Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 17, 1955, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 17, 1955
Easter Dinner Is
Planned By Lex
Triple Link Club
By Delpha Jones
The Lexington Three Links
club met at the home of Mrs. A.
F. Majecke on Thursday after
noon with president Mrs. Eugene
Majeske presiding. The main
topic of business was plans for a
Easter Day Dinner to be given
In the hall on Easter Day from
1:00 until 3:00 p.m. This is to
help with the redecorating of
the front hall for a recreation
hall. Later refreshments were
served to the following. Mildred
Davidson, Catie Padberg, Cora
Warner, Florence McMillan, Aud
rey Ansted, O'tillia Hunt, Alice
Majeske and the hostess Freda
Mr. and Mrs. Swindle and 2
children of Hammond, "Indiana
have arrived at the home of Mrs.
Swindler's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Buchanan for a visit.
Joe Cornllson is a patient in
Pioneer Memorial hospital fol
lowing major surgery there one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Richel
deifer and children of The Dal
les visited their daughter Georgia
and Mrs. Richelderfer's mother,
Mrs. Charles Breshears, over the
Dan Way is a patient in Pio
neer Memorial hospital.
The Lexington Grange met on
Saturday night with the Master
Alvin Wagenblast presiding. The
degree work of the third and
fourth degrees were given by the
Lexington degree team to the fol
lowing candidates: Mr. and Mrs.
M. V. Nolan, Mrs. Clarence Bau
man. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Beach. After the work was fin
ished which consisted of several
beautiful tableaus, the business
Go outside and look
at your house
G swp . i
V v U .if A V
r m. ''uiice DAirt mt k
$655 i
in 3 W
Weather- T1
Now is the time to protect
your house against every
thing the weather can tliink
of . . . with the kind of paint
that has what it takes. That's SWP
ated to talk back to the weather!
Paint now with SWP . . ; have the best-looking
house in your neighborhood;
... .-. few,, . ..-
DEDICATION The new $2,750,000 Shell Chemical Corp. anhydrous
ammonia storage facility on the Snake river near Pasco, Wash.,
was dedicated Tuesday at ceremonies attended by over 1700 per
sons. Main speaker was Ervin L. Peterson, assistant secretary of
agriculture. These two giant spheres contain the refrigerated
ammonia which is used for fertilizing on thousands of acres In
Eastern Oregon and Washington. The facility includes modern
loading docks for receiving shipments by water from California.
(GT Photo)
meeting was held. Later refresh
ments were served in the base
ment. Deanna Steagall who attends
the St. Joseph's academy in Pen
dleton spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Steagall. She was accompanied
home by Judy and Cathy Dom
schet of Pendleton who also visit
ed at the Steagall home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ruhl were
Salem visitors over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin and
daughters visited Sunday night
at the Jeff Ramsey home in Ordnance.
The business meeting of the
Lexington Sunday school was
held in the church on Thursday
evening with the superintendent
of the Sunday school presiding.
The Sunday school program for
Easter Sunday was discussed
and it was announced that there
would not be an Easter breakfast
as previously announced. The
meeting was turned over to the
church meeting which was pre
sided over by the chairman Don
Campbell. At this time it was
announced that Mrs. McCormack
from Pendleton would show her
pictures of her trip to Europe and
the Holy Land Monday the 21st
at the church in the evening. It
was asked that this be announc
ed to everyone that might like
to attend. Also a fellowship din
ner was discussed which is to be
held some time in April, this to
r -" mu,h lor MolEi 1
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sjsmw way
be given by the church, to which
all friends and neighbors are
invited to attend. This dinner
will be held in the I. O. O. F. din
ing room. A short program will
also be enjoyed at this time.
Later refreshments were served
by Mrs. Bill B. Marquardt to the
following: Dona Barnett, Trina
Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Don Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Price,
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wetzel, and
Mrs. C. C. Jones.
After the regular meeting of
the V. F. W. on Thursday evening
Mrs. Valda Way, president, was
delightfully surprised with a
personal shower, given by the
auxiliary with Audrey Ansted
and Jo Irvin acting as hostesses.
Preceding the shower was the
business meeting at which Mrs.
Way presided. At this time the
Thespians turned over $51.20 to
the auxiliary from the play that
was recently given for their bene
fit. Later refreshments were ser
ved to the following: Barbara
Cutsforth, Maxine Cox, Alice Ma
jeske, Mildred Davidson, Rhoda
Buchanan, Margaret Nichols,
Mary Edwards, Freda Majeske,
to fertilize with Nitrogen
Heppner High School
By Barbara Prock
Fifth place trophy was brought
home by the Heppner team mem
bers from the state tournament.
Heppner was well supported by
students and townspeople.
"No school Friday" is the cheer
heard from the students because
of the one-day spring vacation.
Nine week exams will be given
March 21 and 22.
Track is . the latest event started
at school. Mr. Mallon, seventh
grade teacher will be the coach.
