Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 27, 1955. Page 5 Social cJiajifizninq Installation of New Officers Held Monday By Rainbow Girls Monday evening January 17 the Rainbow Girls held installation for the new officers at an open meeting. Officers installed were Ida Sue Stratton, worthy advisor; Joan Wright, assistant advisor; Virgin ia Andresen Charoty; Janet Keith "ley, Hope; Barbara Warren, Faith Marilyn Munkers, drill leader; Meredith Thomson, chaplain; Frances Slocum, outer observer; Helen Graham, confidential ob server, color. stations.Celia Boul den, Phyllis Quackenbush, Carol Groshens, Marilyn Calvin, Judy Spaulding, Kay Keithley and Sharon Bryant; choir director, Judy Collins; organist, Janice Martin. Installing officers were wortlty advisor, Jean Marie Graham; chaplain, Joan Keithley; mar shall, Mary Ruth Green; recorder, Carolyn Calvin; organist, Mrs. C. C. Carmichael. Mrs. Mary Van Stevens was in stalled as Mother advisor. On the advisory board are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bryant, Mrs. L. D. Tib bies, Mrs. Dick Wilkinson, Mrs. Claude Graham, Mrs. James Thomson, Mrs. Roy Quackenbush and Bert Cork. Refreshments were served after the meeting. Rhea Creek HEC Make Laundry Bags for Veterans Hospital The HEC of the Rhea Creek grange met at the home of Mrs. Ray Wright Thursday, Jan. 20. opening with a potluck dinner at noon. Besi'des the business meet ing, the afternoon was spent in making ; laundry bags for the veterans hospital in Walla Walla. Those present were Mesdames Clive Huston, Harold Wright, Ben Anderson, Archie Ball, Ray Drake, Frank Parker, Al Lovgren, EJmer Palmer, Walter Wright, Barton Clark, John Bergstrom and Mar lyn, Evalyn Farrens, Pearl Wright, Mary Wright and the hostess. Also present were Ben Anderson and Frank Parker. J W. S.C.S. Circles Meet During Week Suzanna Circle of W. S. C met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Carpenter with Mrs. Emma An derson as co-hostess. ' Mrs. George Reed gave a book review on Jeremiah. Eleven mem bers were present. Mrs. Reed was appointed chairman of the circle to replace Mrs. Anna Q. Thorn son who is in California. Alpha Circle met with Mrs Charles Gomillion with Mrs. L. H iase co-nostess. rateen were present. Mrs. Walter Ruggles was in charge of the program and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers gave the de votionals. Mrs. Newt O'Harra re viewed book two of the Greatest Story Ever Told. The Young Women's Circle met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Angel. Mrs. Marion Huggett reviewed a book on God and City Life. Tentative plans were made for a box social to be held in February. Queen Esther Circle met with Mrs. Tom Wells Wednesday even ing with Mrs. Glenn McLachlan as co-hostess. Mrs. Ed Walker gave a talk on "The Place of Women in the. Life of Christ. Mrs, Robert Owens was in charge of the program. Twelve members were present. o Dessert-Bridge Held At Ferguson Home Mrs. Gene Ferguson was the hostess last Friday afternoon for the first of a series of dessert bridge parties to be given for the benefit of the American Legion auxiliary. Two tables of bridge were in play, the guests being Mes dames Dick Wells, Robert Pen land, Loyal Parker, W. O George, Raymond Ferguson, C. C Carmichael, L. D. Tibbies and Richard Me,ador. Mrs. Parker received high score. Mrs. George received a prize for jack high and Mrs. Meador for 100 honors. LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET . The next meeting of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary will be held Tuesday evening .February 1st at the home of Mrs. Jack Van Win kle. ... aim for her Heart & Brown WITH A BOX OF Haley or Societe VALENTINE CANDY Pound W-W i! f . p" If'' ' V ' 1 --ffc bill lii.,-.: .. Ul1 MR. AND MRS. FLOYD SMITH, (formerly Miss Joan Breeding of Lexington) who were married recently at the home of her parents in Lexington. The couple will move to Swest Home, Oregon in the future to make their home. Coming Events Friday Jan. 28 Ruth chapter No. 32, OES Saturday Jan. 29 OES Social club card party, Masonic hall, 8:00 p. m. Monday Jan. 31 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don