Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 03, 1955, Page Page 5, Image 5

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MrS. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays
49th Anniversary
Celebrated By The
L A. Palmers at Lex
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer were
honored on their 49th wedding
anniversary Saturday evening
with a party given by their child
ren at their home in Lexington.
Cards were enjoyed during the
evening and refreshments were
served to Mrs. Elsie Beach, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Munkers, Mr. and
Mrs. Dee Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Van Winkle, Ira Lewis, Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Palmer and Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Har.
rison of Cascade Locks, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Palmer and family,
Mary Ann Jensen and Shirley
Birthday Party Held
For Judy Ferrell
Judy Ferrell was the honoree
at a party Tuesday afternoon at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ferrell on the occa
sion of her seventh birthday.
Guests were Mrs. Jim Sumner,
Leslee Faye Meador, Jean Marie
Healy, Joan Stockard, Linda
' Smith, Margaret Green, Karen
French, Susan Drake, Sheridan
Wyman, Sandra Becker, Erna
Lynn Winchester, Meredith Webb,
Shirley Dobbie, Judy Jones, Bar
bara Gribble, Judy Groshens,
Kerry Huggett, Teresa Monahan,
Nancy Ferrell and the honoree.
Mrs. Marvin Smith and Mrs.
Marcel Jones assisted the hostess
in serving cake, ice cream and
Triple Link
1.0. 0. F. Hall
MON., FEB. 14
8:00 P. M.
lone Sorority
Raises Money for
Children's Hospital
The Beta Omega chapter of
Epsilon Sigma Alpha held a
Bingo night at the lone Legion
hall Jan. 28. Around $35 was
taken in which will go to the
crippled children's hospital in
Eugene. Pie and coffee were ser
ved later in the evening.
The chapter will give the play
Jessica's Journey, probably on
Marcn 25. The cast includes
Gladys Heliker as Beulah Foster;
Francine Crawford as Jessica
Cook; Mary McLeod as Glenice
Lane; Darlene Hoskins as Eda
Parker; Rosetta Palmateeer as
Drina Kent; Irene Leathers as
Sheila Lytell; Laurel Cannon as
Justin Jordan; Eulenna Corley as
Mrs. Anastacia Eggleston; Mar
tha Peterson as Lulu Eggleston
and Maravene White as Charity
The Glen Parsons
Honored By Farewell
Party Held Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Parsons, and
children Judy, Susan and Johnny
left Tuesday for Elgin, Oregon,
where they will make their home.
They were honored preceding
their departure at a party Satur
day evening at the Flying A Mo
tel, for which Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Albert and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc
Daniel were hosts.
Others present were Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
Whitmer Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Keeling, Mr. and Mrs.
William Evans and Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne West.
The evening was spent in play
ing scrabble. Refreshments were
served later in the evening.
Coming Events
Friday Feb. 4 Sans Souci Re-
bekah lodge
Monday Feb. 7 Chamber oi
commerce, noon at O'Don
nells Rainbow for Girls
American Legion business
Tuesday Feb. 8 Episcopal card
nrrrtv. rutrieh hAuaA. fl-rMl rv ml
I ' i I-- --- - r
Degree of Honor
Wednesday Feb. 9 P-TA, school
8:00 p. m.
Thursday Feb. 10 Soroptimist
club, noon at O'Donnell'g
Friday Feb. 11 Ruth chapter No.
32, OES
Monday Feb. 14 Triple Link card
party, I. O. O. F. halL 8:00
p. m.
Mrs. Ferrell Hostess
For Dessert-Bridge
Mrs. Robert Ferrell was hostess
at eight o'clock Thursday even
ing, January 27th for a dessert
bridge party at her home.
Guests were ' Mrs. Herman
Green, Mrs. Howard Bryant, Mrs.
Paul Jones, Mrs. Ed Dick, Mrs.
Cornett Green, Mrs. Frank Con
nor, Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. Bill
Cox and the hostess.
Mrs. Dick won first prize and
Mrs. Floyd Jones was second high.
Addenda Presented
At O. E. S. Meeting
The second regular meeting of
Ruth Chapter No. 32, 0. E. S. was
held January 28th in the Masonic
hall with Juanita Carmichael,
Worthy Matron and Paul Jones,
Worthy Patron, presiding.
After the business meeting an
addenda was presented, honoring
past and present Adahs. Those
honored were Beth Bryant, Lois
Hunt, Hester Creswick, Gladys
Jones, Laurel Van Marter, Delia
Davidson, Sadie Parrish, Etta Par.
ker, Madge Thomson, Fay Fergu
son, Virginia Turner, Mae Gilliam
and Gertrude Parker.
