Page 5 Social cHajijimbii Mrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays Disque-Orwick Vows Read February' 10 At Home Ceremony Miss Kathleen Orwick, daugh tor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orwick, b came the bride of Warren Dis que of Condon, Thursday Febru ary 3. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Lester Boulden before a background of pink and white stock and candalabra with white candles. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a brown dress maker suit with avacado and champaign accessories. She carried a green orchid and step hunitis on a white Prayer book. Mrs. Dale Edwards, Condon, matron of honor, wore a red suit. Bill Waggoner, also of Condon, was best man. The bride's mother was dres sed in grey with a red carnation corsage. At the reception which followed tljp ceremony Mrs. Sam Turner cut the cake after the bride and irmnm cut the traditional first piece. Mrs. Myrtle Huddleston, Lonerock, poured and Mrs. James ,Orwick, Walla Walla, served the nunch. The couple will make their home in Condon wnere tne groom is employed. Soroptimist Club Has Valentine Party The Soroptimist club held a Valentine party at their meeting Thursday noon at O'Donnell's. Materials were handed out and each member made a Valentine. A Valentine exchange was held afterwards. Mrs. Grace Nicker son received a door prize. A decorated cake was served in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Jos. Hughes. COUPLES CLUB TO MEET The Couples Club of the Epis copal church will meet Saturday February 19 in the parish hall for a 7.00 p. m. potluck dinner and entertainment. All interested couples are welcome. Topic Club Studies Morrow History ' The February study meeting of the Topic Club met at the home of Mrs. M. E. Cotter on Friday, February 11. The history of Mor row county was reviewed. Those taking part in the pro gram were Mrs. Omar fyetmann who spoke on Morrow county in general; Mrs. Blaine Chapel on the Hardman vicinity; Mrs. Give Huston on Heppner; Mrs. C. W. Swanson on lone; Mrs. Lloyd Ber ger on Irrigon; and Miss Dona Barnett on Lexington. Other out of town euests were Miss Ida Lee Chapel, Miss Alta istevens and Mrs. James Hams all of Hardman. Mrs. Earl Gilliam. Heppner; Mrs. Trena Parker, Lex ington; Mrs. Lloyd Cooley, Irri gon and Mrs. Roy Thomas of Walla Walla. Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Mrs. Omar Rietmann were co-hostess es with Mrs. Cotter. Coming Events Friday Feh.8 Sans Souci Re bekah lodge Monday Feb. 21 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don nell's American Legion business meeting Tuesday Feb, 22 Bookworms Degree of Honor. Thursday Feb. 24 Soroptimists, noon at O'Donnell's Elks Friday Feb. 25 Ruth chapter No. 32. OES Saturday Feb. 26 Elks Annual lodge and ladies card party, 2:00 p. m.. Elks Temple. Din ner, 5:30 to 7:30, fair pavil ion. Stage show, 8:00 and 9:00. Dance, 10:00 p, m. Carnation Club Meets At Castor Home Twenty three members of the Carnation Club of the Degree of Honor met Thursday, Febwary 10 at the home of Mrs. Doris Castor, with Mrs. Barbara Ware and Mrs. Maxine Gray assisting in serving refreshments. The party honored those mem bers whose birthdays fall during the months of January, February and March. Group games were played and door prizes were drawn by Miss Alvina Padberg and Miss Mari lyn Bergstrm. u Mrs. Green Hostess For Bridge Club Mrs. Herman Green was hostess Thursday evening, February 10th for a dessert bridge party for the members of her club. Those playing were Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. L. E. Dick, Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. Cornett Green, Mrs. Howard Bryant, Mrs. Charles Stout and Mrs. Frajik Connor. Mrs Herman Green won the first prize and Mrs. L. E. Dick, second prize. Mrs. James Popham Honored With Shower Mrs. James Popham was honor ed recently with a stork shower at the home of Mrs. Llewellyn Robbins with Mrs. Larry Dowen, Mrs. Stanley Holm, Miss Marguer ite Glavey and Miss Donna Se bern as co-hostesses. Others present were Mrs. How ard Reed, Mrs E. J. Dobbie, Mrs. Vivian White, Mrs. William So well, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Merritt Gray, Mrs. Marion Hug gett, Mrs. Marie Clary, Mrs. Wil liam Labhart. Before opening the gifts, bridge and pinochle were played, Mrs. Marie Clary winning high in pinochle and Mrs. James Wilson low. Miss Donna Sebern won the travelling prize. In bridge, Mrs. William Labhart received high score and Mrs. William Sowell was low. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Degree of Honor Has Social Evening - The Degree of Honor met Tues day evening, February 8th, for a regular business meeting, follow ed by a social hour at the home of Mrs. Bill Farra, with Mrs. Farra and Mrs. Edna Harshman as the hostesses. Games were played and prizes were won by Mrs. Mary Cason, Mrs. Lincoln Nash and Miss Mary Ann Jensen. Others attending were Mrs. Theta Stratton, Mrs. Leah Hisey and Mrs. Carl King. Decorations and refreshments were in the Valentine motif. Have Seen You it? SO EASY TO I N STALL- PABCO PLASTIC FLORON TILE You'll marvel at the ease in laying and the beauty of this nsw Pabco Floron Plastic floor tile the tile that outscores all other floor covsrings in quality tests, yet costs so little. You have a choice of 14 smart decorator colors end you may buy, your tile in Just the amount you need for the Job. Come in today and see it, and' let us help you figure just what the Job will require. You can lay it yourself. Just six easy steps. ONLY 21cEACH Garden Club Meets1 At Lex Thursday The Lexington Garden club met Thnrsdav February 10 at the home of Frances McMillan with the following members present: Gena Leonard, Bernice Lott, Edna Munkers, Nellie Palmer, Faye Munkers, Cleo Van Winkle, Edith Miller. Hortense Martin, Gloria Dolvin, Anne Smouse, Nellie Johnson, Marie Martin, tana Wetzel, Ola Ruggles, Frances Mc Millan, Mae McCall, Frances Schrage, Lee Wagenblast, Cora Warner, Pearl Devine, Marjorie Beach, Mary Bates, Mrs. Peterson, Lavern Henderon and Maude Pointer. Following the business meeting a short skit was resented by Cora Warner. Edith Miller, Faye Mun- Jters, Bernice Lott, Lee Wagen blast and Gena Leonard. Edith Miller received the door prize. Maude Pointer showed souvenirs of her trip, last summer, to Hawaii Refreshments were served by Frances Schrage and Frances Mc. Millan. Bridqe Party Held At-Thompson Home Mrs. Alex Thompson was host ess on Wednesday evening of last week for two tables of bridge. Guests were Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, Mrs. Robert Gammell, Mrs Jack Marshall. Mrs. Allen Case, Mrs. William Labhart, Mrs. Larry Dowen, and Mrs. .William Barratt. Mrs. Van Marter received high score and Mrs. Barrat low. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. o Bookworms Meet At Smith Home Tuesday The Bookworms met at the home of Mrs. Ted Smith, Tues day, February 8th to hear Mrs. Lucy Rodgers review "Song of Ruth" by Frank Slaughter. Members present were Mrs.l Lucy Peterson, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. Eb Hughes, Mrs. Fred Parrish, Mrs. Sara Mc-j Names, Miss Lulu Hager, Mrs. Cornett Green, Miss Leta Hum phreys, Mrs. James Thomson and the hostess. Refreshments were served. Birthday Party Given For Mrs. Runnion Mrs. V. R. Runnion was given a birthday party at her home Thursday afternoon. The guests arrived for dessert and brought the birthday cake. Those attending were Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee, Mrs. W. O. George, Mrs. Emile Groshensj Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, La Verne Van Marter III, Bob Runnion and Dr. A. D. McMurdo. Pre-Lent Card Party Held Tuesday Evening Sixteen tables of bridge and pinochle were in play at the card party held Tuesday even ing February 8 by the Women's Auxiliary of All Saints Episcopal church. Mrs. W. O. George held high score for bridge and Mrs. E. K, Schaffitz was low. In pinochle Mrs. Pearl Devine was high and Miss Esther Bergstrom, low. Mrs. Everett Keithley received the door prize. The committee in charge of the party was Mrs. Mary Van Stevens and Mrs. Clarence Rosewall. Triple Link Club Has Valentine Card Party Nine tables of bridge and pinochle were in play at the Val entine card party sponsored by the Triple Link club Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Turner held high score in bridge and Mrs. Loyal Parker was low. In pinochle Mrs. Frank Adkins was high and Mrs. Lincoln Nash held low. Mrs. W. C. Rosewall received the door prize. Refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs. John Berg ston, Mrs. Sara McNamer, Mrs. Grace Nickerson, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Ruby Munkers. Mrs. Prudy Casebeer and Mrs. Rufus Piper. Gene Hall Honored By Birthday Party Mrs. Gene Hall entertained Fri day evening in honor of her hus band's birthday. Cards were enloyed during the evening and refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blakney, Mr. and Mrs. Kay French, Mr. and Mrs. James Sum ner. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Gunder- son, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jepsen of lone, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Flack of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gammell, the guest ol honor and the hostess. 8ymptom8 of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ow five million packages of the Willard Tuatmemt have been told for relief of yinptofna of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcere due to Euete Acid Pewr DliMtlon, four or Uptet Stomach, Oaulnete, Heartburn, Sleepleitnoft, to., due to been Acid. Ask for " Wlllard't Moeaage" which fully explains this home toatument free at HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. PHIL'S PHARMACY V. F. W. Auxiliary Meets at Lexington The ladies auxiliary of Ed wards-Way Post 6098 met for their meeting Thursday Febru ary 10. At this time district president Grace Ogbom of Hermiston and senior vice president Faye Hamil ton of McNary paid their official visit. The auxiliary voted to give $10.00 t0 the March of Dimes. After the meeting adjourned re. freshments of jello, cake and cof fee were served by June Cooper and Velda Way. Women of Episcopal Church Meet Monday About eighteen members were present Monday night at the re gular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church. After the business meeting, the Pancake Luncheon to be held Shrove Tuesday was discussed as well as World Day of Prayer which is to be held in the Epis copal church on February 25th at 2:30 p. m. The World Day of Prayer mooting will be conducted by women of the various churches in Heppner. lone Sorority Plans Potluck The Beta Omega chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met at the home of Mary McLeod in lone on February 14 with Mrs. Melba Mil ler as eo-hostess. Scrapbook covers wore made by members of (lie sorority and Mrs. Joyce Sni der's cover was voted the best. Play practice was hold after the meeting.. A potluck supper will be held February 20 in the Legion hall. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Church schoollO a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Ser vices of infant baptism and dedi cation. Sermon theme, "The Child in the Midst." Choir practice Monday 8 p. m. BEFORE YOU BUY- See RCA Television Look-forte! IT MARKS TV'S TOP VALUES FOR '55 C MM J rca Victor A ( (feature five) J Vs SERIES JJ Available in tiwse5 luxurious 1 1 finishes: sleek ebony, rich I Jjr' 1 maroon, stunning tawny gold, I UlJOliIUJ 1 mahogany grained and I .jmrti ifllMIIMtn I limed oak grained. See the I iSSSSSSsS 1 "Feature 5" Series today! I 1 ffJ?H b 1 l ait kt j Lexington Implement Co. PHONE 3-8111, LEXINGTON niiiinii iarfcitf W-ibV'- ' ''""w''- PABCO BRUSHTONE LINOLEUM TILE ONLY 12CEACH EASY TERMS TOO-! YOU CAN RE-FLOOR 2 ENTIRE ROOMS FOR AS LITTLE AS 00 a month WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT ASK US! i BUY THIS FULLY EQUIPPED 54" REPUBLIC "SIHIK" AT THE REGULAR PRICE OF THE Sll ALONE THE SINK-Republic's 54' De Luxe Cabinet Model Cutlery Tray Wire Door Tray Acid-Resistant Porcelain Top Smooth, Quiet Nylon Glides on all 4 Drawers. THE MIXER The exclusive MIXGUIDE control on this Hamilton Beach Electric Mixer puts 10 tested speeds under your thumb. You simply dial the speed you want. MIXING FAUCET-Exclusive single-lever mixing faucet-a finger's touch selects the water temperature. Complete with easy-reach rinsing spray and non-splash aerator. ., CASE FURNITURE CO. EXTRA VALUE! 3950 3450 5.9s 34" REPUBLIC STEEL SINK $100 95 Kooulorlv HAMILTON BEACH MIXER Worth MIXER POP-UP SHELF Worth ADDED VALUE OF SINGLE. LEVER MIXING FAUCET w.-tt, TOTAL VALUI $2S9'90 All yours for less than the price of the sink alone I i i-Ml I LIMBER COM PHONE 6-9212 WE LIKE HEPPNEB BUILD TO HELP FOLKS notch t 1 L.