ywCf'T ffcvrftr wtw wn k'" iti i Classified Rates 2c per word minimum 35c per insertion Black face or caps, double rate Cards of Thanks $1.00 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 5 p.m. Wednesday FOR RENT clean two bedroom apartment. Phone 6-9495. 7-lOc WANTED MAN on Social Se curity to earn up to $1200 year ly. Car necessary. No exper ience needed to start. For free booklet and details write Raw leigh's Dept. 11 Oakland 20, Calif. 5-7c HAVE you driven a Ford lately? BUY WHOLESALE direct! Send $1.00 for catalog. Dollar ap plies on first order. D D M Dis tributors, 4180 Alana, Salem Oregon 7-10c FOR SAL5 stucco house, 2 bed room, living room 12 x 25, un finished room up stairs 12 x 28, new wiring with 220 volt line, 2 large lots, garden space and large yard, new fence, TV cable to house, across street from school. Phone 3-8103 Lexing ton. 4tfc REAL GONE! Laid glasses case on Willys & Drove off with 'em there! Thot to look 5 miles later; gone! Found no sign anywhere! LOST: Reading glasses in blue case, Betwn. Groshens & Mover Places! finder please return promptly orj I'll have to order replacers! hr Reward offered for return to: MRS. C. A. RUGGLES i RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY HEPPNER, OREGON PHONE 6-9625 ("Hal H. Moor, Portland" printed on case). 7c FOR'SALE 2 bedroom modern house in Heppner. Priced for quick sale. Phone 6-9435 3tfc FORD 1951 tudor 6 cylinder with big heater. Pay $225.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR RENT small three room furnished apartment, private toilet and shower. No dogs. $35 per month. See Bobbie Fisher, O'Donnell's Cafe 7 a. m. to 2 p. m. every day except Saturday. 7p FOR SALE five bedroom home, ideal for large family, or some one interested in renting out rooms. Come look it over. Rea sonable. A. B. Elde. 51tfc Do You Get Our Used Machinery Bargain List? Just Ask For It! We Will Send It to You FREE EMPIRE MACHINERY CO. 1 FOR SALE large size Duo Therm oil heater with fan, white en amel trash burner and gasoline rotary power mower. Phone 6-5340. 7p FOOD, fancywork and fun at the Degree of Honor bazaar. Empire Machinery building, Saturday, ' Anril 30. 7c AFTER 4:00 P. M. and on week ends For small lathe work and everything else to do with iron and steel. See D. H. Jones and Son, phone 6-5338. 4tfc STUDEBAKER 1948 truck with grain bed. Pay $195.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. SI WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK FARM SALES Bonded Member Nat'l. Auction Association. WESTERN SALE MANAGEMENT Phone G532 Hermlston Box 87 FOR SALE 24 HP Wisconsin VF4 air cooled engine. D. H. Jones and Son, P &8L4tfc EDROOM apartment for rent unfurnished, good location. $40, water furnished. Phone 6-9754. 5-7c ROSY SAYS: I want to personally thank all the fine Heppner people who have shown confi dence in Heppner T. V. Incor porated and pride in their city to subscribe for television. Your generous support has made it possible to bring television to HenDner. Within a short time you can enjoy this fine enter "tainment in your own home. FOR SALE-r$400 equity in 1952 Mercury convertible. Good condition, balance can be fi nanced. See Bud Wilson, Hepp ner. 7-8p FORD 1951 Express 3A ton with . heater. Pay $165.00 down. Rose j wall Motor Co. ! FOR RENT Unfurnished I Lanham Apts. apt. 6tfc WANTED cook for 10 men on ranch. 5 days a week, good wages. Call Ralph Crum, 8-7149. 6c FORD 1952 tudor. Pay $335.00 down. Rosewall Motor Com pany BUY guaranteed Atlas tires from Rosewall Motor Company. HOUSE FOR SALE two bed rooms, full basement, only four years old. Write or call Lew Becker, Elgin, Oregon. 4tfc OLDSMOBILE 1946 sedan. Make us an offer. Rosewall Motor Company. NEED FINANCING ? Our ABC financing plan is available for anything we sell, lumber, build Ing supplies, tools, paints etc., in amounts up to $1,000. No down payment, up to 36 months to pay. Ask us at Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp ner 6-9212. 7tfc STUDEBAKER 1947 tudor. Pay $95.00 down and drive this new look. Rosewall Motor Company. IRONING in my 6-9635. home. Phone 47tfcA WANTED 6-9635. baby sitting. Call 36tfcA BEFORE the fish start to bite drive in and let Rosewall Ale mite. DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist, 207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of fice Phone 609. 48tfc WE have several fishing cars that can be bought at bargain prjceSi when you can buy a serviceable used car at such low prices it is foolish to take your good car to the hills and tear it up. Stop in and look them over. Rosewall Motor Company. Members To the Officers and Willows Lodge No. 66. WE THE COMMITTEE, assign ed the duty of drafting a written expression of condolence on ac count of the passing of a Brother to the life beyond, report as fol lows: WHEREAS, it is the plan of the Almighty that man shall finish his duties on this earth, and then depart to the unknown; so it is with the life and passing of our Brother Charles Barlow, a mem ber of Willows Lodge No. 66, 1. O. O. F. for many years. His passing is deeply regretted by our lodge and many others of Heppner. His beloved family will mourn his absence, but we would say to them that their loved one only sleeps awaiting their arrival when they to shall cross the sil ent river. