Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 31, 1955, Second Section, Image 9

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    l?i$m?r (Samite Unm&
Heppner Oregon, Thursday, March 31,1 955
Topic Club Has
Social Meet At
lone Masonic Hall
The Topic Club met at the
Masonic hall on Saturday, March
26. Hostesses were Mrs. Sam Mc
Millan, Mrs. Dixon Smith and
Mrs. Echo Palmateer.
A dessert luncheon was served
and bridge and pinochle played
afterwards. Those winning prizes
were Mrs. Mary Swanson high in
bridge and Mrs, Mabel Cotter,
low. In pinochle Mrs. Victor Riet
mann was high and Mrs. Fannie
Griffith, low.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cassidy
and family of Pendleton spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Baker.
Mrs. James Barnett and Ricky
spent the past week in St. Helens
visiting her mother, Mrs. Eldon
Frankie Jepsen was a patient
in the Pioneer Memorial hospital,
last week.
Cpl. Harlan Crawford is spend
ing a furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Waite Crawford.
Mr. Holmes Gabbert spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wai-,
lace Matthews.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lawrence of
The Dalles spent the weekend at
the C. A. McLeod home.
Pvt. and Mrs. Clyde Crawford
and son of North Richland spent
Sunday visiting relatives here.
Cpl. Harold Holz of Media, Penn
sylvania is spending a 30 day
furlough visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Holtz.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crawford,
Jr., and daughters of Portland
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Crawford's mother Mrs. Ida Cole
man. William Seehafer of Bickleton,
Wash., spent Sunday visiting
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer
and Echo Palmateer went to Port
land Thursday. Mrs. Palmateer
will spend a week there caring
for her sister who recently got
out of the hospital. Mrs. Annie
Healy returned home Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer.
Clifford Carlson of Portland is
here attending to business.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely,
Mrs. Delmer Crawford and daugh
ters and Anna Jepsen spent
Saturday at The Dalles.
Mrs. Etta Brislow returned
home Sunday after visiting rela
tives in Walla Walla. Those
bringing her home were Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Atchison, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Swenson, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Swenson and daughters, and
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hershal.
Jerry Bristow and Alan Brown
of E. O. C. E. spent the weekend
in lone at the E. W. Bristow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain
and Bobby Lee and Mrs. Edith
Nicholson spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. David Ras
kin and family at Pilot Rock.
Mr. Ernest Lundell is reported
to be improving from his recent
operation. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Morgan visited Mr. and Mrs.
Lundell in The Dalles Sunday.
Mrs. Cleo Drake returned home
withthem after spending a few
days there.
Dates to remember:
April 1 Silver tea and open
house at the library in the after
noon. April 5 Auxiliary meeting at
the home of Catherine Thome.
April 6 Eastern Star social
April & Study meeting of the
Topic club at Community church
April 9 Food sale at Swan
son's store by Beta Omega chap
ter of E. S. A.
Atomic Power For Better Living
IT V t.
ill V j
Lonerock News
By Verna Hayes
Mr. Clarence Hayes of Corval
lis arrived Wednesday, March 16
to visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Hayes. His daugh
ters, Dcanna and Candice, who
have been spending their spring
vacation with their grandparents,
motored to Lexington Saturday
for a short visit with their other
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Warner, taking the latter with
them to Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wick, Jerry
and Steve, motored to Portland
Friday, returning home Sunday.
They were accompanied by Mrs.
Aa crttal't drawing el U firit nuclear nactot to b put to work bj piial
Industry lor Improring a wld rang ol eoaiumr product!.
Monument News
By Martha Matteson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peck re
port the birth of a baby boy on
March 13 at Woodland. Wash.
She is the daughter of Mrs.
George Mantis.
Tete Christerson and family of
Portland spent the weekend with
his mother, Mrs. Helen Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard has
returned home after spending
three weeks in California visit
ing. The Raymond Hooker family
was called to Eugene and other
points due to the death of Mrs.
Hooker's mother.
Born March 22 at Prinevillo to
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cork, a 6 lb.
jll34 oz. boy named Daniel Ray.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Emory Moore of Monument, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Cork of Kimberly,
and great-grandmother. Mrs. El
len Moore of Heppner.
Katie Hinton is now a grand
mother. A big boy was born on
March 22 at Pendleton to Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Feterman. grade
school principal here.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Matteson
were dinner guests at the Eugene
Spain home last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman DuBosch
of Pendleton visited for the week
end with their folks, the Vic Du
Boschs and the Charlie Roachs.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cribbens
and family of Fossil were In for
the weekend with friends.
The Joe Kenny family of Long
Creek were down for the week
end at the ranch home of Delmer
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harding of
John Day were weekend visitors
at the home of her sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Otis Stubblefield.
Lena Kelly of Heppner spent
the weekend at the home of her
son Bob, near Monument.
