Pact 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March" 24, 1955 ' MitiM jM3 mffiH HI SEVENTH DAY ADVENT1ST Robert E. Becker, Pastor Saturday Services: Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m Sermon, 11 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. Bible Studies. HEPPNER LUTHERAN CHURCH Armin H. Rietz, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. WnrshiD Service. 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings of every month at 8:30 a. m. (Sunday school and services in the SDA church building in ITnnnner). Lutheran Ladies Society meets in members homes the last Thursday of each month, 2 p. m. THE IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Wilfred C. McKay, pastor Sunday school is at 10:00; Wor ship service is at 11:00; Young Peoples meeting is at 7:15; even ins church service is at 8:00. Bible study and prayer meeting Thurs day night at 7:30. p. m. Thursday Bible Hour 7:45 p. m. Monument News EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundays 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer. 1st Sundays Holy Communion. 7 p. m. Y. P. F. Wednesdays at 10 a. m. Holy Communion John R. Reeves, Rector ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Gale and Willow Willis W. Geyer, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Young People 7:45 mam S E E OUR N E W Spring Patterns SMART NEW STYLES AND COLORS FOR EVERY ROOM Case Furniture Co. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Church school at 1:00 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. , Lenten theme "Finding or Be ing Found". "I was glad when they said to me, Come let us go into the house of the Lord". CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible -School at 9:45. Morning WnrshiD 11.00 a. m. The Rice- Osborn Evangelistic team close their work Sunday nignt. cnoir practice Thursday at 7:30 p. m. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Lester D. Boulden, Minister Church School 9:45 a. m. Mom in? Worship 11:00 a. m. Union Evening Service at the Christian church, 7:30 P- m. lius will be the last night of the Preaching Mission. Junior Choir Wednesday 4:00 p. m. Senior Choir Thursday 7:30 n m Attend Church Every Week. Pray Every Day. o Birthday Celebrated Monday With Party Mrs. Ernie Parish and Mrs. Walter Farrens were hostesses on Monday March 21 to a birthday party honoring their son and grandson, Alvin Ayers. Those nresent were Marion Casebeer, Tommy Driscoll, Bruce Thomson, Danny McBride, Rod iney Ayers and the guest of honor. Games were played and re freshments of birthday cake, baked by Mrs. Roy Thomas, great aunt of Alvin, and punch were served by the hostesses. u BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Nancy Ferrell celebrated her fourth birthday March 21st with a party at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell, with a number of neighborhood children as guests. o FILM TO BE SHOWN A special Easter film, "I Be held His Glory will bp shown Monday evening at the Mission ary meeting of the Women's Aux iliary of the Episcopal church at the parish hail at 8:00 p. m. Martha Matteson The Saint Ann ladies aid held a cooked iooa sate baiuruay ai the Settle store. Lee Slocum drove Maynard Hamilton to Heppner Saturday for medical care. He had burned his hand badly. Hugh Johnson has moved into his new home that Elmer Mat teson and M. Hamilton just built for him. Bob Strainge-accompanied the Waldorfs to Salem for the week end on business. The M. M. M. club held its regular meeting at the Matteson home with Mrs. Stello McCarty as hostess. Plans were made for a food and fancy work sale on April 9. The American Legion Auxiliary gave the Legion its birthday party Saturday night at the Grange hall. After a short meet ing the evening was spent play ing cards. Delmer Settle and Hoyt Wright drove to La Salle, Utah on busi ness Wednesday returning Satur day. Jessie Matteson stayed with Mrs. Settle and children on the ranch while they were gone. Mrs. George Mantis, Dicky and Mike went to Portland and on to Woodland, Wash., where her hus band is to stay till the first of this month. Helen Brown is the postmistress now. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rounds returned home Saturday night after spending two weeks at Port land on business and visiting relatives. Ramona Hooker came in from Oregon State College for spring vacation Saturday. She drove up with her father, Raymond Hook er, who had been in the valley for medical care. Ida Bleakman accompanied Mrs. Rho- Bleakman and two daughters to John Day on busi ness and visited Miss Rohene Bleakman. Mrs. John Hansen of Portland visited her mother, Mrs. Millie Wilson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Matteson were in John Day Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibson of Uklah visited with her sister, Mrs. Settle, on Sunday. 