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we express our sympathy to the bereaved family and be it RESOLVED that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the brother's family, and one copy spread on the minutes of our Iodize, and a copy sent to the Heppner Gazette Times. Fraternally submitted, John J. Wightman Cornet Green Thomas J. Wells 7c CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Willows grange, Locust chapter, Elks and friends for the lovely flowers, cards and hankies sent me while in the hospital. Also to express my ap preciation to the hospital staff. Mrs. James Lindsay 7c CARD OF THANKS The Heppner Civic League wishes to extend its sincece ap preciation to Empire Machinery Co., Heppner Cleaners, j. ien- any errors in valuation, descnp nev Co., Norahs, Heppner Variety tiun or quality in land, lots or Store, Wilson's Men's Store, Turn- A-Lum Lumber Co., Elks ciud, American Legion and all the many other individuals and or ganizations who assisted in the April 22-23 rummage sale. With out their very generous services and donations the successful Kindergarten benefit would not have been possible. Heppner Civic League YC CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who helped us in any way during the illness and death of our husband and father. Your kindness to us will be long remembered. Mrs. Charles W. Barlow Mrs. Cecil R. Warner Mrs. Robert C. Walker 7c CARD OF THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS: For the manv beautiful flowers, spiritual bouauets, kind words, and other arts of kindness during our re cent bereavement over the pass ing of our beloved Motner, ceceiia Driscoll, please accept our sincere and heartfelt thanks. The Family 7c Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends who visited me and sent flowers during my stay in the hospital , and also all those who helped l during my accident. Pat Majeske 7p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends for all the cards and flowers sent me and the attentions shown me during my stay in the hospital Roy Neill 7 7p CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for the nice flowers and cards I received while in the hospital and to thank the nurses and faculty for nice hospitality. Mrs. Helena M. Buschke 7p Legal Notices NO. 8277 EQUITY NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASCO EVALYN HESTER SMITH. Plaintiff, vs FRED G. SMITH, Defendant. By virtue of an execution Is sued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed, and dated this 25th day of March, 1955, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 29th day of January, 1955, in favor of Evalyn Hester Smith, Plaintiff, and against Fred G. Smith, Defend atn, for the sum of $1,902.46 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January 29, 1955, $77.07 costs with inter est thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January 29, '1955, and also the costs of and upon this writ; on the 25th day of March, 1955, I levied upon all of the right, title and interest of the above named defendant in and to the following described real property situated in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, to wit: Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 7, all in the Town of Boardman, Morrow County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, and in compli ance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the 30th day of April, 1955, at lo o'clock a. m. at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and in terest which the within named defendant in the above entitled suit had on the 29th day of Janu ary, 1955, the date of the enroll ing and docketing of the Judg ment herein, or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated March 29, 1955. First publication: March 31, 1955, Last publication: April 28, 1955. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore gon. a-c NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that on the second Monday in May, (Monday, May 9, 1955) the Board of Equalization of Morrow County, State of Oregon, will con vene at the Court House in Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon, and I publicly examine the assessment rolls of the said uounty ior xne year 1955.1956 and will correct otner pr0perty assessed by the Assessor of Morrow County as of January 1st, 1955. All persons interested or hav ing "complaints against their as sessments for the year 1955-1956, should appear at this time. Peti tions for the reduction in-assessment must be in writing, verified by oath of applicant or his at torney and must be Hied witn the Board the first week it is in session. Any petition or applica tion not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Board. Dated at Heppner, Morrow Co., Oregon, April 21, 1955. Harry Dinges, Assessor, Morrow County 6-8c NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED FORMATION OF THE BOARD MAN RURAL FIRE PROTEC TION DISTRICT OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of the County Court dated March 26, 1955, a hearine will be held at the County Courtroom in the Court house at Heppner, Oregon at 2:00 P. M. on Wednesday, May 4, 1955, on the