nell's American Legion business meeting Tuesday Feb. 1 American Le gion auxiliary Wranglers, club house Thursday Feb. 3 Soroptimists, noon at O Donnell s Lions club, 6.30 p. m., O'Don- nell's Elks, ladies night Friday Feb. 4 Sans Souci Re bekah lodge o Couples Club Has otluck Dinner The Couples Club of the Epis copal church enjoyed a potluck dinner Saturday evening January 22nd at the parish hall. Thirteen couples were present. Following the dinner, the evening was spent in playing games. Mrs. William Barratt and Mrs. Frank Anderson were in charge of the dinner. Another potluck dinner will be held February 19th and a like affair on the third Saturday of each month according to present plans. Mrs. Allen Case and Mrs. Allen Hughes will be hostesses for the next dinner meeting. o Carnation Club Plans Food Sale The Carnation Club of the De gree of Honor mot Tuesday even ing at the home of Theta Strat ton to make plans for this year's work and to discuss the food sale to be held Saturday, January 29th at the Red and white store. Food will go on sale at 10:30 in the morning. Members worked on tea towels to be sold at their spring bazaar. The new officers of the club who were hostesses for the re freshment hour are president, Alice Soward; vice president, Eu genie Huston; and secretary, Theta Stratton. Sandwiches and coffee were served. o Mrs. Schwarz Hostess Whats Trumps Club . Mrs. Leonard Schwarz enter tained the Wbats Trumps bridge club at the home of Mrs. Ray mond Ferguson on Wednesday afternon January 19. Those present were Mesdames Tom Wilson, P. W. Mahoney, Ray mond Ferguson, E. K. Schaffitz, James Thomson, W. O. George, Emile Groshens, Claude Graham, D. Tibbies, Harold Cohn, Gene Ferguson, Robert Penland and the hostess. High score was held by Mrs. Gene Ferguson, Mrs. Penland was second, Mrs. Mahoney, third and Mrs. Groshens, low. Pink and Blue Shower Honors Mrs. Springer Mrs. Jos. Hughes, Mrs. Earl L. Soward and Mrs. Mildred Tucker were hostesses on Tuesday even ing in'the Christian church base ment for a pink and blue shower honoring Mrs. Allen E. Springer. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts and she was presented with a quilted crib quilt by those present. Refreshments were served and visiting enjoyed by the guests, o Triple Link Club Met At Casebeer Home The Triple Link club met at the home of Prudy Casebeer January 17 with the following members present: Elsie Ayers, Pearl De vine, Gladys Beckett, Mary Bailey, Ada Piper, Ruby Munkers. The banquet for the Oddfellows convention was discussed, also the members voted to have a card party. Refreshments were served by Ada Piper and the hostess. Kathleen Orwick Sets Wedding Date Miss Kathleen Orwick, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orwick. has set Thursday February 3 as the date of her wedding to War ren Disque of Condon. A quiet home ceremony is plan, tied for seven o'clock in the even ing. Initiation Held By Rebekahs Friday Mrs. George Reed and Mrs. Harold Erwin, two new members of Sans Souci Rebekah lodge, were initiated at a regular meet last Friday night. Mrs. Robert Dobbs, retiring cap tain of the initiating team was presented with a gift by lodge members. ' Refreshments were served by the committee,, Mrs. Frank Ayers and Mrs. Rufus Piper. Church Group Holds Missionary Meeting The Women's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church held their mis sionary meeting Monday evening in the parish hall. Mrs. J. J. Nys gave an inspiring talk on the Twelve Apostles and Mrs. Lucy Peterson sang a hymn. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the hostesses, Mrs. John R. Reeves and Mrs. Lucy Peterson. I CARD PARTY PLANNED The Triple Link club is plan ning a public card party on Mon day evening February 14. I O NE School Notes Chester L. Ward, Superintendent The lone basketball team won from Umatilla here Friday, Jan. 21 with a good score and from Boardman there Saturday Jan. 22 with a large score. The grade school lost to Arlington here Sat urday afternoon. Thursday evening Jan. 27 the Freshmen of E. O. C. E. will play the lone high school and the Heppner town team will play the lone town team. The Heppner band gave a spe cial concert at lone Tuesday morning and were entertained at lunch afterward. Lonerock News By Verna Hayes The March of Dimes party, on Saturday night, netted the Polio fund $75.00, with a fair crowd at tending. Bingo, cakewalk and auction sale were the games played. Dancing was enjoyed later in the evening, with Pete Haynes and Mrs. Glenn Hayes furnishing the music. Lester Wick was the announcer for the bingo game and auctioneer for the auction sale. Refreshments and coffee were served at mid night. All reported a very en joyable evening. Mrs. George McLaughlin ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Mattlon Hicks to John Day Monday, for medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hayes at tended the funeral services of Elbert Cox, at Heppner Saturday, The sawmill of Jack Stallings, is being dismantled so as to be in readiness for moving to a new location in the spring. o Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner left Friday for a weeks visit with their son Kenneth in Corvallis and in Portland. Heppner High School SCOOP By Barbara Frock Evaluation of the Heppner High School Hehisch has been re ceived from the University of Washington. The receivers state, "There are many commendable things about your paper." The aim of the report is to correct faults, not to point out the ex cellent features. Sally Palmer, Hehisch editor, will act as chairman of a section al meeting on "New Features For All";and Mrs. Joyce Wilkinson, journalism instructor, will speak on "Mimeo-graph Techniques" at another session of the Seattle press conference in February. Quill and Scroll members are raising funds by sponsoring a candy sale at noon, Friday. This money is for initiation of new members in March. Pep Club and H-Club are serv ing refreshments to the Fossil basketball boys after the game Friday. Classes and Clubs rotate this task. Sighs of relief from Heppner' high students! At last, semester exams are over and grades are out. Forty-two new books have been received recently in the library. Those rating "popular" are "Calne Muntiny" and "Gone With the Wind". Several books by Victoria Case, an Oregon author, are also on the shelves. "B" Volleyball girls were trounced by the Wasco girls by a score of 19-51. The A team will not have any more games before the tournament at Boardman, on March 4 and 5. Monday night the B team plays Irrigon there. EPISCOPAL AUXILIARY Card Party TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 8 P. M. Pinochle, Bridge, Prizes, Refreshments PARISH HALL STILL A GOOD SELECTION OF COLORS AND PATTERNS IN OUR CLEARANCE SALE OF Wallpaper PACKAGED IN ROOM-LOT BUNDLES 50c to $4 PER BUNDLE Case Furniture Co. 1 and 2 Heart Boxes TO $.50 3 Ask for Societe the finest hand dipped chocolates, or Brown and Haley and be sure of giving her the best You can buy no finer chocolates at any price. Regular Boxes $1.85 To $6.00 VALENTINE CARDS Phil's Pharmacy Phil Blakney. Owner Shower Held Thursday By Soroptimist Club Mrs. E. E. Gonty was the guest of honor at a surprise shower held for her at the Soroptimist club's luncheon meeting Thurs day at O'Donnell's. A cake was served for the oc cassion and also to honor the birthdays of Mrs. Harold Sanders and Mrs. Loyal Parker. It was announced ' that Mrs. Mabel Hughes of Milton-Free-water will speak on Herbs, at the next meeting. ' and other rectal disorders COLON STOMACH AILMENTS UPTU (HVnio) HEATED WITHOUT HOSPITAL 0PEIAT1ON 'CREDIT TO ftfSPONSfUf PfOPU THE DEAN CLINIC Opm 10 mHI 5 Monday thrown Friday. Until I p.o. Monday, WpdnoKSoy Pnd Friday. Chiropractic Physicians . . . In pur 45fh yoar. 2016 NORTHEAST SANDY IOUIEVAID Tolophan EAst Mil Portland II, Orr. Penney's 511 v n i . U(Bmmmjp RUBBER FOOTWEAR WOMEN'S FABRIC GALOSH 50c CHILDS' GALOSH 1.50 MISSES ZIPPER BOOT 2.15 WOMEN'S ZIPPER BOOT 2.25 WOMEN'S FUR-TOP ,....2.00 BOYS' WINTER JACKETS Jr, Sizes 4-6-8 4.66 Boys Sizes 10-12-14-16 5.66 Women's Flannel Short Gowns 2.00 WOMEN'S NYLON SLIPS 2.00 BOYS' WINTER CAPS 99c CHILDS' SNOWSUITS 7.77 MENS' SWEATSHIRTS 1.00 MENS' FLANNEL SHIRTS 1.33 ONE GROUP BOYS' SUSPENDERS 10c ONE GROUP MEN'S TIES 25c ONE ..GROUP Men's Winter Jackets $000