colleges offering air force ROTC are expected to have the flight instruction program with in two or three years. Twenty-one OSC seniors who are preparing for flight training under the present advanced air force program will be eligible for the new instruction this win ter, Heston said. The instruction will include enough light plane flight train ingnot less than 35 hours and enough ground school 35 hours to qualify a student for his pri vate pilot license. The flying portion of the program will be administered under the Civil Aeronautics administration. There will be no charge to the student. Flight instruction at OSC Is expected to be given by a pri vate air service located at the Corvallis airport. Ground train ing will be handled by the ROTC staff. Thirty hours of ground work are already included in the present program. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Bridge - Pinochle BENEFIT FOR SOROPTIMIST HALLOWE'EN HAYRIDE MONDAY, SEPT. 24 8:00 P. M. DESSERT EPISCOPAL PARISH HOUSE LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. Noman Northiup, pastor Sunday school 9:45 Evening sevlce 7:30 Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 7:30 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Robert E. Becker. Pastor Saturday Services: Sabbath school, 9:30 ft. m Sermon, 11 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at I 7:4) p. m. Bible Studies. ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Heppner Rev. p. J. Galre, Pastor Masses Sundays, 7:30 nd 10:30 a. m. Weekdays, 7:30 a. m. Benney's BIG NEWS IN DRESS SHIRTS TkT oivi ST. WILLIAM'S CHURCH lone Masses Sunday, 9:00 a. m. o ENAGEMENT CANCELLED Mr. and Mrs. John Newman of Heppner announce that the en gagement of their daughter, Con stance JoAnn to Jack Edmondson has been broken by mutual consent. RAINBOW INSTALLATION New officers of Rainbow for Girls will be installed Monday evening, September 24 at 8:00 p. m. at the Masonic temple. The public is cordially invited. JENKINS HAVE GUESTS Visiting Mr. and Mrs .S. S. Jen kins over the weekend were her brothers, W. M. Miles of St. John, Kansas; Luther Miles and family, Salem, Oregon and Lawrence Miles, La Grande. Her nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Orvls Miles, St. John, Kansas and her brother-in-law, J. N. Holmes of St. John. (t3P fd xtra dp yoke ¬l ftulinstmM'i CMimirtM (of UUman. A. I. lEofl) Olidwll, Ctimii., Hamilton, Of. natural thouldtrt :ontour iloovt htadi ft de.ptntd ' armholoi (h low-front ntcklin proportiontd l.njthi graduattd form fit if . -,..'.v, .A. h.i.-.-.,, y ;n Toivncraft PIMA... Plus PENNEY'S ADDS 7-POINT CONTOUR TAILORING TO LUXURY COTTON ... IN ALL-NEW CUSTOM-FIT DRESS SHIRTI fH) ill f Now get famous Pima cotton, in a silk-like "220" broadcloth ...in a Penney Towncraft shirt that-sets brand new standards of comfort and good grooming, because it's de signed the way you are! 6j) 98 Pd. Adv.