Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 17, 1955, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, TKursday, February 17, 1955
Mr. and Mrs Fred Rauch Honored on 40th Anniversary
By Delpha Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauch were
delightfully surprised last Wed
nesday evening when all their
children came to their ranch
home bringing a beautiful bou
quet of pink carnations and a
decorated cake, made in a sheet
form with pastel flowers and the
words Happy Anniversary Mother
and Dad. This was to help the
parents celebrate their 4n years
of married life.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rauch Sr. and family of
Colbert, Washington; another son,
Mr. and Mrs. August Rauch and
The answer to everyday
Insurance problems
By Turner Van Marter
& Bryant
QUESTION: I don't have
enough valuable posses
sions to warrant getting a
Personal Property Floater
policy but I'd like to know
if I could cover my golf
equipment under some kind
of special policy. Is there
ANSWER. A special Golfer's
Equipment Floater covers
almost all risks at a low
premium but you'd better
ask a good insurance agent
if that's the policy you
should have.
If you'll address your own
insurance questions to this
office, we'll try to give you
the correct answers and
there will be no charge or
obligation of any kind.
Phone 6-9652 Heppner
son of Seattle; and the following
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Clark of Spokane; Mrs. Lily
Smiley and children of Spokane;
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Watson and
children of Hermiston; Mrs. Joe
Pitzer and daughter of Hermiston
and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Matheny
of Heppner.
They celebrated that evening
with a family dinner and then on
Friday night they entertained
several relatives and friends,
with a pinochle party. Those at
tending at this time were Mr. and
Mrs. John Hartman and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Rauch Sr. and three
Fetsch children of Heppner; Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Rauch Jr., of
Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Rauch of Hermiston and son Ir
win of Lexington, accompanied
by the Pudrue children of Iprmis
ton, grandchildren of the Julian
Rauche's; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt
of Lexington and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hermann of lone; and Mr.
and Mrs. Pine Thornburg of Lex
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffin mo
tored to Wenatchee where they
attended the funeral services of
Mrs. Griffin's grandson, one day
last week.
Mrs Carl Marquardt, Mrs. Eu
gene Sawyer, and Mrs. Franlon
Miles, were hostesses last Thurs
day afternoon to a cradle shower
honoring Mrs. Morris McCarl, at
the I. O. O. F. dining room. Games
were played and later refresh
ments of cake and coffee were
served, following the opening of
her numerous and useful gifts.
There were about 40 present.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatfield were
hostesses to a family reunion
with the getting together of Mrs.
Hatfield's brothers and sisters
over the weekend. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bur
gett and family of Maupin, Ray.
mond Burgett and daughter of
Petares, Washington, Mr. and
Mrs. Sid Cordiner.
Lexington Grange met Satur
day night with the Master Alvln
Wagenblast In the chair. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved and after the
business was over initiation was
given in the first and second de
grees to Mr. and Mrs. Millard
Nolan. This work was beautiful
ly done by the lone degree team
who were dres.ses In pastel color
ed formals. After this, refresh
ments were served In the lunch
room by the following commit
tee: Mr and Mrs. Karl Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Wagenblast, and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans. At this
meeting Lexington was highly
favored with several out of town
visitors; Oscar Peterson, agricul
ture committee chairman of the
state Grange of lone; Ray Drake,
Master of Pomona Grange of Mor
row county; from Rhea Creek,
Arthur Means, master of Cherry
Park Grange of Wasco ciunay;
Mrs. Mary Lindsey of lone, mas
ter of Willows Grange; Lesly
Babb, master of Rhea Creek
Grange, and other visitors, Mrj
and Mrs. Knight Miter and Mrs.
Arthur Means, and Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Sauter and Mr. and Mrs.
Dewie Wagenblast all of The Dal
les. Mr. and Mrs. Knight Mitier of
The Dalles were visitors at the
L. A. Palmer home last weekend,
and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer ac
companied by their guests motor,
ed Sunday to McNary Dam and
interesting points and to Hermis
ton where they visited with the
Kirk family. Mr. and Mrs. Mitier
were former residents of this com
munity and greatly enjoyed re
newing acquaintances here, her
and Mrs. Palmer had not seen
each other in quite a number of
years. They later returned to The
Dalles with the other people who
had visited Grange Saturday
evening, and with Wagenblasts
on Sunday.
