Pace 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 17, 1955 Edwin Walker, Assessors Incidentals . COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Minutes of the January, 1955 term of the county Court. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Archie D. McMurdo was ap pointed County Physician for the year 1955. P. W. Mahoney was appointed to the Hospital Board for a period nf 5 vears. The Heppner Gazette Times was named official newspaper for thP vear 1955. a Puhlio Dance Hall license was issued to the County Fair Board. A County Veterinarians, Dr. J. W. Norene was assigned all of Morrow County South and bast of Hlehwav No. 20G, and Dr. r.pnrpe Maruze all of Morrow County North and West of High xrnv Nn. 20fi. The following claims were al- lowod on the Banes Disease Lon trol Fund: William Smethurst Jr . toRM and Annie Healy, $8.00 Thp following claims were al lowed on the Special Road Trust Fund: Ray D. Kalal, $175.00, ana John E. Kaiai, ?jdu. It was ordered that dog licen ses be sold at the rate of' $1.00 for male or snaved females, and WIY) fnr females until March 1st, then at the rate of $3.00 for male or spayed females, and $4.00 for fpmalps. Warrants Issued on the General Fund for the month of January, r-nrnnt T?.-irratt fnnntV Judce $ 325.55 Cuflio P;irri;h. fnuntv Clerk 305.55 R.irhara Ware. DeDUtV . 177.55 r. jr. n. Bauman. Sheriff ... 341.04 Svlvia McDaniel. Deputy . 179.79 IIWJVV UMJtM'.l ' Clerk I4.b5 Lucy E. Rodgers, Treasurer 214.20 Olive B. Hughes, Assessor 301.10 Alice I. Soward, Office Clerk 1H 5 . A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 273.91 Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician 24.25 Herbert W. White, Jr., Court Reporter 72.75 J. O. Hager, Justice of Peace 150.15 Wm. E. Garner, Justice of Peace 72.75 Fisher. Justice of Peace . 24.25 Arthur Jenkins. Assessor Fieldwork 93.00 P.pnrpp D. Fowler. As- , . .. . n ... - sessor Fieldwork b.50 Waller K. Taylor, Asses sor Fieldwork 79.57 Northwest Hospital Ser vice, Salaries 57.15 Sadie Parrish (Petty Cash) Clerk $500; Ct. court 54c 5.54 Slate Ind. Ace. Comm., CH. $1,315; Jan. 31c; S. $1.82; SS 31c; DS 31c 7.11 Ralph I Thompson, Com missioner 9G.46 Russell K. Miller, Com missioner 126.25 State Tax Commission, Salaries 104.51 First National Bank of Portland, Salaries 371.55 Public Employees Retire ment, Salaries $38.15; Soc. Sec. $89.91 128.06 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 168.86 Kllham Stationery & Printing Co., Clerk 4.01 Henderson Office Supply, Treasurer 6.50 Bancraft Whitney Co., Co. Law Library 15.00 Turner, Vanmarter & Bryant, Bonds 220 00 Helen O'Donnoll, Dist. Attorney 20.00 Bradley D. Faneher, Dist. Attorney 13.42 Bradlev 1). Faneher, Dist. Attorney 31.00 Wltberall and Wltherall. Accountant-Audit 71.50 The Heppner Laundry, Jail 44e: Courthouse 88c 1.32 Humphreys Drug Co., As sessors Incidentals . 38.08 Heppner Gazette Times, Co. Clerk $73.65; Off. Pub. $16.80 120.45 Kllham Stationery & Printing Co., Court house Incidentals 308.05 C. J. D. Bauman, Stamps and Envelopes 50.00 James 11. Driseoll, P. M., Clerk Incidentals 72.08 H. Taniblyn, Co. Court ... 5.00 I and 1 SuoDlv Co.. Court house Incidentals 42.30 D. F. DeGow, Accountant Audit 25.00 Henderson Office Supply, Assessors Incidentals 2.65 Heppner Red & White, Jail 5.50 County Clerk, Umatilla Co., Mentally 111 15 00 Grace O. Nickerson, Bonds 175.00 Heppner Garbage Dis posal, Courthouse 300 Recording & Statistical Corp., Assessors Inci dentals . 