matter of the formation of a Boardman Rural Fire Pro tection District. The lands to be included in the said proposed district are as follows to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest cor ner of Section 23, Township 4 North, Range 23, East WM.; thence East 2 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 24. Township 4 North, Range 23, East WM.; thence North to the Northwest corner of the South west Quarter of Section 18. Township 4 North, Range 24, East WM., thence following the Columbia River East to the intersection with the West Line of Section 19, Township 5 North, Range 26 East WM., thence South to the Southeast corner of Section 24. Township 4 North, Range 25 East WM., thence West to the Southwest -corner of Section 23, Township 4 North, Range 23 East WM., thence North to the point of be ginning, all being within the County of Morrow, State of Oregon. Excepting from such Rural Fire Protection District any and all right of ways and improvements of the Union Pa cific Railroad .Company and also any and all rolling stock of such company, and any and all lands or improvements of the United States, Morrow County, or any other Munici pality and any lands controlled by the State Department of Forestry or Grazing lands of the United States or the State of Oregon. At the time and place fixed for hearing any holders of title or evidence of title to the lands herein described may present their objections. Dated and first published at Heppner, Oregon, this 21st day of April, 1955. Bruce M. Lindsay, County Clerk 6-7c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY EXECUTOR IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW In the Matter of the Estate of EGBERT L. YOUNG, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to an order, made and entered, in said Court and Cause, on the 11th day of April, 1955, by the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge of Probate Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, author izing and directing said executor to sell real property of the estate of Egbert L. Young, deceased, that I will, on and after the 16th day of May, 1955, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the fol lowing described real property, to-wit: Commencing at the South west corner of the Southeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of Section Thirty-four (34) in Township Two (2) South of Range Twenty-six (26) E. W. M. in Morrow County, State of Oregon; thence north O 17' east 161.02 feet; thence north 35 14' east 260 feet to the point of be beginning; thence north 54' 14' west 127 feet; thence north 35 14' east 69 feet; thence north 54' 14' west 115 feet; thence north 0 17' east 85 feet; thence south 72 21' east, '293 . feet; thence south 35 14' west 226 feet to the" place of beginning. The executor reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 11th day of April, 1955. Earl McKinney, Executor of the Estate of Egbert L. Young, deceased. 6-lOc-T NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION , UPON QUESTION OF INCREAS ING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11. ARTICLE XL STATE CONSTI- TUTION I Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in School Districts 10, 25, 35cj, 40, lcj of Morrow County, State of Oregon, on May 13, 1955. The election will begin at 2 P. M. and will be held in the school house in each of saod component districts. The purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said district tne question of increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year I9a5-i9i)b over the amount limited by sec tion 11, article XI, of the Consti tution of Oregon. The reasons for increasing such levy are: ' The low tax base due to the fact that some districts lost their base entirely and others could only be increased by the legal allowed 6 per year. There has been increased costs, needed re pairs in school cafeterias to meet state reauirements, increases teacher salaries, more transpor tation, high costs of supplies and equipment and repairs to some April 28, 1955 of our older buildings to meet standard requirements. The total base of all Districts in Morrow County Rural School District is only $137,126.15, The amount of tax, in excess of 6 limitation, proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $362, 994.97. Dated this 12th day of April, 1955. Attest: JACK C. FLUG District Clerk HENRY ZIVNEY, Chairman Board of Directors 7-8c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Executor of the estate of R. L. BENGE, deceased, and all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are here by required to present same with proper vouchers duly verified to the Executor at the office of Ma honey and Fancher, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 24th day of March, 1955. TERREL L. BENGE, Executor 2-7c COURT PROCEEDINGS Continued from Page 2 Comm. General Assist- ance $412.50; Old Age Assistance $2,250.00; Dependent Children, $276.00; Aid to the Blind $60.75; Perma nent & Totally Dis abled $219.00 3,218.25 Garnet Barratt, County Court 32.76 First National Bank, Salaries 400.05 State Industrial Accident Comm., Salaries 9.42 Northwest Hospital Ser vice 70.40 Heppner Gazette Times, Official Publications $183.03: Assessor's In cidentals $120.00 303.03 Central Meat Market, Jail 12.99 The Haloid Co., Clerk . ... 