Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 21, 1955, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 21 1955
Page 3
Mrs. Jack Eedfo.d. Reporter Social
Varied Program
Presented Here By
Delta Kappa Gnmrna
About fifty members of Iota
Chapter Delta Kappa Gamma
society attended a luncheon
meeting Saturday, April 2, in
Hsppner with lotans from the
Heppner area as hostesses. Two
rharming vocal solos were sung
by Mrs. Fred Hoskins, Jr. accom
panied by Mrs. Lester Boulden,
both of Heppner. Miss Dena
Johanns and Mrs. Edw. Elliott,
state president and stale second
vice president, respectively, were
guests from Portland.
Miss Johanns spoke to the
group on a topic of leadership
and Mrs. Elliott explained the
three types of scholarships and
grants-in-aid offered by Delta
Kappa Gamma for study in the
fteld or education.
An interesting panel discussion
dealing with teacher welfare,
morale, and recruitment complet
ed the program. Participating on
the panel were Mrs. Earl Essel
styn, Pendleton, moderator; Miss
Dorothea Hicks, Pendleton and
Miss Jean Marie Graham, Hepp
ner, cadet teachers whose talks
were entitled ."Why I Want to Be
a Teacher"; Miss Doreen Cable,
a member of Hermiston's Future
Teachers of America organization
told of "What the FTA Does to
Encourage Girls to go into Teach
ing"; Miss Ruby Rietmann, a
first-year teacher in the Pendle
ton schools explained "What the
New Teacher Expects From the
Community"; and Miss Galena
Sandwick of Milton-Freewater
pointed out "Helps that Can Be
Given By Teachers in the Field."
Miss Florence Sweet presided
at the business meeting and
urged members to plan to attend
both the state meeting in Port
land, April 23, and the Northwest
Regional Conference to be held
at Gearhart in June.
The Union Missionary Society
will meet in the Methodist church
Friday April 29 at 2:00 p. m.
Mrs. Frank Lamb of Milton
Freewater will be the guest
speaker and the public is invited
to hear her travelogue on her
trip to Palestine.
Refreshments will be served in
the church basement following
the program.
Columbia Frozen Foods
vk-' ,jr
mn 1
. Vl i
Sparkling, "home appliance" beauty ...
a supermarket in your kitchen! Enjoy the
wondrous economy
Faster freezing ... less current
better circulation . . . more visibility . . .
lightning defrosting . . . nothing could
be finer at any price!
t All Model ... All Size
See the Famous PAK AWAY first.. .at
News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays
Carnation Club Plans
Bazaar and Tea Soon
The Carnation Club held its
regular meeting Thursday even
ing, April 14, at the home of
Mrs. Maxine Gray. During the
business meeting, plans for the
annual bazaar and tea were
made. It is to be held Saturday,
April 30 at the Empire Machinery
Following the meeting, games
were played and prizes were won
by Miss Mary Ann Jensen, Mrs.
Martha King, Mrs. Barbara Ware
and Mrs. Theta Stratton, who also
drew the door prize.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Doris Castor and
Mrs. Verna Case.
Soroptimist Club
Celebrates Seventh
Birthday Thursday
The Soroptimist club of Hepp
ner celebrated its seventh birth
day at their luncheon meeting at
O'Donnell's Thursday.
A special bulletin, prepared by
Mrs. W. O. George, commemorat
ing the founding of the club in
1948, was distributed during the
meeting. Scrap books, contain
ing publicity about the club and
souvenirs of social affairs were
passed so the members could see
Group singing was enjoyed
with Mrs. C. C. Carmichael at the
A special cake decorated with
the years 1948-1955 in pink, was
served after the luncheon.
Bridge Club Meets
At Gammell Home
Mrs. Robert Gammell enter
tained members of the Renegers
Bridge club last Wednesday even
ing. Players were, besides the hos
tess, Mrs. Bill Labhart, Mrs. Alex
Thompson, Mrs. Larry Dowen,
Mrs. Allen Case, Mrs. Bob Jep
sen, Mrs. John Williams, Mrs.
Gene Hall, Mrs. .Dick Meador,
Mrs. Harold' Evans, Mrs. La Verne
Van Marter and Mrs. Bill Barratt.
Mrs. Bill Labhart was high
scorer, Mrs. Gene Hall second and
Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, low.
Refreshments were served after
the game and guests then en
joyed watching the late show on
and convenience . . .
I ',.. m .. ,.!"" ftmw i .' "i; nmrm win
Mill ' f 111 4 i -X ' ' M-. -. It
MARRIED RECENTLY at the Heppner Christian church were Miss
Zoe Elise Bauernfeind, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauern
feind of Morgan, and David Paisley, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. K.
Paisley of Englewood, California. The couple is at home in Cor
vallis where they both attend Oregon State College.
Coming Events
Friday April 22 Ruth chapter
No. 32, OES
Monday April 25 Chamber of
commerce, noon at O'Don
nell's Women's auxiliary of Episco
pal church, 8:00 p. m., par
ish hall
Rainbow for Girls
American - Legion business
Tuesday April 26 Bookworms
Degree of Honor
Thursday April 28 Soroptimists,
noon at O'Donnell's
Dinner Party Given
Saturday In Farewell
To Charlie Becketts
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beckett,
who left Tuesday to make their
home in Portland were honored
Saturday evening at a potluck
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clive Huston, with Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Anderson as co-hosts.
Others attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Beckett, Mr. and
Mrs. John Bergstrom, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Beckett, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
E. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Buschke, the Misses Marilyn and
Esther Bergstrom and
Bergstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Blanche Brown.
Mrs. Beckett was presented
with a corsage and Mr. Beckett
with a boutonniere, a gift from
the James Farleys.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright
showed movies of their Hawaiian
Birthday Party Held
For Two Tuesday
Brian Thompson and Jon O'
Donnell celebrated their fourth
birthdays Tuesday, April 12 with
a party at the Alex Thompson
Guests were Danny Leathers,
Mark Labhart, Vicki Robinson,
John Van Winkle, La Verne Van
Marter, III, Jan Fancher, Carol
and Nancy Marshall, Lindy
Thompson and Dennis O'Donnell.
A birthday cake and ice cream
were served.
Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Penland
made a business trip to Spokane
over the weekend.
In the spring, fishermen's
Turn to thoughts of fishing!
Just as well go with him, Mrs.,
Why sit at home a-wishing?
No use fussing 'bout a garden,
It'll wait till your return!
All the digging now is for
Some juicy fishing worms!
If you've Motor, Boat & Trailer,
You've a lot invested there!
Insure on an All -Risk floater
For U. S. & Canada any
Ask Us About A Floater For
Your Guns. Fishing, Archery
or Bowling Equipment or
Other Insurance Needs,
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 6-9625 Box 611
Piano Pupils To Be
Presented In Recital
Mrs. D. E. Hudson will present
her piano pupils in recital Fri
day evening, April 29 at 7:30 p.
m. in the Heppner school gym
Those participating in the pro
gram are Marilyn and Carolyn
Pettyjohn, Sandra Jones, Sharon
Keithley, Shlrlee Gaines, Omar
Huston, Dennis and Diane War
ren, Nancy Anderson, Margaret
Green, Betty Pettyjohn, Donna
Hudson, Nancy Eberhardt, Carol
Anderson, Marie Pettyjohn, David
George, Shirley Nash, Francine
Frances, Carolyn McDaniel, Sally
Refreshments will be served
after the recital in the lunch
room by the Band Parents as a
benefit for the band uniform
Sans Souci Rebekahs
Hold Meet Friday
Sans Souci Lodge of the Rebe
kahs met in regular session last
Friday evening. Plans were made
for their next meeting on May 6.
A gift was presented to Mrs.
Charlie Beckett who is-going to
make her home in Portland.
Refreshments were served by
the committee; Mrs. Jarvis Chaf-
fee, chairman, Mrs. Robert Robin-
Girls' one-pc- Pajamas in
cool, no-iron cotton plisse.
Elastic back, gripper fastener
front. Blue, pink, maize, mint.
Sizes 2-6.
NYLON HOSE 2 Pr. 1.00
Another 15 Dozen Pairs of This
60 Gauge 15 Denier Anniversary Scoopl
Lexington Garden
Club Meets Tuesday
The April meeting of the Lex
ington Garden Club was held at
the Lawrence Palmer home on
Tuesday April 12.
The following members were
present: Bernice Lott, Edna Mun
kers, Nellie Palmer, Lucille Peck,
Cleo Van Winkle, Edith Miller,
Bernice Healy, Hortense Martin,
Gloria Dolvin, Millie Evans,
Anne Smouse, Nellie Johnson,
Marie Martin, Edna Wetzel, Ola
Ruggles.Frances McMillan, May
McCall, Frances Schrage, . Doris
Graves, Leila Palmer, Lee Wagen
blast, Cora Warner, Pearl Devine,
Marjorie Gardner,
Beach, Mary Bates
and three
guests Elsie Peterson, Emma
White and Libby Daggett.