3.00 Greenfield Grange, Elec tion 5.0C National Market Reports, Inc., Assessors Inciden tals 5.00 Henderson Office Supply, Henderson Office Supply, Assessors Incidentals . Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co.,, Current Expense . .. City of Heppner, Water Dept., Courthouse pacific Power and Light Co.. Courthouse City of lone, weed Control George D. Fowler, Assess ors Fieldwork Walter Taylor, Assessors Fieldwork Gena Leonard, II. Nurse Incidentals Frank O. Sarber, Asses sors Fieldwork 67.00 State Tax Comm. Valua tion Div.. Assessors Fieldwork 1,341.00 Bruce M. Lindsay, Clerk's Incidentals .'. H-29 Anderson's Builders, Courthouse 390 George Fowler, Assessors Fieldwork 60.50 5.00 6.55 Violet Swaggart, Coyote I Bounty Fund 6.00 5.00 William Duran, Coyote Bounty Fund 6.00 26.05 Harold K. Peck, Coyote Bounty Fund 3.00 70.72 Don Paulson, Coyote Bounty Fund 600 7.50 Harlan Gentry, Coyote Bounty Fund 6.00 57.72 Ray Papineau, Coyote 2.10 Bounty Fund 12.00 W. L. Cox, Coyote Bounty 38.50 Fund 3.00 Jeff Walker, Coyote 62.50 Bounty Fund 66.00, Gourley, Wilbur, Heppner Farmer Gilliam, Leonard L., Heppner Merchant Glavey, John, Heppner Farmer Graybeal, E. W., Irrigon Farmer Grabill, Robert, Heppner Store Manager Gantenbein, Henry B., Boardman Dairy Farmer Graybeal, David C, Irrigon Far mer Gilman, Dean M., Heppner, Truck Driver Greenup, Don, Heppner Farmer Gray, Merritt, Heppner Farmer $'280.73 296.26 364.48 137.98 .. 336.04 . 291.85 330.61 336.04 338.70 Warrants Drawn on General Road Fund: Calvin Carson . Thoral Broadus II. Sherer William Cunningham David McLeod Harold Wilson Donald Munkers William C. Heath Georcp Irvin Glen McLachlan 173.05 Allen Springer 261.17 Clifton Swan 241.74 Fred Booker 164.56 Walter Corley 294.26 Bert Corbin 356.48 Walter Gilman 220.12 Ray Bailey 253.98 Darl Hudson 328.32 Lewis Ball 336.04 Dick Borman 316.03 Eldon Shannon 321.14 Northwest Hospital Service Sadie Parrish, Petty Cash State Tax Commission ... First National Bank of Portland Charlie J. Marshall Guy E. Ferguson Public Employees Re tirement State Industrial Accident Comm. City of Heppner, Water Dept Lexington Implement Co Union Oil Co. Boardman Supply Co. Harold Baker Motor Supply & Equip ment Co. Jacks Chevron Station Pendleton Grain Growers. Inc Paul G. Pettyjohn City of Heppner, Water Dept. Aliens Service Station Harold Sherer. Petty Cash Colyear Motor Sales Co. Western Equipment Co. TumALum Lumber Co. Umatilla Electric Coop ' Shafer Radiator Service Shell Oil Company Pacific Tel. and Tel Co. Lexincton Implement Co. 7,300.00 Columbia Equipment Co. 1.730.98 English and Co. 594.65 Heppner Lumber Co. 30.13 Rogers Construction Co. 3,238.30 Empire Machinery Co. Arnico Drainage and Metal Products Brunner and Lay Corp 87.75 5.17 206.62 518.65 68.11 . 50.40 49.76 216.58 6.60 . 219.27 114.65 17.40 1.232 50 JURY LIST OF THE YEAR 1955 Anderson, Frank, Heppner Far mer Aldrich, G. E., Irrigon Farmer Allen, Clayton, Boardman Carpenter Allen, Mabel, Boardman House wife Allen, William R. D., Irrigon Mer chant Akers, Berl, lone Farmer Anderson, Martin, Boardman Laborer Allstott, R. D., lone Farmer Ayers, Ray Heppner Laborer Baker, Willard, Boardman Labor er Baker, Helen E., lone Housewife Baker, Merle G., lone Warehouse Supt. Ball, Roy E., Boardman Farmer Bergstrom, Carl F., lone Farmer Bergstrom, Ruth, Heppner Housewife