Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 10, 1955 Page 3 Socia cJiajiliaiincji Mrs. Jack Bedfo d, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays McCLURE-MOLLAHAN WEDDING HELD AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH SATURDAY Miss Mary Mollahan, daughter was held in the church basement, of Mr. and Mrs. P. . Mollahan and j which was lovely with pink and and Donald Erie McClure, son of : white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. E. McClure of Long j Pouring were Mrs. John Kenney Beach , California, were united and Mrs. Bob Garrett, Portland, in marriage Saturday, February 27 at five o'clock in St. Patrick's Catholic church, Heppner, with the Rev. Francis McCormack of ficiating. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a gown of white satin with lace veil and tiara. She wore long white gloves and carried a bou quet of white carnations centered with a white orchid. The maid of honor, Miss Frances Degnan, Portland wore pink net and car ried white carnations and pink roses. The best man was Johni Mollahan, brother of the bride. Flower girl was Cathy Garrett of Portland, cousin of the bride. Wedding music was by Mrs. Harry uuonnell Jr., who sangj Mother At Your Feet, Were Kneeling", and Billy Kenny, who sang, "Ava Maria , accompanied by Miss Marguerite Glavey at the organ. After the wedding, a reception Legion Auxiliary To Serve Banquet The Americn Legion Auxiliary held a regular meeting Tuesday evening, March 1 at the Legion hall. Plans were made .for the Chamber of Commerce banquet which is to be held March 14. A discussion was held in regard to sending a girl to Girls State and it was voted to send one girl and if funds are available, to send two girls. It was reported that a letter from the Library Board had been received, thanking the auxiliary for the donation of funds to pur chase books on Oregon. The two books purchased were "In the Wallowas," by Watson and "Home in Hells Canyon." by Mrs. Len Jordan. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Jack Bailey and Mrs. Mike Saling. aunt of the bride. Mrs. John Nirschl, Pendleton and Mrs. John Robinson, McGrath, Alta., Can ada, served the wedding cake, Miss Janet Garrett, Portland, had charge of the guest book. The groom is a student at the University of Oregon and the bride graduated from Heppner high schoool and the University of Oregon. The couple will be at home in Eugene. o Eh'se Bauernfeind Sets Wedding Date Sunday March 20 has been chosen as her wedding date by Elise Bauernfeind, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind of Morgan, to John Paisley, son, of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Paisley of Inglewood, California. The wedding will be held at 3:00 p. m. in the Christian church in Heppner. All relatives and friends are cordially invited to the ceremony and the reception which will fol low in the church parlors. fa y ... ; Jvi ' I 1 i s "1 .. fsA i . . f v MRS. FRIEDA KAJIYA, who will sing at a special concert at lone Sunday evening. Coming Events Friday March 11 Ruth chapter No. 32. OES Monday March 14 Chamber ' of commerce, banquet. Legion hall Eainbcw for Girl3 All Saints Women's auxiliary, parish hall, 8:00 p. m. Tuesday March 15 American Legion auxiliary Thursday March 17 Soropti mists, noon at O'Donnell's Lions club, O'Donnell's, 6:30 p. m. Elks Friday March 18 Sans Souci Re bekah lodae Saturday March 19 St. Patrick's dance, fair pavilion Diana Fulleton Has Ninth Birthday Party Mrs. Roice Fulleton entertained Tuesday, March 1st with a party honoring her daughter Diana on the occasion of her ninth birth day. Guests were Scotty and Vicky Barratt, Maxlene and Bobby Fet sch, Kenny Wright, Darrell Dick, Sharon Bunch, Judy Bradford, Cheryle Hartman, Kit and David George, Patty Mahon, Diane and Dennis Warren, Ruby Ann and Becky Jo Fulleton, Mrs. Robert Wright, Mrs. William Barratt, Mrs. Al Fetsch and the honoree. Games were played and prizes won, after which refreshments of birthday cake and ice cream were served. Phone