Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 3, 1955 Page 5 Mrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social THOMAS WH ITES CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY By Echo Palmateer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. White celebrated their 5Jth wedding an. niversary Sunday February 20 at the Legion hall in lone with a family reunion dinner. Dinner was served to over 60 people by Mrs. Gordon White and Mrs. Wayne White.' The dining table was decorated with a cen terpiece of golden wedding bells and daffodils and dolls dressed to represent costumes that were worn 50 years ago. A three tiered wedding cake was served Thomas White and Edythe An derson were married at Roosevelt Washington February 22, 1905 and lived in that community un til about ten years ago when they moved to their present home in lone. They have three sons, Gor don, Wayne and Dale all of lone and four grandsons, Charles White of Portland, Tommy, Gerry and Lona of lone. Mr. White's forefathers came to the Roosevelt community in the first wagon train. They also owned property in Portland where the new Lin coln high school is built and they built the St. Charles hotel there, which was torn down several years ago. They are relatives of the Kamms in Portland. Relatives and friends from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, and Ina and Kathy Blakely of Prosser, Wash.; Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. William Koltsch and children, Mrs. Voda Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Jordan and Karen and Chris Jensen all of Portland; Mr. Mrs. Case Hostess To Bridge Party Mrs. Allen Case entertained Wednesday evening, February 24, with two tables of bridge. Guests present were Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, Mrs. William Labhart, Mrs. Larry Dowen, Mrs. Robert Gammell, Mrs. Jack Mar . shall, Mrs. Bradley Fancher, and Mrs. Alex Thompson. Prizes were won by Mrs. Dowen, high and Mrs. Van Marter. low. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. y . That was some windstorm that temporarily interrupted Reddy's service Monday! It toppled trees into lines, tangled wires together, snapped power poles-did just about everything possible to interrupt electric service! We know it's no fun to be without electricity. That's why our men kept going full speed. under extremely diffi cult conditions to get service back to normal at the earliest possible moment. Thanks for, being so patient while we ' repaired the storm damage. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT On the job 24 hours a day News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays and Mrs. Lee Ballantyne and children of Gladstone; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roberts and children and Patsy Roberts of Oregon City; Harold Seeley, Mrs. Jean Shattock and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Wherry and Horace White of Rooseevelt; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reiesewher and children ' of Kennewick, Wash, and Mr. and Mr.s Guy Anderson of Granger, Wash. Relatives from lone at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Gor don White and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne White, Dale White and Mrs. Imogene Mooney. Sev eral friends stopped at the Gor don White home in the evening to congratulate the couple. World Day of Prayer Held At Episcopal Church Friday Friday, February 25th, marked the observance of World Day of Prayer in Heppner as well as .in 118,000 other localities in the United States and 22 foreign countries. This observance which was begun prior to 1916 by the Presbyterian Women of the Uni ted States as they prayed for their Home Missions and followed by Baptist Women the following year in their prayers for Foreign Missions has grown ti universal magnitude. The meeting in Heppner, held in the Episcopal church was spon. sored by women of the various churches and conducted by Mrs. R. B. Rice, president of the Union Missionary Society and by Mrs. Ben Anderson, vice president. Theme of the meeting was "Abide in Me". The Reverend Willis Geyer of The Assembly of God and Rev. Lester Boulden of the Methodist church led the congregation in prayers. Mrs. Fred Hoskins Jr. led the singing, accompanied by Mrs. Howard Reed on the organ and Mrs. JacK Marshall sang a solo, "The Day Thou Gavest Lord, Is Ended". The meeting was well attend Coming Events Friday March 4 Sans Souci Re- bekah lodge Monday March 7 