Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 10, 1955 Page 5 jrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays Thomson Home Scene Of Bridge Club Meet The Whats Trumps bridge club net at the home of Mrs .James Thomson last Wednesday for a silad luncheon and an afternoon of bridge. Those present were Mesdames p. w. Mahoney, Raymond Fergu son, W. O. George, Gene Ferguson, Harold Cohn, L. D. Tibbies, Leon ard Schwarz, Robert Penland, C. C. Carmichael, Harlan McCurdy, E. K. Schaffitz, John Pfeiffer and the hostess. Mrs. Mc Curdy held high score, Mrs. George was second, Mrs. ' Penland, third and Mrs. Schaffitz, low. o Rhea Creek Extension Unit Meets Wed. The regular meeting of the PJa Creek extension unit was held February 2 at the home of Mrs. Frank E. Parker, for an all 4ay session. The subject was Getting the Most out of Electricity. Those present were chairman, Hanna Anderson; vice chairman, Pearl Wright and secretary, Frieda Slocum; Mildred Wright, Evelyn Farrens, Eva Wright, Ger trude Van Horn, Winona McCabe, Ray Wright, Frank Parker and Tacie Parker. Dinner was served to members at noon by officers and the host ess. Coming Events Friday Feb. 11 Ruth chapter No. 32. OES Monday Feb. 14 Valentine's Day Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Oonnell'g Women's auxiliary of Episco pal church, 8:Oo p. m., parish hall American Legion business meeting Tuesday Feb. 15 American Le gion auxiliary Thursday Feb. 17 Soroptimists, noon at O'Donnell's Lions Club, 6:30 p. m., O'Don nell's Elks, stag night. Friday Feb. 18 Sans Souci Re bekah lodge World Day 0f Prayer Planned By Society The Union Missionary execu tive meeting was held at the Christian church with Mrs. L. D. IS'eiu in charge. Officers for 1955 are president, Mrs. R. B. Rice; first vice presi dent, Mrs. Ben Anderson; second vice president, Mrs. N. D. Bailey and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Earl Soward. Program committee, Ms. Farrens, chairman: Mrs. Don Peterson, Mrs. Whitmer Wright and Miss Leta Humphreys: re freshment committee, Mrs. Floyd Adams, chairman; Mrs. Leonard Carlson, Mrs. Henry Peterson, Mrs. Alex Green, and Mrs. Marcel Jones. The first meeting will be the World Day of Prayer to be held on r-nday February 25 at 2:30 a m. in the Episcopal church. Everyone is urgedito attend and unite in prayer for peace. An invitation from the Society Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van has been extended to the Heppner Marter were hosts Saturday night I After a potluck dinner, Legion members held initiation while the ladies played cards. About fifty members and guests, includ ing District Commander Willard McMillan of Hermiston enjoyed the meeting a"nd dancing later in the evening. o Birthday Party Given Mrs. Lester Wyman Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Young People 7:45 p. m. Thursday Bible Hour 7:45 p. m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundays 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer. 1st Sundays Holy Communion. 7 p. m.Y. P. F. Wednesdays at 10 a. m. Holy Communion John R. Reeves, Rector O KI ZU CAMPFIRE NEWS The girls of O-KI-ZU Campfire have had a busy time since Christinas. We have been prac ticing a new folk dance taught by Mrs. Bruce Lindsay which we hope to use in the ceremonial pro gram. Most of the girls have now completed all rank re quirements for passing Trail Seekers rank. In January we ad THE IONE NA2ARENE CHURCH Wilfred C. McKay, pastor Sunday school is at 10:00; Wor ship service is at 11:00; oungdcd a new member, Gayle Sal Peoples meeting is at 7:1d; even- mg, who is working hard to com ing church service is at 8:00. Bible piete her rank so that she mav study and prayer meeting inurs- pass with the rest of her group, day night at 7: JO. During the absence of tne pas tor February 6 and 13, Rev. Med M. Weatherford will preach in the Sunday morning services and Mr. Heinz Pruss will conduct tne evening services, lhe puDiic is invited to attend. Soroptimist Club Has Business Meeting The Soroptimist club held their regular monthly business meet ing at O'Donnell's Thursday noon. Committee reports were given and the bulletins distributed. " Some new books are to be se lected for the teenage shelf at the Library by a committee, with the assistance of Mrs. Ted Smith, the librarian. It was announced that the next meeting would be a Valentine's party. Lutheran church and it is hoped tney win join. o Seventeen Tables In Play At Elks Party Seventeen tables, eight of bridge and nine of pinochle, were in play at the Elks ladies night party Thursday evening. Mrs. James Driscoll held high score for bridge and Mrs. Loyal Parker was second. In pinochle Mrs. Clyde Pettyjohn was high and Mrs. Verner Troedson, se cond. Mrs. John Williams re ceived the door prize. The hostesses for the evening were Mesdames Dick Wilkinson, Frank Wilkinson, Raymond Fer guson, P. W. Mahoney, George Rugg, Ralph Thompson and Nor man Florence. o Legion and Auxiliary Have Party Saturday. The American Legion and the Auxiliary held a joint meeting Saturday evening at the Legion hall. mi 1ST KING OF HEARTS fed Vvr-i V- L if yg arrow hirts " S yi Vyy TIES U - Vsf at a dinner party, honoring the birthday of Mrs. Lester Wyman. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gammell, Mr. and Mrs. Don Greenup, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kil kenny of Lexington, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Marshall, Miss Joyce Buschke, Roy Gammell of Kenne. wick, Washington, Gordon O' Brien, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wyman. ro SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Robert E. Becker, Pastor Saturday Services: Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m Sermon, 11 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. Bible Studies. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Gale and Willow Willis W. Geyer, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. HEPPNER LUTHERAN CHURCH Armin H. Reitz, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. WorshiD Service. 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings of every month at 8:30 a. m. (Sunday school and services in the SDA church building in Heppner). Lutheran Ladies Society meets in members homes the last Thursday of each month, 2 p. m HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Lester D. Boulden, Minister Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p. m. Junior choir Wednesday 4:00 p. m. Senior choir Thursday 7:30 p. m. GOD IS OUR STRENGTH. At tend Church Every Week. Pray Every Day. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school opens 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m, Charles II. Addleman, executive secretary of the board of missions for Christian churches will speak. Basket dinner at noon. Mr. Addle man will speak again at 2 p. m. Youth Fellowship at 5:30. Evening services begin at 7:00. The picture, "That They All May BE ONE," will be shown. Choir practice Thursday, 7:30 p. m. We also lost a member, Karen Christian. We gave Karen a fare well party before she left. Our last requirement for rank was to make gifts or favors for a hospital. We made chemical gardens for bedside tables for some patients and at the last meeting we made favors for Val entine's Day for the entire hos-l pital. Several of our girls are out with the measles, Beverly Drake, Sha ron Lindsay, Joan Robinson. The 1955 Campfire Birthday project is based on the Bill of! Rights, and we are going to begin working on it immediately. As part of this project we plan to visit a Citv Council meetine. I We are very grateful to the old-' er campfire groups for the finan cial help they have given to us. It has helped us to buy our rank jewelry and beads. Also, we would like to thank the Commun ity Chest for the $25 check we received at our last meeting. Our new officers are: president, Diane McCurdy; vice president, Sharon Iindsay; Sec, Judy Schmidt; treas., Libby Van Schoi ack; scribe, Beverly Blake; and hospitality chairman, Mary Shannon. Election of officers will be every month so that each member will have a chance at each office. The following were elected: president, Nancy Cleveland; vice president, Barbara Blake; secretary, Trieia Van Winkle; treasurer, Kay Car penter; reporter, Karen McCurdy and refreshments, Diane Warren. The Camp Fire group O K Wa Nita gave us $3.00 and a Blue Bird flag. Members have been asked to bring joke pictures and games for making a scrapbook for the hos pital. The rest of the meeting was spent making animals out of pipe cleaners. Karen McCurdy, reporter 4-H Club News THE GAY LITTLE COOKERS The Gay Little Cookers met at the home of our leader Mrs. M. C. Hugget t. We met on Thursday, January 27 at 4:0o p. m. We said the pledges to the United States and 1H flags. We talked about having a dance group. Bonnie Hannon and Shirlee Gaines made a white sauce, and Connie Anderson fixed some vegetables to put in the white sauce. Rose Nash and Sara Mae Burn- side will give a demonstration at our next meeting. Shirley Nash, reporter No gift pleases a man as well as a new Arrow Shirt or two. Se lect your Valentine gifts now from our big stock of white and colored Arrows. You'll make a big hit, we know! $ ARROW Gift Patterns and Colors $1.50 NEW SHIPMENT WOMEN'S Berkshire Nylons In Spring Shades Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service STILL plentyof BROWN b HALEY b SOCIETE CANDY 1 and 2 Pounds Heart Boxes $200 to 6 50 You know if you give her Brown and Haley or Societe Valen tine Boxed candy that yau are giving her the finest ... for there is no better candy made. Select your gift box today! Reg. Boxes -: $1.85 to $6 VALENTINE CARDS Phil's Pharmacy Phil Elokney. Owner WA CAN TE KA We met Feb. 3 and practiced our music for the ceremonial. We voted to assist the new Bluebird group under Mrs. Roice Fu Heton's leadership bv eivine financial aid, as we did the other two recently organized groups. We voted to postpone plans for a party for the Bluebirds until after the ceremonial. We want to thank Mrs. L. H. Case, Mrs. W. C. Collins and Mrs. Nels Anderson for letting us use their kitchens for our group din ners. Also, the mothers for the food donated. All Camp Fire Leaders and as sistants are to meet at the home of our leader, Mrs. Ervin Ander son on Feb. 10. '. One girl has handed in her book, I but it is incomplete. All books are due. Carol K. Anderson, scribe BLUE BIRDS ' I Our meeting was called to order by Lynn Burkenbine and regular business meeting followed. Pemey'i Your Valentine Gift from Penney's strikes the right note Spring's just around the corner at Penney's . . . A COTTON PRINT, FRESH, BLOOMING! 3.98 That time's here again time to think of cottons I Here's a late winter-into-spring transitional cotton, neatly detailed and dra matic In motif. Good colors, e-sy Penney pricel 12 to 20. WW' ism NOW! NEW! bM r -frl 8 m I """J V"Th ? , - - '' , . . -1 f , ', J ' - - J i ; 14 i & a vfji4 K ' , hX ' .J v. - -' 8 - 'WW WWil-1, lllliuill.ll .'ll.'li JIJ.IJ..I. 1) inn I i.,h.iiiii linn , .ill unuii .i mm) w(iwv,. ADVANCED AUTOMATICS THE NEW MAYTAG WASHER gives you the ultimate in complete laundry service and its a money saver too, to' it saves you up to 9 gallons of hot water per washing. You know Maytag's famous quality and its ability, now come in and see the newest Automatic washerl THE MAYTAG DRYER will release you of all drying worries . . . team it with a Maytag automatic washer and your laundry problems are over (and the work, tool) Let us show you the new Maytags todayl THE WASHER $329.95 THE DRYER $259.95 Heppner Hardware & Electric LOYAL PARKER