Heppner Gazette Times,. Thursday, January 13, 1955 Page 5 ocia cJ-fafijimincj: Rippees Observe Golden Wedding More than a hundred relatives an dfriends gathered at the grange hall on Dec. 28 in honor of the golden wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rippee. In charge of the affair were members of the Ladies Aid society of the Community church with Mrs. Charles Anderegg as committee chairman. A mock wedding ceremony was performed and the couple re peated the vows they had taken fifty years ago. The bride was given away by her son, Oscar Rippe, Condon. Matron of honoi was her daughter, Mrs. Frank Connor, Heppner. Bridesmaid was Miss Barbara Anderegg, of Boardman. Flower girl was Patty K Hedgers. Seth Russell was best man, and the ceremony was per formed by Nathan Thorp. Mrs. Rollin Bishop and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe sang "When You and I Were Young, Maggie" before the ceremony, accompanied by Mrs. Hugh Brown, who also played the wedding march. The family history, which was written by Mrs. Seth Russell, was read by Mrs. Claud Coats. A beautiful four tiered wedding cake topped with the numerals "50" and golden bells was cijt Portland, after the first piece was cut by the honored couple. Serving at the coffee urn and punch bowl were Mrs. Earl Briggs and Mrs.. Frank Mallow. Others assiting Mrs. Anderegg were Mrs. Elvin Ely, Mrs. I. T. Pearson, Mrs. Florence Root, Mrs. Lee Harwood, Mrs. Leo Potts, Mrs. Claud Worden and Mrs. Margaret Klitz. Relatives from out of town at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rippee, Condon, son and daughter-in-law of the couple; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connor and son Wen 1 dell, Heppner, son-in-law and daughter and grandson; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Connor and two child ren Jonnie and Meryetta, Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Con nor, lone; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pri vett and children Billie Jean, June, Joe and John, Heppner; Mrs. Nola Casey, Mrs. Maxine Rippee and son Robert; and Mrs. Ike Graham an dsons Marvin and Carroll, all of Selah, Wash. Many lovely gifts were re ceived by the couple, including a daveno given them by the com munity, which was presented by Mrs. Hugh Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Rippee were mar ried in Missouri, Dec. 28, 1904, and came to Oregon in April, 1905, living near Heppner. Later they returned to Missouri for one year, but again came to Oregon and farmed on Rhea Creek for several years. They came to Boardman In Dec. 1940. Long Distance Nation-Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Peritonei Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338 NOW is the TIME TO REFINISH YOUR FURNITURE, AND WOODWORK We have a large variety of Paints and Varnishes in all shades. We Now Have Handyman Plans Free To Help You Build The Things You've Wanted BARBE QUEEN KIDDIE KABINET WOOD FENCES HOW TO BUILD A PORCH OUT DOOR STORAGE SLIDING DOOR CABINETS HOME WORKSHOP If You Wish, We'll Help You FINANCE The Materials 1I-A-L1 HER WAN) PHONE 6-9212 HEPPNEH WE LIKE TO HELP FOLKS BUILD Miss Joan Breeding Weds Floyd Smith Ey Celpha Jones Saturday evening at 7.30 p. m. in a quiet but impressive cere mony, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding, Miss Joan Breeding was united in marriage to Floyd Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Glide, Oregon. Officiating at the ceremony was the Rev. S. Spiesz of Umatilla with the closing prayer by Rev. Willis Geyer of Heppner both being ministers of the "Assembly of God church. The bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in a- light blue suit and carried a white Bible with a white stephanotis and red carnation. The maid of honor, Miss Beverley Lovelace of Yakima, Washington wore light blue and had a red carnation cor sage and wore black accessories. The flower girl, lovely in a white taffeta dress, a hyacinth corsage was Brenda Steagall, a cousin of the bride, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall. The ceremony was by candle light with Kenneth Jones lighting the candles. Incidental music was played by Charlene Jones, who also accompanied Miss De lores Duran of Heppner who sang "Always" and "Whither Thou Goest". The bride and her