Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 20y 1955 Page 5 SoaLat cfajijiznincj UN PILGRIMAGE WINNERS SPEAK AT ODD FELLOWS INSTALLATION BANQUET Miss Alberta Dayhuff, Pendle ton, current winner of the United Nations pilgrimage sponsored by the Odd Fellows was the guest speaker at a banquet and instal lation of I. O. O. F. and Rebekah officers Wednesday night at the Odd Fellows hall. "The work of the United Na tions is doing in its In specialized agencies stand between us and world war III. In its efforts to achieve peace among nations it is of basic importance to all," Miss Dayhuff said in reporting on its many activities. T. B. Bomboy, director of the district committee of the United Pilgrimage, Pendleton, and R. D. Wilson, grand conductor of Ore gon Grand Lodge, Echo, were spe cial guests and reported that the I. 0. 0. F. lodge has been assured of sponsoring the pilgrimage for another five years, following the close of the 5-year trial period tlWs year. Jack Sumner, winner of the 1952 pilgrimage, and Sally Pal mer, winner of the 1953 trip, both Heppner, spoke briefly. Oliver Crcswick, accompanied by Mrs. J. O. Turner, sang, ' "Bless This , House" and "Trees.". Oddfellow officers installed fol lowing the banquet and program were Nate McBride, noble grand; Clarence Bauman, vice grand; Vic Groshens, secretary; Pete Mc Murtry, warden; Cornett Green, conductor; Frank E. Parker, in side guard; Ralph Beamer, outside guard; Robert Dobbs, right sup port to noble grand; Ralph Tay lor, left support to noble grand; Herman Green, right scene sup- Lex Garden Club Meets at Wetzels The Lexington Garden Club met at the home of Edna Wetzel Tuesday, January 11th. Roll call was answered by giving house hold hints. The following members were present: Gena Leonard, Edna Munkers, Nellie Palmer, Cleo Van Winkle, Edith Miller, Nellie John son, Edna Wetzel, Frances Mc Millan, Mae McCall, Frances Schrage, Leila Palmer, Lee Wa genblast, Cora Warner, Ina Nichols, Emma Peck, Bertha Dinges, and three guests, Miss Millot, Marjorie Beach and Mary Bates. Marjorie Beach and Mary Bates joined the club. Leila Palmer read several in teresting items about some flow ers to start indoors this month, how to protect perenials and about "bigger and better flow ers for 1955.." Nellie Palmer and Ina Nichols drew for the birthday box. The entertainment was furnish ed by Cleo Van Winkle and Nellie Palmer. Bertha Dinges drew the door prize. After the meeting, lovely re freshments were served by the hostesses, Edna Wetzel and Gena Leonard. C Don't Miss Case Furniture's Sealy DON'T Case 39 j porter; Roy Quackenbush, left scene supporter and N. D. Bailey, chaplain. Rebekah officers installed were Mrs. Rufus Piper, noble grand; Mrs. Frank Ayers, vice grand; Mrs. Sara McNamer, past noble grand; Mrs. Lena Kelly, secretary; Mrs. Prudy Casebeer, treasurer; Miss Esther Bergstrom, warden; Mrs. Clarence Bauman, conductor. Mrs. Don Munkers, inside guaidian; Mrs. Pete McMurtry, outside guardian; Mrs. Lennie Louden, musician; Mrs. Robert Dobbs, right support to the vice grand; Mrs. Adele Bailey, left support to vice grand; Mrs. Pearl Devine, chaplain and Mrs. Robert Robinson, flag bearer Grand Marshalls were 'Cornett Green and Mrs. John Berestrom and installing officers were Mrs. Altha Kirk and John Wightman. High school boys serving at the banquet were Neil Beamer. Lvle Jensen, Jim Hayes, Steve Green, Delbert Piper, John Piper, Dickie Robinson, Bob Bryant and Oliver Devin. Mrs. Frank Ayers was in charge. OSC Extension Staff Member Speaks to Soroptimist Club Miss Dorothy Sherrill, of the Extension staff at Oregon State College, spoke to the Soroptimist club Thursday on the subject "Into the Market Basket and Out." She explained how "modern methods have reduced from 4 hours to lVfe hours the time re quired to prepare a meal for a family of four; that food prices do not vary to a great extent when the farmer's prices drop because a large percentage of the price is now marketing costs; that it seems that improved products should make food cheaper and improved processing methods should cut down waste but at the same time there is the added work of providing us with pro ducts is such a form that our work is far less than it used to be and we definitely have better food than we have ever had be fore.'" Miss Sherrill is a member of the Soroptimist club and was here to appear at the Morrow County Livestock Association meeting. - Other guests of the club were Mrs. J. 0. Turner and Miss Bever ly Bradshaw. Michael Bunch Has Seventh Birthday Mrs. Alvin Bunch entertained several young friends of her son, Michael on the occasion of his 7th birthday, Wednesday, Janu ary 12th, at seven in the even ing. Ice cream and a special birthday cake were enjoyed. o CLASSIFIED ADS USE GAZETTE TIMES OF FAMOUS Mattresses