Page 6 r i Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 3, 1955 Boardman Team Attends Hermiston Football Banquet By Mary Lee Marlow visit at the home of their son-in- Marion Morian, high school, law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. coach, and Ray Anderson, super intendent, took the football team to Hermiston Monday night to attend the Elks football banquet. The group included Bill Coder, Bill Thorpe, Bill Aardappel, Mar tin Shattuck, Jim Thorpe, Ivan Kress and Gerald Anderson. This community has had no freezing weather the past week which is unusual this time of year. Monday a light rain fell most of the day with the tempera ture around 40 above. Sgt. and Mrs. Bob Hungate and daughter Sandra, accompanied by Ilungate's mother, Mrs. Golda Wilson, left Monday night to go to Kermit, Tex. Hungate recei ved his discharge from the air force Monday. From Texas they will go to Evansville, Ind., home of Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brlggs spent the weekend at Dallesport, Wash., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert L. Kress. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrsr Nathan Thorpe were Mrs. Thorpe's Brothers and sister-in-law, Lawrence Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Ancorage, Alaska, and her sister, Mrs. Jim Aiken and son, Lang lois. Hiram Hackenberg, Irrigon, has opened a new barber shop here in the corner building on the service road, owned by Dwight Ewing. He will be open three days each week, Thursday through Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rands have returned home from a six weeks 8ymptomi of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST 7 Orr five million package! of tin Willaro Tmatmimt have been aold for relief of eymptoma of diitrtie arialng from Stomach Ind Duodenal Ulcere due to item Acid root Dlgeetlon, Sour or Uptet Stomach, Baiilnm, Heartburn, tleeplettneia, te., due to Ixem Acid. Aik for " Wlllard'a Meauge" which fully eiplalni tint borne treatment free at HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. PHIL'S PHARMACY Bob Imperiale, at Cloverdale, Calif. On their return trip they also visited in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vannoy and children Lana and Toni, Oiympia Wash., were weekend visitors at the home of Vannoy's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Vannoy. Mrs. Mark Aken has returned home to Grants Pass after being here with her sister, Mrs. Marie Kitto, the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell and children, The Dalles, visited at the home of Russell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Russell, Sun day. Mary Ann Rands, who teaches school at Richland, Wash., spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rands. Mrs. Rands and daughter Nancy spent the weekend in Portland. Alfred Skoubo and daughter Ruth, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charlie Skoubo, Portland, visited at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Skoubo, and other rela tives here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Woolley and daughter Marcia, Pasco, Wash., were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely. They also visited Mrs. Wool ley's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Eades. The Tillicum club met Tues day night of last week at the home of Mrs. Joe Tatone. The club is making donations to two state projects for the Federation of Womens Clubs, one to the Sadie Orr Dunbar Health fund, and the Memorial Reforestation Long Distance Nation-Wlds Moving Sftrvico k Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Pen. and Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone MS program. Also to a national pro ject, the "Sedds for Democracy" project, which is to rehabilitate the Philippines. The club will also collect old hose to send to Japanese war brides. The -annual Sweetheart dinner for the club members and their families will be Feb. 13 at the grange hall. The dinner commit tee is Mrs. Dewey West, Mrs. Don aid Black, and Mrs. Ray Gron quist. Decorating committee is Mrs. George Wiese, Mrs. Leonard Bedord and Mrs. Fred Garrett. The county extension unit met Tuesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Nathan Thorpe. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Ed Skoubo and Mrs. Gene Hil gel. Subject of the meeting was "Family Business and Law", with Miss Beverly Bradshaw, extension agent, Heppner, as the leader. There were 11 members present. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ed Kunze on Feb. 15. Sub ject will be "Better Uses for Elec tricity" and leaders will be Mrs. Clyde Tannehill and Mrs. Artrjur Allen. Mrs. Ray Gronquist was host ess for a party in honor of her daughter Karen's fifth birthday on Jan. 25. Present were Mrs. Ronald Black and Diane, Mrs. Bud Paneuf and Annette and Pete, Cindy and Nancy Norlan, Linda and Jodie Tatone, Maureen Sar gent, Mrs. Dewey West and De- wena and Larry, Keith and Den nis Gronquist and Chuck Sar- gent. Donald Tannehill, La Grande, visited at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tanne hill, two days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood went to Heppner one day last week. Mrs. Walter Hayes visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis La Trace, in Echo one day last week. Mrs. Max Vannoy entertained about 18 children at her home Jan. 26 in honor of her son Mark's 4th birthday. Present were Mrs. Emmett Rogers and Duane, Mrs. Charles Forthman and Linette and Stevie, Mrs. Joe Tatone and Linda and Jodie, Mrs. Bob Hun gate and Sandra, Mrs. Wayne COUNTY CLERK'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT FROM JULY 1, 1954 TO JANUARY 1, 1955 July 1 Jan. 1 July 1 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT Warrants Outstanding . .... $ 6,012.46 Total of 517 claims allowed by the County Court Warrants issued for above claims 53,696.03 $59,708.49 Total Warrants paid by Treasurer 55,749.27 General Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 3,959.22 GENERAL ROAD ACCOUNT Warrants Outstanding $16,324.29 Total of 337 claims allowed by the County Court Warrants issued for above claims 82,748.57 $99,072.86 Total Warrants paid by Treasurer $91,875.70 Jan. 1 General Road Fund Warrants Outstanding ... $ 7,197.16 COUNTY HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND ACCOUNT Total of 1 claim allowed by the County Court and Warrants issued for above claim $ 2,000.00 Total Warrants paid by Treasurer $ 2,000.00 COUNTY HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND ACCOUNT Total of 21 claims allowed by the County Court and Warrants issued for above claims : $85,408.97 Total Warrants paid by Treasurer $38,869.81 Jan. 1 July 1 Co. Hospital Construction Fund Warrants Outstanding ALCOHOL ENFORCEMENT FUND ACCOUNT Total of 1 claim allowed by the County Court and Warrant issued for above claim $ Total Warrants paid by Treasurer $ RODENT FUND ACCOUNT Warrants Outstanding $ Total of 24 claims allowed by the County Court and Warrants issued for above claims $ 4,520.78 .$46,539.16 200.00 200.00 102.00 Kuhn and Pam, Mrs. Lyle Wil liams and Glenda, Mrs. Ray Gronquist and Karen, Mrs. Jack Miles and Patty and Mike, Mrs. Marion Morian and Cindy and Nancy, Mrs. Leonard Bedord and Greg, Maureen Sargent, John and Gertrude Thomas, Dayle Rae Van noy, and Mrs. A. B. Vannoy. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bedord took Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hig uera to Vancouver; Wash., over the weekend where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Moe before returning to their home Sunday evening. Albert Bedord, Albany, and Mrs. Hettie Bedord, Missoula, Mont., visited from Monday till Wednesday last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Be dord. They were on their way from Albany to Missoula. LeRoy Harwood, who is attend ing school in Portland, spent the weekend at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee arwood. Lexington Woman Receives Award as Ground Observer $ 4.622.78 Warrants paid by Treasurer $ 4,520-78 102.00 Jan. 1 Rodent Fund Warrants Outstanding $ COYOTE BOUNTY FUND ACCOUNT Total of 53 claims allowed by the County Court and Warrants issued for the above claims $ 936.00 Warrants paid by Treasurer - Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 2100 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF MORROW ..COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 1, 1955 Less County Owned Property ASSETS Cash in hand of Treasurer $ 928,46199 United States Bonds 15,000.00 Taxes Receivable (Delinmientt 125,540.21 Taxes Receivable (Current) 576.532 W bcnooi uist. No. 1, savings account 28.-" Misc. Estimated Revenues 51,204.33 $1)86.67127 LIABILITIES . Warrants Outstanding rrnprai vnnrn S 3,959" Warrants Outstanding (General Roads) .... ' .... ...... 