Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 13, 1955 Rebekah Officers Installed at lone Thursday By Echo Palmoteer The following officers in Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge were installed Thursday evening Jan 6. Mrs. Mabel Ring, noble grand; Mrs. Mabel Crawford, vice grand; Mrs. Edith Matthews, secretary; Mrs. Mary Swans(Jn, treasurer Mrs. Helen Pettyjohn, warden; Mrs. Catherine Thome, conductor; Mrs. Slamc Rielmann, chaplain; Mrs. Lena Lundell, R ,S. N. G Mrs. Arvilla Swanson, L. S. N. G.; Mrs. Vida Heliker, R. S. V. G. Mrs. Ida Esteb. L. S. V. C; Mrs. Echo Palmateer, inside guardian; Mrs. Ida Coleman, outside guar dian; Mrs. Gladys Drake, musi cian. The installing officers were Mrs. Vida Heliker, district deputy president; Mrs. Helen Pettyjohn, deputy marshal; Mrs. Margaret Morgan, deputy warden; Mrs. Lucile Rietmann, deputy secre tary; Mrs. Eva Swanson, deputy treasurer; George Ely, deputy in side guardian and Mrs. Marevene White, deputy chaplain. Mrs. Lundell was elected trustee for three years. t At the business meeting it was voted to give $5 to the polio fund. Refreshments were served after ward by Mrs. David Rietmann, Mrs. Arvilla Swanson, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Milton Morgan. A pink and blue shower was given in honor of Mrs. Ernest McCabe in the parlors of the Community church Thursday evening Jan. 0. The hostesses were Mrs. Walter Corley, Mrs. Merle Baker, Mrs. Pele Cannon, Mrs. Robert De Spain and Mrs. James Bamett. Dates to remember: Jan. 14 Study meeting of the Topic club at the homo of Mrs. Mary Swanson at 2:13 p. m. Jan. l(i Willows Grange meet ing in the afternoon. Pot luck din ner at noon. AH grange members welcome. Jan. 16 Church business meet ing after church at Community church, Jan. 18 Auxiliary social meet ing at the home of Mrs. Echo Pal mateer at 8 p. in. Jan. 19 Arnica dui meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Lind- stram in the afternoon. Jan. 21 II. E. C. of Willows grange at the home of Mrs. O. L. Lundel with potluck dinner at noon. Willows Grange will hold their monthly meetings on Sunday af ternoons for the next three months beginning Jan. 16. The 12th Night ceremony was well attended here Thursday evening Jan. 6 which was held on the Omar Rietmann vacant lot on Main street at 5 p. m. A large pile of Christmas trees was light ed; Rev. Alfred Shirley told of the original 12th Night which was to commemorate the arrival of the three wisemen, the Magi, at the birthplace of the Christ Child, 12 days after His birth. It is, also a safe way of disposing of Christ mas trees. High school girls sang Christmas carols ed by Don aid Springer. Also following the old tradition, little cakes were passed to those present. This 12th Night ceremony is sponsored by the Garden club, this is their annual affair and they hope to nave one each year. Mrs. Omar Rietmann was chairman of the program. Over 50 attended the ceremony. jvoei uooyns was tne new councilman sworn in at the council meeting Tuesday even ing Jan. 4. Re elected officers aking the oath were; Omar liietman, mayor; Mrs. Doris Gol lyliom, recorder; Mrs. Echo Pal mateer, treasurer; Paul Pettyjohn and Charles O Connor, counci men. A city franchise was grant ed the lone City TV Cooperative to pipe television in the city. Garland Swanson, president of the organization, was present at the meeting. Over an. inch of snow fell here Sunday night. Die Eastern Star Social club met at the home of Mrs. E. M Uaker Wednesday Jan. 5 After the business meeting refresh ments were served by Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Dick Ekstrom returned home from Portland on the train Fri day of last week. He recently underwent an operation on his knee. He is back in school this St Patrick's Catholic Church CARD PARTY MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 8 P.M. Catholic Church Basement week. Funeral services were held for Oscar N. Ruggles, Wednesday, Jan. 5 in Grass Valley and inter ment in Moro. Mr. Ruggles died Sunday' Jan. 2 in Portland. He lived in Sherman county all his life and was a stock rancher. He is survived by his wife, Allic Ruggles of Grass Valley, a son, Oiville Ruggles and a daughter Mrs. Charlotte Barnet, both of Grass Valley, and a daughter, Mrs. Zela McKinney of lone; two brothers. Walter Rugges of Lex ington and Starr Ruggles of Stay- ton, three sisters, Mrs. Lu Brown of Porterville, Calif., Mrs. Eva Landry of Portland and Mrs. Lois Olds of Yuba, Calif. Mrs. Ruggles is visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney. Miss Beverly Bradshaw, Home Demonstration Agent, gave a very interesting talk on Law and Busi ness in the Home at the Exten sion Unit meeting at the Com munity church parlor Thursday Jan. 6 There were 12 members present. Mrs. Oscar Peterson ser ved refreshments after the meet ng. John Jepsen showed pictures at the Delmer Crawford home Sun day evening that were taken while he was in the army in Ger many, Austria ana Denmark Others present to see the pictures were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kincaid and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holtz and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Pettyjohn and children, Mr .and Mrs. Pete Cannon and son and Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann and Miss Anna Jepsen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gaarsland an dchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley and daughter and Ernest Heliker spent Sunday at the W. G. Seehafer home near Bickleton, Wash. Mr. Heliker remained there for a longer visit. Over sixty five members at tended Pomona grange at the Willows Grange hall Saturday Jan. 8. A business meeting was held in the morning and in the afternoon. The following pro gram was given in the afternoon: group singing led by Mrs. Karl Miller accompanied by Mrs. Thorp; a movie, The American Cowboy was shown by Nels An derson, county agent; a song by Mr. Babbs of Rhea Creek grange; a song, Winter Wonderland by Mrs. Norman Nelson and Mrs. Vernon Munkers, accompanied by Mrs. Miller of Lexington grange; readings by Mrs. Briggs of Green field grange and folk dancing by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hausler of Wil lows grange. A turkey dinner was served at noon by members of the H. E. C. of Willows grange nd lunch was served in the evening. j Mrs. Ernest Heliker gave a I birthday party in honor of Mrs. j Lana PadbPrg in the afternoon of ; Jan. 4 at her home. Mrs. Monetta 'Aldrich and Mrs. Jessie Griffith i assisted. Others present were Mrs. Dale Ray, Mis. Sam Esteb and Mrs. Harry Yamell. Mrs. Robert Jepsen entertained the members of the American Le gion Auxiliary at her home Tues- day, Jan. 4 with Mrs. David Mc Leod and Mrs. Earl McCabe as co-hostesses. A food sale and entertaining the inter-unit coun cil was discussed at the meeting There were 14 members present, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer gave a party at their home Sat urday evening in honor of Pete Pannon whose birthday was that day. Others present were Mrs. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc Cabe and Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain. lone City TV Cooperative is the name of the new organization recently formed. The officers and Gunnar Skoubo Wins Fish Derby At Boardrnan directors met Wednesday Jan. 5 and set up by-laws and worked out details of the organization. The officers are Garland Swan son, president: Victor Rietmann, vice" president; Merle Baker, sec retary; Noel Dobyns, Roy Lind strom, Delbert Emert and Alton Yamell are the directors. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker are on a trip to South America. They left San Francisco Friday of last week on the S. S. Tradewinds and will go to Mexico, through the Panama Canel to South America and then to Havana, Cuba. They plan to return some time in February. The members of the Public Li brary gave the library a general clean-up Friday of last week, after which they were served a potluck lunch at the Fannie Grif fith home. Mrs. Winnie Zinter and son William, returned home last week from a trip to California where they visited at Willets, San Fran cisco, Oakland, Berkeley and Santa Rosa. They came up the coast highway and in Oregon visited the