Presenting the addenda were
Bea Gomillion, Ruby Becket,
Madge Bryant, Martha Lane,
Marjorie Warden, Bea Keeling,
Tacie Parker, Phyllis Stout, Erma
Keithley and Hazel Bauman, as
sisted by some of the elective officers.
Several visitors were present
from Locust Chapter, lone, ac
companied by their Worthy Mat
ron, Dot Halvorsen. The meeting
was well attended.
Refreshments were served by
Inez Huffman, Chairman of the
committee and her assistants.
Seventh Graders Have
Shower For Teacher
The seventh grade pupils hon
ored Mrs. James Mallon with a
surprise stork shower Friday af
ternon at the home of Mrs. C.
Ervin Anderson.
Mrs. Nels Anderson assisted
Mrs. Anderson with the refresh
ments of cookies, punch and ice
cream that were served to the
fifteen guests.
Besides the pupils the guests
were Mrs. James Sumner and
James Mallon.
rand upenmg
Saturday, February 5th
m w
Bakery Goods &
Ice Cream
From 1 1 a.m.-7 p.m.
We invite you to be our guest Saturday for Our Grand
Opening. . . to come in and sample our bakery good.
and in the future, to make the Heppner Bakery Your head
quarters for finest quality baked foods. We will be olfer
ing a complete line of bakery foods and we invite you to
let us fill your party needs for special orders we will be
glad to make them for all occasions.
Raisin, Cinnamon
French, Etc.
Ice Cream Dept.
Opens Saturday
Mrs. Hughes Speaks
To Soroptimist Club
On the Use of Herbs
Miss Leta Humphreys intro
duced Mrs. Mabel Hughes of Mil-ton-Freewater
to the Soroptimist
club Thursday noon, where she
spoke on Herbs.
m Hitches is well known for
her herb garden, she told of the j
raising of herbs ana me use oi
them in cooking..
Mrs. Jos Hughes was appointed
chairman of a committee to plan
refreshments for the Boy Scouts
at the Jack Loyd home, after the
Mothers March for the March of
Dimes on Monday evening.
Guests of the club were Mes
dames Harold Evans, Pat O'Brien,
Bob Gammell, George Warner,
John Lane, John Bergstrom, Llla
Borden, J. O. Turner, John Pfeif
fer, Carl Spaulding, Whitmer
Wright, Sara McNamer and
Roice Fulleton.
Mrs. John Bergstrom received
a door prize of a set of herbs.
Stork Shower Honors
Mrs. James McCabe
Mrs. Clarence Warren, Mrs. Carl
King and Mrs. Art Warren were
hostesses Wednesday evening in
the Christian church basement
for a Dink and blue shower honor
ing Mrs. James McCabe.
At the close of the evening re
freshments were served to the
following Mrs. Pearl Devine, Mrs.
Ray Drake, Mrs. Art Warren, Mrs.
Bill Farra, Mrs. Koice uueion,
Mrs. Cliff McCabe, Mrs. Adelle
Bailey, Miss Mary Ann Jensen,
Mrs. Lincoln Nash, Mrs. Marion
Palmer, Mrs. Theta Stratton, Mrs.
Robert Dobbs, Mrs. Claude Hus
ton, Mrs. Clara B. Gertson, Mrs.
Lonnie McCabe, Mrs. Jim Petty
john, Mrs. Elmer Palmer, Mrs.
Earl McCabe. Mrs. Ernest Mc
Cabe, Mrs. Edna Harshman, Mrs.
Prudv Casebeer, Mrs. Doris Castor.
Gifts were sent from several
guests who were -unable to be
, o
Party Tuesday Honors
Eric Bergstrom On
His 90th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. William Berg
strom entertained in honor of
Eric Bergstrom on his 90th birth
day Tuesday afternoon at his
home in the Gooseberry country.
The afternoon was spent in
visiting and hlrthdav cakes were
served to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Berg.
strom, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berg
strom and family, Rudy Berg
strom, Mrs. Markham all of Port
land; Mrs. Art Stefani and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Berg
strom and family, Mrs. Carl F.
Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lun
dell, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil- Lutkins,
Dan Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bergstrom, Mrs. Lawrence Becket,
Miss Esther Bergstrom, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom and Roland,
Mrs. Jesse Warfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Anderson, Marilyn and Ger
ald Bercstrom and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl V. Bergstrom.
Dancing Party Honors
Birthdays of Three
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Alderman,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Eberhardt and
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Gribbles
were hosts Tuesday evening in
the banquet room at O'Donnell's
Cafe for a dancing party in honor
of the birthdays of their sons,
Duane Alderman, Jack Eberhardt
and Douglas Gribble, who have
all reached the age of fourteen
within the past few days.