Brace, Oran O., Heppner Farmer Briggs, Earl II., Boardman Ware house Foreman Buschke, Claude,. Heppner Mer chant Blanchette, Robert, Lexington Farmer Blake, Margaret, Heppner House wife Bailey, Jack, Heppner Laborer Barnett. James, lone Laborer Barratt, Gretchen, Heppner House wife Benge, Terrel, lone Farmer Buschke, Ed, lone Farmer Bechdolt, Archie S., Hardman Farmer Baker, David, lone Farmer Buschke, Louis, lone Farmer Bibby, Luke, Heppner Farmer Brown, Dale, Heppner Farmer Bryant, Howard, Heppner Insur ance Salesman Ball, Elmer L, Heppner Laborer Barratt, William F., Heppner Stockman Bedford. John H., Heppner Banker Blake. Kenneth, K., Heppner Laborer Blaknev, Phillip R., Heppner Druggist Boulden. Lester D., Heppner Min ister ;q in 50.52 Br-'n. Paul C. Heppner Farmer Campbell, Donald F., Lexington TWi Farmer Harold G., Echo Far 43.34 54.40 1.00 23,15 1,402.05 17.20 700.00 2,340.00 47.20 Paul G. Pettyjohn 132.96 21.25 2.00 21.04 1.75 30.00 30.00 39.00 238.50 Lexington Oil Coop D. H. Jones and Son Pacific Power and Light Co Boardman Garage Bill F. Miller Larry Thorpe Builders Supply Nelson Equipment Co, Loggers and Contractors Mach. Co 222.07 Nelson Equipment Co 17.00 English and Co. 107.60 Northwest Industrial Laundry Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. Jack Allen Supply Co. McBride Body Shop Heppner Lumber Co Clyde Equipment Co. Bruce M. Lindsay (Petty Cash) Anderson Builders Supply Roscwall Motor Co Heppner Auto Parts Lester Perry 7.50 5.92 34.57 7.50 46.93 1,146.75 5.29 200.03 413.91 . 116.23 10.00 Warrants Drawn on Hospital Construction Fund Robert Lowe $ State Ind. Acc. Comm. McCormack Construction Co State Tax Commission A. S. Aloe Company Warrants Drawn on Maintenance Fund Pioneer Memorial Hos pital . $ 1,000.00 Warrants Drawn on Miscellane ous Fund Harold Dobyn, Rodent Fund Northwest Hospital Ser vice, Rodent Fund State Tax Commission, Rodent Fund Public Employees Ret. System, Rodent Fund Harold Dobyns, Coyote Bounty Fund 5.55, Cae. A. L-. Heppner Merchant 9 SO 'Carlson, Leonard. lone Farmer 30 53 i Coleman. Joseph J., Irrigon Op. 23.52! Engineer Currin, George, Heppner Farmer Currin, Helen, Heppner Housewife Cutsforth, Orville, Lexington Farmer Crum, Ralph, lone Farmer Coliison, Edgar, Heppner Mgr. R E. A. Cunningham, Ralph, Irrigon Ma ch nist Carmichael, C. C, Lexington Far mer Cox, Bernard Lyle, Lexington Laborer Crouch, Joe, Boardman Farmer Cannon, Pete, lone Farmer Carlson, Louis, lone Farmer Corley, Walter W., lone Laborer Crawford, Harlan, lone Farmer Chapin, Ambrose W., Heppner Salesman Dexter, W. B Irrigon Apt House Manager Davidson, Frank F., Heppner State Hoghway Dick, L. E. Jr., Heppner Com. Agent Doherty, Wm. J., Lexington Far mer Dobyns, Evelyn E., lone House wife Dobyns, Harold, lone Trapper Downey, Earl E., Boardman Far mer Drake, Gladys, lone Clerk Doherty, Bernard J., Heppner Far mer Doherty, Charles J., lone Stock man Dalzell, Arthur, lone Farmer Daly, Charles J., Lexington Far mer Dolven, Raymond M., Lexington Farmer Eades, Robert A., Boardman Far mer Ely, Elvin L., Boardman Laborer Eubanks, John, lone Farmer Edwards, Arthur T., Irrigon Car penter Evans, Earl, Heppner Farmer Evans, Donald K., Heppner Far mer Ferguson, Raymond, Heppner Farmer Ferrell, Robert, Heppner Banking Fisk, John S., lone Farmer Finney, Alvin L., Irrigon Ware house Op. Fussell, Leroy F., Boardman Far mer French, R. J., Heppner Farmer Farley, James