NOW ONLY WILL BUY A REGULAR $59.95 SEALY MATtRESS Matching Box Spring for the Same Low Price of $39.95 MISS THIS SPECIAL Furniture Co. I . . ? -c I'. vjtY "il p mR If k1 jufcTaK-J... - a MARRIED 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell of lone are shown ready to cut the first piece of cake at their golden anniversary party held December 26. (Lyons Studio Photo) Bennett-Rose Rites Held In Portland An event of last Saturday evening in Portland, was the mar- riage of 2nd Lt. Robert Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bennett of Heppner, and Miss Virginia Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. u i. Rose of Portland. Lt. Don Bennett, who is in Heppner on leave, accompanied his father to Portland to be best man for his brother. A reception was held after the wedding at the home of the bride's parents. The eroom graduated from the University of Oregon last year and has completed six montns of Army training at Fort Eustace, Virginia, where the young couple will reside. Catholic Card Party Held Monday Evening At the card party sponsored by the Catholic Altar Society, Mon day evening, in the basement of the Catholic church, prizes were won in bridge by Mrs. Grace Nickerson, high and Mrs. William Labhart, second. In pinochle Mrs. Alva Robb was high and Rev. Francis McCormack, second. Mrs. Richard Wells received the door prize. In charge of committees were Mrs. Lester Wyman for pinochle, Mrs. Philip Blakney, bridge and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell, Jr., 'refresh ments. VALUE J ', , S J ml. T A 1 Coming Events Friday Jan. 21 Sans Soucl Re bekah lodge Monday Jan. 24 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don nell's Women's auxiliary Episcopal church, 8:00 p. m., parish house Tuesday Jan. 2S Bookworms Degree of Honor Thursday Jan. 27 Soroptimists, noon at O'Donnell's Elks Friday Jan. 28 Ruth chapter No. 32, OES Open House Honors Sara McNamer on Her Birthday Saturday Employees and close friends of Mrs. Sara McNamer surprised her with an open house in honor of her birthday Saturday January 15 at the Central Market and Gro cery. Two lanre three tiered decorat ed cakes and coffee were served during the day by Mesdames Lucy Rodgers, Fred Parish, Kuius Piper, A. D. McMurdo, Lucy Peter son, Grace Nickerson, E. E. Gil liam and John R. Reeves, The guest of honor received manv lovelv eifts and 278 per sons signed the guest book. New Blue Bird Troop Organized in Heppner Eight girls in the seven and eight year age group met Friday in the basement of the Christian church to organize a Blue Bird troop. Officers elected were Lynn Bur kenbine, president; Jean Stock ard, vice president; Karen Mc Curdy, secretary; Joan Stockard, treasurer and Barbara Blake, re freshments chairman. Mrs. Clem Stockard will lead the group and will be assisted by Mrs. Willard Blake. Mrs. Roice Fulleton will be the rep resentative from the Mothers Club who are sponsoring the group. The Blue Birds will meet each Friday and at the next meeting the mothers of members are asked to attend so that they may become acquainted with the work and objects of Blue Birds. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting, o O. E. S. MEETS Ruth chapter No. 32, OES, held their first regular meeting of the new year Friday, with worthy matron Juanita Carmichael and worthy patron Paul Jones presid ing. Refreshments were served after the meeting by Mrs. Carmichael who was hostess. Long Distance Nation-Wldc Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Portland Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338 Oregon Law Topjc At Extension Meet Mrs. Gene Ferguson was host ess to thirteen members and guests of the Heppner Extension Unit, at her home Tuesday after noon. January 11. Miss Beverly Bradshaw, Home Economics Agent led an interesting discus sion on contracts, deeds, mort gages, property, Oregon law of receivership and legal terms as sociated with these topics. All members approved participating in a district meeting to be held later in order to carry the dis cussion further. Husbands will be special guests at this time. Mrs. William Heath and Mrs. Gene Ferguson were appointed project leaders for the meeting on minor electrical repairs which will be March 8th at Mrs. Heath's home. Suggestions from the program planning box were tabulated. In terest was shown most in canning type of food preservation, groom ing, making foods attractive and problems of interior decoration. Desire for continuation of cloth ing workshops was expresser also. Mrs. Ferguson served a dainty lunch to the following: Mrs. R. K. Drake, Mrs. Nels Anderson! Mrs. Lee Scrivner, Mrs. Dick Meador and Leslee, Mrs. Alva Casebeer, Mrs. William Heath and Linda, i Mrs. Kemp Dick and Marcia, Mrs. Kenneth Keeling, Mrs. Dick Wells, Mrs. Douglas