Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 03, 1955, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 3, 1955
Page 3
Cub Scout Awards Given Wednesday At lone Meeting
By Echo Palmateer
Awards were given to the fol
lowing Cub Scouts at a meeting
at the community church parlors
Wednesday evening Feb. 23 with
Mrs. Grant Rigby and Mrs. Roy
Lindstrom as leaders. Stephen
Llndstrom received his wolf
badge and a gold and silver
arrow; Billy Akers a wolf badge
and a gold arrow; Ralph Martin a
bear badge and a gold arrow;
Jimmie Howton, gold and a silver
arrow; Lee Hams, bear badge and
one gold and three silver arrows;
Ronnie Crabtree a gold and a
silver arrow; Gary Morgan a bear
badge and a gold arrow. Roland
Ekstrom was absent but received
his wolf badge. The scouts made
a ticket office and sold tickets on
tours. Railroads was their theme
for February. They had made
semaphores and rail road cars
out of card board boxes. Rail
road and patriotic songs were
sung and Bed Agers showed a
travel movie. Leo Crabtree was
the cub scout master. Mrs. Fred
rick Martin and Mrs. Elmer Holtz
were the den mothers for January
The lone high school came out
irjisecond place in the tournament
at Umatilla last week. They won
first from St. Joseph and won
from Maupin. lone was well rep
resented at the tournament at all
three games.
Weekend guests at the Gordon
White home were Mrs. Oscar
Schiffer of Forest Grove and
Canaries White of Portland.
Melvin Martin is now the car
rier for the Oregonian and Jean
Martin carries the Oregon Jour
nal. Ralph Martin delivers the
cast uregoman. wayne ana jlihs
Ball carried the Oregonian and
the Journal for years preceding
the Martin children.
Rev. Ed Svendsen of Corvallis
conducted services at the Valby
church in Gooseberry Sunday. He
was the guest of Oscar Petersons
while here.
Several homes in town have
been hooked up to television. At
the present time channel 6 is the
only one available. Reception is
very good.
Mrs. Laurose Hibberd of Imb
ler, Associate Conductress of the
Grand Chapter of the Eastern
Star of Oregon held a school of
instruction at the Eastern Star
chapter here Tuesday evening
Feb. 22. A potluck dinner was
served at 6 p. m., the hostesses
were Mrs. James Lindsay, Mrs.
Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Herbert
Ekstrom. Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen is
the Worthy Matron of the local
chapter. Mrs. Hibberd was the
guest of the Halvorsens while
Ronald Baker and Miss Jean
Jacobson, students at Washing
ton State college were weekend
guests at the E. M. Baker home.
The Cookerettes 4-H clubs met
at the Paul Pettyjohn home Wed
nesday Feb. 23 with Mrs. E. M.
Baker as their leader. Mardine
Baker and Judy Howton are the
Junior leaders and assisted at the
meeting. The cooking II girls got
price lists and worked 'out the cost
on menus and the Meal Fun
girls worked on the record books.
Refreshments were served after
the meeting.
Cpl. and Mrs. Harlan Crawford
of Fort Lewis and Olympia, Wash.
spent the weekend at the Wate
Crawford and the G. Hermann
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DeSpain
and children of Portland were
visitors at the home of his bro
ther and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert DeSpain.
Mr. and Mrs Delmer Crawford
and daughters spent the weekend
in Forest Grove where they visited
her brother and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Fayne Ely, and also attend
ed the Barberhop Quartet contest.
Dates to remember:
March 5 Social meeting of the
Topic club at the Omar Rietmann
Our Spring Selection
Flannel SLACK
VT' ? l ( THESE
IrV I , ' -Light Gray
f 'jl ,jf V I? -Medium Gray
f J i '"fi Charcoal
pi i 1 h f ' Gray
ijl J'; j'i -Chocolate
INI ; : ' i Brown
I 4 JXJI 14.95
And Other Fabrics
9.95 TO 17.95
We have them in the newest
popular colors of navy, pink. Cali
fornia orange, helio and gold.
Dress Jackets
A Big Selection
10.95 T0 14.95
Wilson's Men's Wear
The Store of Personal Service
home at 8 p. m.
March 8 Garden club meeting
at the home of Mrs. Anna Lind
strom in the afternoon.