Your News to 6-9228. DR. HAROLD S. HUBER ANNOUNCES Ope f Offi mnq o For The Practice of Dentistry -ON- MONDAY, MARCH 14 First National. Bank Building ices Japanese Vocalist To Present Concert At lone Sunday Mrs. Frieda Kajiya of Condon, who has been widely acclaimed by music critics for her perform ance on a recent Portland tele vision show, will present a vocal concert Sunday, March 13 at 7 p. m. in the lone school cafetor ium. It is to be a benefit concert sponsored by the lone P-TA. Mrs. Kajiya, who is well known in her native country of Japan as Frieda Minami where she made several concert tours, has appeared as an entertainer for U. S. occupational troops. It was during these tours that she met her husband, Tom Kajiya and after his return fo this country was stationed at the Condon Air Base. This will be Mrs. Kajiya's first appearance since the death of her husband last month in a car accident in- North Africa where he was on tour of duty with the army. She is a graduate of the Uni versity of Tokyo conservatory of music and her mother is an ac complished pianist and teacher in Tokyo. Her program at lone will be eititled Songs from Around the World, and she will sing in seven different languages. o CARNATION CLUB DATE IS CHANGED The Carnation club has post poned the meeting set for Thurs day March 10 until Thursday March 17 at the home of Mrs. John Bergstrom. P. W. Mahoney and Jodie Mor rison of lone were in Corvallis over the weekend to attend the basketball games. FAST, EFFICIENT Mrs. Carpenter Given Shower Monday at Methodist Church Monday evening, March 7, the women of the Methodist church honored Mrs. Kenneth Carpenter with a babv shower. About 50 persons attended and showered Mrs. Carpenter with gifts of money. Prizes were given for the most clever gift presenta tion, Mrs. Ervin Anderson win ning first prize and Mrs. Ray mond Pettyjohn second. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. D. E. Hudson had charge of the program which consisted of the following numbers: piano solos by Barbara and Shirley Dobbie and Phyllis Quackenbush; vocal duet by Mrs. Thomas Wells and Mrs. E. J. Dobbie; piano solo by Janice Martin, piano duets by Nancy and Carol Anderson; read ings by "Mrs. Alfred Troedson; violin solos by Mrs. Tom Wilson and a piano solo by Sally Palmer. The Sunday school teachers who were the hostesses that pro vided the refreshments were Mes dames D. E. Hudson, Doyle Abern, Herman Green, Lester Boulden, Edwin Walker, Alex Green, Carl McDaniel, Lucille Owens, Lucy Rodgers and the Misses Nancy Anderson and Joan Keithley. t NfiUUii LK.. - 1. LJV.v. fc.. kivJAi"," -if Ml INITIATED INTO QUILL AND SCROLL, national high school journal ism honorary, at a special banquet recently are these 13 H:ppnor high school students. The chapter was organized loss than a year ago and now boasts a membership of 20. Shown, front row left to right, Sharon Bryant, Frances Duran, Lynda Borman, Jean Marie Graham, Clarice Hastings, Nancy Anderson, Darlene Connor, Shirley Peck. Back row, Lyle Jensen, David Cox, Lance Tibbies, James Monahan, Marilyn Munkers. (GT Photo) Club By-Laws To Be Revised by Committee Committee reports were given at the regular monthly business meeting of the Soroptimist club, held Thursday noon at O'Don nell's. It was voted to subscribe to the magazine American Soroptimist for a year, for the library in the high school. The by-laws of the club are to be revised and the vommittee ap pointed to do this is Mrs. W. O. George, chairman, Mrs. Jos. Hughes, Mrs. Grace Nickerson, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael. At the next meeting Kenneth Hill, an IFYE student t0 Nor way last summer, will be the guest speaker. Pinochle Club Meets At Orwick Home Mrs. Roy Orwick entertained the Pinochle Club Friday even ing, February 25 at her home. Guests were Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mrs. Ed La Trace, Mrs. Frank Hamlin, Mrs. Bob Lowe, Mrs. Earl Evans, Mrs. Sam Turner and Mrs. E. Harvpy Miller, Portland. Mrs. Hamlin won the first