Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 28, 1955 Page 5 Boardman Church Setting For Wiison Poulsen Wedding ! . Ey Mary Lee Marlow ? In a double ring ceremony at the Boardman Community church on April 16, Mrs. Ann Poulsn, daughter of Conrad Wyss, Rielh, and Mrs. Arthur Graham, Hermiston, became the bride of William .Wilson, son of James Wilson of Grants Pass, and Mrs. Charles Childress, Portland. The service was performed by the Rev. A. E. Davis, pastor of the Methodist church in Harmiston, before the altar decorated with white Easter lilies, Charles Sargent sang "I Love you Truly", accompanied by Mrs. Frank Marlow, who also played the wedding marches. , Given in marriage by a friend, Sam Turk, the bride was lovely in a ballerina length gown of chartreuse nylon, and carried a bouquet of white carnations and white daisies. She wore white beads and a white hat. ; Miss Katlierine Wyss, Pendle ton, was her sister's maid of honyr and wore a brown and white striped cotton gown of bal lerina length and a white hat and beads. Bob Paauw, Spokane, Wash., was best man and ushers were Bob Smith and Rodney Bowes. The bride's daughters, Connie and Susan Toulsen, were flower girls, and were dressed in dotted red nylon frocks with white over skirts. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Graham wore a gray nylon suit with red and white acces sories, and a red and white car nation corsage. The groom's mother wore a ; salmon pink linen suit with pale pink accessories, and a pink and white carnation corsage. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church basement with Mrs. Joe Tatone, aunt of the groom, in charge of arrangements. The serving table had a centerpiece of peach blos soms and pink tapers. The beautiful four-tiered wed ding cake was cut and served by Mrs. Kenneth Rogers, Portland sister of the groom, after the tra ditional piece was cut by the couple. Miss Erna Richau pre sided at the punch bowl. Here from out of town for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Wicklander, Portland, grand parents of the, groom, Mrs. M. Potter and son Jay, Mrs. George Brandl and daughter Vickie Ann, and Mrs. E. E. Kingsley, all of Pendleon; and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bennett and daughter Barbara, Elgin. After a wedding trip to Port land and southern Oregon the couple will live here. The night before the wedding Mrs. Joe Tatone was hostess for a personal shower for the bride- to-be. Present were Mrs. Arthur Graham, Hermiston, Miss Kath erine Wyss, Pendleton, Mrs. D. Tatone, Arlington, Mrs. Charles Childress, Mrs. Kenneth Rogers, and Mrs. Wicklander, all of Portland. PLUS THE FINEST ENJOYMENT FEATURES IN TELEVISION FAMOUS HALOLlGHT, the picture frame of soft, cool light that's kinder to your eyeil It's the eye-comfort sensation In television today! NEW SUPER PHOTOPOWER CHASSIS tops 'em oil when it comes to fine performance in difficult fringe areas. NEW SILVER SCREEN 85 Aluminized Picture Tube for the brightest, cleorest pictures you've ever seenl SMART MAHOGANY VENEER CABINET or in hand- am hUnrJ Knrina wood I HALOLlGHT ind SUPER PhOTgPowEK an Sylwrtii Tntfimirki LET US KNOW WHEN WE CAN BRING THE SYLVAN! FAIRFAX TO YOUR HOKE. . . SEE- Your Favorite Program on A Sylvania FRIDAY FROM 3 P. M. APR. 29 HEPPNER CIVIC CENTER BLDG. LE. DICK I - - 1 1 I i L' ' h fi: I -.tin I , j; 5 i 1 m Department President Of Legion Auxiliary Pays Visit To Heppner Women of the American Legion Auxiliary were hostesses Monday afternon at a luncheon at the Catholic church, honoring depart ment president, Mrs. Marie Wil cox, Portland, department vice president, Mrs. Marjorie Leach, Bonneville and district president, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Hermiston. Mrs. Wilcox gave a talk on the aims and program of the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary based on the preamble of the constitution. Mrs. Leach gave a talk on mem bership. Mrs. Allen Hughes, president of the Heppner Auxil iary presided, assisted by Mrs. Don Bellenbrock, past president. Out of town guests were Mrs. Ray Coles, Mrs. Russell Piersol, Mrs. Glen Cherry and Mrs. Ernest Putnam, from Hermiston. The meeting was a joint affair with lone and members from lone were Mrs. Delmar Crawford, presi dent, Mrs. G. Hermann, second i vice president, Mrs. Donald Peter son, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Edith Nichoson, chaplain, Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Cecil Thome. Mrs. Allen Hughes, president of the Heppner Auxiliary introduced her officers and the other guests. The three guests of honor were presented with corsages and Mrs. Bellenbrock, past president pre sented Mrs. Wilcox with a gift from the unit. BUGS ARE OPTIONAL .rub-- ; il inv unir tir ' - A You can control the insects that attack your home, your outdoor recreation areas, your garden, your lawn, and your crops and livestock. There is no need to live with them or try to hide from them. Modern chemicals