Heppner Gazette Times, TKursday, March 17, 1955 Page 7 . Classified, Rates 2c pr word minimum 35c per insertion Black face or caps, double rate Cards of Thanks $1.00 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 5 p. m. Wednesday FOR SALE 160 acres good deep soil, fenced, 12-inch well shows 1250 gallons per minute under test. Electricity. Ready to in stall the pump, seed and sprinkle. Price $17,000. No Saturday calls. I. J. Couch, ....Phone 2310. East Highland ex tension road, Rt. 1, Box 198-A, Hermiston, Ore. l-3p FORD is 69 miles ahead. SILVER TEA bazaar and food sale, Christian church on April 2. 51-3c FOR SALE three registered horned Hereford bulls. O. E. Wright and sons, call 6-5337. IP FOR SALE 3000 acres stock ranch. Good grass, well water ed, 285 acres farm land. House with electricity. $45,000. Call Heppner 6-5337, or see Bob or Albert Wright, Heppner, Ore gon. 48p BUY guaranteed Atlas tires from Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE sacrifice 1951 Ford truck, long wheel base with 24 ft. semi-trailer, California stock racks, 2-speed axle, good con dition. New motor. Robert A. Miller, Phone 8-7212, lone, lc WE cut and fit glass in all makes of cars and trucks. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Mo tor Company. FOR SALE five bedroom home, ideal for large family, or some, one interested in renting out rooms. Come look, it over. Rea sonable. A. B. Elde. 51tfc WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 2 bedroom house on Morgan street, big lot. Priced reasonable. Phone 6-9665. l-2p HOUSE FOR SALE two bed rooms, full basement, only four years old. Call 6-9772 evenings. 45tfs HAS your car had its RPM lubri cation this month? Drive in to Rosewall Motor Company for fast service. Do You Get Our Used Machinery Bargain List? Just Ask For It! We Will Send It to You FREE EMPIRE MACHINERY CO. FOR SALE or will trade for pro perty near Heppner; 20 acres irrigated pasture near Stan field, Oregon. Large house, new machine shed. Contact Dr. Huber, 1st National Bank Bldg., Heppner, or phone Stanfield 291. l-3c WILLYS 1952 Four wheel drive pickup. Ready to Go to work. Pay $425.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist, 207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of fice Phone 609. 48tfc ROSY SAYS: I see by my paper where a lamb was born with out any wool on it. The farmer had to make a sweater for it. Next summer that lamb will be as cool as a cucumber. You can keep cool next sum mer too if you drive a new 1955 Ford with an air conditioning system. Plan on making a test drive the next time you are in town. BEST 20 acre ranch on Board man project For Sale. Write co box DW, Gazette Times. 52-lc DODGE 1951 Four door iedan. Has radio, heater and Gyro matic transmission. Pay $315. 00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. SI WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK FARM SALES Bonded Member Nat'l. Auction Association. WESTERN SALE MANAGEMENT Phone 6532 Hermiston Box 87 MRS. MARY McMURTRY Spen cer Corsetiere. Phone 6-9703 or 6 9232. ' 52-3c We have some low priced used trucks for the man just start ing and wants to keep his in vestment down. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE four two-year old (Tillamook) Guernsey heifers. Fresh this month. Two Guern sey cows, fresh In May. Vac- cinated and tested Ron Davis, Olex, Oregon. l-2c FOR SALE two bedroom house in Heppner, hardwood floors, floor furnace, wired for electric range. Call 6-9269 and ask for Mr. or Mrs. Lowell Rippee. l-2p BUICK 1947 two door sedan. Pay $65.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE upright piano. Call Hubert Wilson, phone 6-9629. 52-1 FOR RENT OR SALE 5 room house, just redecorated, has 2 stoves. Will sell for $2,500 terms. Esther Burnside. l-2c FOR RENT 2 bedroom apart ment. Call 6-9686. 44tfc FORD 1952 Tudor, economy 6 cylinder, overdrive and radio. Pay $340.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. CIVIC LEAGUE meeting Mon day March 21, 8:00 p. m. Civic Center. lc NEED FINANCING ? Our ABC financing plan is available for anything we sell, lumber, build ing supplies, tools, paints etc., in amounts up to $1,000. No down payment, up to 36 months to pay. Ask us at Tum- A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp ner 6-9212. 7tfc FORD 1949 Station Wagon. Pay $195.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. PIANO BARGAIN Will sell at sacrifice beautiful spinet piano in this locality to save moving expense. Easy terms or cash. For information write Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., Salem Ore gon. 52-2c CHEVROLET 1948 Fleetline. New motor. Pay $135.00 down. Rose wall Motor Co. IRONING in my 6-9635. home. Phone 47tfcA WANTED baby sitting. Call 36tfcA 6-9635. WANTED 150 Heppner boosters to buy a membership in Hepp ner T. V. Incorporated. