Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 14, 1955, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 14, 1955
Page 5
SocLat cJiajifiznincji,
Mrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays
Missionary Society
To Hear Travelogue
At April 29 Meeting
The Union Missionary Society
will meet Friday, April 29 at 2:00
p. m. in the Methodist church.
Mrs. Frank Lamb of Mllton
Ffreewater, guest speaker, will
give a travelogue and show
slides of her trip to Palestine
last spring, as a' member of a
tour sponsored by The Christian
Herald magazine under the guid
ance of Dr. Dan Poling. She is a
very able speaker and the public
is invited to hear her.
Refreshments will be served in
the church basement following
the program. This meeting will
take the place of the usual May
Extension Unit
Meets At Gray Home
"Mrs. Gene Ferguson was elect
ed to the County Extension com
mittee representing the Heppner
Extension unit at the regular
meeting Tuesday April 12.
Mrs. Merritt Gray was hostess
at her home for nine members
and Miss Beverly Bradshaw, home
economics extension agent. Final
plans were made for participa
tion in the Home Makers Festival.
Mrs. Douglas Drake, Mrs. Ken
neth Keeling and Mrs. Paul War
ren were elected chairman, vice
chairman and secretary respec
tively, for the year 1955-1956.
Miss Bradshaw presented the
lesson on foundation garments.
The following were present Mrs.
Alva Casebeer, Mrs. Merritt Gray,
Mrs. Lee Scrivner, Mrs. Gene
Ferguson, Mrs. Nels Anderson,
Mrs, Douglas Drake, Mrs. R. K.
Drake, Mrs. Merle Price, Mrs.
William Heath, Mrs. Paul War
ren and Miss Bradshaw.
Rainbow Girls Have
Coming Events
Friday April 15 Sans Souci Re
bekah lodge
Saturday April 16 Carnival, fair
pavillon.band uniform benefit.
Monday April 18 Chamber of
commerce, noon at ODon
nell's American Legion business
Tuesday April 19 American Le-
aion auxiliary
Thursday April 21 Soroptimists,
noon at O'Donnell s
Elks, fisherman's night
Friday April 22 Ruth chapter
No. 32 PES '
Easter Monday Card
Party Well Attended
The Episcopal parish house was
lm'Plv Mondav evening with
spring flowers in shades of yel
low, for the annual Easter won
day card party.
Seventeen tables of cards were
in play during the evening and
high" score for women in
bridge was held by Mrs.
William Labhart. Mrs. Gene
Fereuson was second and Mrs.
Harlan Mrfnrdv. low. For the
men in bridtre Tom Wilson held
hich. Loval Parker was second
and Dr. A. D. McMurdo, low. In
pinochle Mrs. Herb Hamilton was
hich for the women, Mrs. Walter
Becket. second and Mrs. Don Bel
lenbrock. low. For the men I red
Mankin held high score, Walter
Rprkpt was second and Deb.
Wright, low.
Mrs. P. W. Mahoney and Mrs.
Claude Graham were hostesses,
they were assisted by Jean Marie
Graham and Patsy Wrignt,
What's Trumps Meets
At Harold Cohn Home
Mrs. Harold Cohn was hostess
to the Whats Trumps bridge club
. , , . i ..
for a salad luncneon weunesuay
Shower Given For
Mrs. Bergstrom
A surprise stork shower was
held in honor of Mrs. Marlene
Bergstrom Monday April 11 at the
L. H. Rill home with Mrs. Char
lene Thomas and Mrs. Beverly
Wright as hostesses.
Those attending were Mrs.
Eunice Pettyjohn and Punky,
Mrs. Rita Fiper and Jody, Mrs.
Harriet Hall, Mrs. Colleen Ploy
har, Mrs. Vesta Kilkenny, Mrs.
Audine Bergstrom, Mrs. Joanne
Warren and Debra, Darlene and
David, Mrs. L. H. Rill, Mrs. Mar
lene Berestrom and Hal and
Bruce, Mrs. Charlene Thomas and
Holly and Mrs. Beverly Wright
and David, Dean and Dianna.
Pinochle and bingo were
played and the children played
games. Mrs. Audine Bergstrom
received the prizes.
Refreshments were served later
by the hostesses,
Hynd Family Reunion Held At Cecil Easter
Faster Sundav was a gala oc.Hynd and Mr. Frank Rabusitz of
casion at the Herbert Hynd home I uiah, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd
at Cecil when forty three relatives cr., Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lieuallen,
and friends congregated for a
family reunion and a celebration
of the recent binnaays oi seven
members of the family.
Besides the host and hostess.
those present to enjoy the festi
Mr. and Mrs. Max Uieney ana; d ickj
John Hynd of Pendleton. Dr. andj "CK " McClint0C,
Mrs. Ed Schaffitz and children,
Diane and Jimmy, Dave Hynd,
Will Hynd and Miss Nellie Doney
of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
vities were Mr." and Mrs. Ewing Jopsen and children of lone, Mr.
Friday, April 22, 8 P. M.
50c Per Person
and Mrs. Earl Eskleson of Wasco,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bringman and
mother of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
John Clerf and daughters, Jack
Schaffer of Arlington, Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. S. M. McClintock and
Suzanne and Carol Sue Hynd of
Birthdays celebrated were
those of Mrs. Bringman, Herbert
Hynd, Ewing Hynd, Max Cheney,
Annie Schaffer and Mary Beth
and Jackie Clerf.
Preceding the dinner, there was
an Easter egg hunt for the children.
Louis Cason, who has been In
Los Angeles for some time, re
turned to Heppner last weekend.
Mrs. Cason will return when
school is out.
S & H Green Stamps
On All 30 Day Accounts and Cash Sales
Sharon Abrens was initiated
into the Rainbow Fos Girls at
their regular meeting Monday
evening April 11.
The group balloted upon San
dra Jones and she will be initi
ated the next meeting, which is
Monday April 25.
Refreshments were served after
. the meeting, with Judy Collins as
chairman in. charge
Those present were Mesdames
L. D. Tibbies, Raymond tergu
son. Tom Wilson, Gene Fergu
son. Robert Penland, W. O.
George, P. W. Mahoney, Leonard
Schwarz and the hostess.
Mrs. George held high score
Mrs. Gene Ferguson, second: Mrs
Tibbies, third and Mrs. Raymond
Ferguson, low
3 1 1
.iiiiSijiiiniiiiiii nnnMTi:"rrrr" I
know lS7
Du Mont
Wlda Horlia
Hi -hue-
& always -the be value J
You know it's true-value comes with quality, not
just with price alone. For instance, fine coffee give
vou many more cups per pound. Good clothes pve
you much more comfort... much longer wear.
And a Du Mont Teleset gives you pleasure and
satisfaction.-in consistently better pictures and In
handsome cabinet styling to compliment yourhome.
To this you can add real economy and satisfaction In
dependable, trouble-free performance. Before you
buy, better ask yourself if these things aren t to be
valued a little more than mere claims of "low, low,
rock-bottom" prices.
Isn't it true then, if you're wise enough to buy the
best because you know it really costs the least...
why settle for just television? Get a Du Mont Teleset.
-'1 '
n wn? Rk rj rV w &s e ? :
. Y ! s a &v4w Yy;. . v .
wmmfMv " - III
iit- 5 Mil mnmum k i
II II tC......... m..A...l ,.i I Ik 'iM: I n'LWlJL
4 ,1 VI -I Z I !A VY Xl I , II km 1 IS
I I , I r1 I S ) 80-square parcale prints W ' II 'II
i j II j h . , all tyjJlral Penney quality IP,'I'
H ' k : fl fined new prints! 35 3G". Ma- Lv -??T I 1 M ; 1
i I i X "Inn? washable. k v feyS-x? UwMtiiai1! jjjg j
X I -.ni.. n.i... , J ' ,YYYy!! "! " " :iYi
; SHEER NYLON HOit , fk ft h, I Made to harmmizel Annlver- A-
Stock up buTl First quality. 63-gauge 15-d.ei f ftA i I I sary-pricedl Generously sized 2 For I
r J fuSaShioneI nylons sheer , S?ECIAL' W hiltl (?" I decorator towels in famous , T I J
. yet long-wearing.... cello- Qin i f$k?W 1 Cannon terry ... Cannon's new I :
, i Sane wrapped lor protection. 5? UU , WjbJ flXf 'jf I I ,15 ffSf 22 by 44-lnch 'M
$ fn wanted shades with slim . ' W A i ?n l $U "bSh 1 ij
yaarU seams. Sizes 8V,H. Z.r-Jj jiQd JgJ I ".pBSSBS'
i 42-piece service for 8 plus , i V7Jy
' Pastry serverl Here's stain- t I " ' . : Y f J
WM'l I- lfef loss steel wor.hy of your finest l fa I ' t' Ai
WkUP'W PT (able setting! Needs no polish- . I , ,f I f I 'J , (, H
j inS, no special storing! k K i 'OHfJIt
il i ' Irfl s it M i m i I
U- . f4'ajeV. J Men's 13-oz.' denim jeans
V TfA', ' i &' ' I ... cut for a superb Western I
Remember, U'$ your let, but
it'$ our reputation.
nmr with tmi mm Tettvioit
A'n tS. Mon, toborato Inc. T.l.vt.lon berivr DlvUlot M. N. 4
Lexington Implement Co.
L&b& .
Anniversary priced Penney's
hand-beaded moccasins of
softest glove-tanned leather.
Bouncy cushion crepe soles,
smooth-fitting gore front. In
bright colors, sizes 3Vi-9B.
Special 2.00
Special I Nylon tricot slips
in 2 favorite styles a "show
off" 'with lacy camisole top, a
"classic" with pleats and em
broidery trim. White on pink.
Sizes 32 -14.
m a M
Graceful priscillas cut gener
ously full . . . with 6" deep
ruffles, richly shirred and
headed. Sun-resistant quality.
98" wide; 81" long. Special An
niversary buys.
Repeat of a Sell-out
2 FOR $6.00
New Greek block design In
popular high-and-low loop
rues at a rockbottom Penney
price! Hand washable in ra
rliant rfwnrator colors. 22 X
41" size!
2 For 5.00
French milled beauty soap.
2 pkgs, 16 cakes 1.00
Men's 13-oz.- denim jeans
. . . cut for a suuerb Western
fit over regular Fenney pat
tern. Quality Duut. aanionzeu.
Save. .
13 oz. per sq. yd.; formerly
11 oz. Der 28" x 36" of fabric!
Speciall Standard weight
blue Chambray work shirts
Sanforized. Full cut, durably
built with many quality fea
tures. Sizes 14-17.
All-year weight twill
work sets special!
W' set
Full 8'ii-oz
in khaki
pants, 6-oz. shirts
Sanforized, vat-
dyed cotton twill. Cut over
Penney's famous proportioned
patterns for superb fit. Loaded
with quality featuresl
Won't shrink more than 1.
shirts 1-47
Dents 1-97
Anniversary Special! Boys' Western Jeans
13 ounce denim is Sanforized, macnine-wasnaDie. oar-