party came to the center of the room to an archway to music played by Charlene Jones, with the lighted candles on sides of the arch, and there she was met by the groom, the ministers a ndthe best man Paul Breeding, brother of the bride. The grooms parents were un able to attend. Mrs. Breeding, mother of the bride, wore dark blue with a red carnation corsage, and her grandmother, Mrs. E. S. Burnside of Spray, who also cut the cake, wore black with a red carnation corsage. Pouring were: Mrs. Wilbur Steagall, an aunt of the bride, and Mrs. George Steagall, aunt of the bride. The guest book was in charge of Janet Kendall of Heppner and in charge of the gifts was Viola Duran of Hepp ner. Those attending ehe wedding were Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Burnside of Spray; Rev. and Mrs. Spiesz of Umatilla; Miss Beverley Love lace of Yakima, recently of La Grande; Mr. and Mrs. Ray John son, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stea gall, Mrs. Howard Crowell, Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall, Rev. Geyer, Mrs. C. C. Jones and children, Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker and Guy Hast ings. Following the ceremony a small reception was, held at the home, with a three tiered wed ding cake topped with an exact replica of the bride s corsage. The young couple will make their home in Glide, Oregon where he is employed. o Soroptimists Have Business Meeting The Soroptimist club held their regular monthly business meet ing Thursday noon at O'Donnell's. Committee reports were given and the bulletins distributed. Mrs. W. O. George reported on the Heppner Cemetery Mainten ance District board meeting held Wednesday evening. Prayer is Topic of Methodist Women "Prayer" was the program theme at a general meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service at the Methodist church Wednesday evening. Presenting the program were Mrs. E. J. Dob bie, Mrs. Tom Wells and Mrs Harry Dinges. Hostesses for refreshments were Mrs. Whitmer Wright, Mrs. Alex Green and Mrs. Edwin Walker. About 27 members were present. o Mothers Club Meets At Fulleton Home Mother's Club met at the home of Mrs. Roice Fulleton Tuesday evening. Miss Beverly Bradshaw spoke on "Family Business and the Law." Members present were Mrs. Kenneth Keeling, Mrs. Owen Lea thers, Jr., Mrs. Clem Stockard, Mrs. Andy Van Schoiack, Mrs. Elmer Schmidt, Mrs. William Heath, Mrs. Riley Munkers, Mrs. Bob Walker, Mrs. Doris Peterson, Miss Bradshaw and the hostes. Refreshments were served fol lowing the meeting. Episcopal Auxiliary Holds First Meeting The first regular business meet ing for 1955 of the Ladies Auxil iary of the Episcopal church was held Monday night in the parish hall. The meeting was conduct ed by the new officers, Mrs. Dick Wells, president; Mrs. Gene Hall, first vice president; Mrs. Mert Piper, secretary and Mrs. Allen Hughes, treasurer. Refreshments were served fol lowing the meeting by the host esses, Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Mrs. Grace Nickerson. Card Party Planned By Catholic Society The Altar Society of the Catho lic church met Monday evening at the Rectory, with Mrs. Charles O'Donnell and Mis. Jack Healy as hostesses. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Raymond FTench, president and the minutes were read by Miss Kay Laughlin, secretary. Plans were completed for a card party to be held in the church basement on Monday, Jan uary 17th, with Mrs. Lester Wy man as chairman. New and old business was discussed and a fi nancial report was read by Mrs. Bill Gentry who was secretary for 1954. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. James Popham. Following adjourn ment of the business meeting, re freshments were served. r teifefei"i,t8,Lj is i if m v i.i;.'