Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 10, 1955, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 10, 1955
Page 3
Mrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays
Legion Auxiliary i Valby Church Ho'st To
Marts Years Program1 Missionary Society
With New Committees
The American Legion auxil
iary has started its years program
with Mrs. Jack Bailey as presi
dent. Other officers serving with
her are Mrs. Mike Saling, first
vice president; Mrs. Riley Mun
kers,. second vice president; Mrs.
Richard Wells, secretary; Mrs.
Creston Robinson, treasurer; Mrs.
Gene Ferguson, sargeant at arms;
Mrs. LeRoy Gardner, historian.
Mrs. Bailey has named as com
mittee chairmen Mrs. Elwin
Hughes, Americanism; Mrs. W. A.
Heath, child welfare; Mrs. Walter
hdger, civil defense; Mrs. Earl
Evans, community service; Mrs.
Harry. Tamblyn, constitution, by
laws and legislation; Mrs. Riley
Munkers, Girls State; Mrs. Kemp
Dick, junior activities; Mrs. Mike
Saling, membership; Mrs. Doug
las Drake, music and Pan Ameri
can; Mrs. Jack Van Winkle, Na
tional security; Mrs. Earl Evans,
past presidents parley; Mrs. Rich
ard Meador, poppy; Mrs. Richard
Wells, publicity; Mrs. Harry Tam
blyn, radio; Mrs. Gene Ferguson,
The Christmas activities have
started for 1 hospital and child
welfare. Members are asked to
bring their 'gifts either on the
evening of Veterans Day or at the
next regular meeting on Tuesday
November 15 at the Legion hall.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hattenhauer
of The Dalles were guests all last
week at the home of their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Farrel. They returned to
their home Sunday.
A large crowd attended the
meeting of the Women's Union
Missionary Society held last Sun
day at Valby Lutheran church.
Dr. Betty Nilsson, retired mis
sionary doctor from India, was
the guest speaker. Dr. Nilsson is
a graduate of the College of Phy
sicians and Surgeons in Chicago
and she spent over 40 years in
Rajahmundry and outlying mis
sion hospitals.
Dr. Nilsson was given distinc
tive honors for her work in medi
cine by the Indian government
and was honored at her retire
ment by an elaborate program
held at the hospital compound
where leaders of Rajahmundry,
Indian medical leaders, dignitar
ies of the church and mission
and many friends including Hin
dus, Mohammedans and Chris
tians joined to pay tribute for her
untiring service. She retired in
1951 and now lives in Seattle.
Following her talk and slides
on India a fellowship hour was
held in the parish hall where
refreshments were served.
Wedding Date Set For
Miss Sally Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer an
nounce the coming marriage of
their daughter, Sally Joan, to Mr.
James French Green, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Cornet Green on Sun
day, November 27 at 2:00 p. m. in
the Heppner Methodist church.
All friends of the couple are
invited to attend the ceremony
and the reception which will fol
low, in the church basement.
Sorority Plans To
Sponsor Cemetery
Project In lone
The Beta Omega Chapter of
Epsilon Sigma Alpha met Nov.
2 in the basement of the Catholic
church to discuss ways and
means. It was decided by the
group to undertake the project of
supplying the cemetery in lone
with water from the old city well.
Mrs. Walter Corley reported that
the sorority had the approval of
ttje city council and the Odd Fel
lows but as yet the financial de
tails were not complete. The
ways and means committee sub
mitted various ideas on a pro
ject to finance the installation of
pipe and pumps.
A card party was planned for
November 18, tentatively set for
the Legion hall with the public I
invited to attend. Each girl will
be responsible for filling one
one table.
The educational program was
conducted by Mrs. Loren Leath
ers who discussed Care of the
Hair and Scalp and Hair Ar
rangements. Following the program, re
freshments were served by the
hostesses Mrs. Ted Palmateer
and Mrs. Walter Corley.
Bridge Club Meets
At Mahoney Home
Mrs. P. W. Mahoney entertain
ed the What's Trumps bridge
club at her home last Wednesday
afternoon with a salad luncheon.
Those present were Mesdames
L. D. Tibbies, W. O. George, Ray
mond Ferguson, Robert Penland,
Earle Blake, James Thomson, E.
