f yiCP"T &CVMtr iGP-.iKe wr7iTif v Classified Rates 2c per word minimum 35c per insertion Block face or caps, double rate Cards of Thanks $1.00 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE S p, si. Wednesday - ii i n mm FOR SAL5 stucco house, 2 bed room, living room 12 x 25, un finished room up stairs 12 x 28, new wiring with 220 volt line, 2 large lots, garden space and large yard, new fence, TV cable to house, across street from school. Phone 3-8103 Lexing ton. 4tfc TREAT your toe to FORD Trigger Torque Go. TO GIVE AWAY six weeks old black cocker puppies and one , Dionae roarer, year anu nan i old. Phone 8-7139. 3-4c, SAVE YOUR RUMMAGE for the Civic League Rummage sale April 22-23. For free pickup call 6-9725 or 6-9425. 2-6c HEPPNER T. V. NEWS When is TV coming to Hepp ner? The first public showing will probably be about April 16th. Watch for public announcement. Question: How many channels will there be on the cable system? Answer: It 'is planned to have two channels to start with. Ar rangements are being made so additional station channels can be added. The two channels to start with are showing all three national net work programs. Question: How much progress has been made on the cable sys tem to date? Answer: the re ceiving tower has been erected The cable has been buried in the, ground to the city limits. The Bni f a. mu, rtutrihntinn I system are being installed this week. Question: How, much does a membership in Heppner TV Cor poration cost? A membership in HeDDner TV costs $135.00. The membership entitles you to a1 TV service line to your house or place of business. Question: How much will the monthly service charge be after I am connected? The monthly service charge for residence with one TV set is $3.50 monthly plus tax. - Question: Can I pay for my membership on a monthly bud get plan? Answer: Yes. You can pay for your membership by pay ing $15.00 down and $10.80 monthly. Question: .Does the Heppner T. V. Corporation sell TV sets? Answer: No. The Heppner TV Corporation was organized to bring Heppner TV signal service to your home. You can buy your TV set from any of the local TV dealers. Question: What can I do to hurry up this TV "service to my homo in Heppner? Answer: You can speed up work of bringing TV service to your home by mail ing your check for either the full membership price of $135.00, or the down payment of $15.00, to Carl Suaulding, secretary-treas urer, Heppner T. V. Incorporated, P. O. Box 587, Heppner, Oregon FOR SALE 2 bedroom modern house in Heppner. Priced for nnick sale. Phone 6-9435 3tfc FOR SALE five bedroom home, ideal for large family, or some. nno interested in renting out rooms. Come look it over. Rea sonable. A. B. Elde. 51tfc FOR SALE 3 bedroom modern house, garage. Joe Wright, Gilmore St.. Phone 6-9269. 4p FOUND flash camera and case; left at lone library last week end. Owner may identify and claim at Gazette Times office and nav for this ad. 4p CHEVROLET 1952 Style-line four sedan. Shows excellent care by former owner. Pay $365. 00 down. Rosewall Motor Com pany. FREE Ask To Have Our Used MACHINERY BARGAIN LIST Sent You Sea Any EMPIRE MACHINERY CO. CUB SCOUT food sale at Red and White store April 9 at 10: w. Why bake for Easter? Buy it at the Cub Scout food sale, 3-4c RESIDENTIAL property for sale, Pav like rent. Mrs. A. Q- Thomson. 3-4c FORD 1954 Customline tudor with overdrive. This one has ban ioint front suspension. Pay $595.00 down, Company. Rosewall Motor HOUSE FOR SALE two bed I rooms, full basement, only four l years old. Write or call Lew Becker, Elgin, Oregon. 4tfc 1 APARTMENT FOR I rooms, furnished. Also For Sale, new davenport and chair. Anne McNamee. 4p PLYMOUTH 1953 two door sedan. Pay $395.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. NEED FINANCING ? Our ABC financing plan is available for anything we sell, lumber, build ing supplies, tools, paints etc., in amounts up to $1,000. No down payment, up to 36 months to pay. Ask us at Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp er 6-9212. 7tfc FOR SALE one registered year ling Hereford bull. Frank M. Monahan, Condon, Oregon 4-5p R0SY SAYS: I remember when I kid thev sed t feed us sulphur and molasses for a spring tonic. Your car probab ly needs a spring motor tune up for a spring tonic and going thru a long winter. It will make driving a pleasure and save you money every mile, IRONING in my home. Phone 6-9635. 47tfcA WANTED baby sitting. Call 6-9635. 36tfcA FOR SALE Singer sewing ma-. chine, A-l, $30. Well made trail er, $40 four wheel chasis, for any purpose $25. Fireplace wood, washing machine pump $30. Max Schulz, Box 3, Hepp ner, Oregon. 4p WE cut and fit glass in all makes of cars and trucks. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Motor Company. "9 SALE-Moderr, i two bedroom use " u "Vdie t Phone 6-9289. 4tfc DR. L. C. RICHEY Optometrist, ! 207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of- fice Phone 609. 