have been formulated to kill all insects, and fortunately, modern Bprayers and dusters are readily available to apply these controls. A compressed-air or a knapsack sprayer can be the most useful equipment around the home. These sprayers come in sizes of 1 to 6 gallons capacity with a built-in, hand-operated air pump to provide pressures of 30 to 60 pounds, satisfactory for all home spray jobs, states National Sprayer and Duster Association, Chicago. The sprayer can be used for . applying residual sprays around the home, on porches, screens, foundations and other places where insects congregate. It can also be used in the garden to control both eating and sucking insects on grow ing plants and shrubs. It will be useful in spraying foliage of shrubs and can be used on small fruit trees. The same type of sprayer is used to apply weed and crabgrass killers to the lawn. It is a good practice to have one sprayer for insecticides and an other f.pr weed killers. KEPPJJER PHONE 6-9633 Baby Shower Given Former Heppner Girl Mrs. Johnnie Lee Williams (Col leen Connor) of Spray was hon ored recently with a baby shower at the home of Mrs. Bud Marshall, with Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Mrs. Mar ion Green and Miss Joyce Bus chke as co-hostesses. Others attending were Mrs. William Labhart, Mrs. Creston Robinson, Mrs. Howard Pettyjohn, Mrs. Phil Blakney, Mrs. Les Wy- man, Mrs. James Sumner, Mrs.! Verne Bell, Mrs. James Mallon, Mrs. Bill Gentry, Mrs. Jack Plo har, Mrs. Bud Peck, Mrs. El wayne Bergstrom, Mrs. Raymond French, Mrs. Ron Olson, Mrs. R. G. Watkins, Mrs. Marshall Lov gren, Mrs. Tom Bristow, Mrs. George Griffiths and Mrs. Louis Carlson. Hardman Rebekahs Choose Delegates Mistletoe Rebekah Lodge No. 25 of Hardman met in regular session April 19. They chose as their delegates to Grand lodge to be held at La Guande May 17-18-19, Emma White and Delsie Chapel with Mildred Wright as an alternate. Vern Batty was chosen district deputy. o-2 ' Tamara Smith Has Eighth Birthday Tamara Smith was honored on her eighth birthday with a party given by her mother, Mrs. Ray Smith, on Saturday, April 23. Games were played during the afternoon and refreshments ser ved to Karen McCurdy, Cheryl Bellenbrock, Jody and Jan Fan- NOW- OVERSIZE PICTURE TUBE! RCA Victor 2l" Television RCA Victor 21 -Inch Glerulde. Power-packed table TV! New Overw'ze "All-Clear" picture tube aluminizedl ''Golden Throat" Fidelity Sound. Rich maroon cabinet flnith. Model 21S511. See It IN OPERATION FRIDAY FROM 3 P. M. AT HEPPNER TV SHOWING AT CIVIC CENTER BUILDING Lexington Implement Co. PHONE 3-8111, LEXINGTON cher, Kay and Nancy Carpenter, Brenda, Debora, and Marcia Young, Wilma Warren, Barbara Terrel, Darlene Anderson and Patty Collins. Mrs. Harley Anderson assisted Mrs. Smith with the serving. Jay Ball Has Party On Eighth Birthday Jay Ball celebrated his eighth birthday with a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ball, on Friday April 22. Guests were Lee Daggett, Don ny Munkers, Tommy Green, De anie and Vickie Robinson, Terry and Bobbie Peck, David, Deanie and Diana Wright, Mike, Jim, Bobbie and Gary Wright, Greg and Ricky Johnston, Patty Col lins, Gary Bradus and Gary Ball. Mothers present were Mrs. Bud Peck, Mrs. Creston Robinson, Mrs. Albert Wright and Mrs. Bob Wright. Handkerchief Shower Given Soroptimist Mrs. Lucy Rodgers was given a surprise handkerchief shower at the Soroptimist club meeting on Thursday noon. She will leave soon to make her home at Wil lamette View Manor at Milwau kie. She was also presented with a corsage from the club and a cake decorated with her name was served. Mrs. Mary Van Stevens was elected to the nominating com mittee to fill the position held by Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, who is out of town. Conley Lanham of Eugene, for mer Heppner resident, was a weekend visitor here. Need Letterhead? Phone 1-1221 WE ARE NOW GIVING S & H Green Stamps On All 30 Day Accounts and Cash Sales CENTRAL MEAT MARKET . irniimnfiTWiF','ii'i;'B H'l'i;1 'i!'H;ii'iinl W-Miipwr with deluxe features at new low price ' Y) l - " : . : 1.1 r.r s. .... 1.- : " , 1st : . I - 1 2 J i , . T?i I' 1 iff ,esl Mil 4 . I B I If ' 1 II i -t J M.. t . A I i k Jit t -. - ii i. ,n j 1 - .w: ', r - t I I all ' tJTinr lilW if w r 'mHiStm.mtm '7 'it' c t i vr.HK 1 0) E . i w.r mm wm- mmmm mm mm mtn, -ww 6IACJT 21" TV Extra Long Rangt Power Super Casoode Chassis delivers TVs finest picture close-in or on the "fringe." Full 270 sq. in. picture . . . anti-glare "Optic Filter" Screen. Ebony or Mahog Hny Finish. S . Th Coral Oabltl (Ebony Plnlth) GIAE3T21"TV Th Wlmofe In Tablt TV Ultra powerful Super Cascode Chassis . . . 270 sq. In. picture . . . anti-glare "Optic Filter" Screen . . deluxe Golden Picture Frame. Mahogany, Blonde Oak, or Maple finish. Legs optional, extra. n.95 The Beverly Hills (Mahecany Flnith) lectronic Service GILMORE ST COMULETE SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES GLENN WAY PHONE 6-9975