J., Heppner Mer chant Frederickson, Donald, Heppner Laborer Flock, E. G.. Boardman Farmer Gerking, Clark B., lone Farmer 98.74 2.21 22,592.88 3.00 1,392.00 Hospital houseman Groshens, Emil, Heppner Farmer Harwood, Eugene W., Boardman Carpenter Hams, James, Hardman Farmer Hamilton, Lewis L., Boardman Farmer Hayes, Walter H., Boardman Mer chant Hayes, J. J., Heppner Farmer Heliker, Donald, lone Farmer Hatfield, Donald W., Lexington Merchant Hayden, Marion, Heppner Me chanic Hisler, Paul, Heppner Farmer Hamilton, Cecil, Boardman Far mer Hoffman, Arnold I, Boardman Hooker, Fred H., Boardman Far mer Hayes, Dorothy I., Irrigon House wife Howton-, Loyd L., lone Farmer Hoadley, Fred, Irrigon Farmer Hobbs. Flovd. Irritron Laborer Howell, PirJ S., Heppner Salesman Howell, Thos. S., Heppner Mer chant Hastings, W. C, Heppner Laborer Hubbard. Van lone Farmer Hudson. D. E.. Hennner Laborer Hughes, Elwyn Heppner Laborer Huston, Eugenia, Heppner House wife Hamlett, Adon, lone Insurance Agent Halvorsen, Lewis, lone Farmer Hynd, Jack Jr., Cecil Farmer Huwe, Milton, Irrigon Farmer Henderson, Alonzo, Lexington Farmer Hug, Arnin, Boardman Farmer Hanna, John Jr., Heppner Farmer Healy, James, Heppner Merchant Heath, William C, Heppner Me chanic Huit, Alfred M., Heppner Laborer Jepson, Robert H., lone Farmer Jones, Alva, Heppner Farmer Jordan. Delmer, Heppner Clerk Jones, Philip, Boardman Farmer Jones R. V., Irrigon Farmer Justus, Hilda, Heppner Housewife Jones, Marcel, Heppner Farmer Kenney, D. J., Irrigon Farmer Kane, Vivian, Heppner Bookkeeper Kenny, John F., Heppner Farmer Kunze, Frank, Boardman Laborer Knighten, Carl, Irrigon Farmer Krebs, John W., Cecil Farmer Ledbetter, John, Lexington Far mer Lindsey,, Mary, lone Housewife Lindstrom, Roy, lone Farmer Levesque, Louis, Lexington Far mer Lutkins, Cecil, lone Farmer Leonard, Gena Selves, Lexington Housewife Lovgren, Victor, Heppner Farmer. Lamb, Albert F., Heppner Coop Manager Leathers, Owen H.,Sr Heppner Merchant Loyd, Jack, Heppner TumALum Manager. Mankin, Fred, Heppner Farmer Mankin, Beulah, Heppner House wife Marlow, Frank, Boardman Farmer Matthews, Wallace, lone Farmer Miller, Geo. E Cecil Farmer Marlow, John, Irrigon Supt. Miller, Edwin II. Jr., Heppner Farmer Miller, Ruth, Lexington House wife Munkers, Faye, Lexington House- wife Majeske, Eugene F., Lexington Farmer Munkers, Leonard L., Lexington Laborer Mulkey, Lyle G., Irrigon Farmer Munkers, Frank, Lexington Farmer Myers, Jasper E., Heppner Farmer Miller, Chester A., Irrigon b armer Martin, Randall, Heppner Farmer Meadqr, Richard T., Heppner Contractor Morgan, Milton R. Jr., lone Far mer McElligot, Donald J., lone Farmer Moore. R. E.. Boardman Farmer McMurtry, R. G., Heppner Mer chant McCormack, Francis, Heppner Priest McCabe, Lonnie, lone Farmer McCabe. Earl. lone Farmer McMillan, Sam, Lexington Far mer McKinnev. Earl. lone Farmer McMurdo, Ruth, Heppner House wife McLeod, Corliss A., lone Nolan, M. G., Lexington Farmer Nelson, Alfred Jr., Lexington Far mer Newman, John F., Heppner Electrician Nelson, Delevin O., Lexington Farmer O'Brien, Malcolm S., Heppner Far mer O'Donnell, Harry T. Jr., Heppner Laborer Palmer, Kenneth, Lexington Far mer Palmer, Geneva, lone Housewife Palmer, Elmer, Heppner Farmer Partlow, Roy, Boardman Farmer Potts, Leo, Boardman Farmer Peterson, Donald, lone Farmer Pettviohn, Fred, lone Farmer - Peck, Edgar E., Lexington Farmer Proudfoot, Helen, lone