March 9 Maranatha club
meeting at the home of Mrs. O. L.
Lundell in the afternoon. K?n Hill
a I. F. Y. E. of Norway will be the
guest speaker.
March 9 P-TA meeting at the
school at 8 p. m. Election of
officers and a panel discussion.
March 11 Study meeting of
the Topic club at the Dixon Smith
home at 2:15 p. m.
March 12 Public card party at
the Masonic hall sponsored by
the O. E. S. social club at 8 p. m.
75c admission.
March 13 Frieda Keyiya of
Condon will give a musical pro
gram at the school in the evening.
This is sponsored by the P-TA.
Wayne Gollyhorn underwent
an operation on his knee at the
Emanuel hospital in Portland on
Tuesday Feb. 22. He expects to
be home this week. His mother:
Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn and Mrs
Noel Streeter accompanied him to
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Schaffer of
Cecil were dinner guests at the
Cecil Thome home Monday of
last week.
Mrs. W. T. Heacock left for her
home in Olympia, Wash., after
visiting at the home of Mrs. Grace
Ware for two weeks.
" Guests last week at the Dale
Ray home were his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ray of Hood River and his niece,
Mrs. Taylor Circle of Lorrene.
Mrs. Sam McMillan is visiting
at the home of W. G. McKinley in
Portland and also attending the,
D. A. R. convention there.
a. L A t i .
IN A RUT This car belonging to C. A. Warren of Heppner can't seem
to get over the idea of trying to take a short cut out of its owner's
driveway. About two years ago it slipped its brakes and backed
over the steep bank onto the Condon highway, and again last
Thursday afternoon it tried it again in exactly the same spot with
the same results. Another car from a neighboring house tried to
get onto the highway the same way a few years ago, also without
much luck. The combined efforts of two wreckers soon jerked the
Warren car back onto the flat with minor damage. (GT Photo
grass Rebekah lodge met at the
home of Mrs. Fannie Griffith
Wednesday Feb. 23 with Mrs.
Echo Palmateer as co-hostess.
The club voted to paint the ceil
ing and walls of their hall. The
roll call was answered by telling
of a noted man born in February.
For the program questions were
asked on the city of lone and
community. Mrs. Cleo Drake re
ceived the prize for answering
the most right. Mrs. Ernest Heli-
ker received the door prize. Re
frashments were served after the
Mrs. Echo Palmateer received
word that her sister, Mrs. Hazel
Beers of Eagle Creek fell Wednes
day of last week and broke her
hip. She is now in the Portland
Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann of
Pendleton spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr .and Mrs.
Victor Rietmann.
Mrs. Fannie Griffith left for
Portland Saturday to visit her
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Dwight Haugen and also
attend the Barber Shop Quartet
fete in Forest Grove.
Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mrs.
Cecil Thorne spent the first of
the week in Seattle. Mrs. Pearl
Devine of Heppner also went with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weite
meire of Olex spent Sunday in
lone. They were former teachers
here and are now teaching in
Mr. and Mrs. William Zinter, are
the parents of a son, Robert Le
roy, born at the Pioneer Memorial
hospital in Heppner Feb. 19.
Weight 7 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Ferguson of Heppner and Mrs.
Winnie Zinter of lone are the
grandparents and O. Ferguson of
Myrtle Point is the great-grand-gather.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger of Hermiston are the parents
of a daughter, Paula Marie
born Fob. 1G. Weight 7 lbs. and
12 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Messenger of Lexington and Mrs.
Winnie Zinter of lone are the
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Messenger of Boardman are the
great grand-parents. The Messen
ger's other daughters, Charlotte
and Loretta, are staying at the
Zinter home.
The Three Links club of Bunch-
t ..F:
V v iv n H A
"Queen's of Western Swing"
Saturday, March 5
herb mm uwRteim cmp
I " W Electric clothes drying .
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See your electric appliance
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All the modern convenience of an automatic electric clothes
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homemakers here in Pacific Powerland have put an end to the
old-fashioned hustle, bustle and hard work of washdays by
putting a dryer to work instead. They know that no other appli
ance saves so much work and worry!
Yes, you and your family can enjoy all the benefits of modern
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Pacific Power comes to you at a price that makes it the biggest
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Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland