Pagt 4 Heppner Gozette Times, Thursday, April 14, 1955 Engagement Revealed Soroptimist Club At Oregon State Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pere goy of Tillamook, are announc ing the engagement of their daughter, Patricia, to Philip Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith of Heppner. The news was told at the Pi Beta Phi house at Oregon State college. The bride elect attend ed Oregon State and is now a student at the University of Ore gon medical school of nursing in Portland. Smith is a senior at Oregon State and is a member of Delta Chi. An early winter wedding is planned. Elects Nominating Committee Thursday Committee reports were given at the regular business meeting of the Soroptimist club held at O'Donnell's Thursday noon. A nominating committee was elected with Miss Leta Humph reys as chairman and her com mittee members are Mrs. Jos Hughes, Mrs. Philip Blakney, Mrs, W. 0. George and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell. The project committee reported that five new books are now on the teenage shelf at the City Li brary and that five more are on VJ U ALFALFA CLOVERS - GRASSES Cert. B. T. No. 1 Seed Cwt. Cwt. Grimm Alfalfa $63.00 $57.00 Ladak " 63.00 55.00 Ranger " 60.00 55. 00 Nomad " 250.00 Ladino Clover 80.00 75.00 Alta Fescue 28.00 27. 00 Dig Bluegrass 43.00 41.00 Hard Fescue 50.00 47.00 Intermed. Wheatgrass 05.00 92.00 S143 Orchard Grass 65. 00 Pubescent Wheatgrass 95.00 92.00 Primar Slender Wheat 38.00 Manchar Sm. Broma 37.00 35.00 Tall Wheatgrass 45.00 40.00 order. Mrs. Clara B. Gertson and Mrs. Jos. Hughes were elected as alter nates to the regional conference to be held In Seattle April 16-17. Mrs. W. O. George and Mrs. W. C. Collins are the delegates. Heppner High School SCOOP By Barbara Prock Lexington grange has selected -b . .1 fcn-Auiciuii clause uao Mrs. Sara McNamer was a guest! ito . . Aan rt tna .tilth I m Officers Wives Hosts Elks Ladies Night Sixteen tables of cards were in play, following a potluck dinner, at the Elks ladles night party Thursday evening. High score in bridge was held by Mrs. Harold Cohn and low by Mrs. Les Wyman. Mrs. Kemp Dick was high in pinochle and Mrs. Henry Happold, low. The door prize was received by Mrs. Gene Ferguson. The officers wives were the hostesses for the evening. REBUILD YOUR SOIL RESERVES ON ALLOCATED ACRES. ASK JACKLINS ABOUT THE RIGHT MIXTURES FOR YOUR PARTICULAR AREA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school 9:45. Morning wor ship 11:00. Youth meeting, time to be announced Sunday morn ing. Evening church services at 7:30, "Journey to Hope", an outstand ing color film will be shown. Teachers meeting, 8 p. m. the parsonage on Tuesday. Choir practice Thursday 7:30. at at any HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH L. D. Boulden, Minister Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Junior Choir Practice Wednes day 4:00 p. m. Senior Choir Practice Thurs day 7:30 p. m. THE IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Wilfred C. McKay, pastor Sunday school is at 10:00; Wor ship service is at 11:00; Young Peoples meeting is at 7:15; even ing church service is at 8:00. Bible study and prayer meeting Thurs day night at 7:30. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Gale and Willow Willis W. Geyer, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Young People 7:45 p. m. Thursday Bible Hour 7:45 p. m. Miss Marilyn Munkers, a junior at Heppner high. Marilyn is the feature editor of the high school paper, the Hehisch. Class King and Queen nomi nees for the Carnival April 16 sponsored by the band parents are seniors: Joan Wright, Neil Beamer; Juniors: Nancy Ander son, Mike Monahan; sophomores: Marilyn Pettyjohn, Jerry Dough erty and freshman: Janice Beam er, Burke Gentry. Support your candidate by penny votes. Junior class president, Steve Green announced the junior and senior banquet and prom is sche duled for May 13. Glancing at the well-kept sur roundings of our school, I ob serve the trees have been recent ly pruned. 1955-56 annual editors have been selected. .Major office, assistant editor is to be filled by Jay Sum- ner. ' i Third place honors were won by the Hehisch in the Oregon Scho lastic Press editorial page con test recently. Judging was based ,on three criteria: physical ap pearance (makeup and typogra phy); scope and variety of con tent; and writing itself. tBhMlh way 5s h!& way to fertilize with Nitrogen HEPPNER LUTHERAN CHURCH Armin H. Rietz, Pastor Sunday Scjhool every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Worship Serice, 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings of every month at 8:30 a. m. (Sunday school and services in the SDA church building in Heppner). Lutheran Ladies Society meets in members homes the last Thursday of each month, 2 p. m. HRST-AND BEST-IN AMMONIA fIRTILIZAJlONI EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundays 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer. 1st Sundays Holy Communion. 7 p. m. Y. P. F. Wednesdays at 10 a. m. Holy Communion John R. Reeves, Rector SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Robert E. Becker, Pastor SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Saturday Services: Sabbath school, 9:30 . m Sermon, 11 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. Bible Studies. NHj (anhydrous ammonia) is the ferti lizer richest in nitrogen. Guaranteed 82 nitrogen, it carries more of this vital plant food than any other type of fertilizer. It provides wheat with nitrogen in a form it can use immediately, and maintains a supply of plant nourishment throughout the growing season. When you buy Shell NH3, you get the most experienced NH3 fertilizer service. Trained dealers-with years of Shell know how behind them-supervise the whole job for you. These specialists know local crop and soil conditions, use application equip ment perfected through years of experi ence. Shell's way is the SURE way! Shell NH3 applications help speed up decomposition of crop residue, improve soil tilth, provide the right amount of nit rogen at planting time to get seeds off to a healthy start. You get healthier stands, yield increases up to 50 or more, and a return of as much as $4 for every $1 invested. Ask us for a copy of th Shell NH3 bulletin on the SURE way to fertilize wheat. INLAND CHEMICAL SERVICE CONDON: 422 HEPPNER: 6-9103 Mf&nt to fe&f liko sl pilot fo&Is ? W" tk home- . XwtmTwm , inside Sr 1 S? ....... ,, .W.v:,.,.K.,;V.;. WITH BOYSEN PAINTS Does your home look a little droopy? If it does, why not petlc It up lnsids and out with a now paint job? You'll want to in sist on Boysen Paints, of course, for the Job because you get longer life and better looks and it's so easy to find Just the colors you want for every room. Come in today, let us show you how easy it is to paint with Boysen I 1322 COLORS IN EVERY FINISH COMPLETE SELECTION COLONIAL WROUGHT IRON CABINET HARDWARE NEED FINANCING For Your Painting or Remodeling? Ask Us! II 1- -1 n 1 PHONE 6-9212 HEPPNER WE LIKE TO HELP FOLKS BUILD HOTTEST BUICK IN HISTORY No wonder you lee 10 many 55 Buicki on th highway! -they re rolling up bigger lalel than ever before In history-topping the popularity that hat already made Buick one of the ' Big Three'' of America'! belt tellers. Today's the day to" Join The Test Pilot Club" and see what a thrill you get when you try Variable Pitch Dynaflow w,. re're not kidding. When you try a '55 Buick with Variable . Pitch Dynaflow, you'll feel like a pilot does when he heads his plane down a runway for take-off. For you, in the driver's seat, are doing w hat that pilot does you're changing the pitch of your propellers one way for instant response on getaway another way for better gas mileage in cruising. Your propellers are whirling in oil, deep inside the Dynaflow unit. When you press the pedal in the normal way, you hold those propellers in their economy angle and you enjoy plenty more miles from your gasoline. But when you want instant acceleration for auick getaway, or for a sudden safety-surge of emergency Power you just press the Pedal way dowp, and with absolute smoothness you get the action you want, and split-second auick. It's the thrill that's the talk of the industry performance unlike anything you have ever known before on the ground. And so many folks have been asking to try it that we Buick dealers across America have set up April as "Test Pilot Club" Month. All it takes to join the "Club" is a test drive at the wheel of a new Buick. That's all. So we cordially invite you to win your "wings" to try the spectacular perform ance of Variable Pitch Dynaflow and to feel the mighty V8 power that puts the whip to these gorgeous new Buick beauties. Drop in this week. Dynaflow Drite it standard on Roaimasttr, optional at extra cost on other Series. Local delivered price of the 1955 Buick SPECIAL 2 -Door, 6-Poisenger Sedan, Model 48 (illustrated) it $2638.27 Optional equipment, occessorln, state and local taes, II any, additional Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities! even the factory-installed extras you may want are bargains such as: Heater 1 Delrosler-,81.70; Radio 1 Antenna-$92 50. Thrill of the year s Buick Said..leuth:AhlTtemysteryynravelin'. AWc.tbSt"tak.onke.iavelin. But with Dynaflow'. .witch Oi its Variable Pitch You were here. Now you're there. Boy, that'B travelin'l (Why don't a Buick? "Drive From Feretory Sore Up To So Your Buick Dealer" WHEN BETTES AUTCV.CSIUj ARE E'JiiT BUICK VVIU BUiiC 7KZ. MILTON BERIE STARS FOR BUICK So- the Bjicl-Serle Show Alternate Tuesday Eveni Farley Motor Company