Page 6 ttf'l 111? Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 10, 1955 20 Pound Steelhead Takes Top Spot in Boardman Derby By Mary Lee Marlow SSgt. Charles Tolbert of the winter does not indicate much 1, bombing range took top honors in the steelhead derby sponsored by the Commercial club for the month of January with a fish weighing 20 pounds, six ounces. E. J. Moore was second with 15 pounds, four and one-half ounces, and Bud Phaneuf was third with J2 pounds, 12 ounces. Tolbert's fish is the largest that has been caught since the derby was start ed last September, which may make him the winner of the grand prize, unless a larger fish is caught this month. A warm wind blew here all day Monday with the temperature up to 58 above. Skies were partly cloudy, but the sun shone most of the day. On Ground Hog's day last week the sun shone all day, with the temperature 48 above, so the ground hog saw his sha dow, but the weather this week more been hired to teach the third anil fourth grades to replace Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill Harold Baker, who resigned. went to Corvallis and Eugene last Mr. aid Mrs. Arthur Allen have Friday to visit their sons and received word that their son, EBB and olh.r rcdal disorders COLON I STOMACH AILMENTS IUPTUBE (Hwnlo) TMATID WITHOUT HOSPITAL OMIATION rciDT ro usroNsiuf hopu c'(Ji"Zd FREE l"? M81-1MS Writ i Call THE DEAN CLINIC Own 10 until 5 Monday throve Friday. Until I p.m. Monday, Wodnoaday and Friday. Chiropractic Phyilclaat ... Ill our 45th yoar. 2014 NOTHIAST SANDY IOUUVAHD T.l.phon. iA 31 Portland 11, Or. daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tannehill and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tannehill. They re turned home Monday. Mrs. Max Vannoy, Miss Zelma Cowan and Mrs. Robert Sargent went to Prosser, Wash., last Thursday to meet Miss Jean Scott, who was returning from Seattle, Wash., after visiting her mother, Mrs. Mattie Scott, for ten days. Ted Zivney, who is employed in Portland, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zivney. Mrs. Ziv ney 's mother, Mrs. Lulu Stevens, Portland, came with him and re mairled here for this week. Mrs. William Forthman took Mrs. Lizzie Davis to Hermiston to the doctor last Friday. Mrs. William Garner went to Heppner Monday to attend a meeting of the county committee of the county extension unit. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Allen and children, The Dalles, visited at the home of Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Sunday. About 26 mothers attended the afternoon meeting of the P. T. A. last Thursday, at which time they visited the different class rooms at school. Refreshments were ser ved by Mrs. William Garner and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo. Mrs. Bonnie McCoy, Irrigon, has Comedy - Myslery - Drama! THE LEXINGTON P-TA WILL PRESENT THE 3-ACT PLAY 'The Mystery of the Masked Girl' WITH AN ALL FEMALE CAST FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 8 P. M. SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Admission: 75c 50c 25c Gene Allen, ET3, U. S. Navy, Who has been stationed in French Indo-China the past six months, will be transferred to the states some time in March and will be with a harbor defense unit at Port Townsend, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pace and daughter Nancy, Bonneville, for mer residents here, were weekend visitors at th home of Mr. and Mrs, Max Vannoy. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller spent the weekend in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Baustwick, Pendleton, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carpenter. Sunday visitors at the Carpenter home were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Compton, Heppner Junction, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Carpenter and son, Buck's Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller went to Portland last Friday and returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cochran and son Mike, Wilsonville, were overnight visitors at the home of Cochran's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fus sell last Friday. Archie Jones took his brother, Phil Jones, to Enterprise Monday for a checkup on his leg which was broken in an accident last May. The leg is still in a cast and Jones still has to walk with crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ely and daughter Renee, Spokane, Wash., are visiting this week at the home of Ely's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely. The Wives club, recently form ed by the wives of the airforce personnel, had their second meet ing Tuesday night, Feb. 1, at the home of Mrs. Gren Hawes, with Mrs. Al Kunhenn and Mrs Car mine Lombard! as co-hostesses. There were 16 present. Tentative plans were made to keep a scrap book of the bombing range ac tivities. Plans were made for a Valentine dance to be held for the airforce at the grange hall on Feb. 12. Committee in charge will be Mrs. Al Morin, chairman, Mrs. Charles Tolbert, Mrs. Miles Standish and Mrs. Lura Strick land. Mrs. LeRoy Fussell entertained members of the third and fourth grades at her home on Tuesday, Feb. 1, in honor of her daughter Gwendolyn's tenth birthday. Pre sent were Sharon Hawes, Donna Cruthers, Brenda Billings, Dorothy Rash, Eileen Ely, Lynn Vannoy, Linda Daniels, Toni Taylor, Irene Potts, Patti Partlow, Nancy Pay rollaz, Sandra Thorpe, Patty Mil ler, Ronnie Olmstead, Johnnie Partlow, Jimmie, and Teddy Hoff man, Michael Duncan and Leon ard Bedord. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown visited at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolcutt, in Kennewlck, Wash., recently. Their grandson, Reo Rake, went to Seattle, where he enlisted in the U. S. marine corps. Mr. and Mrs. Arnin Hug and daughter Wanda were in Portland two days the first of last week, where they attended meetings of "Missionary Emphasis Week" at Multnomah School of the Bible, where their daughter Wilma is a student. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Vannoy went to rendleton one day last week, where Vannoy received medical attention on his eye. j Mrs. Max Vannoy was hostess for a party at her home on Wed nesday afternoon, Feb. 2, in honor of her daughter Lynn's tenth birthday. Present were Dorothy Rash, Toni Taylor, Eileen Ely, Brenda Billings, Patty Miller. Gwendolyn Fussell, Linda Dan iels, Jimmie and Teddy Hoffman, Michael Duncan, Donna Cruthers, Johnnie Tartlow, Leonard and Greg Bedord, Cheryl Vannoy and Mrs. Leonard Bedord, Sr. The Ladies Aid society of the Community church met at the home of Mrs. Glen Carpenter on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 2 with Mrs. Arnin Hug co-hostess. There were 12 members present. The next meeting will be an all day meeting at the church on Feb. 16, at which time the ladies will do inside painting on the church. Hostesses will be Mrs. Frank Marlow and Mrs. Elmer Messen ger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hug, La Grande, have been visiting the past week at the home of Hug's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and We guessed you'd like it... ; IV ILL. .iOil - ! irvv aim ' I - 1 1 i f ii in 1 1 ' iliiiBBm but we never guessed how much j JUDGING BY THE "OOH3" AND "AAHS" THAT GREET FORD'S APPEARANCE i . . BY THE NUMBER OP FOLKS WHO ARE TEST DRIVING A FORD-AND THEN DRIVING IT HOME i . . THE '55 FORD IS GOING TO SMASH EVERY CAR SALES RECORDI OLD Sprlnjl cuihioiiid oplhc uit. but not luaa-on thrust Sprlnp I f lit tllttri to . X cushion hoad-oB thrust, too. Ntw Trlgger-Torqut Performon In S mighty engines Ford't 3 new car engines for '55 give you Trigger-Torque response. The 162-h p. y-6oclr V-8 hat a 7.6 to 1 comprestlon ratio. Th. 182-h.p. Y-block Spcial V- It offered with Fordomatic Drive In Fair Ian. and Station Wagon And rhere't a ntw 120-h.p. l-block Six! Rood-joint jar reduced by now Anglo-Peiiod Ball-Joint Suspension Ball-Joint Front Suspension Is on of th greatest contributions vr mad to riding and handling ai. And for '55 It glvs still mor comfort . , . bcaus springs or st at an angl to cushion road shock from th front as well as straight up. That reduces road-olnt far. The Thunderblrd inspired Ford'i long, trim look The Thunderblrd Ford's personal car that created such a sensation has left Its distinctive mark on the Ford cars for 1955. You'll And Its sweeping straight line fenders ... Its lower, flatter look . , , Its all-around windshield ... Its Impres sive grille and vlsored headlights lit reflected In every '55 Ford. , Test Drive the 55 FORD at your nearest Ford Dealer's Rosewall Motor Company r.D..p Mrs. Arnin Hug. Sgt and Mrs. Donald Fair and son went to Newberg for the weekend t0 visit at the home of Mrs. Fair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zemke. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ransier and three children, Pendleton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar low. Greenfield grange held its social meeting Saturday night at the hall with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bedord it charge. The evening was spent playing bingo. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brown. o HE COMMITTEE MEETS The Morrow county Home Eco nomics committee met at the home of county agent Beverly Bradshaw February 7 primarily to make plans for the annual homemaker's day to be held at Boardman. Lunch was served at noon with Ada Bradshaw, assist ing. Present were Mesdames William Garner, Boardman; Lloyd Berger, Irrigon; L. A. McCabe, lone; Ben Anderson, Rhea Creek; Walter Ruggles, Lexington and Ray Drake, Heppner. o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS 4tiUmJmi...frjx$w, 2f ... i. 4 'Z, f''-. &n& cud Siaij Ad Daq 0 VmmhuVo Tues.JebJS Free Lunch At Noon, Show At Star Theater Starts At 1 :30 Empire Machinery Co. HEPPNER, OREGON PENDLETON, OS CATERP1LAR ATHEY TRACKSON HYSTFR jQHN nrrSt n nnr n o If EGON-AUNGTON. OREGON-HEPPNER. OREOON-ATHtNA, ORFc;r3N ,4 I