Page 3 Easter Church Services if1 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 7, 1955 'IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH i I Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Sunrise service at 6 a. m. on hilltop south of town. Program in charge of high school class. Breakfast at 7 a. m. in church j basement sponsored by Marana ' thas. ; Sunday school Easter program f 10 a. m. Beginners to juniors par ticipating. f Easter worship service at a. m. Make this a glad day with us. f CHRISTIAN CHURCH i t Earl L. Soward, pastor Easter worship service at 11 a. i 3ible school 9:45 a. m. Church services 11:00 a. m. There will be appropriate music by the choir. Youth meeting 5:00 p. m. Evening services 7:30 p. m "The Story of the Resurrection" will be presented in song, scrip- tures and pictures. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Gale and Willow Willis W. Geyer, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Young People 7:45 p. m. Thursday Bible Hour 7:45 p. m. 0 Sr ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC CHURCH Good Friday Mass of the Pre Sanctified commencing at noon with Stations of the Cross at 2.30. Holy Saturday Services con sist of the blessing of the Bap tismal font, Easter Holy Water, New Fire, and Pascal Candle fol lowed by Mass at 8 p. m. Services start at 6:3o a. m. Confessions 3:30 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 9:00. Easter Sunday Mass in lone at 8 a. m. and In Heppner at 9:30 a. m. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH L. D. Boulden, Minister EASTER SERVICES Church School 10:00 a. m. Identical Worship Services at 9:00 a. m. and at 11:00 a. m. Junior Choir, Wednesday 4:00 p. m. Senior Choir, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. ENJOY w0$ Iff ffs Dinner AT O'DON NELL'S Wagon Wheel LOUNGE EASTER SUNDAY MENU Served In The Wagon Wheel Only SPECIAL $1.75 DINNER THE O'DONNELL SPECIAL Crab or Shrimp Cocktail Tossed Green Salad Soup De Jour Choice Cut Tenderized Beef A la Chasseur French Fried or Baked Potato Relish Tray SPECIAL $2.00 DINNER Crab, Shrimp of Tomato Juice Cocktail Soup De Jour Tossed Green Salad Center Cut Ham Steak, Honey Butter Roast Young Tom Turkey. Savory Dressing Special Cut Dinner Steak, Mushroom Sauce Roast Prime Ribs, Au Jus Baked Sugar Cured Ham, Peach and Brandy Sauce Crisp Fried Spring Chicken, Princesse Sauce French Fried or Baked Potato Vegetable Hot Rolls, Coffee or Tea, Desejt ' Milk 10 Cents Extra SPECIAL $2.50 DINNER Crab or Shrimp Cocktail Tossed Green Salad, Choice of Dressing Soup De Jour Choice Cut Top Sirloin Steak, Mushroom Sauce Choice of French Fried or Baked Potato Toast, Drink, Relish Tray . SPECIAL $2.75 DINNER Shrimp, Crab or Tomato Juice Cocktail Soup De Jour Tossed Green Salad, French Dressing Choice Cut New York Sirloin Steak, Mushroom Sauce French Fried Onion Rings Toast, Drink, Relish Tray SPECIAL $3.00 DINNER Crab, Shrimp or Tomato Juice Cocktail Tossed Green Salad Relish Tray Choice Cut Beef Tenderloin, Mushroom Sauce French Fried Onion Rings French Fried or Baked Potato Toast, Drink SALADS A LA CARTE ORDERS Honeymoon Salad Lettuce Alone Crab or Shrimp Louie Tossed Green Salad, French Dressing Chef's Special Salad with Dressing Cracked Crab with Mayonnaise Sliced Tomato Crab or Shrimp Salad Relish Bowl French Fried Onion Rings Potato Salad Choice of Dressings Coffee or Milk 10c Tea or Hot Chocolate 15c BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PLATE HEPPNER LUTHERAN CHURCH Armin II. Rietz, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Worship Serice, 2nd and 4th Sunday, mornings of every month at 8:30 a. m. (Sunday school and services in the SDA church building in Heppner). Lutheran Ladies Society meets in members homes the last Thursday of each month, 2 p. m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundays 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer. 1st Sundays Holy Communion. 7 p. m. Y. P. F. Wednesdays at 10 a. m. Holy Communion John R. Reeves, Rector THE IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Wilfred C. McKay, pastor Sunday school is at 10:00; Wor ship service is at 11:00; Young Peoples meeting is at 7:15; even ing church service is at 8:00. Bible study and prayer meeting Thurs day night at 7:30. There will be special services beginning Friday and Saturday evenings and two services Easter Sunday. These services will be conducted by Rev. Harmon Schmelzembach, a student at the Nazarene College. He was born in Africa. All are welcome. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Robert E. Becker, Pastor A special service in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ and dedi cated to the glorious hope of His soon return, will be held in Hepp ner Seventh Day Advent ist church Saturday morning, April 9 at 11 a. m. The pastor will speak on the theme "God's Account with the Nations". Special musical selec tions will be featured. o New Power Tie-In With McNary Planned For Heppner Area An additional source of power supply for the Heppner area is one of the projects included in Pacific Power & Light company's $12,655,000 construction program for 1955, according to J. R. Huff man, local manager for the com pany. A $50,000 transmission line running directly into the switch yard at McNary dam will connect with Pacific Power's transmis sion system at Umatilla. Power feeds here from western Umatilla county over the transmission line to Jordan, Huffman said. In addition to the large con struction program scheduled for the year, Huffman said that Pad-' fic plans to spend an additional $619,000 during 1955 in invest gating and planning for develop- j ment of new power resources. ' New generating capacity of i nearly 1,500,000 kilowatts is in- j volved in the power studies under; way on the middle Snake river, the Clearwater, the Lewis and the Santiam. 1 Total of the building planned for the Pendleton district, which i includes this area, is more than 540.000, Huffman said. Approxi mately $217,000 will be used for expansion of lines and equip ment to serve new customers and to provide additional service for present customers. Completion of the 1955 con struction program will bring to more than $147,650,000 the amount Pacific Power has spent in improvement and expansion of its power system since the end of World War II, Huffman said. HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE m 1MI ALL DAY SATURDAY APRIL 9 t9plm. REGISTER FOR THIS BIG FREE DOOR PRIZE! DRAWING AT 6 P. M. FOR A BEAUTIFUL REGULAR $36.95 A rvm Radio! Open House will be ALL DAY and it will be a family affair. There'll be interesting special free prizes all day with a grand Arvin radio as the 6 p. m. feature prize. All adults are eligible to register for the radio. Like parties? Of course! So come to our Open House party and see what's new and nicest for the home; especially fori the kitchen, this Spring, 1SS5. Appliances were never more wonderful to see and ta leain about and you'll agree that this is especially true of famous; Zenith Home Appliances. They're not only lovely to see . . . but so wonderful to use because with their beauty there is that usefulness which every user so much expects in things made for constant use and con venience. The Home of the Famous ZENITH $AVE-U-PLAN THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ON THE FINEST HOME APPLIANCES! FREE COFFEE AND SNACKS ALL DAY! HAVE SOME What would Open House be without delicious coffee and some thing to munch on. We'll have it and it will be free, so come and relax for a while at our Open House Event on Saturday. Claims, claims, claims are a common practice in the appli ance and other merchandise fields; but, when you buy an appliance it is necessary to consider two factors. One is price; the other is what you get lor the price. We honestly believe that the Save-U-Plan price on a Zenith home appli ance represents the greatest value, all factors considered. Nothing is ever "taken out" of a Zenith appliance to arrive at a low price. The only thing that is taken out by the. $ave-U-Plan is those grandiose promotional and advertising schemes which create high price . . . along with such other expenses as lavish "salon" type display rooms, multiple ware housing costs and the like. Compare size, features, quality, construction, finish, style, convenience when you buy. The Gorgeous Zenith Washer Twins Custom Automatic Washer Custom Automatic Dryer Again we . say, Comparel You'll rave over the beauty, the efficiency and the value offered in this sensationally beautiful and efficient auto matic washer. WAS 169.95 Reg. 269.95 239 50 The perfect companion to the washer "twin". Deluxe in every respect; value to a high degree. Inspect its beauty and features that assure lasting service. Reg. 239.95 20590 ZENITH AUTOMATIC DRYER 149 95 Drive rainy day cares away . . . reduce washing time anytime with fast clothes drying. Again compare ... see how much you get in an electric dryer for a low price WAS 359.95 ZENITH 2- TEMP. REFRIGERATOR Beautiful beyond words is this Masterpiece refrigerator. Big freezer compartment holds up to 74 frozen food packages. Lots of door storage space. Grand value 29940 239 WAS 279.95 ZENITH DeLuxe REFRIGERATOR Big 10.9 cu. ft. capacity and as handsome as it is big and roomy, and priced for what smaller ones would cost. Gorgeous Inside and out. Brand new I WAS 189.95 ZENITH 30-IN. OVEN RANGE 176 Made to order for the compact modern kitchen. All the deluxe features you'd expect . . . and more. lor the price. Giant oven, deluxe broiler, 7-speed surface units. Big storage drawer. 50 20 SHOP SATURDAY 'TIL 9:00. DON'T MISS THE PRIZE DRAWING AT 6:00 P. M. ZENITH FOOD WASTE DISPOSER WAS 119.95 7995 With automatic reversing switch. Designed to meet installation re quirements in every kitchen. Does away with the garbage can. 40-IN. ELECTRIC RANGE With Electric Clock Control, Warmer, Large Oven Was 319.95 1 224 50 A surprise in every way. Surprising size and capacity. Signal lights for all controls. Cooks an entire meal without watching. Automatic oven timer serves as a clock. Huge Oven. ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON BUILT-IN ELECTRIC RANGES A great forward step in house hold convenience and" moderni zation. Beautiful and utilitarian. See them. HEPPNER, OREGON