A large crowd, turned out
j Saturday night for the Grange
I play and dance.
j J. J. Simas of La Grande was in
for the weekend at the George
Starrett home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin and
youngest girl spent a week in
Salem visiting their folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty and
family of La Grande spent the
weekend here with friends and
The first nuclear reactor to be
owned and operated by private in
dustry to produce atomic energy
for peaceful, civilian purposes, has
been designed and is planned for
The American Machine & Foun
dry Company will build the reactor
at an estimated cost of 11,600,000.
It will be used to develop different
and better foods, medicines, tex
tiles, plastics and other consumer
General Walter Bedell Smith,
vice chairman of the board of the
company, predicted that the har
nessing of atomic energy to the
needs of American industry will
greatly aid in research and in the
production of countless necessities
to daily living.
The new plant,, to be located on
a 250-acre site in New York State,
is planned as the first of a number
of atomic reactors for industry
throughout the country. Represen
tative companies from each indus
try will use the reactor; jointly.
Margaret Wick, of Condon.
Jimmie Rogers celebrated his
birthday Thursday, with a party
eiven bv his mother, Mrs. Lloyd
Rogers, on his becoming six years
old. He received many guts from
his young friends. Birthday cake
and jello were served for refresh
ments. Mr. Clarno McLaughlin, who
came from Portland Friday, re
ports his mother, Mrs. Nora Mc
Laughlin is at the Pioneer Me
morial hospital at Heppner, where
she is undergoing a medical
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes
and Christene visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gle"nn Hayes
on Saturday.
Mrs. Pete Haynes spent Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday with
hB iBwm way
her friend, Mrs. Mary Cason at
Heppner. Mrs. Cason's son John,
underwent a toncileetomy Thurs
day at Pioneer Memorial hospi
tal. Miss Margie Rood of Condon,
attended the wedding of Miss
La voile Moore and Mr. Jack
Stephens of Kinzua, Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maid
ment of Centralia Wash., attend
ed the funeral of his granddaugh
ter, Connie Lee Maidment, which
was held on Tuesday, March 22
at Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Maid
ment visited with his sister, Mrs.
Tom Perry and Mr. Perry in Lone
rock while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Haynes took
their daughter, Marilyn, to Con
don for medical attention Sun
day. Mr. Earl Talbert left for White
Salmon, Wash., whore he has
employment with a logging mill.
He will move his family there as
soon as living quarters can be
their two children who are in
school here.
Browny Roach was in from col
lege at La Grande for a weekend
with his folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Langdenfett
and family of Mt. Vernon were
over for a weekend with her ma
ther and family, the Arlet Flem
ings. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holmes are
home from their trip to Mississ
ippi where he went for medical
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spahn
and son Kenny of John Day, and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kingman were
Sunday dinner guests at the
Matteson home.
Lee Slocum and Maynard
Hamilton were in Heppner twice
last week on business.
Steve Kincaid and family were
visitors in town Sunday. They
ar? from Canyon City.
Nathan Butler went to John
Day Sunday to visit for a week.
Barney Cork drove to Prtneville
Friday to bring home his wife
and young son.
8:00 P.M.
Again ready to assist you with all your spraying problems.
Experienced, Courteous Service
HEPPNER 6-9156
Owned & Operated by
Come Drive America's Best-Selling Car!
Complete and official registrations for December, 1954 and January, 1955
(the first two complete months for which comparative
registration figures are available on '55 models) show that
to fertilize with Nitrogen
NH3 (anhydrous ammonia) is the ferti
lizer richest in nitrogen. Guaranteed 82
nitrogen, it carries more of this vital plant
food than any other type of fertilizer. It
provides wheat with nitrogen in a form it
can use immediately, and maintains a
supply of plant nourishment throughout
the growing season.
When you buy Shell NH3, you get the
most experienced NH3 fertilizer service.
Trained dealers with years of Shell know
how behind them-supervise the whole job
for you. These specialists know local crop
and soil conditions, use application equip
ment perfected through years of experi
ence. Shell's way is the SURE way!
Shell NH3 applications help speed up
decomposition of crop residue, improve
soil tilth, provide the right amount of nit
rogen at planting time to get seeds off to
a healthy start You get healthier stands,
yield increases up to 60 or more, and
a return of as much as $4 for every $1
Ask us for a copy of the Shell NH3 bulletin on tht SURE way to fertilize whtat.
HEPPNER: 6-9103
It's the only low-priced car with
the beauty and quality of Body
by Fitflier . . . Ilifdi-Lcvel Ventila
tion System ... 6 engine-drive
elioicett, including Anient a's most
modern fund lowest-priced!) i
. . . 12-vull electrical bhIcii . , .
the sure-footed smoothness of
Glide-Hide Front Suspension ami
Outrider rear springs . . . the
ease of Hall-Haee Steering. Come
.mi see how all these exclusive
features put Chevrolet way, way
out ahead of its field!
Fulleton Chevrolet Company