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this means of thanking all my friends for the cards and flowers sent me during my stay in the hospital. Mae Hartman lc CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for all the lovely flowers and cards sent me during my stay in the hos pital. Mrs. Dick Borman ,1c CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and helped in our recent sorrow. For the beautiful service, floral offerings, and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. Mrs. T. N. White Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White and family Mr. and Mrs. Wayne White Richard Dale White Mr. and Mrs. T. Buroker Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan Mr. and Mrs. H. A. White IP Legal Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Land Office, 1001 N. E. Lloyd Blvd., Portland 14, Oregon, Feb ruary 8, 1955. Under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by sec. tion 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the application of Frank Wilkinson Serial No. Oregon 02740, there will be offer ed to the highest bidder, but not at less than $3,262.30 for the tract, at a public sale to be held at 2:00 o'clock P. M., on the eighth day of April next, at this office, the following tracts of land: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, SEy4NWy4, Sy2NEy4, SEy4, and ESWy4 Sec. 6, T. 3 N., R. 23 E., W. M., Oregon containing 652.46 acres. The Lot 7, SE'4SWy4, WSEVi and NEy4SEy4, Section 6, will be sold subject to a reservation to the United States of that certain right-of-way for electric trans mission line and all appurtenan ces thereto, constructed by the United States through, over and upon the lands, and the right of the United States, its officers, agents, or employees to maintain, operate, repair, or Improve the same so long as needed or used for or by the United States. (Dept. Instr., January 13, 1916, 44 L. D. 513). Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either per sonally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be con sidered only if received at this of. fice prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be in sealed en velopes accompanied by certified check or post-office money orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amount8 j of the bids. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-hand , corner "Public sale bid, Serial No. Oregon 02740, Sale, 2:00 P. M., April 8, 1955." The highest bidder will be re quired to pay immediately the amount thereof. Any adverse claimants of the above-described land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any contiguous owner claiming a preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale date. Frances A. Patton, Manager 31 -3c CITY OF HEPPNER. OREGON ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for certain mechanical equipment for a swimming pool will be received at the office of the City Recorder, City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, until eight (8:00) o'clock p. m P. S. T., on March 21, 1955, and will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately there after. The equipment will consist of the following items: Diatomaceous Earth Filter. Recirculation Pump. Chlorinator. Vacuum Cleaner. Hair Catcher. Instructions to Bidders, Speci fications and Contract Forms may be obtained at the office of Clark and Groff Engineers, 3240 Triangle Drive, Salem, Oregon, or at the Office of the City Re corder. A certified check, a cashier's check, or bid bond in amount not le'ss than five percent (5) of the amount bid shall accompany each proposal. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids; to postpone the award of the contract for a period not to exceed 10 days, to waive informalities, and to ac cept such proposals as are in the best interest of the City of Hepp ner. Dated this 7th day of March, 1955. CITY OF HEPPNER, OREGON CITY RECORDER, TED SMITH 52-lc NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Executrix of the estate of THURMAN H. MORTA MER, deceased, has filed her final account and report in said estate with the Clerk ,of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 21st day of March, 1955, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.( as the time, in the County Courtroom in Heppner, Oregon as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. ELSIE M. BEACH, ' Executrix Mahoney and Fancher Attorneys for Executrix Heppner, Oregon 49-lc NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of.Oregon, EXECUTRIX of the estate of PERCY C. COX, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouchers duly veri fied to the Executrix at the- office of Mahoney and Fancher, Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 17th day of February, 1955. NINA NOLAND, Executrix 49-lc NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION "UPON QUESTION OF WHE THER KINDERGARTENS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMMON SCHOOLS IN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 CJ. MORROW COUNTY. OREGON Notice is hereby given that an election is hereby called to be held at the School House in and for School District No. 1 CJ of Morrow County, Oregon, in the City of Heppner. County of Mor row, State of Oregon, on the 12th day of April, 1955, between the hours of 2 o'clock P. M. and 8 o'clock P. M., Standard Oregon Time, When there will be submit ted to the legal voters thereof the question of whether kinder garten shall be established and maintained in connection with the common schools in said dis trict for the instruction of four to six year old children. The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words "Kin dergarten Yes" and "Kinder garten No", and the voter shall place a cross between the words "Kindergarten" and the word "Yes", or between the word "Kindergarten" and the word "No", which ever Indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the establishment of kindergar ten will, on the said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., Oregon Standard Time, and remain open until the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., Oregon Stand ard Time, of the same day, when the same shall be closed. By Order of the District School Board of School District No. 1 CJ of Morrow County, Oregon, made this 8th day of March, 1955. L. E. DICK, JR. Chairman of Board of Directors Attest: NONA SOWELL District Clerk l-3c NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Executor of the estate of ELIZABETH DIX de ceased has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County his final account of his administration of the es tate of said deceaed and said Court has fixed Monday, the 4th day of April ot the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day at the County Court Room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the fixed time for said hearing. Dated and first published this 3rd day of March, 1955. S. H. DIX, Executor JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Executor 51-3c CAPITAL PARADE Continued from Page 2 or withdraws from office after primary election time. SB 113 Provides free text books for 7th and 8th grades in junior high school as well as in elementary schools. HB 187 The state optometry board is given further discretion and authority to adopt standards relative to qualifications of ap plicants for examination and license, HB 288-Revlses state standard I weights for small quantities of flour it includes 10 pounds, 5 pounds and anything less than 5 HB 191 Cost of maintaining Elliott State Forest in Coos County to be taken from proceeds of sale of forest products from it. SJM 6 Urges congress to de feat a resolution which would give the president new tariff cut ting powers. SB 201 Requires non-profes sional employees of school dis tricts to show certificates that they do not have tuberculosis. HB 115 Denies teaching certi ficates to anyone who has been convicted of a felony or misde meanor involving morals. HB 172 Allows counties to sell timber from county forestland without bids if amount is under $2,000. HB 208 Requires candidates to actually complete filing in elections office by 5 p. m. of fil ing deadline date and disallows mail filings received after that time. MILLIONS FOR OREGON BRIDGE The man who devised the high way numbering system for the entire Japanese Empire, after participating in the Invasion, was promoted to state bridge engineer this week by R. II. Baldock, state highway engineer. Phillip M. Stephenson, who takes the position which invol ves supervision of approximate ly 100 engineering employees, on a state-wide basis, will have the responsibility for the design and construction of all bridges, build ings and other structures built by the state highway department. The bridge division anticipates $18,000,000 of structural work in 1955. Stephenson is a registered pro fessional engineer and a gradu ate in civil engineering from Oregon State College. He first went to work for the department In 1919. WINTER SHIPPING LOWER Shipping point inspectors of the Oregon Agricultural Depart ment estimated totals of fresh fruits and vegetables shipped out of the state as 3211 carloads dur ing February. Thjs is 387 car loads short of February 1954. Po tato shipments accounted for ap proximately two-thirds of the total last month, while other shipments included onions, 680 cars; apples 3-16 cars; and pears, 206 cars. SHIPPERS CONFERENCE A general conference with ship pers and representatives of Ore gon industries will be held Mon day, March 21, in the Stafe Of fice Building in Portland. The announcement was made Monday by Charles H. Heltzel, public utilities commissioner who lone News Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan and son, Ralph, spent the weekend in Portland. Mrs. Berl Akers gave a party at her home March 8 in honor of her daughter Bonnie Kae, who was four years old. Guests pre sent were Mrs, Dclmar Crawford and daughters Marlene and Anita, Mrs. Harvey Ring and niece, Linda Rovvell, Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and son Frank, Mrs. Bruce Keene and daughter, Kathy, Mrs. Lloyd Howton and daughter, Joyce, Mrs. Lawrence Jones and grand-daughter, Penny Smith, Mrs. Adon Hamlett and daughter Sharleen, Mrs. Garland Swanson and son Jimmy. Games were played and refreshments were served. Mrs. W. A. Ruggles gave a luncheon at her home recently in honor of Mrs. Bert Mason of Portland. She was assisted by Mrs. Sam McMillan. Others pre sent were Mrs. Fannie Griffith, Mrs. Arvilla Swanson, and Mrs. James Lindsay. Bridge was played after the luncheon. Dr. Roy E. Lieuallen, acting head of Oregon college of edu cation, at Monmouth, is the son of Roy Lieuallen. Mrs. W. G. Seehafer and daughter, Billy, of Bickleton, Wash., were visitors here over the weekend. Marge and Mildred Bristow of Portland are spending their va cation at the David Rietmann home in Heppner. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Von Borstell of Oakridge are the parents of a son, Robert Carstair, born March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crut cher of Boring, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Von Borstell of Grass Val ley are the grandparents and Mrs. Anna Lindstrom is the great grandmother. Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann, teacher in the Pendleton schools is spending her spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann. Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett and children spent the weekend in Portland and Salem. They were accompanied by Mrs. Mary Swanson who rernained in Salem for a longer visit with her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan. said the purpose of the confer ence will be to discuss recent developments relative to class rates. USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 54 Chevrolet Sport Coupe $2150 52 Chevrolet 4 dr ... $1250 Power Glide '51 Ford Victoria $1195 Leaded cammed, lowered '51 Ford 5 pass. Coupe $850 51 Willys Sta. Wagon ... $920 Overdrive 48 Chev. Fleetline 2 dr. $425 '48 Ford 6 4-door $365 New Tires 46 Chevrolet 4 door $275 Trucks - Pickups '49 CMC ton pickup $850 with 2 horse rack '48 Dodge 2 ton truck ... $900 with 6" hoist 49 Jeep Pickup ... $950 F-head motor 49 Dodge 'a ton pickup $650 47 Chevrolet ton pick, up $795 46 Ford Truck $425 stock rack 1946 Chev. Truck $600 1944 Ford truck. ..$600 6-cyl. 4-wheel drive with winch and steel army bed NOW 2 Body And Paint Men To Give You Faster Service. FULLETON Chevrolet Co. NOTICE OF RURAL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Section 110 1207 OCLA as amended by Chapter 393 Oregon Law 1943 and Chap ter 315 Oregon Law, 1915 as amended by Chapter 591 Oregon Laws 1947, to the legal voters of the Rural School District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon on the 5th day of April, 1955, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of discussing the budget of the Rural School Board for the fiscal year beginning July hereinafter set forth. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made $ 700.00 2. Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes None 3. Amounts received from other sources None ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Estimated Item Expenditures For 1955-1956 1. Personal service - (A) District Superintendent salary $ 7,200.00 (B) Clerical and legal 2,750.00 2. Supplies, printing 750.00 3. Postage, telephone and telegraph 225.00 4. Elections and publicity 100.00 5. Board expenses, travel, etc. 1,150.00 6. Office equipment 100.00 7. Other miscellaneous expenses. Curriculum & In-Service Training 150.00 Fixed Charges 450.00 8. Emergency 125.00 Total estimated expenditures $13,000.00 SUMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS. AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE S TAX LEVY 1. Total estimated expenditures $Li,OOU.U0 2. Deduct total estimated receipts and available cash balances 3. Amount necessary to balance the budget 12,300.00 4. Emergency Fund Aid for Local District only 3,000.00 5. Balance to be raised by taxation 15,300.00 6. Add estimated amount of taxes ed during the fiscal year for which this budget is made 459.00 Total estimated tax lew for the ensuing fiscal year (1955-1956) $15,759.00 INDEBTEDNESS 1. Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants issued and endorsed not paid for want of funds None 2. Amount of other indebtedness None 3. Total indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2) None TOTAL TAX LEVY FOR YEAR 1954-55 $15,845.00 Dates March 8, 1955 Signed JACK FLUG, Clerk HENRY ZIVNEY, Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by the Budget Committee: March 8, 1955 SIGNED J. VV. CARTER Secretary. Budget Committee MILTON MORGAN, Chairman, Budget Committee l-2c BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Lex. Center 2nd Tuesday lone Center 3rd Tuesday SEWING MACHINES Sales Service Accessories Free Home or Store Demonstration 2nd and 4th Wednesdays GILLIAM & BISBEE Thompson Photo Service Alex & Jo Thompson Portrait & Commercial Phone 6-9489 n tf for all occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND FANCHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building ' Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-9210 Off. Ph. 6-69616 - A.D.McMurdo,M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon SANDERS Insurance Agency Harold A. Sanders Jr. America Fore & The Travelers Hotel Heppner Bldg. FLOWERS 1st, 1955 and ending June 30, 195C, 1955-1956 700.00 that will not be collect GENERAL Carpenter Work Louie's Workshop Formerly Bailey's Cabinet Shop THE HEPPNER CLINIC C. M. Wagner, M. D. Stanley J. Kirk, M. D. Janet C. Kirk, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Day or night Phone 6-9114 GLENN WAY Electronic Service N. Gllmore St. Res. Phone 6-9975 Evenings and Sundays fi J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry RcDairinc Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Creswick&Seuell Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Olflo In Peter Building- C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS -MARKERS- See Oliver Creswlck Creswick & Seuell Mortuary