91.20 Public Employes Retire ment Board, Salaries $80.75; Social Security $232.97 313.72 Franklin Printing Co., Justice of the Peace 17.29 Packer-Scott Co., Court house 29.86 Harry Dingos, Assessor Field Work 60.36 Alice Soward, Assessor Field Work 149.87 USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 55 Ford 2 door $2450 V8 Fairlane, overdrive 54 Ford 6 2-dr. $1450 52 Ford Station Wagon $1175 51 Chev. 2 door $900 '51 Ford 5 pass. Coupe $850 47 Chrysler $200 46 Chevrolet 4 door $275 Trucks Pickups 53 Chev. y-t ton pickup $1200 50 Chev. 34 ton pickup $850 '48 Dodge 2 ton truck $900 with 6" hoist 49 Jeep Pickup $350 F-head motor 46 Ford Truck $425 stock rack 1946 Chev. Truck $600 NOW 2 Body And Paint Men To Give You Faster Service. FULLETON Chevrolet Co. in Nina Walker, Assessors Field Work 157.32 Arthur D. Jenkins, Field Work Herman Green, Court house C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff .. Buford Witherspoon, Bangs Disease Control Humphreys Drug Co., Clerk Public Lands Committee, Federal Tax Committee 33.00 3.00 156.20 40.00 125.00 ! B. D. Fanchef, District Attorney Helen O'Donnell, District Attorney 31.00 20.00 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., Current Expense 80.40 Henderson Office Supply, Tax Collections 8.30 Heppner Garage, West! Control 52.34 Warrants Issued on the General Road Fund: Allen Springer $ 218.71 George Irwin 313.26 Monte McDonald 177.18 William C. Heath 297,04 Bruce Bothwell 121.39 Wade Bothwell 113.20 Harold Sherer 356.51 Eldon Shannon 307.71 Lewis Ball 284.37 Wm. Cunningham 294.20 Dick Borman 218.02 Calvin Carson 282.49 Walter Gilman 281.76 Walter Corley 276.27 Harold Wilson 317.1 Thoral Broadus 314.07 Donald Munkers 338.93 Ray Bailey 278.84 Darl Hudson 315.87 Clifton Swan 297.57 Fred Booker .... 243.14 Glenn McLachlan 178.82 David McLeod 319.21 Bert Corgin 49.84 C. J. D. Bauman 306.67 Northwest Hospital Ser vice 87.75 First National Bank of Portland 556.10 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co -u state Industrial Accident Comm ZJJ.dJ Northwest Industrial Laundry 6-0 Heppner Hardware & Electric Co Umatilla Electric Co-op 6.67 1.00 1 BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Lex. Center 2nd Tuesday lone Center 3rd Tuesday SEWING MACHINES Sales Service Accessories Free Home or Store Demonstration 2nd and 4th Wednesdays GILLIAM & BISBEE Thompson Photo Service Alex & Jo Thompson Portrait & Commercial Phone 6-9489 for all occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND FANCHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building phone 6-9141 Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-9210 Off. Ph. 6-69616 A,D.McMurdo,M.D. PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon - SANDERS Insurance Agency Harold A. Sanders Jr. America Fore & The Travelers Hotel Heppner Bldg. FLOWERS Page 7 City of Heppner, Water Dept Harold Sherer, Petty Cash English and Company .... Becket Equipment Co 3.90 59.08 657.15 1.00 Harold Baker 1,001.25 Jack Van Winkle 3.00 Boardman Supply Co. 5.96 Crum Bros 2,988.00 lone Chevron Station 1.42 Richard T. Meador 2.040.00 Bruce Bothwell 32.88 Larry Mollahan 7.50 Shell Oil Co 467.35 Paul G. Pettyjohn 95.17 Brunner and Lay Corp. . .. 104.10 J. E. Heseltine and Co 58.06 D. H. Jones and Son 16.75 Morrow County Electric Co 61.25 English and Co 57.92 Rosewall Motor Co 16.75 Industrial Air Products Co 13.52 Heppner Auto Parts 40.18 Heppner Auto Parts 36.53 Bert Corbin 150.00 Columbia Equipment Co. 678.20 Columbia Equipment Co. 7.36 Ford's Tire Service 539.44 John L. Botts 1-25 The Premier Autoware Co. 49.51 Foster Motor Co 12.72 Lexington Implement Co 1,009.02 Warrants Issued on the Hos pital Construction Fund: Robert Lowe 5 State Industrial Accident Comm 96.76 1.46 Public Employees Retire ment Board 2.00 Physicians and Hospital Supply Co 1,925.41 Warrants Issued on the Mis cellaneous Fund: Harold Dobyns, Rodent Fund $ Northwest Hospital Ser vice 91.20 5.80 Harold Dobyns, Coyote Bounty 36.00 W. W. Wachter, Coyote Bounty 6.00 E. B. Wattenburger, Coyote Bounty 12.00 Public Employes Retire ment Board, Rodent Fund 2.00 William J. Beaurman, Coyote Bounty 6.00 Herbert Hynd, Coyote Bounty 6.00 GENERAL Carpenter Work Louie's Workshop Formerly Bailey's Cabinet Shop THE HEPPNER CLINIC C. M. Wagner, M. D. Stanley J. Kirk, M. D. Janet C. Kirk, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Day or night Phone 6-9114 - GLENN WAY Electronic Service N. Gilmore St. Res. Phone 6-9975 Evenings and Sundays , J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks. Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Martei and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Creswick GrSeuell Mortuary Licensed Funeral Director! Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffltz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9468 Morrow County Abstract fir Title Co. nrc. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Otflo in JPeUri Balldinf C. A. Ruggles . INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 - Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS - MARKERS - See Oliver Creswick Creswick Stuell Mortuary