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don- nell's American Legion business meeting Tuesday March 8 Bookworms Degree of Honor Wednesday March 9 P-TA, schooL 8:00 p. m. Thursday March 10 Soroptimists noon at O'Donnell's Elks Ladies night Friday March 11 Ruth Chapter No. 32, OES Monday March 14 Annual Chamber of commerce ban quet West-Krebs Vows Read n Condon Methodist Church February 19 At a saturdav afternoon cere mony at the Methodist church in a setting of pink candles and vases of cream and rose colored elads. tied with deep red rose bows, Miss Carleen Jean Kerbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Krebs was united in marriage to James Arlo West, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin West. Rev. Eric Robathan, rector of the Church of the Redeemer in Pendleton per formed the ceremony. Preceeding the ceremony, the candles were lit by Mary Ann Lehman, who wore a pink dress, a cousin of the bride, and Doug las West, brother of the groom. Miss Hope Baney of Pendleton sang, "Through The Years." and Marion T. Weatherford sang, "O Perfect Love." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a pink William Cahill Model with a portrait neck line done in wide scallops with an alencon lace bodice trimmed in seedpearls and sequins and a net skirt of tulle trimmed with the same lace. Her fingertip veil was caught to her hair with a half hat of the same trim as the dress; she also wore a pearl necklace with earrings to match, a gift from the groom. . . Her bouquet was stephanotis and red rosebuds centered with an orchid with ribbons to match the bows on the pews and vases. She also carried something old, a handkerchief, carried by her mo ther at her wedding and for luck she had a sixpence in her shoe sent to her by a cousin in Eng land. The matron of honor, was her cousin, Mrs. Don Evans of Hepp ner. and the two bridesmaids Iwere Mrs. Bob Lorenzea of ren .dleton and Mrs. Rodney Henry of Milwaukie. The flower girl was Sandra Welp, cousin of the groom, i and they all wore identical dres- ses of pink crystalette with bands , of the material in their hair, w ith jthe exception of the flower girl, I who carried an old fashioned nosegay of pink carnations and I rose buds, they carried muffs of same material with rosebuds and glads and streamers of rose rib bon. Bill West was best man for his brother. Ushers were the bride's brother, Henry J. Krebs and a brother of the groom, Jack West. During the double ring ceremony, Marion T. Weatherford sang, "The Lord's Prayer." After the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, which was deco rated with bowls of pink carna tions and acacia. The bride's table was covered with a linen and hand crocheted cloth with the three tiered cake which was deco. rated with rosebuds and bolls. Two pink bells stood in a setting of pink and rose colored carna tions as the centerpiece and were flanked on either side by crystal candle holders with pink candles and carnations. After the bride and groom had cut the first piece of cake with a silver knife with pink ribbons, it was cut and ser ved by three aunts of the bride, Mrs. Emery Lehman of Monterey, California, Mrs. George Krebs and Mrs. Walter Summerfeldt, both of Portland. Pouring were Mrs. John Krebs, Mrs. Roy Hurst, aunts of the bride, Mrs. Charles Welp, Mrs. Virginia West, aunts of the groom. In charge of the punch bowl was Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann of Pen dleton, Mrs. Bill West took care of the guest book and assisting around the rooms were Miss Mari. lyn Hurst, Miss Donna Krebs, Mrs. Bob Alstott, Mrs. Carrol Donovan, cousins of the bride and groom; Miss Frances West and Miss Lin da Welp, cousins of the groom, had charge of the gifts. Greeting the guests at the door were Mrs. Henry J. Krebs and Mrs. William Marshall and Mrs. Bob Lowe. For her going away, Mrs. West wore an orange tweed two piece dress with brown accessories and a beaver jacket with the orchjd from her bouquet. After a honey moon to be spent in California, they will be at home on the West ranch on Rock Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lowe, Hepp ner, aunt and uncle of the bride, mm SEAF0RTH Y mm "lUJIUllJ SHAVE LOTION t(M INSTANT LATHER r5T .,,., spied If ill J A 2 JUGS A $rK BRECK HAZftBjSHOP (frVTiL- BEAUTIFUL HAIR f00Wrm O "tV ' Brk Shampoo ITS .