.i.".iai.iM"i'"l!"j"'"""": p'' i en- r.k' i . - r- THE 860 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN VJ " I Wondering what new car to buy? L Step to the window, watch traffic, , and you'll see how others are settling this question. They are buying Pontiacsat a faster rate than ever before in history! Ask why and you'll hear many reasons, but the basic reason is this. The '55 Pontiac personifies everyone's dream of what a modern car should be. There's Pontiac's unique combination of beautiful long., low lines, Vogue Two- . Tone styling, and Twin-Streak distinction. There's Pontiac's long wheelbase the Shows Honored At Church Dinner Sunday Following services at the Methodist church last Sunday, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Clayton Shaw and two sons were honored with a potluck dinner, at which about seventy-five persons were pre- sent. The Shaws were presented with a gift of the new standard revised edition of the Holy Bible. Mrs. Shaw is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hager. The Shaws I will leave soon for Seattle where Colonel Shaw will be stationed at Ft. Lewis. Mrs. Charles Gomillion was in charge of the kitchen. o Doolittles Have Birthday Guests Mrs. Lester Doolittle was host ess at a party Monday evening in honor of her husband's birthday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill, Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, Mrs. E. R. Huston and Miss Leta Humphreys. The evening was spent in sing ing and playing piano and violin selections. Refreshments were served. New Years Buffet Given by L. E. Dicks i ' r n r; ,1 iiiii.it.- uirai-ni ut'w n uic hum Mr. and Mrs L E. Dick were! hosts at a buffet supper NewJack Loy() Mf am) Years i.ve. j Wp,)b and Mf fln(J Mfg Jpff Car Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cor-1 ter nett Green, Mr. and Mrs. Paul! 0 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cox, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bryant. The evening was spent in play ing bridge, Mrs. Jaul Jones re ceived high score for the ladies. Cornett Green held high score for the men. o Gary Dowen Has Fifth Birthday Party Gary Dowen was the honoree at a party at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lary Dowen on the occasion of his fifth birth day. Guests who helped Gary cele brate the event, were Linda and Bryan Thompson, Janiand Jody Fancher, Chris and Mark Lab hart, Jimmy and Billy Walker, Barbara, Jerry and Terry Terrill and Jayne Dowen. The afternoon was spent in playing games, Refreshments were served. SQUARE DANCE CLUB SLATES DANCES The Square Dance Club held three dances during the month of December. Two dances are plan ned for January, on the first and third Fridays, according to James Driscol, president of the group. Ever Farley ill f? " ,w'f t 'If V 'BSgflli)i r 1 Parkers Entertain At New Year's Party Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Parker held open house at their home on the evening of New Years Day. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith, Mr. and Mrs. j Harlan McCurdy Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Earle Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Penland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Parker, Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Schaf fits, Phil Smith. Miss Patsy Pere gay and Mrs. Mary Davis of Los Angeles. Jack Hynd Honored At Birthday Dinner Mr. Jack Hynd was honored on the occasion of his birthday Sun day with a dinner at his home at Ocil. Those piesent besides the hon oree were Mrs. Jack Hynd and Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd and Carol, Mrs. Bleakman, mother of Mrs. Herbert Hynd, Mr. and Mrs. F. McClintock, and Su zanne and Dr. and Mrs. Ed Sohaf fitz, Diane and Jimmv. Barratts Entertain At Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. William Barratt entertained last Saturday even ing with a dinner party for eight. Ida Sue Stratton New Rainbow Head Rainbow Assembly of Girls held election of officers Monday night, January 3rd. Ida Sue Stratton was elected Worthy Advisor;. Joan Wright, Associate Odvisor; Virginia An dresen, Charity; Janet Keithley, Hope; Barbara Warren, Faith; Judy Writht, Treasurer; Janice Beamer, Reporter. The above officers will be in stalled January 17th. Bridge Club Meets At Penland Home Mrs. Robert Penland entertain ed the Whats Trumps bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon with a 1:30 dessert. Those present were Mesdames Tom Wilson, P. W. Mahoney, W. O. George, Harlan McCurdy, L. D. Tibbles,Claude Graham, Har old Cohn, Gene Ferguson, Earle Blake, Raymond Ferguson, E. K. Schaffitz, Leonard Schwarz and the hostess. High score was held by Mrs. George, Mrs. Tibbies was second, 'Mrs. Raymond Ferguson, third, 'and Mrs. Schaffitz, low. Priced! So secret of the wondrously safe, smooth