Guests were Janice Martin,
Dick Ruhl, Bob Mahoney, Carolyn
McDaniel, Carol Anderson, Cara
Lee Corbin, Larry Prock, Billy
Pettyjohn, Leann Padberg, Kay
Keithley, Nancy Slocum, Janice
Beamer, Joan Brosnan, Ronnie
McCabe, Jimmy Walker, Sharon
Case, Barbara Steagall, Gregory
Leyva, Keith Peck, Fern Alberts
and the honorees.
Hot Dogs and Coke were served
at the close of the evening.
Wedding Date Told
By Miss Mollahan
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mollahan an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Mary, to David Evi
McClure. Mr. McClure and fam
ily are from Long Beach, Calif.
Miss Mollahan is a graduate of
the University of Oregon and Mr.
McClure is now a senior at the
University and has just returned
from serving two years with the
U. S. Army.
The wedding date has been set
for February 26 at 5 o'clock at St.
Patrick's church in Heppner. All
friends of the family are invited
to attend.
Committee Has Meet At Ferguson Home
Social Club Card
Party Well Attended
Five tables of bridge and eleven
of pinochle were in play at the
card party at the Masonic hall
Saturday night, given by the So
cial club of Ruth chapter No. 32,
0. E. S. Hostesses were Mrs.
Frank Wilkinson, Mrs. John Lane,
and Mrs. Edna Turner.
Paul Jones had high score in
bridge and J. R. Huffman was
high in pinochle.
Refreshments were served later
in the evening.
The executive committee of the
American Legion Auxiliary met
at the home of Mrs. Gene Fergu
son last Thursday to plan initia
tion of new members and the
program for the joint meeting of
the Legion and the Auxiliary
which will take place Saturday
evening at Legion hall.
It is planned to have a potluck
dinner preceding the meeting and
a dance following.
Phone Your News to 6-9228.
Mrs. McNamer Gives
Book Review for Club
Mrs. Sara McNamer reviewed
the book, "Not As a Stranger,"
at a meeting of the bookworms
Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
Lucy Peterson.
Those present were Mrs. James
Thomson, Mrs. Cornett Green,
Mrs. J. O. Turner, Mrs. Lucy Rod
gers, Miss Leta Humphreys, Mrs.
Sara McNamer, Mrs. Ted Smith,
Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. Fred Par
rish, Miss Lulu Hager and the
Refreshments were served at
the close of the evening.
has more Valentine ideas than
Any ont ol Ih.m will (Might the
lody of your heartl Exqgiiitt iltr.
ling lilvtr potternt from thtie
famoul illv.rtmllhi ...
Sir Chriitoph.r
QrancU laroqul
Hot Point
Grand Colonial
Anderson Twins Have
Eighth Birthday
Mrs. N. C. Anderson entertained
Tuesday afternoon with a birth
day party for her twin sons
Douglas and David, on their
eighth birthday.
Guests were David and George
Van Schoiack, Bruce Thomson,
John Pfeiffer, Jimmy Storro, Ron
nie Jones, and Kit Anderson.
Dixie cups and punch were ser
ved and a treasure hunt and pea
nut race were enjoyed.
Ramanr. of In. Sta
Pick piece or place nelllng all valluble
for Immediate delivery!
B.autifut it.rling hollowort - tvory pi.ee imagin.
abl. in a rangt of gift pricti. Wt evtn have
Wallace Stirling holloware to match the Third
Dlmonjion Btauty" flotwar..
Grand Baroqut Compo... What could b. mor. St rod I
Richly .mbou.d Grand. ting for Val.nt.n.'. Day cat. I.at trac. y adorn
Baroqo. bord.r with d.li- than thu b.autifut the do. o tn,i ii.nd.r
0l pitrcingi; In .xtra Grand. Baroque. 'w.t- compot.,
h.ovy w.ijhtl.rlins h.art" Dish. V ,
and only
Lovely Valentine gifu at longed-fur price.!
See litem today!
J. O. Peterson, Jeweler
We got home safe last Sunday
To our own stomping grouhd!
To us, it looks lots better
Than any other we found!
Saw parts of five other West
ern States in our small hop!
But, still think that this part
Of Oregon is the top!
Had snow & icy roads awhile,
And drove in fog a bit!
But in spite of wind & weather,
We sure enjoyed our trip! .
For all Your Insurance Needs
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 6-S625 Box 611
Tirr o- You'll marvel at the ease In laying and the beauty of this new Pabco Floron
Plastic floor tile the tile that outscores all other floor coverings in quality testa,
yet costs so little. You have a choice of 14 smart decorator colors and you may buy
your tile in Just the amount you need for the Job. Come in today and see It and
let us help you figure Just what the Job will require. You can lay It yourself. Just
six easy steps.