K. Schaffitzl Harold Cohn, Tom
Wilson, Leonard Schwarz, Claude
Graham, Gene Ferguson and the
High score was held by Mrs.
Blake, Mrs. Gene Ferguson was
second, Mrs. Thomson, third and
Mrs. Raymond Ferguson, low.
Coming Events
Friday Nov. 11 American Le
gion breakfast
Ruth chapter No. 32, OES
Mondav Nov. 14 Chamber of
commerce, noon at O'Don
Rainbow for Girls
American Legion business
Tuesday Nov. IS American Le-
aion auxiliary
Thursday Nov. 17 Soroptimlst
club, noon at O'Donnell s
Elks, stag dinner
Friday Nov. 18 Sans Souci Re
beksh lodge
R. E. A. annual meeting
Saturday Nov. 19 Bazaar, Metho
dist church
Smorgasbord, Legion hall, 6 to
8:30, sponsored by St. Pat
rick's altar society
Garden Club Talks
Hospital Project
The Lexington Garden club met
at the home of Edna Munkers
with Maxine Cox as co-hostess.
The roll call was answered
with each member answering
with a garden hint.
Discussion of the hospital pro
ject was given by Gena Leonard
and Cora Warner.
Refreshments were served to
the following members; Kathryn
Farshee, Margie Gardner, Cora
Warner, Francis Schrage, Mae
McCall, Francis McMillan, Ola
Ruggles, Nellie Johnson, Gloria
Dolvin, Hortense Martin, Clea
Van Winkle. Lucille Peck, Nellie
Palmer, Bernice Lott, Gena Leon
ard and the hostesses.
y A
Rebekahs Hold
Meeting Friday
MAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Newman of Heppner, who
has announced her engagement
to Jack Edmondson of Heppner,
The Crusaders class . of the
Christian church met Wednesday
night of last week for a potluck
dinner at the church.
Fred Hoskins, Jr., presided at
the meeting at which about
twenty five were present.
Constance Newman
Tells of Engagement
To Jack Edmondson
Mr. and Mrs. John Newman
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Constance JoAnn.
to Mr. Jack hdmondson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Durward Tash.
No wedding date has been set
as yet.
Miss Newman is attending the
Eastern Oregon College of Edu
cation at La Grande where she
is a sophomore.
Hair Care Program
At Extension Unit
The Heppner Extension Unit
met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth
A demonstration on care of the
hair was given by Mrs. Paul War
ren and Mrs. Al Fetsch. The Im
portance of a good diet as well
as good grooming habits, to have
attractive hair was stressed.
Those present were Mesdames
Kenneth Keeling, Riley Munkers,
Al Fetsch, Gene Fercuson. Rav
Drake. Lee Scrivner. N. C. Andpr.
son, William Heath, Dick Wells,
Doug Drake, Andy Van Schoiack,
Earl Evans and Vernon Munkers.
Mrs. Wells discussed the dos-
sibility'bf having pen friends in
connection with A. C. W. W.
Mrs. Van Schoiack told of snmp
of the work of the 411 council
and plans for the achievement
party, November 12.
Mrs. Anderson gave a program
planning report.
The next mertiug will be De
cember 13 at the home of Mrs. i
N. C. Anderson. Mrs. Rav Drake
and Mrs. Ferguson will present a
demonstration on touching up
wood furniture.
What you see pictured here is Buick for 1956
and from the gleam of that "V" grille to the
sassy slant of the tail fins, you can see it has no equal
for gorgeous good looks.
But what you see from the curb is fully matched
by what you feel at the wheel and that's gospel.
For this Buick gets its zoom from a mighty 322-cubic-inch
V8 engine lofted to a new record high
in power and compression and from a spectacular
new advance in Variable Pitch D)Tiaflow.'
What's new in the '56 Dynaflow is this: in the first
inch of pedal travel end hot with wide-open
throttle your Buick moves from standstill to cruise
with silk-smooth, instant and certain getaway.
But comes a sudden need for safety-surge action
to get out of a tight spot -and you floor the
pedal to switch the pitch of this airplane-inspired
transmission. Instantly and smoothly, you're at
full-power acceleration a thrill beyond words.
There's a lot more we could tell you about these
great new Buicks about brilliant new interiors, a
superb new ride with a safer "sense of direction,"
and new safety features everywhere you look.