48tfc' KINDERGARTEN RUMMAGE SALE April 22, 23 at Empire: Machinery. Free pickup of your rummage, just phone 6-9725 or 6-9425. 2-6c SEWING and alterations, will call for and deliver. Lennie Louden, phone 6-5313, 110 Church St. 2 -5c FOR SALE two double register ed polled white face bulls 3 and 4 years old. Call 6-5375. 3-4p FOR SALE 24 HP Wisconsin VF4 air cooled engine. D. H. Jones and Son, phone 6-5338. 4lfc KEEP your eyes on our used car lot for a better used car. The good buys are coming in now on the sensational new 1955 Ford. Rosewall Motor Com pany. SI WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK FARM SALES Bonded Member Nat'l. Auction Association. WESTERN SALE MANAGEMENT Phone 6532 Hermiston Box 87 FOR SALE two bedroom modern house in lone. Priced for quick salp Joe Gaarsland. 3-4c AFTER 4:00 P. M. and on week endsFor small lathe work and everything else to do with iron and steel. See D. H. Jones and Son. Dhone 6-5338. 4tfc CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the cards and flowers sent me during my stay in the hospital at The Dalles. E. R. Luridell 4p Legal Notices NO. 8277 EQUITY NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASCO EVALYN HESTER SMITH. Plaintiff, vs FRED G. SMITH, Defendant. Bv virtue of an execution is sued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed, and dated this 25th day of March, 1955, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 29th day of January, 1955, in favor of Evalyn Hestpr Smith. Plaintiff, ano against Fred G. Smith, Defend atn, for the sum of $1,902.46 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January 29, 1955, $77.07 costs wnn mier est thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January 29, 1955. and also the costs oi ana unon this writ; on the 25th day of March, 1955, I levied upon all of the right, title and interest of the above named defendant In and to the following described real property situated in the County of Morrow, State oi uregon, to wn: : Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Heppner Gazette Times, TKursday, Block 7, all in the Town of Boardman, Morrow County, Oregon. , Now, Therefore, by virtue of writ. I will, on Saturday, the 30th day of April, 1955, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and in terest which the within named defendant in the above entitled suit had on the 29th day of Janu ary, 1955, the date of the enroll ing and docketing of the judg ment herein, or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated March 29, 1955. First publication: March 31, 1955, Last publication: April 28, 1955. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore con. 3-7c NOTICE OF REFEREES' SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Equity No. 11.124 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY Jack Ramos and Dorothy Ra mos his wife, Plaintiffs, vs Robert Ramos and J. M. Ramos, his wife; Antone Vey, Trustee under Last Will and Testament of Joseph Ramos, deceased; Jos eph G. Ramos; Hugh Currin, Jr., and Ralph Currin and Katie Cur rin, Co-Executors of the Estate of Hugh Currin, Deceased, De fendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an Interlocu- tory 'Decree of partition and sale made and entered in the above en titled suit on March 21, 1955, we, the undersigned Referees named and appointed in said Decree, will sell at public auction at 10:00 A. M. on the 29th day of April, 1955, at the front door of the Morrow County Court House in Heppner, Oregon, the premises described by said Decree to be sold and therein described as fol lows: East Half; Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; 20 acres in Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter in Section 20; all of Section 21; North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 28;Northeast Quarter of Section 29; All in Township 1 South, Range 28, East of the Willamette Meridian in the County of Morrow, State of Ore gon. Consisting of approximately 1200 acres, more or less. The described premises will be sold to the highest bidder for cash in hand and subject to: 1. Right of the tenants Ralph Currin and Katie Currin, co-exe cutors of the estate of Hugh Cur rin, deceased, and Hugh Currin, Jr. to remain in possession of such premises until the expira tion of their lease on December 31, 1955. 2. Right of the present owners to receive their pro-rata share of rents to the date of sale. 3. Approval and confirmation by the above entitled Court. Dated this 31st day of March, 1955. FRED ANDREWS, JR. GAYLORD MADISON FRANK CORREA, JR. Refer jes, co P. O. Box 332 Pendleton, Oregon. 