Housewife Proudfoot, John, lone Farmer Padbere. Oris. Lexington Me chanic Pointer, Donald R., Lexington Far mer Pettyjohn, Paul G., lone Laborer Padberg, Darrell, lone Farmer Phaneuf, Byron M., Boardman, Grocer Pfeiffer, John A., Heppner Mer chant Rasmus, J. O., Heppner Laborer Rands, Josephine, Boardman Housewife Rea, Norma, lone Housewife Rosewall, W. C, Heppner Auto Dealer Robinson, Ethel, Hardman House wife Rietmann, Elaine, lone Housewife Rietmann, Omar. lone Merchant Russell, Vernon L., Boardman Service Station Rugg, George, Heppner Farmer Robinson, Creston, Heppner La borer Robinson, Donald O., Heppner Farmer Rice. Lloyd, lone Farmer Ritchie, Art, lone Farmer Sanders, Fred, Heppner Lineman Schaffitz, Edward K., Heppner Optometrist Shannon, Eldon, Boardman Truck Driver Smith, G. C. M., Heppner Sales man Sowell, William L., Heppner Truck Driver Smith, John T., Irrigon Farmer Snider, George L. lone Farmer Smouse, Kenneth J., lone Farmer Smith, Orville, Heppner Saw Mill Operator. Stevens, Mary Van, Heppner Flor ist Swaggart, Gerald, Heppner Far mer Skoubo, Edward C, Boardman Farmer SKoubo, Ralph, Boardman Farmer Stefanl, Arthur A., lone Farmer Steers, Elmer N., Hardman La - borer Stevens, Harold, Hardman Far mer Stockard, Clement N., Heppner Druggist Slaughter, Paul R., Irrigon Far mer Taylor, Ray M., Heppner Me chanic Thomson, Madge C, Heppner Housewife Thomson, Roderick S., Heppner Clerk Troedson, Verner E., lone Farmer Turner, Frank, Heppner Ins. Agt. Tibbies, L. D., Heppner Physician Tullis, Garry H., lone Farmer Thornburg, Forrest 5., Lexington Laborer. Warfield, Jess, lone Farmer Weatherford, W. W., Heppner Far mer West, Wayne W., Heppner Forest Service Wilson, Thomas L.Heppner Con servationist Webb, Paul, Heppner Farmer Way, Glenn, Heppner Farmer Warner, George E. Heppner Wel fare Adm. Wilkinson, Dick, Heppner Farmer White, Gordon, lone Oil Dist. Winchester, Ernest, Heppner, Painter Wells, Thomas J., Heppner Far mer Williams, John H., Heppner Parts Mgr. Wright, Harold, Heppner Farmer need money... a low-coet First National is aa easy as this..; IGo to your nearby Firtt National Branch, and ask to a loan officer. (You'll find him friendly and helpful.) 2 Explain your need. (You might with to consolidate debts, pay doctor bills or taxes, or have one of many other reasons.) O Arrange your own repayment plan. I 4 ( Small mnnthlv navrrlf ni will be suited to your particular situation.) the loan credited o your account. FIRC hahohaldank 3nvitation& and Announcements A marriage is an important affair; St marks the union of two old families and the founding of a new one. The invitations and announcements should be worthy ' of the event. See our samples, there are none finer. with each order, this new wedding booklet to preserve the memories of jour wedding; bow your romance began; showers, list of wedding gifts; snap shots, press clippings; honeymoon happiness. A record of tbt most important events in your life, and his. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES 91.20 5.80 3.00 2.00 42.00 OWN ?ay Licenses THuSs mfli -AFTER MARCH 1st A $2 PENALTY WILL BE LEVIED- NOW-$1.00 for each Male or Spayed Femala NOW-$2.00 for each Female March 1, $3.00 for each Male or Spayed Female March 1 , $4.00 for each Female Chapter 564, Oregon Laws, 1949, require that license plates be displayed on dogs at all times. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector III