Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 14, 1955 Page 3 Easter Observed In lone With Special Services By Echo Palmateer Easter was observed in lone and community with the follow ing services: Sunrise services were held on the hill south of town conducted by the high school group, with scripture readings, prayers, songs, read ings and instrumental music. This was followed by a breakfast The answer to everyday Insurance problems By Turner Van Matter & Bryant vv A md QUESTION: Somebody told my husband we should change the amount of fire insurance on our home. It is only five years old so it couldn't have lost much valuct could it? ANSWER: Your adviser no doubt meant you should in crease your insurance cover age. The average home built five years ago would cost Vi more to build today so if insured at its original cost would be insured for only 45 of its replacement value. If you'll address your own insurance questions to this office, we'll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. TURNER, VAN MARTER AND BRYANT INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Phone 6-9652 Heppner at the Community church. About 50 people were served by the Maranatha club members who prepared the breakfast. At the Community church a' children's program was held in the morning with the Jolly Jun iors, the nursery class, the begin ners class and the kindergarten class taking part. Mrs. Delmer Crawford conducted the program and Julie Rietmann was the pia nist. At the worship service an thems were sung by the choir. The following program was held at the Nazarene church: reci tations and songs were given by Bonnie, Jack, Bobby and Monty Crum, Ivan, Ralph and John Akers and Gerald Pruss. At the worship service Peggy Allen and Louise Botts sang and Niel Mc Kay gave an instrumental solo. Early Mass was held at St. Williams Catholic church with an Easter egg hunt afterward for the children. Rev. Ed Svendsen of Corvallis, conducted services at the Valby Lutheran church in Gooseberry. He and his two sons were guests at the Henry Peterson home while here. Communion services were held in the Community church Thurs day April 7 at 8 p. m. with Rev. A. Shirley, pastor, officiating. Baptismal services were held for the following. Judy, Geraidine, Virgil and Bonnie Morgan, Robert Rice and William Michael Row ell. The following became mem bers of the church: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and children, Paul and Dianna, Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and children Don ald and Sandra and Mrs. Wate Crawford. The children of the community enjoyed Easter egg hunts Fri day afternoon April 8. Mrs. Merle Baker was elected chairman of the lone Extension Unit at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Omar Rietmann on Thursday April 7. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Harold Do bvns.'vice chairman and Mrs. Delmer Crawford, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. A. L. McCabe, Mrs. Rietmann and Mrs. Harold jSherer were members of the nominating committe?. Mrs. Beverly Bradshaw, home demon strator of the county, gave in structions on selecting founda tion garments. Refreshments were served after the meeting by Mrs. Rietmann and Mrs. Uscar Peterson. The regular meeting of the Eastern Star Social club was held at the Omar Rietmann home on Wednesday April 6 in the after- Ys h'l vi.- ANNIVERSARY BANQUET SPEAKERS R. B. Rice. Heppner, one ot the original incorporators of the Morrow County Grain Growers is shown with Mrs. Rice and L. L. Howton, president of the co-op. Both men spoke at the 25th anniversary banquet held April 5 at the fair pavilion, Mr. Rice telling of the early history of the or ganization and Howton of its present operation. (GT Photo) noon. Pinochle was played after the meeting. Those winning the I day. prizes were Mrs. trea jvianKin, high; Mrs. James Lindsay, low. Mrs. Carl Bergstrom received the door prize. Guests last week at the Lloyd Howton home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Campbell and children of Warden, Wash., and Mrs. Merle Bumgarner fo Spo kane. Mrs. Walter Jacobs and daugh ter, Marilee, were visitors last week with her parents in Sappo, Wash. Mrs. Lloyd Howton was a Port land visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fleming of Monument visited their daugh ter and family, Mrs. Stanley Cox at the Jessie Griffin home Sun- Mrs. Glenn Ball of Yakima is reported 111 in a hospital there. E. R. Lundell returned home cently underwent from the hospital in The Dalles last week and is improving in health. Rev. and Mrs. A. Shirley were Portland visitors this week. Anna Jepsen was chosen as delegate to Girl's State and Caro lyn Crabtree as alternate as an nounced at the American Legion Auxiliary meeting at the Cecil Thome home Tuesday April 5. The girls are selected bv the school for their outstanding grades and other qualifications. Mrs. Ed Buschke assisted Mrs. Thome with the refreshments. Mrs. Charles O'Connor reviewed the book, The Song of Ruth by Slaughter, at the study meeting of the Topic club at the home of Mrs. Mabel Cotter April 7. Mrs. Dixon Smith, Mrs. Cotter and Mrs. Echo Palmateer were named to prepare the programs for the coming year. Mrs. Cleo Drake was the other hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warmuth and daughters Marge and Mild red Bristow of Portland were visi tors here Sunday. Mrs. Leonard Carlson has been with her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Darst in Salem. Mrs. Darst re- an appendec tomy, cnuaren spenr taster wun rcia- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Emert and I ties in Hermlston. If The Standard Man shoved me II how i grease aoes ine worK or t g$ ja-n , Jim AIRPLANE SPRAYING SERVICE RANCH AERO Again ready to assist you with all your spraying problems. Experienced, Courteous Service PHONE HEPPNER 6-9156' Owned & Operated by PAUL HANSEN RPM Automotive Grease replaces four special greases . . . lubricates wheel bearings, chassis bearings, universal joints, and water pumps. It makes lube jobs faster and easier no need to stop and change either grease or gun. Save time, work and money with multi-purpose RPM Automotive Grease on your car, truck, and farm machinery. Available in popular size packages as well as special new 12-oz. cartridges that just fit your grease gun and help keep grease clean. For Information on ony Standard Oil Company of California product, (all L E. "ED" DICK Heppner Ore. Phone 6-9633 L. F. "PECK" LEATHERS lone. Ore. Phone 8-7125 It Costs less to Live Better Mere Where Electricity's Cheap VII f:W U BAND UNIFORM BENEFIT araiiva HEPPNER FAIR PAVILION at., April 1 6 FROM 6:00 P. M. TO MIDNIGHT FUN FOR EVERYONE GAMES, BOOTHS HUNDREDS OF PRIZES FOOD BOOTHS GAMES OF SKILL Bring the Whole Family SPONSORED BY HEPPNER LIONS CLUB AND BAND PARENTS CLUB All Proceeds Go to Pay Tor High and Grade School Band Uniforms v.-,vv . . r-wv .jL jmzar -w.. . JSq' T You can 'do the dishes' off j f automatically f Hundreds of hours of hard work each year can be eliminated by an automatic electric dishwasher! And it serves you for just a few cents a week at Pacific Power's low electric rates. Bring this mod ern "automatic maid" into your home join your family or your guests in the living room, while all your dishes, glasses, silver, pots and pans come sparkling clean aufomaficalyf Reliable, low-cost electric service from Pacific Power is yours at a price that makes it today's biggest bargain a bargain that enables you and your family to live betterl PACIFIC POWER . Sc LIG-HT COMPANY Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland Your electric appliance dealer has both portable and built-in dishwashers for you to select from! ffii