Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 28, 1955 Mrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays EASTER SUNDAY LT. BLACKBURN, RITES UNITE PATRICIA McGEE By Mary Lee Marlow At an afternoon ceremony on Easter Sunday Miss Patricia Ann McGee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. McGee, Walla Walla, Wash., became the bride of Lt. John Smith Blackburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blackburn, of Baytown, Texas at the First Congregational church in Walla Walla. The double ring service was performed by the Rev. Franklin R. Elliott, church pastor, before a flower decked altar. A smart military note was sounded by the appearance of the bridegroom his attendants and an honor guard in airforce dress uniforms. Baskets of white, pink and lavender stock, and white Easter lilies were on the altar and white tapers were used on both the altar and in seances along the walls of the church. Stanley Plummer, Walla Walla, played the wedding marches and accompanied the soloist, Miss Patricia Neal, Delta Delta Delta sorority sister of the bride, who stng "The Rosary" and "How Do I Love Thee." Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride was lovely in a formal length gown of nylon net over white satin, styled with fit ted bodice with rounded neck line outlined in wide imported Italian lace, short sleeves and ljouffant skirt of net with an ac cordion pleated ruffle in an apron-like flounce banded by the same lace. Her fingertip length veil of white net fell from a crown of pearls and rhlnestones and she carried a white orchid with butterfly roses tied with pink shower ribons. The six strand pearl necklace and match ing earrings which she wore were gifts of the bridegroom. She wore the traditional blue garter and carried a "borrowed" white lace handkerchief, while the Mother's Is nearly Here. How About ANEW BLOUSE oodles of new styles have just arrived. Or how about a new cotton dress oodles of half sizes have come In the Klrkwood and Edith Marling lines, The cottons are arriv ing daily and every day it snows .... , gjpj LAST H year I had bedding plants come on Mother's Day but I believe it will be too early this year: We will have bedding plants the middle of May if It warms up. Sara McNamer'i stove is In my back room and is for sale cheap. How About A Plant or CORSAGE for Mother? Will have nice geraniums that can be sot out later. MARY VAN'S FLOWER AND DRESS SHOP penny which her father placed in her slipper was the one he had received in change when he pur chased his wife's wedding ring 25 years ago. Mrs. Grendall Hawes of Board- man was matron of honor, and wore a gown of chartreuse ham mered satin, ballerina length, with rounded neckline finished in lace to match that on the bride's gown. She carried a bou quet of rose pink carnations and matching ribbon. Miss Barbara Love, Boardman, and Mrs. Roger Cummings, Echo, were bridesmaids, and wore gowns of the same design as Mrs. Hawes' of pale green and car ried bouquets of light pink car nations with matching ribbons. All three wore single strands of pearls and matching earrings. MSgt. Grendall Hawes of Boardman was best man and 2nd LL Roger Jacobson and 1st Lt. Roger Kemper served as other at tendants for the bridegroom. The ushers were SSgt. Charles Fet ters and SSgt. Alfred Morin, who also lighted the candles before the ceremony. An honor guard, with sabres, stood at attention in the church foyer before the ceremony and at the back of the church during the exchange of vows, later taking places with crossed sabres on either side of the door as the couple left the church. Following the ceremony the reception was In the Y. W. C. A. lounge with baskets of pastel colored stock marking the place where the receiving line stood. Miss Shirley Hughes, sorority sister of the bride, was in charge of arrangements. The serving table, laid with an exquisite lace cloth, was centered with a low arrangement of pink and yellow carnations, and silver candelabra with white tapers. Mrs. Ralph McKlnley of Pomeroy, Wash., and Mrs. Fern McKinley of Dayton Wash., aunts of the bride, presided at the table. As sisting in serving were Mrs. Alvin Ashley and Mrs. Douglas McKin ley of Dayton, cousins of the bride. The tiered wedding cake, beau tifully decorated, was on a sepa rate table with pink and white carnations encircling it. Mrs. Eldon Wyrick of Walla Walla, served the cake, after the first piece was cut by the couple. Mrs. Earl Schneider of Seattle, Wash., was in charge of the punch bowl. Miss Patricia Neal preside over the guest book and Mrs. Laura Shortt, also a sorority sister of the bride, and Mrs. Rich ard Mead the gifts. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. McGee wore a sheath dress 1J h ti If t ' Jh-i w HOSTS AT SATURDAY Hawaiian motif dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith and daughters Jenny and Cathy, who recently returned from a three moiths vacation in the Islands. (GT Photo) Mrs. Dick Meador Given Baby Shower Mrs. Tom Wilson and Mrs. Jack Marshall were hostesses Friday, April 22 at the Wilson home at a baby shower for Mrs. Dick Mea dor. Others amending were Mrs. La Verne Van Marter. Mrs. Allen Case, Mrs. Bill Barratt, Mrs. James Driscoll, Mrs. Alex Thomp son, Mrs. Bob Runnion, Mrs. Elmer Pieper, Mrs. Don Bellen brock, Mrs. Doug Price and Mrs. William Heath. Bridge, pinochle and scrabble were played. Mrs. Van Marter was high scorer in bridge and Mrs. Meador, low. In pinochle Mrs. Bellen brock won first prize and Mrs. Heath was low. Mrs. Price was high in scrabble. in ice blue, embroidered with rninestone and pearl thim, a Coramay hat in shades of ice blue and orchid with a touch of pink, with pink accessories. Tier corsage was a cymbidium orchid with pink elf rose buds. She also wore a champagne colored faille duster. The bridegrooms's parents were unable to be present at the wedding. For Traveling the bride wore an orchid wool suit, with matching hat, and accessories in avocado green and a topper of cream col ored summer tweed flecked with orchid. She wore the white or chid from her bridal bouquet as a corsage. Lt. Blackburn is commander of the Boardman Bombing Range, and he and Mrs. Blackburn will live in the officers' quarters at Ordnance following a honeymoon trip to Victoria, B. C. Mrs. Blackburn will continue to teach the seventh and eighth grades in the Boardman school and in physical education classes for girls in the Boardman High school. She is a graduate of Whitman college in 1954, and last summer had an eight-week course at the University of Ha waii. Lt. Blackburn, a graduate of Rice Institute of Huston, Texas, i was employed by a Huston fur niture company before he entered the Air Force. Attending the wedding from Boardman were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tatone, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Phan euf, Mrs. William Garner, Lorelei Hamilton, Edna Hoffman, Anita Garner, Dick Garner, Douglas Shattuck, MSgt. and Mrs. Gren dall Hawes, Terry and Sharon Hawes, Lt. Roger Jacobson, TSgt. and Mrs. Thurman Johnson, SSgt. Charles Fetters, SSgt. and Mrs. Frances Berges. o TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE Anyone wishing transportation to the Homemakers festival at Boardman next Tuesday are asked to call either Mrs. Douglas Drake or Mrs. N. C. Anderson. Smiths Entertain With Hawaiian Party Saturday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith who recently returned from the Hawa iian Islands, entertained Saturday evening with a dinner party at which Hawaiian food was served and guests were entertained by Cathy Smith with songs and dances native to the islands. Each woman guest received a camellia to be worn in her hair. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. George, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pen land, Mr. and Mrs. Verner Troed son and Mrs. Troedson's mother, Mrs. Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Groshens, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Blake, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeif fer, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Runnion, Mr. and Mrs. James Farley, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Cohn, Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Schaffiz, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Paul His ler, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fer guson, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Ma- honey, Mrs. Mary Van Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Fan- cher. Gazette Times Classifieds Pay I Coming Events Monday May 2 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don nell's American Legion business meeting Tuesday May 3 American Le gion auxiliary Wranglers, club house, 8:00 p. m. Thursday May 4 Soroptimist, noon, O'Donnell's Elks ladies night Lions club, 6:30 p. m. O'Don nell's Friday May 6 Sans Souci Re bekah lodge Sunday May 8 Mother's Day Hospital open house, .1:00 to 4:30 p. m. More Social News on Page Five OTIC YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO COLLECT The many dividends of a modern sewing machine, moderately priced and purchased through your local dealer Gilliam & Bisbee Hardware Co. Services by the Pendleton Sewing Center, Phone 4020, Pendleton. 428 S. Main 2 doors N. of The Bus Depot guaranteed by your 2,300 dealers nationally. NECCHI - ELNA WORLD'S FINEST SEWING MACHINES PRICED FROM $98.50 - TERMS AND TRADES Sewing machines of other makes, like new, up to 50 off GILLIAM & BISBEE HARDWARE COMPANY i on Sampler II ?oo7f Remember someone Mother's Day May 8th fc M sr w Linda Thompson Has Sixth Birthday Party Linda Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson celebrated her sixth birthday last Saturday afternoon with a party at her home. Guests were Diane Schaffitz, Jody Fancher, Trisha Farley, Dennis O'Donnell, Chris Labhart, Garry Dowen and Brian Thomp son. Games were played and birth day cake and ice cream were served. 21 Tables At Altar Society Card Party Catholic ladies were hostesss Friday, April 22 at a card party in the parish basement. Twenty- one tables of bridge and pinochle were in play. Mrs. William Labhart was high in bridge and Jos Nys low. In pinochle Bill Blake won first prize and Sam Turner low. Mrs. Raymond Ferguson received the door prize. Chairmen for the games were Mrs. Les Wyman for pinochle and Mrs. W. L. Sowell, bridge. On the refreshment committee were Mrs. James Healy, Mrs. Jerry Daggett, Mrs. Jack Healy, Mrs. Bill Gentry and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, Jr. CHRISTIAN CHURCH TEA The mothers and daughters tea will be held on Saturday April 30 at 7:30 p. m. in the Christian church basement It is to be semi-formal. CHOCOLATIS Witch Mother' face when you give her Whitman' Sampled The moat auparb chocolate! made . . , lnaoioaa cream, aramela, fudges, nougat, marshmallowi, brittle, fruit, out and mint In Whitman' eicluiive chocolate coatings. the best liked candy in the world HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE Special Sunday Dinner MAY 1 AT O'DONNELL'S Wagon Wheel LOUNGE Bring The Family Children Welcome $2.00 ENTREE Choice of Crab, Shrimp or Tomato Juice Cocktail Chicken Soup ala Gumbo Tossed Green Salad Choice of Roast Chicken and Dressing Baked Ham, Fruit Sauce, Candied Sweet Potatoes Roast Young Tom Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Dressing Special Cut Dinner Seak Roast Prime Rib of Beef, Au Ju3 Pan Fried Spring Chicken on Toast Mashed Potatoes Fresh June Peas Hot Bread Fruit Jello or Ice Cream Coffee Milk 10c Extra Special Steak Dinners On Menu DON'T FORGET! MAY 8th Mothers ...MOM WILL LOVE A GIFT FROM PENNEY'S! Day THE LITTLE GAYMODE WITH THE BIG S-T-R-E-7-C-H... jV I '." ' : vC- - v. ' . i mm re ? . ... I fe- ffSmmmmmm.,. ; 3 V ' A W v GLAMOUR-SHEER NYLONS THAT CLINO TO THE SHAPE OF YOUR LEG-NEVER-EVER BAG, SAG OR WRINKLE! New Low Price I Pair Better than "custom mades", Penney's sheer stretchable Gaymode nylons mold to your legs, follow every curve and hollow like a second skin. Seams stay in place , , , never twist, never turn. And these Gaymodes are glam orously sheer, too. - Find them in 3 shades you'll love. Sizes Midget, Norm and Long, to fit every leg perfectly. HEPPNER HEPPNER PHONE 6-9433