Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 28, 1955 Wa rners Honored By Farewell Party Mr. and Mrs. George (Duke) Pete Peterson of Vale was the Jane Russell 3-D Fan Warner who are leaving to make their home in Bend were honored Saturday night when members of the Square Dance club met at the Legion hall, for a potluck dinner and dance. caller for the dance which was attended by about CO people. On the refreshment committee were Mrs. Roice Fulleton Mrs. William Heath, Mrs. N'els Ander son and Mrs. Albert Fetsch. SEE it Friday- I S. . - ' , I ? "Tl """if S "m " 77 ; G F ULTRA -VISION 21" LOW BOY G E Ultra- Vision Tel evision AT THE FIRST HEPPNER TV SHOWING From 3 P. M. -Civic Center Bldg. G E G,VEs you MORE TV ENJOYMENT Giant 21 inch aluminized tube 262 Square inches of picture Top tilted control panel for easy tuning 2 powerful speakers for perfect tone quality 2 inch swivel roller coasters Genuine walnut veneer cabinet 19 tube chassis for perfect reception Many cabinet styles 21" Lowboy Model (shown) 39995 A QH95 Heppner Hardware & Elect. 21 " GE Toble Models-From LOYOL PARKER ftapz-vii-'f hit ;:r,. - r , r--i "-v I ;y - - r,v. ''' , i ' i , ' ' ' , I , V" J . . . I. - :- ; v ? - V .v -1 I i 0916) by almost three quarters of a million dollars, and were ! more than that ahead of last March. Gamble reported further that Oregon sales for the first quartor of 1935 exceeded those of last year by 53,200.000, or 321. The pain nationally for the same period was 131. ' Sales in the county last month wc-rs S22.329", said Jeff Carter, county savings bonds committee chairman, "as compared to $22, C15 a year ago. Oregon's increase for the first quarter has been widely distributed around the state, with all but five counties ahead of their 1951 sales. Sher man county jumped over its en tire 1955 quota by 29.61, with its sales in the first quarter of 1955 exceeding those made all last ear by $51,669." o I EANCE RECITAL SET A recital of the Heppner, Lex ington, lone and Hermiston stu dents of Etta Sheppard, instruc tor, will he held Friday evening, May 7 at the Heppner high school gym. It will be a benefit for the band uniform fund. AIRPLANE SPRAYING SERVICE RANCH AERO Again ready to assist you with all your spraying problems. Experienced, Courteous Service PHONE OW?,C?T,5SPavSby HEPPNER 6-91S6 fAUL HANSEN HOLLYWOOD Jane Russell, who proved to be the most popular subject of all for 3-D movies, reveals that she is an avid 3-D still photography fan. Jane originally obtained her View-Master stereo camera for the purpose of keeping a picture record of her two children as they grew. The project became so much fun, that now she takes the camera with her to the studio and on motion picture locations, taking photographs of each production she works in, Tommy and Tracy, her two children, are even receiving an introduction to their formal school education by being given 3-dimensional photo, sraphs from the vast View-Master picture library of world scenics like he new ones of Oregon's Crater Lake, California's Yosemite, Tennes e's Smoky Mountains and places of interest like historic Valley . orge and the new ones of the United Nations Buildings. Triple Link Club Meets At Green Home The Triple Link club met at the home of Mrs. Alex Green on Monday evening. It was the regular business meeting, after which Mrs. Troedson entertained with a reading. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Blanche Brown served refreshments at the close of the evening. Tea On May 1 To Honor Mrs. Rodgers Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, who is leav ing soon to make her home near Portland, will be honored with a tea Sunday May 1 at the home of Miss Leta Humphreys from 2:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. m., given by the Soroptimist club and her friends. All friends of Mrs. Rodgers from all over the county are cor dially invited to attend. i o I March Savings Bond Sales Show Increase Sales of United States E & H saving bonds in Oregon for March were the highest for that month since 1945, according to figures released today by Ted Gamble, chairman of the state savings bonds committee. Ore gon's sale of $1,133,088 in E & H bonds last month exceeded those of the best previous March Figure The Odds! Just a few warm days now, Following that rain, Will sure make some changes In your Growing Grain! Very soon will he time to Insure against Hail! If you're undecided, better Get off that fence rail! One way to bs certain if You should insure or not; Figure if you can afford Loss of this years crop hr For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES Heppnir, Oregon Phone 6-9625 Box 611 ONLY I5995 WILL BUY A 21 "A rvm TV -A -A PERFECT PICTURE LITTLE PRICE See this brand new Arvin "ROCKET 21" ind you'll get the value surprise of your lifo. Compare it with sets costing up to $50 more and you'll agree its television's top value. Arvin's Velvet Voice tone quality adds to its excellence as America's top television buy. Case Furniture Co. Use Gazette Times Classifieds For Results! CASE FURNITURE CO. Use Gazette Times Classifieds For Results! HAPPY BLUEBIRDS The Happy Bluebirds met at the home of their leader Satur- dav morning. We received our membership cards and our charter. Then we made bracelets from pipe cleaners. We had fun making yummies In the oven too. Jean Stockard, reporter o Mrs. Harry O'Donnell left last Wednesday for a three weeks visit in San Francisco. mnpi mii hi GONTY' FOR Philco - RCA Victor Capehart TELEVISION SEE IT FOR YOURSELF FRIDAY FROM 3 P.M. AT HEPPNER CIVIC CENTER BUILDING FIRST SHOWING ON HEPPNER TV, INC., CABLE SYSTEM Mm GIANT VJ ncA i M 21-INCH W 795 I 'riUni.I-1 H Compare these features! Jet Tunin8 Devgn-Convem.ntly ploced main control. Hideawoy" Power Cord and "Pull-Out" UHFVHF ontenno conceoled In "Jet Tuning cylinden." New Special 'T' chauU-Zenith researched. .r.8meertcL testedand proved for dependable performance! Genuine Cascode Tuner-amazing ability to amplify Incoming TV jignoli for better reception. "Picture-Lock" Stabiliior Circuit-givei you better reception in "problem" location. local-DUtance Switch-jeniitivity-change iwltch for beit reception of locol or dijtant itations. WHEN YOU OWN A ZENITH YOU KNOW-AND EVERYBODY ELSE KNOWS YOU OWN THE FINEST KNOWS ON DISPLAY AT HEPPNER TV SHOWING Case Furniture Go,