Pagt 4 IONE School Notes Chestei L. Word, Superintendent We were very happy to have the Eastern Oregon College of Education freshmen here to play basketball with our team Thurs day evening Jan. 27. While the score was against our boys they played a spirited and well played ONCE-A-YEAR PRICE J? ' I ' ' a I Qewl HwMkMf Inf J 2 jj immn'gt' It's that time again! . . . the oneeayear chance for you to SAVE REAL MONEY on a genuine Scaly Inner-spring Mattress! No wonder really value-wise women wait all year for the biggest SALE in the bedding business! Here's an absolutely matchless VALUE because only Sealy brings you TRU-BALANCE FIRMNESS in an innerspring mattress priced so low. So come in TODAY! Check these great Sealy Anniversary features: SAME HIGH COIL COUNT AS TOP-QUALITY, LUXURY MATTRESSES! SAME PRE-BUILT BORDERS FOR YEARS OF EXTRA WEARI SAME TRU-BALANCE INNERSPRING CONSTRUCTION, FOR THE HEALTHFUL FIRMNESS PIONEERED BY SEALYI SAME QUALITY MATCHING BOX SPRING, JUST $39,951 I Scientifically Firm. Healthful Sleenin? Comfort! j, j no man -itping m i eom i i. . t . n na r Worn, too-solt mattresses offor litUe or no support for your body I You slump into dan farou "curve ", awaken tired, unreeled. COrVHOHT SEAIY. INC-I? JS ; tyf TC.-v.v,y y. ,y ; -v; -'VNW'.r- Case Furniture Co fame. Congratulations to the E. O. C. E. Freshmen for their fine display of sportsmanship. With the coming of Stanfield here Saturday evening, it was a very full evening. The grade school played in Heppner and lost by one point during the last few seconds of the game. This was an exhibition game for the March of Dimes. The lone high school won both games from Stanfield. This puts the local team in the running and are as- 74th ANNIVERSARY Sleep -Straight At A ArrotTI On a Sealy Anniversary Mat tress, thanks to Sealy's bxtea support where your body needs HI It's finer, FIRM MM mattreas that helps you wake refreshed and truly rested! Heppner Gazette sured a place in the tournament at Umatilla the last of February. We are happy for the good sup port given the teams. Achievement tests are being given in the school. Next week these tests will be given in the 7th and 8th grades and some in the high school. The high school honor roll for the past nine weeks is as follows: Freshmen, Kay Sherer, Niel Mc Kay, Grace McCabe, Ann Belle Coleman, and Mardine Baker. Sophomore: Julie Rietmann, Loy Keene, Sue Coleman, Judy How ton, Bill Salter. Juniors: Anna Jepsen, Seniors: Lawrence Jones, Malcolm McKinney, Denney Swanson, Dorothy Dobyns and Larry Rietmann. Several seniors are planning to attend college this fall. Corres pondence is now under way to get the proper application forms. Any parent interested in a college education for their children are free to consult the office at any time. Let me emphasize once again that good scholarship is a determining factor in a college education. Look forward to Feb. 15 as Fun nieht sponsored bv the senior class In the new gym. Heppner High School SCOOP By Barbara Frock Student tryouts will be held in two weeks for the student body play, "Here Comes The Bride", to be presented March 18-19 at the high school gym. Members are being tapped for Quill and Scroll. Boys receiving the honor are Lyle Jensen, James Monahan, Lance Tibbies and David Cox. Lynda Borman, Jean Graham, Darlene Connor, Sharon Bryant, Clarice Hastings, Nancy Anderson, Shirley Peck, Marilyn Munkers and Frances Duran are girls to be initiated March 1. March of Dimes results in the contest between the classes ends with the seniors leading, freshmen second, sophomores and the jun iors ranking last. Total amounts will be announced later. The charter for the National Honor Society has been approved and a committee of teachers have been chosen to select members. Postponement of the "Sweet heart Ball' sponsored by the Elks has -been announced. It will be held in the spring. Several ensembles of the band will peiform at the Star Theater, Feb. 15 and 16. The receipts will be divided 50-50. This money will go into the band uniform fund, o HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Lester D. Boulden, Minister Church School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. There will be a fellowship Hour after the morning service. Father and Son Banquet Tues day, Feb. 8, 6:30 p. m. Junior Choir Wednesday 4:00 ThwifmKww! . The answer to everyday Insurance problems By Turner Van Marter , & Bryant QUESTION: If my ten