Drake, Miss Bradshaw and Mrs. Vernon Mun kers, visitor from the Lexington Unit. lone Sorority Meets At Corley Home Beta Omega chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met a t Eulenna Corley's with Gladys Heliker as co-hostess. Plans were made to hold a bingo night at the Legion hall Jan. 24. Maravene White, Gladys Heli ker and Francie Crawford were appointed as a committee to choose a three -act play to be given by the members of the society. Virginia Snow, educational di rector, gave aptitude tests and Maravene Whit and Rosetta Palmateer gave reports. Dinner Party Honors Birthday Saturday Mrs. Lester Wyman entertained at a dinner rjartv Saturday even ing in honor of her huspand's birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gammell, Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Greenup, Mrs. Harry O'Don nell, Bruce Holt of Pendleton and Gordon O'Brien. The evening was spent in play ing cards. Dorothy Gray Super-Stay Lipstick Duo 2 FULL SIZE SUPER-STAY LIPSTICKS with LANOLIN in polithtd metal easei a wa I $2.00 VAIUI C BOTH ONIY T 10 pint las IN 7 VIBRANT SHADED Bed Trejr Portrait Pink Siren Right Red Holly Pink Fifurin Look Bluih Pink Rrfiular formula) PHIL'S PHARMACY Phil Blakney, Owner jS jjs iA, ijA j jjj U UmHUl ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Gale and Willow Willis W. Geyer, Pastor Phone 6-9210 Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Young Teople 7:45 p. m. ' Thursday Bible Hour 7: 13 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Armin H. Reitz, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. Worship Service at 8:30 a. m., first and third Sundays of taoh month. Meeting in the SDA church in Heppner. Lutheran Ladies Society, the in the homes. A cordial welcome. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundays 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer. 1st Sundays Holy Communion. 7 p. m. Y. P. F. Wednesdays at 10 a. m. Holy Communion John R. Reeves, Rector SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Robert E. Becker, Pastor Saturday Services: Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m Sermon, 11 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. Bible Studies. IONE NAZARENE CHURCH Wilfred C. McKay, pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Worship service is at 11:00. Young peoples meeting is at 7:15. Evening church service is at 8:00. Bible Study and Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Lester D. Boulden, Minister Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic "Effective Prayer" Junior choir practice, Wednes- WHITE Hi Pemey's " . ' . . t A f " t . s f - - , , ' ' - ' I frfiiffirMIIMMIIWrM -4 i ir5 NATION-WIDE Fine Quality Muslin Sheets! 72x108" 1.49 42x36" coses 37c First quality, sheets, famous for wear, laboratory-tested and labelled for quality! Thty'rt Penney'i own long-wearing muslins, woven in a itrong balanced thread count that takes heavy uw, continuous washing. Walk, VidefflyGET TO PENNEY'S!' FltJflL day 4:00 p. m. Senior choir practice, Thurs day 7:30 p. m. Attend Church Every Week. Pray Every Day. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible school at 9: 15. Adult les sons being studied are on the basic teachings of the Bible. Morning worship at 10:55. The sermon is entitled, "Things God Cannot Do." The children and youth meet ings continue at 5:30 p. m., even ing services are being set for 7 p. m. The message, "The Disci ples Dilemma," will be given by the pastor. The Crusader class will hold its monthly and social at the parson age Monday evening. Regular choir practice Thurs day. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Church school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11, continu. ing studies in Ephesians, "Over coming Tensions." Choir practice Monday 8 p. m. o New Books Listed At Public Library Now books at the Heppner Pub lic Library are: All My Love, Walden; Red Car, Stanford; Robins in The Garden, Earle; On The Banks 0f Plum Creek, Wilder; Four Party Line, Butters; All Ready for Winter, Adelson; The Roosevelt Family of Sagamore Hill, Hagedorn; Song of Ruth, Slaughter; Dig or Die, Brother Hyde, Hyde; Not as a Stranger, Thompson. New books on the rental shelf are: I'll Cry Tomorrow, Roth; My Brother's Keeper, Davenport; The Stars at Noon, Cochran; - The Anatomy of a Crime, Dinneln. Due to the fact that there are so few children of the upper age group 'coming to the library for the story hour, the children of ages from five to eight are asked to come each Saturday afternoon, and any children of the upper age group who wish to come are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. William Labhart were called to Corvallis the first part of last week due to the illness of Mr. Labhart's father. GOODS $159 81"xl08' m WEEK!