The Lexington P-TA play "The
Mystery of the Masked Girl" that
was given last Friday night was
well attended and proved most
entertaining. The cast was as fol
lows: Mar jorie Wright, Jerry Do
herty, Nita Gray, Juanita Martin,
Lorene Ledbetter, Teresa Hatfield,
Mildred Davidson, Mrs. Helen
Leyva. Between acts we were
most lucky to see some of the
dancing class from Heppner and
Hermiston performing for us.
P-TA met last Tuesday even
ing in the school auditorium with
the president Mary Bates in the
chair. The minutes were read
and approved, and they heard a
most interesting speech on Found
ers Day given by Mrs Blaine Isom
district Vice President of Pendle
ton. They also saw a short part
of the P-TA play "The Mystery of
the Masked Girl". Later refresh
ments were served in the lunch
Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs.
Trina Parker were Pendleton visi
tors last week as were Mrs. Bob
Davidson, Mrs. Bernard Doherty,
Mrs. Bill Van Winkle Sr. and Mrs.
ZhB Swffis way
to fertilize with Nitrogen
NH3 (anhydrous ammonia) is the ferti
lizer richest In nitrogen. Guaranteed 82
nitrogen, it carries more of this vital plant
food than any other type of fertilizer. It
provides wheat with nitrogen in a form it
can use immediately, and maintains a
supply of plant nourishment throughout
the growing season.
When you buy Shell NH3, you get the
most experienced NH3 fertilizer service.
Trained dealers with years of Shell know
how behind them-supervise the whole job
for you. These specialists know local crop
and soil conditions, use application equip
ment perfected through years of experi
ence. Shell's way is the SURE way!
Shell NH3 applications help speed up
decomposition of crop residue, improve
soil tilth, provide the right amount of nit
rogen at planting time to get seeds off to
a healthy start. You get healthier stands,
yield increases up to 50 or more, and
a return of as much as $4 for every $1
Aik us for a copy of the Shell NH3 bulletin on the SURE way to fertilize wheat.
School Notes
Chester L. Ward, superintendent
The lone high school won both
games here with Echo Friday
evening Feb. 11 and won both
games with Umatilla there Sat
urday evening. lone is at present
in 2nd place and one-half game
behind Echo. lone will play
Boardman here Feb. 18 and Hepp
ner here Saturday evening Feb.
19. The tournament will begin
Feb. 24 at Umatilla when lone
will play at 3:00 p.' m. with a
third place team in the Eastern
Monday evening Feb. 14 the
teachers attended a county teach
ers meeting in Lexington. Plans
were made for the speech, music
and spelling contests.
Tuesday evening Febw 15 was
Fun Night in the school gym
sponsored by the senior class.
Basketball games were played
between the third and fourth
grades and between the seniors
and the town team. There were
also stunts and good eats.
Thursday Feb. 17 the United
Nations contest winner from Pen
dleton spoke before the entire
student body. This was very ac
ceptable to the students as some
of them are planning to enter this
Eldon Padbcrg.
Let's not forget Grandpa's Twin
Sister, the play to be given next
Tuesday by the Thespians, as a V.
F. W. benefit.
S. A. Denny McMillan of the
U. S. Coast Guard is spending
several days with his father, J. F.
Phone Your News to 6-9223.
Lonerock News
By Vema Hayes
Miss Doris Ann Harrison was
honoied with a bridal shower,
Friday night at the Annex in
Lonerock. She received many
lovely gifts, and the wedding date
is Saturday, February 19, at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Harrison on Thirty Mile.
Those attending the bridal show
er were Mrs. Earl Talbert, Mrs.
Garth Wake, Mrs. Meredith Boyce,
Mrs. Guy Huddleston, Mrs. Homer
Davis, Mrs. Glenn, Hayes, Mrs.
Lester Wick, Mrs. Dora Case, Mrs.
Alcy Madden, Mrs. Mattlon
Hicks, Mrs. Pete Haynes, Mrs.
Tom Perry, Mrs. Lester Harrison,
Mrs. Frank Hueman and daugh
ters, Marjorie, Mary and Suzanne,
Miss Patricia Campbell and La
Vonne Moore and the honoree,
Doris Ann. Mrs. Ralph Moore
and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers were hos
tesses for the occasion and served
jello, cake, coffee, punch and tea.