-J 35 lit o f W oi Rigulai Valuo ZJS JSZ-A Compl.xion J5 TC Tr I Glew wi,h (f iff 4a CZHrSSvl $IS? 3 ICX Ha."ll"h tdm d&i m i0 CUTEX DR. WEST Giant Economy Six ja Polish lem'ovw Cutlclt Itmovw TOOTHBRUSHES Btgulor A58VAIU SERUTAN JHfi n CURAD Plastic Bandages 39$ Plastic Tape 390 Total Valuo- 711 A 89 and get trial size I 50 auefj Phil's Pharmacy Mrs. Smith Tells Soroptimist Club About England The Soroptimist club heard Mrs. Ray Smith tell of her home land. England, at their noon lun cheon meeting Thursday at O' Donnell's. She spoke particularly of Tamworth, where there is a Soroptimist club to which thf members of the Heppner club cor responds. She told of the indus tries in that section and of the old castles and the forest which Robin Hood was supposed to have inhabited. She also spoke of some of the differences between her country and the United States, especially noticable is our space here, our towns are not so crowd ed together as in England. The next meeting will be the regular monthly business meeting. Quill and Scroll Initiates Thirteen Thirteen members were initia ted into the Bonnie Wiley chapter of Quill and Scroll, Journalism honorary of Heppner high school, at a banquet Tuesday evening at O'Donnell's. Those initiated at a ceremony conducted by president Larry Mollahan and vice president Mary Ruth Green were Lyle Jen sen, Lance Tibbies, David Cox, Sharon Bryant, Frances Duran, Lynda Borman, Darlene Connor, Clarice Hastings, Nancy Ander son, Shirley Peck, JeaaMarie Gra ham, James Monahan, and Mari lyn Munkers. Barbara Prock gave the invoca tion and the benediction and Sally Palmer played a selection on the piano. Robert Penland, publisher of the Gazette Times, gave a talk on Journalism. He told of the value of a college education in journal ism and encouraged more interest in the field. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. James Popham, Mr. and Mrs. Viv ian White and Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Ponland. Mrs. Joyce Wilkinson is advisor to the, honorary and is journalism instructor and was presented with a corsage from the group, by Larry Mollahan. were among the out of town guests present. USE GAZETTE TIMEB CLASSIFIED ADS USTEIINI AHTIZYME TOOTH PASTE luy iM tub it rulr oiIh 61I M tubt ! V " Voluo f piui (ax McKESSONS CP" I IM tobl.tl for on VTJ KM Over 120 Attend Card Party Saturday Over 120 women attended the card party given Saturday at the Elks Temple. This is an annual party given each year at this time, and draws people from all over the state. Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, who was high; Mrs. Walter Moore of Pen dleton, second and Mrs. W. O. George, low. In pinochle Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth was high; Mrs. Kemp Dick, second and Mrs. Gar Leyva, low. Mrs. Robert Smith of Con don received the dxr prize. Wives of the officers of the Heppner Elks lodge were the hos. tesses for the afternoon. McMurdos Entertain With Luncheon Party Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo en. tertained with a luncheon, pre ceding the Elks Annual Card party and dance Saturday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Barratt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tur ner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore of Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones of Portland. Penney's Now At Penney's! Big March Cotton Hit Parade Penney's Own BRENTWOOD COTTONS . . . better than ever! BACK AGAIN PENNEY'S OWN BRAND BRENTWOOD YOUR AS SURANCE OF sizes for everyone top quality fabric exceptional styling more money look details machine washability j n f 4, y 9 V'"' ; Grand Officer Visits Ruth Chapter, OES La House Hibberd, the Associate Grand Conductress of the Grand Chapter, O. E. S. was present at the. meeting of Ruth Chapter No. 32, Monday evening in the Maso nic hall. Mrs. Hibbord was pre sent on an official visit, for the purpose of conducting a school of instruction. Officers and members met at the hall at 6:30 where dinner was served by the Band Mothers. At the Chapter meeting, guests present from Jasmine Chapter, Arlington were worthy matron and patron, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Logan and from lone, worthy ma tron Carmelita Halvorsen. Iiofrehmcnts were served after the meeting by the hostesses, Mrs. Martha Lane and Mrs. Walter Beckett. Mrs. Frank S. Tarker and Mrs. Edna Turner poured, o EXTENSION UNIT MEETING The Heppner extension unit will meet Tuesday, March 8 at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Keeling. Mrs. N. C. An derson and Mrs. Sam Turner will be project leaders for "care of new fabrics." 2f fa n "ft 4 I 9 , iJ A1 it'1 A" T4 Phil Blakney, Owner