But the best way to get the whole story of the best
Buick yet is right at the wheel of one of these '56
beauties. So drop in this week and do just that.
New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow 1 the only Dynaflow
Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and
Century -optional at modest extra cost on the Special.
Mrs. Koenig Hostess
or Bridge Party
Mrs. Paul Koenig entertained
ast Wednesday night at a bridge
irty at her home.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Wil
liam Barratt, high and Mrs. Philip
Blakney, low.
Others present wore Mrs. Pat
O'Brien, Mrs. Harry O'Donnell,
Jr., Mrs. Wallace Wolff, Mrs. Tom
Wilson, Mrs. James Popham, Mrs.
Fred Sanders, Mrs. William Sow-
ell, Mrs. Eddie Gynderson, Mrs.
Jack Angel, Mrs. John Williams
and Mrs. Lester Wyman.
Refreshments were served later
in the evening.
Soroptimist Club Has
Business Meeting
The Soroptimist club held their
regular monthly business meet
ing at O'Donnell's on Thursday.
Mrs. W. O. George was elected
to fill the vacancy in the office
of corresponding secretary.
Mrs. Jos Hughes completed a
report on the community chest
work in this area.
Committee reports were given
and the bulletins were handed
Get 4-Moien Comfort in your tw Buick
with FRIG1DAIRE CONDITIONING-now of a new low prk
"Drivt From Factory
Save Up To
Farley Motor Company
Be safe.., buy
faster. . . foolproof
Big Fresh Cake
Special Active Dry
Pacifif ChMM DililM
Sans Souci Rebekah Lodge No.
33 of Heppner met in regular ses
sion Friday, November 4.
After the business meeting, re
ports were given by different
members of the visits to Mistle
toe of Hardman, Holly of Lexing
ton, Bunchgrass of lone and also
of the visit to Henrietta at Echo.
Those making the visit to Echo
were Altha Kirk, Ruth Borgstrom,
Elsie Avers, Bernice Nash. Marv
Ann Jensen, Ada Tiper of Heiin-
ner and Edith Matthews of lone.
Altha Kirk, District Deputy
President, reported attending a
meeting at Prosser, Washington.
After the meeting, refresh
ments of apple cider and dough
nuts were served by the com
mittee, Altha Kirk and Esther
Episcopal Guild
Plans Bazaar, Tea
St. Anne's guild of the Episco
pal church held a recnlnr mpct.
ing at the Parish hall Monday
nignt witn nine members present.
Mrs. James Thomson presided.
Plans were discussed for vari
ous group projects, including the
annul bazaar and tea to be held
December 3.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Clarence
Mrs. Keeling Hostess
For Mothers Club
The Young Mothers Club met
Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Kenneth Keeling.
Members present 'were Mrs.
Roice Fulleton, Mrs. L. L. Rob
bins, Mrs. Nels Anderson, Mrs. E.
Schmidt, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs.
Riley Munkers, Mrs. Wallace
Wolff, Mrs. Clem Stockard, Mrs.
William Heath, Mrs. William Par
sons and the hostess. Invited
guests included Mrs. Norman
Peters, Mrs. Don Bellenbroek, Mrs.
Merlin Wagoner, Mrs. Velma
Glass, Mrs. Jesse Ticer, Mrs.
David Upton, Mrs. Al Fetsch,
Mrs. Merritt Gray.
Mrs. Glass spoke, during the
program on Home Accidents.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess.
The next meeting will be Mon
day, December 5 at the home of
Mrs. Nels Anderson.
h-season stocks at off-season prices! v
m.? m. 1-1-4
1 JJf J7Jm'f7
$3 $7 $10 Vi
Broken sizes. All, top . .
r Not all sizes
quality but real values
$2 $3 $4 $2
All sizes Buy your Better Cottong
Christmas needs now Sizes 323436
I77 77c
Eleven only of S-M-L In white,
better styles , Christmas Gifts?
70 X 84 BOYS'
I44 J50
Fluffy whit Sizes 6-16
Six only Value Plus
50c I44
Broken slzeg Sizes 1-6
A good extra shirt Winter necessity
UI1IS "'-.
ONE -liii
FULL We Need
TABLE Room For
Good Apron Prints Here Christmas
Se Tour Buick Dealer"