da Heppner Oregon, Thursday, June 23, 1955 lone Rebekahs Hear Reports on LaGrande Assembly By Echo Palmateer Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mrs. Mary Swanson gave very inter esting reports at the Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge meeting Thursday evening June 16 on the Rebekah Assembly held in La Grande in May at which they were dele gates. Mrs. Wallace Matthews also gave a report She was a Page at the Assembly. The lodge presented her wih a gift in ap preciation of the work she did there. Mrs. Heliker was appoint ed district deputy president of the lodge. After the meeting a birthday party was held for those having birthdays during the past three months. Those present receiving gifts were Mrs. Anna Lindstrom, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. Sam Esteb, Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs. Geo Drake, Mrs. Cecil Thome, Mrs. Donald Ball, Mrs. Harvey Ring and Mrs. Adon Hamlett. The hostesses were Mrs. Wate Crawford, Mra E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mrs. Clell Rea and Mrs.,Hershal Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson of Portland are the parents of a daughter, Linda Lee, born May 31. Mrs. Mary Swanson of lone and Mrs. A. Sheehan of Billings, Mont., are the grandparents. Dianna Pettyjohn spent last wee kat the John Eubanks home. Visitors here last week were Mrs. Ted Hall and nephew, Stevie Newton of Long Beach, Wash., Mrs. Jalmar Koski and daughters Millie Jane of Vashon, Wash., and Mrs. Levy Johnston and her son, Stewart of Edmonds, Wash. They are relatives of Mrs. Olive Engleman, Mrs. Arvilla Swanson and Mrs. Edith Nichoson. Those, from here who attended the Pioneer reunion picnic at Bickleton Tuesday of last week, were Mrs. Gordon White and daughter, Lona, Mrs. Edith White and son, Dale, Mrs. Imogene Mooney, Mrs. Oscar Shiffer of Forest Grove also attended. Guests at the Roy Lieuallen home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carr, Mrs. Roy Sires and Sharon Carr all of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. James McLarthy and daughter, Virginia of Port land were visitors at the Ernest Heliker and the Donald Heliker homes last week. Mrs. Leo Crabtree and daugh ter, Sharon, were Salem visitors last week. Mrs. Willard Vincent and son, Terry Lee, of Salem" re turned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crum and family spent Sunday in The Dal les with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Strahm, where the Strahms and the Crums celebrated their wedding anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holly and children left Sunday for their home in Portland after visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Harold Dobyns. At the meeting of Willows grange Saturday evening it was decided not to hold grange meet ings during the months of July and August and to have a picnic in the city park August 17. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke gave re ports of the State grange conven tion at Klamath Falls, where they attended as delegates from Willows grange. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drake of Rhea Creek grange also gave very interesting re ports on the convention. Refresh ments were served after the meeting by Mrs. Wate Crawford and Mrs. Sam Esteb. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin and children attended a family reunion of the Marshall family in Clarkes Sunday, June 11. Mr. Martin is a member of the Mar shall family. They also, visited in West Linn and Portland. Those from here who attended the Rietmann reunion picnic at the David Rietmann home in Kenneiwck, Wash., Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann and son Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann and son, Billy Joe, Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann and children, Wayne, Julie and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riet mann and son, John, and Bonnie Crum, Mr. and Mrs. Van Riet' mann of Condon and Miss Mari ft JUST UNPACKED THEM... AND THEY'RE M botom 4 I The Future in TV Design TODAY! lyn Hurst of Arlington, also at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horton of Astoria are visiting at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin. z Louis Padberg and Dale Ray were honored with a picnic at Emigrant Park Sunday to help celebrate their birthdays. Others present were Mrs. Ray and grand sons, Norman Goodrich and Tom my Brashers, Mrs. Ruby Nichols and son, Lyle, MY. and Mrs. Robert Kincaid and daughter, Deborah all of lone, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy and children, Kay, Keith and Julie, of Kennewick, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kincaid of Pendleton and Earl Padberg of La Grande. Mrs. Steven Loy and children of La Grande has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball for the past two weeks while Mr. Loy has been with the National Guard reserve in Fort Lewis. Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Loy visited at the Melvin Brady home in Arlington one day last week. Kenneth Smouse and son, Kenny Lynn, went to Lakeview last week where Mr. Smouse at tended an extension meeting of wheat quotas and a AFC wheat meeting. Initiation was held for Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Melena and Mrs. Herbert Crockett into the Eastern Star at a meeting June 14. Hos tesses after the meeting were Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Cleo Drake and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. Louis Buschke underwent an appendectomy at the Pioneer Me morial hospital in Heppner Sat urday of last week. He is get ting along satisfacorily. Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Ward left last week for Yakima where he has a position as instructor in the Kline school there. Vomer Troedson was a patient in the hospital in Heppner the first of the wek with a thoat infection. Mr .and Mrs. Ronald Tye of Enterprise are the parents of a daughter, Rhonda Janice, born June 17. Weight 5 lbs and 8 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tye W Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Seehafer of Bickleton, Wash., are the grandparents. Mrs. Earl McCabe entertained the Arnica club at her home on Wednesday, June 15 with Mrs. Tommy Bristow as co-hostess. Court whist was played. ' Mrs. Er nest McCabe and Mrs. Paul Pet tyjohn won the prizes and Mrs. Delmer Crawford received the door prize. Mrs. Wate Crawford and Mrs. Sam Esteb were hostesses for the H. E. C. of Willows grange at the Crawford home Friday June 17. The club gave $5 toward the Mus cular Dystrophy fund. New drapes have been hung on the windows in the grange hall. Mrs. James Lindsay received the door prize. Visitors at the Heinz Pruss home are his parents and sister from Illinois. The Pruss' are moving this week to Wenatchee, Wash., where he has a position as instructor in a Junior College there. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell and children were visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell. Merle Lundell of Milkaukie is spending the summer here. He is staying with his grandmother, Mrs. Arvilla Swanson. John Bristow of Corvallis spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bristow. He was accompanied by Jim Coles, of Hood River. They were on their way to Fairchild, Wash., where they will take training in the R. O. T. C. camp for a month. Dates to remember: June 24 Three Links club of Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge at the home of Mrs. Wate Crawford. June 25 Social meeting of the Topic club at the Victor Riet mann at 2:15 p. m. July 2 Fireworks on he Ath letic field and a dance at the Legion hall in the evening. Judy Howton, 16 was elected president of the girls at the 4 H summer school in Corvallis last week. She will preside over 1850 club members. Judy is the dau ghter of Mr. nd Mrs. Lloyd How ton and will be a junior in the lone high school this fall. She is very active in 411 work. Others attending the summer school from here are Grace McCabe and Linda Heimbigncr. Mrs. Franklin Ely left Sunday for Portlnd where she will attend the summer session at Portland State. Mr .and Mrs. Cecil Thome and their grandson, Johnny Eagle spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Carl Grassi in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. William Eagle of Coeud d'Alene, Idaho, also visited here and took their son Johnny, home with them. He had visited with the Thornes for a few weeks. The Junior Legion baseball team played Pendleton Sunday and waa defeated. Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann and Miss Shlrlee McGreer spent the weekend In Seattle. Miss Alice Nichoson of Port land visited her mother, Mrs. Edith Nichoson last week. Special Sunday Dinner SUNDAY. JUNE 26 AT O'DONNELL'S Wagon Wheel LOUNGE Bring Tha family Children Welcome $2.00 ENTREE Rice-Chicken Soup Choice of Shrimp or Crab Cocktail Virginia Ham Steak with Honey Roast Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Steamed Chicken and Dumplings Roast Young Turkey with Celery Dressing, Cranberry Sauce Special New York Cut Steak. Mushroom Saucei Half Fried Spring Chicken Unjointed, French Fries on Toast Roast Leg of Pork with Dressing. Apple Sauce Cream Peas Mashed Potatoes French Bread Tossed Salad Pudding Special Steak Dinners On Menu Get, on -fcHe ) We're "Sella-brating" with Leadership Deals on brand new mV. , .ivyv'6-;-' 1: ill B Stand-up Tuningl NO SQUATTING. Tun.i from natural, oiy, ftngor-tip l.v.1. Complete sat of controls OA topi r Sparkling DECOR Color-Comblnatlontl FW. smart nw faihion-favor.d colors. ..striking two-tono offoctsl Gloaming stainloss stool trim and b.outifvl picturo-masks glorify any docorating sch.mol Compact! Porte W I LIGHT WEIGHT oatfy corriod anywnoro, from room to room, to sommor homo or on trips. Scuff-proot, bom-proof ftnisft. m H's AU Plctvrol My dofln.d from odgo to odgo. It's AU om buga, cowfortoblo-w imog.l Totally .unlike any other TV set you ever have seen. And every point of difference is a point of definite superiority-irom the exclusive "Stand-up Tuning" with all controls conveniently located on top, to the exclusive, dramatic decor colors. $' And the picture! 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Come in at your earliest come get our "fiesf"! V-8 POWER from the V-8 leader . . . that's what you aet in a Ford. And Ford's Trigger-Torque "go" meant more than just trigger quick action on take-offs. It gives you a whole new feeling of confi dence and security in traffic or on the open road. YEARS-AHEAD LOOKS ... you see it in every Thunderbird-inspired line. For, this '55 Ford is truly the styling "trend-setter." Perhaps you've noticed, too, you see more and more Fords in front of homes where formerly only costlier cars were parked. Sells more because it's worth more Fan&in SMOOTHER GOINO . . . and you'll go more places! The rea son? Ford's revolutionary Ball-Joint Front Suspension Is better than ever. For '55, springs are tilted back to absorb bumps from the front as well as up and down. You'll find even the smooth roads seem smoother! Rosewall Motor Company