ride that makes you and your passengers the happiest people on wheels. There's Pontiac's roominess and luxury ; . . living-room comfort and mode-of-tomorrow decor . . . along with picture window vision all around. And there's Pontiac instant control and Strato-Streak V-8 performance but these must be enjoyed to be believed. Take a total of the foregoing and here's the result more of everything than a like amount of money has ever bought before! Motor Company Pinochle Club Meets With Mrs. Beckett Mrs. Walter Beckett entertained the Pinochle Club at her home last Friday evening. Members present were besides the hostess. Mrs. Ed LeTrace, Mrs. Claude Buschke. Mrs. Fred Mar tin, Mrs. Frank Hamlin, Mrs. Earl Evans, Mrs. Max Harris and Mrs. O. E. Wright. Refreshments wore served at the close of the evening. O. E.S. Club Elects Officers for Year The O. E. S. Social Club instal led new officers Saturday at the Masonic lodge, as follows: Mrs. Dick Wilkinson, president; Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, vice-president and Mrs. Walter Beckett, secre tary. During the social hour, bridge and pinochle were played, Mrs. Dick Wilkinson having high score in bridge and Mrs. Fred Mankin received the first prize in pinochle. The door prize went to Mrs. Fred Parrish. Refreshments were served by the committee, Mis. Frank Tur ner and Mrs. Frank Davidson. Four Couples Host At New Year's Party "Wogg Inn", otherwise the home of Mr. and Mis. Les Wyman was the scene of an open house New Years Eve, prior to the dance at the Elks club. Co-hosts for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Don Greenup and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gammell and Mr. and Mrs. Wyman. Out of town guests were Miss Sally French of Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Denton of Richland. Mrs. Beatrice Bedford has re turned to her home in Portland after a three weeks visit at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bed ford. HEPPNER Will 1 JAMES WILSON. Director Tuesday, Jan. 18, 8 P. M. High School Auditorium Adults 50c 1 Pje and Coffee will follow in school Cafeteria by the Band Parents (Low ! How much money? You can actually buy a Strato-Streak-powered Pontiac for just a few dollars more than the very lowest priced cars! Come in and find out how little it costs to switch to modern motoring. 00 MODKM-OO POHVAtl THRU OffMT WITH BTRATQ-ITRIAK V-t POWIAI Membership Pins Awarded By Elks Membership pins were pre sented to members of the Hepp ner Elks lodge for 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 years at special cere monies, the first of its kind to be held by the local chapter, Thurs day night at the Elks lodge. , Special recognition was given to Les Matlock, a charier mem ber when the lodge was formed Jan. 27. 1897. Waldon Rhea, New Westminster, B. C, who was un able to attend, is the only othet living charter member. Fifty year pins were presented to J. O. Rasmus and Fred Lucas. North Bend, Wash.; 2 45-year pin to Frank W. Turner and 40-year pins to L. E. Bisbee and John J. Monahan. Twenty-six members were present to receive 35-vear pins and 10 to receive 30-year pins Although only 43 members were present, a total of 83 pins were given for all groups. A talk on the history and high lights of the lodge was given by La Verne Van Marter, Jr. who paid tribute to early members who had established and devel oped the lodge. About 300 persons attended a pot-luck dinner preceding the lodge and ladies night. Rhea creek women who were hostesses included Mis. Jim Hayes, Mrs. Paul Webb, Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. John Campbell. Mrs. Al Lov gren, Mrs. Terrell Benge, Mrs. Harold Snyder, Mrs. George Sny der and Mrs. Bil Smethurst, Pinochle prizes were won by Mrs. Frank E. Parker, high; Mrs. Madge Bryant, second; bridge prizes by Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, high and Mrs. Tom Wilson, se cond. Mrs. Max Buschke recei ved a special prize. ELEANOR RICE PLEDGES SORORITY Miss Eeanor Rice, student at San Jose State College, has been pledged Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and was elected presi dent of the pledge class. Miss Rice is the daughter of Edward Rice of Heppner and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice. HIGH SCHOOL Present Grade School 25c