7.197.12 Warrants Outstanding (Hospital Construction) 46,539 .16 Warrants Outstanding (Rodent Fund) 1020 J Warrants Outstanding (Coyote Bounty) . 21-00 Estimated Revenues (Taxes and Misc.) . .. 796,588.45 Current Surplus (Including amounts due all funds, including scnooi uist.) i,iuu- $167727 Outstanding Road Bonds $ 5,500.00 Respctfully Submitted, SADIE PARRISH, County Clerk USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS 14, OOO, OOO Reasons- that's a lot! TW'j almost as many V-8 engines as Ford has built over the past 23 years. And it's more V-8's than all oilier manu facturers combined have ever builtl As the tempo of the American traffic stream has been stepped up and automotive design has advanced, more and more manufacturers have joined the swing to V-8 engines . . . the stving that Ford started way back in 1932. Over the years, the Ford V-8 lias been consistently ad vanced to keep pace with the ever advancing need of owners for more efficient and more responsive power. Now, in 1955, Ford offers two mighty V-8 engines that are the outgrowth and peak achievement of the world's great est reservoir of V-8 experience . . . which is Ford's! Both of Ford's great V-8 for '55 give you Trigger-Torque power; wliich means that you get the power you need, when you need it, at all driving speeds. What's more, these Ford engines are ultra-responsive. You can get the "Co" you want In as little as 7100 of a second. Nuturally, this split-second responsiveness you get from Ford V-8's makes all driving more fun. And it's mighty important to safety, too. For, as you know, the ability to get out of a tight spot quickly Is a lafety-must in today "i tiuilic We invite you to Test Drive a Ford V-8 and see how much the extra responsiveness of Trigger-Torque power can mean to you. When you do, you'll want to own a Ford V-8 . , . the only engine in its field that's backed up by the road proof of over 14,000,000 owners. The mightiest V-8's ever in Ford Cars 162-h.p. Y-block V-8 This mighty Ford V-8 is packed with thrilling power ready to obey your commands in a split second. It supplies the power you need for top performance throughout the entire driving range of your car. 182-h.p, Y-block Special V-8 This mightier engine is available with Fordomatic Drive in Fairlane and Station Wagon models. If you want the ultimata in responsive power, this is the engine for you! By Delpha Jones Mrs. Gar Leyva who serves in the capacity as chief observer of the Lexington ground observa tion corps has received a merit badge honoring her for 500 hours of active service. This is pre sented by the U. S. Airforce. Mrs. Ida Chapman of Horn brook California is visiting her daughter, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gar Leyva. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt enter tained with a dinner at their ranch home on Sunday. The fol lowing people were guests: Miss Mary Criscera, Mrs. Bertha Hunt and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hunt, Mrs. Nita Grey and children Cherry, Mickey and Keith, and their son Edward Hunt and friend George Kelly from Dayton, Washington, and the Hunt's son, Ellwood, George Hermann and the host and host ess, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Paul Nichols returned to her home in Portland after a few days spent at the Ina Nichols home helping with Mrs. Nichols who is ill. Mrs. Henderson of La Grande, mother of Alonzo Henderson is visiting with her son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchanan and small son were weekend visitors at the Charlie Buchanan home. Helene Leah Winters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winters of Hermiston, visited with Charlene Jones last week. Gar Leyva has recently return ed home from Pennsylvania where he took delivery on a new 15o Super Cub sprayer. On the journey home he visited with friends in Topeka, Kansas and Enid, Oklahoma and also attend ed a business meeting in Colorado at Denver on grasshopper control. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kendall were Lexington visitors from Ukiah Sunday motoring after their daughter Lucille who visited with Charlene Jones over the weekend. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT FROM JULY DECEMBER 31, TO: SEMI-ANNUAL 1, 1954 TO 1954 SADIE PARRISH, Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon In Accordance with Section 88-331 O. C. L. A., I herewith submit this semi-annual report of the receipts and disbursements from July 1, 1954 to December 31, 1954. both dates inclusive. BALANCE ON HAND JUNE 30, 1954 $ 324,845.59 RECEIVED FROM: Taxes (Sheriff's Office ) $ 212,99898 Taxes, Unsegregated, (Sheriff's Office 408,901.02 Fees and Mileage (Sheriff's Office) 15672 Temporary Auto Permits (Sheriff's Office) 181.00 Office Fees (Clerk's Office) 1,975.93 Dog Licenses (Clerks Office) 1300 Circuit Court Fines (Clerk's Office) 500.00 Weed Control Program 1.684.37 Equipment Rental (Road Department) 2,247.78 Sale of Supplies (Road Department) ' 4,934.22 Forest Rentals and Public Land Sales 4,097.13 Miscellaneous Fines and Costs (Justice Court) 1,862.50 West Extension Irrigation District Taxes (Umatilla Co.) 1,654.40 State Irreducible School Fund 1,036.60 Interest : 562.50 Rental on Storage Yard, Castle Rock (U. S. Treas.) 100.00 Amusement Device Tax (Sec'y. of St.) 250.38 Motor License Fund (Sec'v. of St.) . . . . 20.520.83 Tax on Alcoholic Beverages (Sec'y. of St.) 1,413.83 State Racing Fees (Sec'y. of St. 11,350.00 Coyote Bounties (Sec'y. of St.) 282.00 Taylor Grazing Act (Sec'v. of St.) 49.55 Hospital Construction (Sec'y. of St.) 11,741.59 Rural School District Tax (Gilliam Co.) ... 5.440.00 Sale of Building Bonds (School Dlst. No. 1 CJ) 290.268.12 Public Health Commission, Refund 3.497.37 Miscellaneous Receipts 716.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 988,435.82 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE 988,435.82 $1,313,281.41 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI and that's why Fords the V8 leader Thrill to a Trigger-Torque Test Drive today! usy y x , , f.D.A.F. Rose wall Motor Company WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON AUTO INSURANCE? Read the 5-page advertise ment on State Farm Mutual famous "careful driver in surance" company in the January 31 issue of Te find awl M yo can qualify, tall yer Stafa 'arm eaenh STATI "AIM INSUHANCI Eliwynne Peck LEXINGTON, OREGON PHONE 3-8170 DISBURSEMENTS General County Fund Warrants Paid .: $ 55,749.27 General Road Fund Warrants Paid 92,986.05 City Road Tax Paid 9,199.91 County School Fund Warrants Paid 765.009 City Special Funds Paid 8,162.93 School Districts Special Funds Paid 107,741.27 School Districts Building Fund Warrants Paid 398.42 School Districts Bond and Interest Paid . 3,702.50 Non-High School District Warrants 'Paid .. 79.77 Hospital Construction Warrants Paid 38,869.81 Hospital Maintenance Warrants Paid 2,000.00 Fair Fund Warrants Paid 9,242.23 West Extension Irrigation District War rants Paid 19,425.58 County Road Bonds Redeemed 3,000.00 County Road Bond Interest Paid .. 145.00 State Board of Forestry, Forest Fire Patrol 7,618.95 Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District 1,218.97 State Board of Forestry Spruce Bud-Worm Control 131M7 State Game Commission, Game Laws Violations Fines 137.50 Enforcement Fund Warrants Paid 200.00 Rodent Fund Warrants Paid 4,520.78 Coyote Bounty Fund Warrants Paid 915.00 Heppner Cemetery District Warrants Paid 3,609.01 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 369,819.42' $ 369,819.42 BALANCE ON HAND, DECEMBER 31. 1954 $ 534,560 97 Respectfully Submitted, LUCY E. RODGERS, Morrow County Treasurer SHERIFF'S AND TAX COLLECTOR'S SEMI ANNUAL REPORT FROM JULY 1, 1954TO DECEMBER 31, 1954 TO: SADIE PARRISH, , ' 1 County Clerk of Morrow County In accordance with Section 88-301 O. C. L. A., I herewith Suhmir this, my semi-annual report of receipts and disbursements from Julv 1, 1954 to December 31, 1954, both dates inclusive. ' TAX COLLECTION RECEIPTS On Hand and on Deposit July 1, 1954 $ 494 90 205.00 1954-55 Taxes $677,776.72 1953-54 Taxes 37,780.69 1952-53 Taxes 4,030.57 1951-52 Taxes 1.858.68 1950-51 Taxes ... 67167 1949-50 Taxes 45 w Land Sales ' 30.00 Total on Hand and Received Over Collection (Include Land Sales on Hand) DISBURSEMENTS Turned Over to County Treasurer On Hand in Bank On Hand July 1, 1954 . $ 699.92 $722,194.28 $722,894.20 2,725.57 $725,619.77 $621,900.00 98,903.02 4.816.75 $725,619.77 $181.00 Total Disbursements TEMPORARY AUTO PERMITS Receipts $181.00 Disbursements CIVIL FEES AND MILEAGE Receipts $171.54 Disbursements icoc. Balance on hand $ 300 Respectfully Submitted, C. J. D. BAUMAN 47c