3-6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Executor of the estate of R. L. BENGE, deceased, and all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are here by required to present same with proper vouchers duly verified to the Executor at the office of Ma honey and Fancher, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 24th day of March, 1955. TERREL L. BENGE, Executor 2-7c EQUALIZATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday May 3, 1955, at 7:30 P, M. the Directors of the West Ex tension Irrigation District, acting as a Board of Equalization, will meet at the office of the District in Irrigon, Oregon, to review and correct the annual assessment for the period from July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956, levied by the Board of Directors on March 5, 1955. In the meantime the assessment roll is on file at the District office for the inspection by all persons af fected by said levy. MRS. A. C. HOUGHTON, Secretary Heppner High School SCOOP By Barbara Prock Students of the sophomore and junior English classes wrote es says entitled "My Community and World Affairs" for the recent United Nations contest Darlene Connor and Jay Sumner will compete with each other to see who goes to Pendleton for the district contest, April 22. "Fun for AH" is the slogan used for the Heppner high students when they are entertained by the Teen Canteen in the American Legion hall two Thursday and Friday evenings of each month. Ping pong, dancing, pool, cards and cokes are highlighted. Due to the weather, the Friday ballgame with Arlington was postponed until a later time. As voting delegates for the F. B. L. A. convention in Corvallis, April 15-16, Joan Wright and Clarice Hastings will attend. Five hundred most commonly known spelling words have been studied in recent typing classes. Very few perfects were reported. Speech students attending the state speech contest in Corvallis. April 15-16 are Janet Kendall, serious interpretation and Lance Tibbies, extemporaneous speak ing. o County Agent News -. Continued from Page 2 . announced this week. Fifty Dol lars a ton is the government sup port rate on the 1955 barley crop grading No. 2 or better in Termi nal storage at Portland, Vancou ver and Astoria. $34.58 to $45.02 is the range of basic loan rates in Oregon counties. Harney takes the low, Washington and Mult nomah take the high. Basic rates in Portland and in each Oregon county are exactly $9.58 a ton less than last year. Rates are being lowered $8.33 to $9.17 a ton at most mid-west markets. The rate at San Francisco is $49.58, down $8.75 a ton from last year. In Morrow County, last years loan was $52.92 which was a $1.27 per bushel In 1955 the loan rate will be $43.43 or $1.04 per bushel. This price is 53 of old parity and 70 of modernized parity as of March 15, 1955. The last few days of the really first spring weather that we have had sees a lot of activity in weed spraying. The fields that I have visited do not have heavy infes tation of big weeds, however, there are heavy infestations of weeds that have come up only in the past two weeks. Applications that have been made just recent ly combined with the nice wea ther we are having appear to be giving excellent control. With the spring being so slow, damage to grain from spraying following cold weather should be much less than a year ago. Yields in many fields last year were cut considerably clue to early spray ing and some later spraying which followed cold snaps. Most damage seemed to be evident when temperatures dropped be low 20, Most damage is found where oil is being used as a car rier which reduces yield consider ably if the right conditions exist. Work that has been done indicate that there are several factors that are tied up with oil spray-j ing and that it is almost difficult to determine which conditions cause the greatest reduction in yields due to oils. Recommen-! dations have therefore been' made against using oil due to these conditions. In general, one' pound of 2.4-D acid per acre is recommended especially where the more hard weeds such as Tar weed are predominate. Lighter applications generally control mustards, filarees and those eas ier to kill weeds Where days are still and temperatures high, it takes less 2,4-D to get a good coverage and to do the job In killing weeds. To find out how profitable and feasible it might be to add sheep to a small or medium size farm, The U. S. D. A. in cooperation with the Montana experiment station recently made some farm management studies on irriga ted farms in Montana. It was found that the reason that most farmers keep a small flock of sheep, is to get some use out of idle land or to use up some sur plus forage. Also farmers inter- ciewed in the study said the farm flocks takes very little time away from other farm operations since sheep need most attention in the winter time. Researchers also found In their study that the average farm flock of say 60 ewes and 2 rams produce an annual April 7, 1955 return of $1300.00, or $21.70 per ewe. Of this amout $864.00 came from the same lamb crop, $64.00 from culling old ewes, and $374. 00 from fleeces. These figures are based on a lamb crop of 72 lambs of which 60 were sold at 80 pounds weight for 18c per pound and the others kept as re placements and there were 68 fleeces in the flock studied aver aging 10 pounds, which at the time of study sold for 55c a pound. Economist D. C. Myric of the Agricultural Research Adminis tration says he thinks sheep would be equally adapted to the family farms with similar feed or land situations almost any where. Perhaps this is why we have noticed an increasing num ber of farm flocks of sheep in Morrow county. o NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Land Office, 1001 N. E. Lloyd Blvd., Portland 14, Oregon, Feb ruary 8, 1955. Under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by sec. tion 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the application of Frank Wilkinson Serial No. Oregon 02740, there will be offer ed to the highest bidder, but not at less than $3,262.30 for the tract, at a public sale to be held at 2:00 o'clock P. M., on the eighth day of April next, at this office, the following tracts of land: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, SEy4NWVi, SV2NEV4, SEy4, and ESWVi Sec. 6, T. 3 N., R. 23 E., W. M., Oregon containing 652.46 acres. The Lot 7, SEftSWVi, WSEy4 and NEV4SE14, Section 6, will be sold subject to a reservation to the United States of that certain right-of-way for electric trans mission line and all appurtenan ces thereto, constructed by the United States through, over and upon the lands, and the right of the United States, its officers, agents, or employees to maintain, operate, repair, or improve the same so long as needed or used for or by the United States. (Dept. Instr., January 13, 1916, 44 L. D. 513). Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either per sonally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be con sidered only if received at this of. fice prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be in sealed en velopes accompanied by certified USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 'SI Ford 5 past. Coupe $850 '48 Ford 6 4 -door New Tires $365 47 Chrysler ..$200 46 Chevrolet 4 door $275 Trucks - Pickups '49 GMC ton pickup $850 with 2-horse rack '48 Dodge 2 ton truck ... S900 with 6" hoist 49 Jeep Pickup $950 F-head motor 46 Ford Truck 1425 stock rack 46 Ford Pickup $500 1946 Cher. Truck $600 NOW 2 Body And Paint Men To Give You Faster Service. FULLETON Chevrolet Co. check or post-office money orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts of the bids. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-hand corner "Public sale bid, Serial No. Oregon 02710, Sale, 2:00 P. M, April 8, 1955." The highest bidder will be re quired to pay immediately the amount thereof. Any adverse claimants of the above-described land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated lor sale. . Any contiguous owner claiming a preierence rigni niusi asst-ii THE NEWEST IN POWER MOWERS - - T Si .... -' y:r f;J Under-side view of the new McCulIoch Twin-Action Power Lawn Mower shows esclusive new twin cutters. Jean Corbett demon strates pivoting safety blades while Joan points out support wheels Inalde cutter. Girls are Hollywood's lovely Corbett twins. SEE IT AT Heppner Hardware & Electric Heppner, Oregon BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Lex. Center 2nd Tuesday lone Center 3rd Tuesday - - SEWING MACHINES Sales Service Accessories Free Home or Store Demonstration 2nd and 4th Wednesdays GILLIAM & BISBEE Thompson Photo Service Alex & Jo Thompson Portrait & Commercial Phone 6-9489 for all occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP JOS.J.NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND FANCHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-8210 Off. Ph. 6-69616 A.D.MeMuraM.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon SANDERS Insurance Agency Harold A. Sanders Jr. America Fore & The Travelers Hotel Heppner Bldg. H.0B Page 5 such right within 30 days from the above sale date. Frances A. Patton, WHAT? hJO LETTERHEADS W'?" OUT.' v WHEN THIS HAPPENS, rilONE US and We'll Print Some For You In A Hurry!! A GENERAL Carpenter Work Louie's Workshop Formerly Bailey's Cabinet Shop '- - THE HEPPNER CLINIC C. M. Wagner, M. D. Stanley J. Kirk, M. D. Janet C. Kirk, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Day or night rhone 6-9114 GLENN WAY Electronic Service N. Gilmore St. Res. Phone 6-9975 Evenings and Sundays 4 I J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Good Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon -f 4. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Creswick&Seuell Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. mo. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Olflct in Peteri Building C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS - MARKERS - 11 See Oliver Creswick Creswick 4 Seuell Mortuary