i Pag 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 3, 1955 Mustangs End Season; Tournament Starts Today District Play Opens' Thursday At Madras Gym Final Game Brings Victory By Lorry Mollahan .The Mustangs put the wraps on the schedule Friday night with a lopsided, oneway contest with the Wasco Braves on the Mustang court 61 to 24. Lance Tibbies, Heppner sub, put in eleven points for the un stoppable Mustang quint. Carroll starred for Wasco sinking eleven for the Braves. A poorgame from the specta tor standpoint, the Heppner ball hawks swept Into a 20 to 0 lead in the first period of play. Coach Larry Dowen put in the seniors to play their last game together on the home floor. Dick Kononen and Neil Beamer pumped In eight points each to lead the last year boys. Next year's squad entered the melee and pushed through 18 more points to Wasco's 2. Skip Ruhl led the juniors with three layins. Trying to keep the score from going too high Dowen gave the word for a sort of passing stall to slow things down. Lowell Tur ner couldn't resist the tempta tion and put in one set shot to comprise ileppner's third period scoring. The Braves went through a relaxed Mustang de fense to can fourteen counters. Tibbies rebounded, hooked and set shot in eleven points in the final period to finish the game. Heppner scoring; Kononen 8, Olson 2, Grabill 2, Connor 6, Beamer 8, D. Piper 4, Tibbies 11, Ruhl 8, V. Groshens 4, Hague wood, 1 Turner 2, Applegate 2. Braves scoring; Macheel 4, Car roll 11, Garland 4, Hastings 4, Moore 1. W.D.Hughes Dies At- Vancouver Monday W. D. Hughes, 50, passed away at his home in Vancouver, Wash ington on March 1. Born in lone on October 23, 1905 he was raised in Heppner and worked as a logging engineer and a mechanic most of his life. He is survived by his wife Lora; a son, Joie of Garabaldl, Oregon; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Hughes, Heppner; two sis ters, Zell B. Clark, Los Angeles, California and Ethel Furlong, Port Orchard, Washington and two grandchildren. Services are to be held in Van couver, Friday at 1:00 p. m. ELKS LADIES NIGHT DATE CHANGED Ladies night at the Heppner Elks lodge will be March 10 this month, instead of March 3 as scheduled. Shamrocks Enter A. A. U. Playoffs Sixteen top teams for the state of Oregon and southwest Wash ington district tangle in the an nual A. A. U. basketball tourna ment at Hermiston on March 5-8. It will be the second straight year that Hermiston plays host to the state event. Nirschl Bros, of Pendleton was originally scheduled to represent the Morrow-Umatilla county dis trict, but word received here Wed. nesday Indicated that the Hepp ner Shamrocks will also play in the tournament A last minute withdrawal by an Astoria team left an opening, and the Sham rocks, winners of their cwn lea gue play, were asked to fill the vacancy. They will play their first game against Hermiston on Saturday at 7 p. m. Early trends reveal that favo rites hail from Portland, Eugene and Medford areas. Eugene's Everybody's Drugs took the title last year from the Jewish Com munity Center team of Portland. Hermiston and Condon, a pair of darkhorses again this year, bat tled it out for consolation honors in 1954 with the former coming out on top. The inclusion of the Shamrocks in the schedule may alter some of the pre tourney choices, it was said. The Shamrocks completed their spnsnn with onlv one loss, and that being to Hermiston. They also took one game from the same team. HERMISTON SALE (Continued from Page 1) cwt.; Johns, Smith and Beamer, Milton-Freewater, 23 stock hei fers, $125 hd.; Robert Morris, Ritter, two heifers, 1600 lbs., $18 50 cwt. Calves: Baby calves 8.00-30.00 hd.; weaner calves, steer calves 11.75-21.90 cwt.; nothing compar able to last week, heifer calves 17.10-18.60 cwt.; veal 21.25 23.50 cwt, no choice grade available. Steer: Stocker steer 16.75-17.80 cwt.; feeder steers 19.00-20.40; fat heifers 16.1O-18.30; nothing com parable to last week. Cows: Dairy cows 100.00-132.50 hd.; dairy heifers 11.75-11.90 cwt; stock cows 110.00-141.00 hd. Slaughter cows: Commercial 13.60-15.10 cwt; utility 11.90-13.10 cwt; canner-cutter 9.50-11.00; shells 6.75-8.50. Bulls: 13.25-14.20 cwt. Hogs: Weaner pigs 9.75-16.00 hd.; feeder pigs 17.75-19.20 cwt.; fat hogs 17.75-18.80; sows 14.10 16.30 cwt.; no boars. Sheep: Feeder lambs 15.60-17.30 cwt; no fat lambs; ewes 12.50 19.00 hd.; no bucks. District 6 B Baiketball Tournament Schedule Moro 4:00 Thurs. Sisters Condon 8.30 Thurs. Maupin 8:30 Fri. Culver 7:00 Sat. 7:00 Thurs. Arlington SHOP AT COURT STREET AND SAVE! HAMS bo Pan Ready STEWING HENS BACON BY-THE-PIECE LB. LB. 49c 49c PURE LARD LBS. iJQq Court Street Market Free Parking Phone 6-9643 For the third year in a row Heppner is traveling to the Dis trict tournament with high hones of again taking the 6-B Crown. As it has been in the past two years when they have won first place, Heppner will be playing the toughest team in the tourney. St. Mary's of The Dalles has the best team in its history. Included in the St. Mary's lineup is highest single game scorer in Oregon this year, John McCormick. This six foot Irishman totaled 54 points against Dufur this season. The tourna ment is a single elimination con test. If the first game is lost the team had better start to pack their bags. Despite the distance, quite few fans, students and parents are making the trip to Madras. A diagram of the play schedule appears elsewhere.' STORM DAMAGE (Continued from Page 1) manent repairs. Soil Loss Heavy Probably the greatest loss was in the thousands of tons of top soil which blew away in clouds so thick that several motorists reported that at times it was im possible to even see the yellow highway line. Some of the worst blow occurred where land level ing operations had just been completed or were still being carried on. In many cases the light, dry soil drifted in piles along roads that resembled snow drifts except for their color. Farmers received a consolation prize however, for as the wind died down late in the afternoon a heavy fall of wet snow followed in the wake of the gale. It drop ped betweon.15 and one-quarter of an inch of moisture over most of the county and added nearly a foot of badly needed snow in the higher mountains. The same storm struck Port land and other northern Willa mette valley and Washington points earlier in the morning causing heavy damage to power lines, trees and houses. In Port land the official wind velocity measurement was 76 miles per hour. In Morrow county the gale equalled or bettered the Port land "breeze" though no official equipment was available to mea. lire it. Heppner 5:30 Thurs. St. Mary's 7:00 Fri. left Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carter Sunday for a few days in Port land. Rev. and Mrs. John Reeves left Friday for a few days in Portland. Bert Mason of Fortland was in Heppner over the weekend to at tend the Elks annuol. LEXINGTON GRANGE The Lexington grange will meet Saturday March 12, the pro gram, which will start at 7:30 p. m. will be open to the public. Kenneth Hill, IFYE student from Union county will tell of his experiences last summer in Nor-way. 8:30 Sat. Red Cross Drive Office Now Open The county Red Cross campaign office is now open in, the former telephone office on West Willow street and is being man ned by volunteer women's and church groups, county drive chairman Jack Angel has an nounced. The annual drive is now under way and Angel said that Mrs. Jack Bedford has accepted the position of chairman of local resi dential solicitation during the campaign. Two Famous Names-Republic Steel and Hamilton Beach -Team up to bring you the sink buy of the year! GRANGE TO MEET Kenneth Hill, who spent a sum. mer working on farms in Europe as an IFYE student wll be guest speaker at the March 11 meetng of the Rhea Creek Grange. There will be a potluck supper at 6:30 and Hill will speak follow, ing the dinner. Henry Baker will also show pictures of his recent trip through the Panama canal, o Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anderson of Pendleton were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham. ' Heppner; HOSPITAL NEWS New Arrivals To Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Adams, Kinzua, an 8 lb. 11 oz. boy born March 1, named Brian Mark. To Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Jewell, Kimberly, a 8 lb. 6 oz. girl born February 26, named Cynthia Ann. To Mr. and Mrs. W. James Popham, Heppner, a 7 lb. 8 oz. girl born March 3, named Shelby Ann. Medical Macheline Halstead, Hermiston, dismissed; Mildred Morris, Heppner; Helen Wehrli, Fossil, dismissed; Shirley Miller, Condon; Shannon Mahoney, Heppner, dismissed; Lena Davis, Spray, dismissed; Donald Matti son, Kinzua; Donald Sizemore, Fossil; Ella Davidson, Cora Wilson, Heppner. Minor Surgery Janina John son, Hepner, dismissed; Norman Case, Heppner, dismissed. Major Surgery Paul Breeding, Lexington; Oma Cox, Heppner; Henry Schulz, Heppner; Dee Cox, Heppner; Connie Anderson, Hepp. ner; Archie Beehdolt, Hardman; Donald Bennett, Heppner. o Heppner Student Body Play Planned The Heppner high school stu dent body will present the play "Here Come the Brides," at the school gym on March 17 and 18; director Stanley Holm announces. The play is a comedy about a young Jimmy Cook who suddenly needs a bride to fool his rich uncle and the fun begins when he gets three brides and his uncle in the same house. Admission will be 75 cents for adults, 25 cents for students with student body cards and 50 cents for grade school students with out cards. Local News In Brief John Eubanks of lone under went major surgery Monday at The Dalles hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon of Lewiston, Idaho have returned home after spending several days visiting at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Scrivner. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson were in Corvallis the last of last week where they attended the Oregon-Oregon State basketball game. Mrs. Lennie Louden expected to return to Heppner from Portland about March 19. She has been there caring for her sister-in-law Mrs. Scott Brown, who is improv ing now. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick were in Eugene over the weekend to at tend a meeting of the Alumni di rctors of the University of Oregon and also attended the basketball games. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson have as their guest, his father, Harry L. Wilson of New Jersey. Conley Lanham, Eugene, for mer' Heppner resident, was a weekend visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilhite of Prairie City were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Creswick. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomp son and Janet, former Heppner residents now living in Pendle ton, spent the weekend in Hepp ner. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney had as their weekend guests Dr. and Mrs. E. I. Silk, of Pendleton. EXTRA! iXTRAI EXTRAI ' CTK Hamilton ror-ur singuuever twopyrex REACH MIXER MIXER SHELF MIXING FAUCET 0W15 SAVE '84.95 OH THIS 54" REPUBLIC STEEL "SIHUIX" SPECIAL IFYE STUDENT TO SPEAK AT HEPPNER P-TA Kenneth Hill, IFYE delegate who spent a year in Europe, will! speak and show slides at the reg ulad meeting of the Heppner P-TA Wednesday evening, March 9. THE SINK Republic's DeLuxe 54' Cabinet Model Cut IeryTray Wire Door Tray Two DeLuxe 12 Storage Drawers. THE MIXER Famous MIXGUIDE Two Pyrex Bowls (one quart and three-quart size) Double Beaters Shift Bowl Control. MIXING FAUCET A finger's touch selects the water temperature. Controls water flow from trickle to full forcel f SAVE $84.95 7l fi-MSJ ?89 " II I Hamilton Beach 1 II I Ml"' Worth 39-50 II I Mixer Pops,p se(t II I Worth 34 II MfcttfcjS I 'Ml VAIUR 259.90 11 I 'l yours lor l, rt M II Only $1.36 W..H, i MONUMENT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard were in John Day where she received medical aid. CASE FURNITURE CO. J JOHNSON'S HAVE NEW DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson are announcing the arrival of a new daughter, Named Keitha Ann on February 23. YOUR GREATEST IV VALUE RCA VICTOR ill ' t ! Soo the new RCA Victor 21 -inch Highlander. Lowest priced RCA Victor console TV with all the famous RCA features in cluding oversize "all clear" picture. Grained finishes, ma hogany, limed oak extra. Lexington Implement Co. PHONE 3-8111. LEXINGTON FIRST ANNIVERSARY- AND WE HAVE A STORE FULL OF SPECIAL BUYS NOT TOO SPARE SPARE RIBS - - lb. 43c SWIFT'S PREMIUM PICNICS - DOLE PINEAPPLE CHUNKS Fresh Frczen - - o cans 37c 39c FISH STICKS a PKGS. OQ0 Four Fisherman Ot CHJCKEN BREASTS 9 PKGS. $4 O'Coma JLTEl FRESH BAG GRAPEFRUIT O LBS OQp Sweet Arizonas UVv FRESH DELICIOUS TOMATOES TUBE 25c BABY LIMAS Q PKGS. Flav-R-Pac 59c FRESH BAG ORANGES LBS. 49c Heppner Market LOYD EURKF.NBINE