Waddell family at Bay City. Mrs. Willard Waddell is making her home with the Wad dells while her husband is sta tioned in the navy at Long Beach, Calif. The Zinters also visited the I. R. Robinsons in Portland. Bernice Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews was a patient in the hospital in Heppner the first of the week. Books added to the Public Li brary are The D. A. Cooks a Goose, Gardner; Hesitant Host ess, Gardner; The Frightened Wife, Rinehart; Before the Sun Goes Down, Howard; Storm Ha ven, Richardson; The Keepsake, Ritner; Dolly Madison, Mayer; Troubled Borders, Allen; Unto A Only in America's First-Choice Truck" AN These First-Choice Features For You I ii felSIiiiiyjliEl Uiiuiys n V urVvrr f rzz $ f A ?, s k aWw -yzz :- ry WK HUGE I By Mary Lee Marlow Gunner Skoubo took top honors in the steelhead derby for the month of December by winning both first and second place. His fiuh weighed 18 lbs. 7 ounces and 16 lbs. 11 ounces. Bud Pha neuf was third with 14 lbs. 14 ounces. The derby is sponsored by the Commercial club. The March of Dimes campaign is under way here with all the envelopes having been mailed out. Everyone is asked to have them al returned by Jan. 31. The first snow of the season arrived on Tuesday afternoon of last week, but did not stay long. Less than half an inch remained on the ground Wednesday. Snow fluries Saturday and Sunday brought between two and three inches more, but some of this melted also. The maximum tem perature Monday was 38 above. Minimum Tuesday morning was 28. Mr. and Mrs. Don Downey arc the parents of a son born Jan. 3 at Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston. He has been named Wayne. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Earl Downey, Oakland, Calif, and Mrs. Louie Earwood, Boardrnan. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steinke, Arlington. The baby weighed eight pounds and one ounce. This is their second child. Sgt. and Mrs. Thurman John son are the parents of a son born Jan. 4 at the military hospital in Hanford, Wash. He has been named Dale Thurman. Grandpar ents are Mrs. Mildred Johnson, Portsmouth, N. H., and Mr. and Mrs. Ned L. Reynolds, London derry, N. H.; Great grandparent is Mrs. Ernest L. Reynolds, Derry, N. H. The baby weighed six pounds, three ounces. They have one other child, Dianna. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tatone left last Friday for a two week vaca tion trip to California and Mex ico. Their two children will stay at the home of Mrs. Tatone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wicklander, in Portland. Word was received here last' week of the death of Charles H. Atteberry, Tacoma, Wash., son of Mrs. Olive Atteberry. The fune ral was in Tacoma Friday, Jan. 7. A group of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller Sun day afternoon at their home in honor of their 25th wedding anni versary, which was Jan. 11. Pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. William Lilly and son Richard, Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller and Mrs. Ef fie Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill a . rai l ; j THE ROMANS HAD A GAUGE FOR IT! RAILKW IS FEET EkWT HALF INCHES W'PE. THIS WIPTH WAS LAISSetV INRJJ ENICEP BV THE KAAN CHAUOT MAKE SB ANP ftJILPEW TWO THOUSANDS VEAUSAiSO, SINCE THE FltBT pajlscaps wEee etiiuT on EN6LISH ROADS THAT HAP ORIGINALLY 6EEN LAID OUT BV THE ROMANS, HAW I A XV? ft, 1 ij " IT WASN'T UMTIL 1624 ANP THE ELECTION Of UOHN OJINCV AOAMS THAT THE ACTUAL NLWKR OF PEOPLE WHO VOTED FO THE WINNING CANPIPATE WAS KNOWArAWS RECEIVED 10552J VOTES, NOT ASUPPICIENT MA.OTlTV THE ELECTION WAS THEN REFERKEP TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ) VTHE HARLEM tfLC6TROTTER6 WSKET&ALL TEAM ARE WATCHED MORE THAN A MILLION SPECTATORS EACH VEAR. "SAL I: IRE" That iS THE WORP THESE OLD ROMANS USED MEAN INS 10SM6I NO MATTER HOW WU SAV IT. US-6MIN9SB0M3 ARE A FINE INVESTMENT IF VOj ee L0OKIN6 FOR eeCURlTV.' TART 6UVINS 60NDS TOPAV.' Good Land, Moberg. Mrs. Amy Rigby left last week for her home in Woodinville, Wash., after visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rigby for three weeks. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen went to Heppner last Thursday to attend a grange deputy and fire insurance agent meeting and dinner at the O'Donnell cafe. The meeting was a Grant, Wheeler, Gilliam and Morrow counties. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziegler and children, Echo, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mis. Gene Hiigel. Mr. and Mrs., William Garner and children Dick and Anita, and Mrs. Blanche Garner returned home on Wednesday of last week from a two weeks visit at the home of Mis. William Garner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jones, at Fort Morgan, Colo. Mrs. Blanche Garner returned to her home at Bend on Thursday. The Boardrnan Livestock 4-H club met last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts and elected the following offi cers: Gurt Gantenbein, president; Larry Fussell, vice-president; Barbara Gantenbein, secretary; Irene Potts, reporter. Other mem ber of the club are Marie Potts, Pattie Partlow, Gwendolyn Fus sell, Ronnie Olmstead, Rosina Jones and Anna Lou McCarty. Mr. and Mrs. William Lilly and son Richard, Pendleton, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen. The Ladie,s Aid Society of the Community church met at the church Wednesday, Jan. 5, with 12 members present. Guest speaker was Mrs. V. B. Walker, Milton-Freewater, president of the eastern Oregon Presbyterial. She spoke on her trip to Purdue University last summer. Hostess es were Mrs. I. T. Pearson and Mrs. Lee Harwood. Mrs. Pearson, president of the society, announced the following committees for the year: Nomi nating, Mrs. Margaret Klitz, Mrs. Lea Potts and Mrs. Charles Dil lon; Sewing, Mrs. Rollin Bishop and Mrs. Henry Zivney; Sunshine, Mrs. Florence Root and Mrs. Frank Marlow; Good neighbor, Mrs. LeRoy Fussell and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie; Program, Mrs. Bob Miller and Mrs. Russell Mil ler; Foreign mission sewing, Mrs. Clyde Tannehill; Cards, Mrs. Louise Earwood; Welcoming and membership, Mrs. Henry Zivney, Mrs. Charles Anderegg and Mrs. Arnin Hug; Publicity, Mrs. Leo Potts and Mrs. Frank Marlow; Overseas boxes and bandage rol ling, Mrs. Lee Harwood and Mrs. Margaret Klitz; Open Door Child ren s Home, Mrs. Ruth Lyons; Dish cloth sale, Mrs. Hugh Brown; Missionary secretary, Mrs. Arnin Hug; Spiritual life, Mrs. Florence Root. The Rev. Walter Duff, national chairman of Village Missions, from Dalas, visited Miss Jean Scott and Miss Zelma Cowan last Thursday. He was on his way to Idaho. Jim Newman returned to his home in Bandon Saturday after visiting the last two weeks at the home pf his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow. He alco visited two day with his mother, Mrs. Lafe Smith in La Grande last week. Continued 01 Fag Spur No other trucks offer you all these hour-saving, dollar-saving features. And Chevrolet's the lowest-priced line. So, naturally, It's the best seller. Dollar-saving engine features! Gas saving high-compression performance. Aluminum alloy pistons. All-weather ignition system. Full-pressure lubrication. Advance-Design cab features! Cub is shackle-mounted to reduce vibration. Has one-piece curved windshield. Work-saving control features! Ex clusive Recirculating-Ball steering. Torque-Action and Twin-Action brakes. I y-fcergrfir'f Fiilleton Chevrolet Co. te;;!:;;ftf: assiiSisiasi I A SJ dxj-- ;;! .w j.; tf-A "'J j ' $2 v. t fyl $. 1 f vU;J5v 0 sx -4 L 'MASV.V- !-. " i.T.". "-,-v v1:." i- - n 1 I " "ni1-wAyilla.'.iiii.....:.-.::: 1 1 Tlephne man gol service pin from air line. Since 11 Pa Telephone Switchboard Installer Jim Bailey, left, has worked on most every telnW -1 at United Air Lines' San Francisco office. The people there say thVe Jim s good work and quick smDe that they think of him as one of theix groua they recently awarded him one of their 20-year employees' service pins We hSlL t ' pretty typical of all telephone installers. For your "Telephone Man" works tc Tdo tl ! possible job to bring you the good low-cost service you like ... and does it with Tsm Pacific Telephone works to make your telephone a bigger value every day