prize and Mrs. Miller was low. Mrs. Evans received the door prize. Seven Tables In Play At Social Club Party The Social Club of the O. E. S. met Saturday afternoon, March 5 in the Masonic hall. Seven tables of bridge and pin ochle were in play. Mrs. A. D. Me Murdo won first prize in bridge and Mrs. Harry Duvall was high in pinochle. Mrs. Jack Parrish of Portland won t he door prize. Refreshments were served by the hostess for the afternoon, Mrs. Harold Becket and Mrs. Paul Jones. Birthday Celebrated By Shannon Mahoney Miss Shannon Mahoney was hostess, Friday, February 25 for a dinner party and show on the occasion of her tenth birthday. Guests were Judy Bradford, Carolyn Slocum, Carol Thalberg, Laura Lee Sumner, Barbara Gribble, Carol Burkenbine, Tricia Farley, and Wilma Bothwell. Bellenbrock Home Scene of Card Party Mrs. Don Bellenbrock was host ess at a pinochle party, Wednes day, February 23. Mrs. Jack Van Winkle received the high score and Mrs. Kemp Dick won the traveling prize. Other guests were Mrs. Ned Sweek, Mrs. Creston Robinson, Mrs. LeRoy Gardiner, Mrs. Riley Munkers, Mrs. William Heath, Mrs. Howard Pettyjohn, Mrs. El win Hughes, Mrs. Jack Bailey and Mrs. Mike Saling. Wranglers To Buy Sound Equipment The Wranglers held their regu lar monthly meeting, Tuesday, March 1st at the Club House. SERVICE TOP FLIGHT DRY CLEANING AT MODERATE PRICES illilll MM Just Phone U s That's all it takes . . . and you can depend on us to give your clothes indf vidual cleaning and pressing attention. We're so thorough that we'll sew on loose but tons and repair small rips. And, your cleaning will be ready for you when yoti want it CALL 6-9114 Heppner Cleaners PenneyS THE EVENT WITH AIT CTADTC TOMORROW V SI a; w Vs : ... . . ' s 1 Special value I Girls' jeans at Just $1,001 Cut to Penney's specifications, made in Sanfor ized cotton denim. 3 roomy patch pockets. Sizes 1-14 $1.00 Girls' polka dotted nylon can can slip has tricot top, dotted taffetized bottom. Sizes 1-12. Hand washable. Special! $1.00 Special I Bedspreads of fine chenille you wash right in your machine, never need to Iron! New decorator colors. Twin, full. It was announced that the club is buying all of the out door pub lic address system system and equipment for the future rodeos. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ruggles and Mrs. Altha Kirk who had charge of the entertainment, presented Helen Vst of Hermiston in a series of pantomines. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Eb Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Don Greenup. SERU CUTEX Giant Economy Size Polish Remover 49 Cuticle Remover 25? Regular Value Bofhfot IQQfCfbtinese TAN Ruths & AND GET TRIAL SIZE 50 VALUE CURAD Plastic Bondages 29 Plastic Tape 3 Regular Value Jfy SffTHf 69 59 plu tax BRECK BEAUTIFUL HAIR 4. Inck ,n O.m. Rime OU 16...r.k 175 Shampoo Regular Volut 2.35 Plus Tax XiT McKESSON'S ASPIRIN Two 47 bottles of 100 TABLETS . , . i5F DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSHES A 58 VALUE fJO HAZEL BISHOP 35 slit el Compllei Clow with Purchase of Hditl lishee lasting lipitlrk Plus latZmfr VILLIAMS INSTANT LATHER 982 Regular ncjg V4iui Vjf SEAF0RTH SHAVE LOTION Regular or Spiced 1 JUGS A $2,00 VALUE LISTERINE AMTIZYME TOOTH PASTE Buy one tube at roeulor pneo. Cot 2nd tube et ' price pil Wl:Wv' RAYON KNIT GOWNS Delicious Colors SPECIAL $100 2 for $5.00 INFANTS PAJAMAS Two Piece Cotton Crepe SPECIAL n Exciting value I 28-inches high! Penney's brother and sister clown dolls of colorful rayon taffeta stuffed with cot ton. Individually cellophane packaged! Special! $1.00 GIRLS' PLISSE SLIPS Nylon Trimmed Cotton Sizes 4-14 SPECIAL 66' 1 L Speciall Half slip beauties of creamy-smooth acetate and rayon multifilament crepe. Eye-catching trims! White or pink; sizes S, M. L. ' scoT J f i CERTIFIED Look At Thett Oulitanding Quality Fftqturet 100 0nuln Wtproo( 3 Fixd H.al Cuthlon Hot Comtruttlon Soft, Uxurloui Oulr Covr Safety Controli on Each Htot 2 Year Written Guorontt t.. hk - v.. m mi mum' PHARMACY $1.00