Mrs. Pete Hayes was the host
ess, who served strawberry short
cake and whipped cream at the
Sewing Club Meeting, last Thurs
day. A good crowd was in at
tendance. Misses Martha Campbell and
Kathryn Campbell who are the
teachers in the Hermiston schools
spent the weekend with their
father, Pat Campbell'and family,
at Lonerock.
The pupils of Lonerock school
presented a Lincoln Day program,
Friday, with a coffee hour follow,
ing immediately afterwards.
Jerry Wick and Dennis Talbert
portrayed Abraham .Lincoln and
Marilyn Haynes, the statue of
Liberty. The Lonerock Bugle and
Drum Corps, which includes the
eight pupils in sghool, gave a de
monstration with Susan Rogers,
as band leader. Much credit is
due Mrs. Hueman, teacher for the
time and effort which is given
each pupil in this line of work.
She was assisted in arrangements
by Mrs. Pete Haynes.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Haynes at
tended the dance at Hardman on
Saturday night. Mr. Haynes as
sisted with the music during the
Mr. Jack Stevens," Mrs. Ralph
Moore and daughter, La Velle mo
tored to Pendleton, Saturday, on a
shopping tour.
Mrs. Lester Harrison served as
hostess at the card party, Satur
day nigljt. A large crowd was in
attendance, with Mrs. Guy Hud
dleston winning first prize.
Lester Wick made a trip to
Heppner, Saturday afternoon
Clarno McLauchlin of Portland
came to Long Creek Friday ana
took his mother, Mrs. George Mc
Laughlin to Portland for medical
Bill Conboy and daughter
Kathy have been on the sick list
the last week. They are both im
proved at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Turney of
Thirty Mile, were callers in Lone
rock Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis,
Carolyn and Evan of Kinzua,
visited with relatives over the
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hicks, Shir
ley and Le Roy of Kinzua, spent
Sunday at Lonerock.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Haynes made
a business trip to Fossil Monday.
Ranch Aero airplane spraying company is owned and oper
ated by Paul Hansen who will be back again this year to as
sist ranchers of this area with their weed spraying problems.
Paul Hansen Phone 6-9471
-George I rvin as Grandpa
-Jo I rvin as "Maggie" The I rich Cook
-Lyle Cox as The Young Doctor
-Bill Nichols as The Smart Lawyer
Lexington School
Admission 75c Grade School Students 25c
Benefit of V. F. W. Post
Given By The Thespians
O R D V-
Built by the world's greatest builder of V-8's
V -
x - k, w v' v $
Ford has built more V-8 engines than all other manufacturers
combined . . . over 14,000,000! And this tremendous V-8 experi
ence has enabled Ford in '55 to turn out in quantity the finest
V-8's in the low-price field. So why wait? You can get a proved
Ford V-8 . . . and start enjoying its brilliant new performance,
and new-car dependability right nowl
Enjoy Ford's new
Trigger-Torque Power
For '55, Ford offers the "brilliant-performing
new Y-block V-8 and the even
more powerful Y-block Special V-8. Both "
deliver Trigger-Torque power, which
means you get the pow er you want w hen
ou want it, throughout the entire driving
range of your car. With new Trigger
Torque Power you can have split-second
starts . . . faster passing ability for a
greater feeling of security . , . topnotch
deep-block construction, you can enjoy
smooth performance and long engine life.
Relax in the smooth comfort
of new Angle-Poised Ride
Ball-Joint Front Suspension, which
Ford introduced in its field last year, has
proved itself over billions of miles. For
'53 it is still better. Springs are set at an
angle to absorb shock from the front as
well as straight up. This provides delicate
responsiveness to cushion tiny bumps as
well as husky "muscle to flatten big bumps.
Take your pick from 16
brilliant new Ford Models
This year, you get Thunderbird-inspired
styling in any Ford you choose. And
there's a variety of excitingly new single
and two-tone body colors with charmingly
color-keyed Luxury Lounge Interiors.
response at all speeds. And with Ford's ' , . t
high-compression, low-friction design and Come in for a Trigger-Torque Test Drive i
Rose wall Motor Company
HEPPNER: 6-9103