Several seniors have been tak
ing entrance exams for college in
Portland and Walla Walla.
Dr. G. Burton Wood, head of
the department of agricultural
economics, at Oregon State Col
lege will be the commencement
speaker at graduation May 25.
Clarice Hastings, FLA presi
dent, was invited to attend the
O B E A luncheon Thursday but
will be unable to attend.
NH3 (anhydrous ammonia) is the ferti
lizer richest in nitrogea Guaranteed 82
nitrogen, it carries more of this vital plant
food than any other type of fertilizer. It
provides wheat with nitrogen in a form it
can use immediately, and maintains a
supply of plant nourishment throughout
the growing season.
When you buy Shell Nil 3. you get the
most experienced NH3 fertilizer service.
Trained denlers-with years of Shell know
how behind them sujxTvise the whole job
for you. These specialists know local crop
and soil conditions, use application equip
ment perfected through years of experi
ence. Shell's way is the SURE way!
Shell NH3 applications help speed up
decomposition of crop residue, improve
soil tilth, provide the risht amount of nit
rogen at planting time to get seeds off to
a hwlthy start. You get healthier stands,
yield increases up to 50"', or more, and
a return of as much as $4 for every $1
Ask uj for a copy of the Shell NH3 bulletin on the SURE way to fertilize wheat.
HEPPNER: 6-9103
The answer to everyday
Insurance problerru
By Turner Van Mortar
& Bryant
QUESTION: Can you tell
me whether the phrase
"actual cash value" as used
in a fire insurance policy
refers to the value at the
time of construction or at
time of loss?
ANSWER: We always like
to see the individual policy
when answering a question
of this kind but almost cer
tainly the phrase relates to
value at the time of loss.
'If you'll address your own
Insurance questions to this
office, well try to give you
th correct answers and
there will be Ho charge or
obligation of any kind.
Phone 6-9652 Heppner
Maxine Brown, Catie Padberg,
June Cooper, Audrey Ansted and
Jo Irvin.
Eileen Breeding, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breeding, who
has been attending school here,
returned to the home of her par
ents in Stanfield last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of
Glide, Oregon, arrived at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. O. G. Breeding on Monday
for an indefinite visit. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards
and children visited at Mitchell
over the weekend at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Lourey.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Anderson
and daughter Bunny June of
Pilot Rock were visitors at the
W. J. Van Winkle home Sunday.
Mrs. Bud Buchanan and son
Teddy of Seattle are visiting at
the Jack Griffin home.
Phone Tour News to 6-9228.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fergu
son and Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Ma
honey attended the basketball
games in Corvallis over the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penland
and Neal visited in Redmond and
Bend over the weekend.
MARCH 17-18-8:00 P. M.
Students with Student Body Cards 25c without Cards 50c
Are you a
Do-Mourself Driver ?
Or would you rather be waited on hand and foot ?
Rather shift for yourself .
Shifting's smooth and easy
with Chevrolet's new and finer
Synchro-Mesh transmission.
A flick of your wrist is all it
takes to shift gears.
. or let Powerglide do it?
Powerglide, too, is better than
ever this year. Even smoother
and sturdier. It's the most
popular automatic transmis
sion in Chevrolet's field !
Want standard steering . . .
Try this easy new Chevrolet
steering. Only Chevrolet and
some higher-priced cars use
a ball bearing system to cut
friction to a minimum.
or extra-easy Power Steering?
There's nothing quite so easy
as Power Steering, of course.
Good news: Chevrolet's new
'linkage-type Power Steering
carries a reduced price!
Apply the brakes like this . .
Improved brakes and new
swing-type pedals make stop
ping a cinch. And Chevrolet's
exclusive Anti-Dive control
gives you "heads up" stops!
. or have power make it easier?
Chevrolet Power Brakes are
better than ever this year-let
you stop by a simple pivot of
your foot from accelerator to
swing-type brake pedal.
Position the seat yourself ... or let electricity do it?
Chevrolet's big, beautifully
upholstered front seat moves
up and forward or down and
back into your most comfort
able driving position.
No worry about your battery
in a new Chevrolet. It's the
only car in its field with the
reserve power of a 12-volt
electrical system !
Chevrolet's stealing the thunder
What's a high-priced car got
that Chevrolet hasn't? Not
automatic power features,
Not style -just look below.
Not performance-just try
out Chevrolet's new V8 or
one of the new 6's. Not ride
from the high-priced carsl
-perhaps the thing that will
surprise you most is Chevro
let's fine, solid feel on the
road. Come put it to the test
See how Chevrolet's stealing
the thunder from the high
priced cars in every way!
'Optional at tztra cotl.
" -.f - - -
Tilt Air 4 Door Sda tod) by Fufitr,
StoJ 1.1. nily.
TfTTT Tir "tut -pun ' 1iiWiiilMlilli1fMiril i II li 1 1
COMPLETE and OFFICIAL figures show that again in 1954 for the 19th straight year