A report on how to select, plant
care for amaryllas was given by
Pearl Devine.
Bernice Healy and Marjorie
Gardner presented each lady with
a box and sack containing a
"little of everything". It was a
contest to see who could make
the best spring bonnet with the
material furnished. The judges
gave the honor of first prize to
Anne Smouse and second to Lee
Wagenblast. Leila Palmer re
ceived the door prize.
Following the meeting refresh
ments were served by the hos
tess Nellie Palmer assisted by
Cleo Van Winkle and Edna Mun-
Degree of Honor
Has Guest Night
Friends of members, were
guests at the meeting of the De
gree of Honor Tuesday evening,
April 12 at the Christian church.
During the meeting, Sandra
Jones gave a reading, Shirley
Nash presented a piano solo and
Mrs. Ida Farra spoke on the
meaning of Degree of Honor.
Following the meeting, Miss
Marilyn Bergstrom and Miss
Mary Ann Jensen were in charge
of the social hour. Games were
played and prizes won by Mrs.
Loreta Struthers, Mrs. Katie Cun
ningham, Mrs. Marguerite Robin
son and Mrs. Doris Castor. Mrs.
Eugenia Huston received the
door prize.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Ruth Bergstrom, Mrs. Ber
nice Nash and Mrs. Gladys Con
nor. lone Sorority To
Hold May Style Show
The Beta Omega chapter of
Epsilon Sigma Alpha met at the
home of Mrs. Ted Palmateer in
lone Thursday evening April 14.
Mrs. Eldon Padberg was co-hostess.
It was decided to hold a style
show May 15. A debate was
given between Mrs. Donald Pet
erson and Mrs. Loren Leathers on
the subject, Which is Best, Large
or Small Schools. Mrs. Donald
Heliker told of the new books in
the Public Library and gave a
short review of three of them.
Value I Girls' cool plisse
short pajamas in
solids. Pastel shades in midriff
type tops, short bottoms. 6-16.
'""''! ' v
Special! 88c Special! 1.00 Pr.
Mrs. Denward Bergevin and
Mrs. A. E. Stefani demonstrated
table setting.
Members of the sorority who
attended the Eastern Oregon
council meeting in, Pendleton on
Saturday were Mrs. Loren Leath
ers, Mrs. Eldon Padberg, Mrs.
Walter Corley and Mrs. Corliss
Mrs. Leathers was elected re
cording seeretary-teasurer of the
council. They enjoyed a lunch
eon at noon and plans were made
for the State convention in Eugene.
Mrs. Jos. Hughes and
( peari Devine went to Portland
Thursday night where they met
Mrs. w. O. George and Mrs. Clara
B. Gertson and continued on to
Seattle to attend the Regional
conference of the Soroptimist
club, held there April 15-16-17.
Crinkle cotton
midriff Style in
or solid nasteis, gav nrints! Short,
cool, carefree they need no
ironing. Embroidered nylon or
eyelpt trlmg 32.38
To Enrich
Qp fHer Life
vwiiv n mther's AY
fwSk 'iKl c'vtHII!
Foam Latex Pillows
Only 2(j more of these Sell-outs J I
Just in time for the weekendl M I V I Vr
ifUU hew
The Rip and Stitch sewing club
of lone had a meeting at Brenda
Townsend's home April 16.
This was not a business meet
ing so we just worked on our
Brenda served ice cream and
cookies in the shape of umbrel
las. Linda Heimbigner, reporter
Mrs. Jack Bedford and Mrs.
Beatrice Bedford spent last week
end visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Gilham in Pendle
ton. Whatever her age -every
Mother is a hostess , . .
your first lady who de
lights in the possession of
lovely, lasting, ever beau
You are sure to make her
happy with this sterling
expression of your love.
Let us help you choose the
pattern for her from these
all-time favorites in solid
heirloom silver.
AManilonHomt B Latllns Spring
CRigning Btaury DStonlonHoll
I Domaik Roit
Tridc-tTurVl of Oneidl Ltd.
Price Incl, Fed. Tx
gives you an extra teaspoon at a saving
Vou get 7 pieces for only $J9.7St
fSunton Hall ilightl? higher
Special I Cotton dusters in the
nfiniaP mnnrlarln stvle can
be worn belted, half belted or
loose! Plisses, embossed cot
tons in prints, solids. 12-20.