year old nephew lives with us Is he included in our Compre hensive Personal Liability protection the same as our own children? ANSWER: Yes, any person under twenty one who lives in your house and in your care is included. Ml you'll address your own insurance questions to this office, well try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. TURNER, VAN MARTER AND BRYANT INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE Phone 6-9652 Heppner Times, Thursday, February 3, 1955 p. m. Senior Choir Thursday 7:30 p. m. I Attend Church Every Week. Pray . Every Day. THE IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Wilfred C. McKay, pastor Sunday school is at 10:00; Wor ship service is at 11:00; Young Peoples meeting is at 7:15; even ing church service is at 8:00. Bible study and prayer meeting Thurs day night at 7:30. During the absence of the pas tor February 6 and 13, Rev. Fred M. Weatherford will preach in the Sunday morning services and Mr. Heinz Pruss will conduct the evening services. The public is invited to attend. HEPPNER LUTHERAN CHURCH Armin H. Reitz, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Worship Service, 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings of every month at 8:30 a. m. (Sunday school and services in the SDA church building in Heppner). Lutheran Ladies Society meets in members homes the last Thursday of each month, 2 p. m. SEVINTH DAY ADVENTIST Robert E. Becker. Pastor Saturday Services: Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m Sermon, 11 a. m. Prayer Meetine Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. Bible Studies. SPECIAL ONLY, All Still Only 89C T w No Mail or Phone Orders please All Sales Final No Refunds No Exchanges Ko Charges or Layawoys No Green Stamps I ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Gale and Willow Willis W. Geyer, Pastor Phone 6-9240 Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Young People 7:45 p. m. Thursday Bible Hour 7:45 p. m EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundays 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer. 1st Sundays Holy Communion. 7 p. m. Y. P. F. Wednesdays at 10 a. m. Holy Communion John R. Reeves, Rector CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, Pastor Bible school at 9:45 for all ages, both children and adults. Morning worship at 10:55. Spe cial music by the choir each Sun day. The pastor will bring the message. Youth Fellowship at 5:30 p. m. Evening services at 7:00 p. m. The pastor will continue on the subject of "Who Are The Discip les." 4-H MEET CALLED The Lexington Livestock clubs will meet February 8 at the Roy Martin home. A film, "This is 4-H Club Work" will be shown. The January meeting was held at the Kenneth Palmer home with 14 members present. 3Foe: Two Pair of Nationally Advertised Shoes For The Price of One Pair . BEGINNING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH Choose From Such Famous Shoe Names As VELVET STEP, JAUNTIES, WEATHERBIRDS, AIR STEPS, GOLLYWOGS Pumps, Straps, Ties, High Heels, Medium Heels, Casuals, Wedges, Sports and Flats DURING OUR SALE 78 RPM Weeks n 1 y Heppner PU Student Honorary Officer PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Wen dell Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connor of Heppner, was elected secretary of the Pacific Investors Incorporated at a recent board of directors meeting. Mr. Connor, who is a probable business administration major, is a member of the Phi Beta Tau fra ternity. He is also a member of the college track team. The Pacific Investors Incorpor ated was chartered in the state of Oregon on December 14, 1949, under the sponsorship of Beta Comedy - Mystery -- Drama! THE LEXINGTON P-TA WILL PRESENT THE 3-ACT PLAY 'The Mystery of the Masked Girl'. WITH AN ALL FEMALE CAST FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11,-8 P. M. SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Admission: 75c 50c 25c IMSE RECORDS They Will Raise To 98c. But Curing Buy Them At The Old Price. A 0 IN HEPPNER Bridge Party Held at Dowen Home Monday Mrs. Larry Dowen fff with two tables of bridge ai home Monday evening- Refreshments were seryea -in the evening to Mesdarn" B ley Fancher, La Verne Van M ter, Robert Gammell, Jack w shall, William Labhart, Allen Case, and Alex Thompson. Mrs. Van Marter held score and Mrs. Case vvasJo Alpha, business administration honorary. Phone Your News to 6-9221 EHE! Our Sale,