4-H Club News JOLLY STITCHERS The Jolly Stitchers met Satur day March 19. We have finished our garment protectors and are now sewing our waistbands on our skirts- Everyone was present except Beverly Blake. We had a visitor, Sandra Jones. Our next meeting will be April 2 at the Van Winkle's home. Sheryl Harris, reporter. RIP AND STITCH The Rip and Stitch sewing club of lone had a meeting at Mar dine Baker's home, Thursday March 17. At the past meeting we decided to have the next meeting at Brenda Townsend's April 16. We worked on our sewing and Mardine served cupcakes deco rated with green frosting, home made ice cream and punch. Our club had a display in the window of Bristow's store during 4-H club week. -- - .Miniii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GONTY'S SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! MARCH 24 TO 31 Sunbeam ' ELECTRIC FRY PAN 1995 Reg. $1.29 Allen A GO GA. NYLON HOSE 95c GONTY'S SHOES APPLIANCES RECORDS Fairlane Town Sedan, one of 3 four-door sedans to select from Automatically your best buy ! Ford's five power assists combine to give you more added convenience and extra driving ease than you can get in any other car in Ford's field! t's great fun to step into a Ford's rich, colorful Luxury Lounge interior ... to touch the gas pedal and feel the might of Trigger-Torque power responding instantly to your every wish. It's fun, too, to bask in the admiration aroused by Ford's Thunderbiid-inspircd styling. But, for the ultimate in driving fun and ease, try a Ford with Ford's optional power assists: now Speed-Trigger Fordomatic, power steering, brakes, windows and scat, l ord s power assists combine to do the most for you automatically . , . so you get the most out of driving! Automatic Driving at lit Beit . ... hii ' ii ) y v w5" "x I if""" rr ii;iliiill-.,.--M' ii win mi iMiir 'vWAiiysi Speed-Tiigger Fordomofic Drive hai a new automatic low gear which lets you itart in low, shift to intermediate end then into high all auto matically oM while the drive selector lever ii in drive por tion. It $ the only "automatic" in its field that combines the smoothness of a fluid torque converter with the versatility of threeautomatic forward gears. r Power to Steer For You Power to Apply Your Braket Power to Adjust Your Seat Power to Lift Your Windowt Mailnr-Guide Power Stealing Hoe! up tj 75 ot the HeerMg work for you on turni ... yet you retotn the no'ufo feel of the wheel on stroiyhtowayi. Id a greot help when po'kmg mokei oil driving eoi-er ond more relating Swift Sure Power Brakes do up to one-third of the itoppmg work for you. And there's built-in safety. With power oft, you stop your car at easily os though your Ford were equipped with the stondard broking system. Ford's -Woy Power Seat is the only power seat in Ford's field that adjusts "up ond down'' as well as "forward and back " for most comfortable driving positions. A touch of the conveniently located tinge seat control does it I With Power-lift Windows you don't need to stop in order to open or close all side windows. Driver can operote all four windows from the master con. trol. And each passenger has a sepa rate control switch for his own window. And there's Trigger-Torque power to give you more "Go' . ? Test drive a '55 FORD ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY FORD the New BEST SELLER... Sells More Because It's Worth More ) ! JM FRUITS ''P POTATOES 9VB VEGETABLES SEEDCROPS JSM COTTON 01 Lx If REAP DIVIDENDS You invest only pennies per oere ... yet Elephant Brand Fertilizers pay off in bigger harvest dividends! Your yields improve, harvesting is earlier, grades are better . . . and best of all, you maintain the fertility of your soil for years to come. PICK YOUR FORMULA Whatever your money crop, Elephant Brand has the fast-acting fertilizer to boost yields. Each of four types has been scienti fically formulated for particulor soil and crop conditions . . . each has the contents clearly marked on the bag. TAKE DELIVERY NOW Your local fertilizer dealer has Elephant Brand in stock right now. Order today . . . however you use them, these free-flowing, soluble fertilizers are the best crop investment you can make! eke mi ene n iiww Wir nr . i S- JMkp s Wf tW fr Distributed by BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. LIMITED SAN FRANCISCO - PORTLAND - LOS ANGELES SEATTLE . SPOKANE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR ELEPHANT BRAND FERTILIZER IS Interior Warehouse Co. HEPPNER PHONE 6-9422