Page 8 Heppner Crushes Meld 50-25 By Larry Molluhan Another game whs added In the Mustang's winning column last Thursday night on tin1 Sianficld Tiger's floor taking the lelines lift to 2j. Neil ISeanu'r, u" 1" ' Heppner colder, used his height to advant age controlling (lie boards to score high with 12 points for the unbeaten Mustangs. Tom Gilkey Stanfiekl regular, was -high for the Tigers with 10 points. Beamer was off to a good start in the first quarter tipping i-n three field goals, Jerry Hague wood opened up from beyond the key and before the Tigers could check his deadly accuracy had dropped In two field goals. Dick Kononen started to percolate with a field goal from the outer key. Skip Ruhl took advantage of two chances at the gift throw line and sank both. The Mus tangs established a 11 to 6 lead at the end of the first period and maintained a widening margin steadily throughout the game. The Heppner defense was im pregnable in the .second period when the Tigers could only regis ter 5 points all being gifiers. Bob Grabill came off the bench in the second period to connect with two jumpshots for the Hepp nerites. Ruhl consistently scor ing sank a field goal and one foul shot. Jim Hayes broke into the tally column with one basket to his credit. Bcuner kept the pres sure on dropping in a deuce from the inner key. Beamer proved he wasn't ac curate only under the basket hut with two times at the freolhrow line he succeeded in making them both count along Willi an other basket in the third stanza. Lyle Jensen opened up and netted a twopointer, Ruhl and Kononen both matched him with a basket each. The Mustangs held a 3." to 21 lead before the last quarter. The final period of the- one sided contest saw Grabill hit thrice for six points and Hayes twice for four. Ilaguewood used the foul line, once for one point and sank another long one for two mote. Jensen wrapped up the scoring with two foul shots. Coach Larry powen's hoopsters bring in the new year on the home court this Friday night by playing Kufus. In the prelimi nary game the Settlors are going to play the Mustang B team. Next Tuesday night the Mustangs will travel lo Pendleton to play St. Joe's. LIVESTOCK MEET (Continued from Page 1) laws; V. V. Weatherfoid, Hepp ner, marketing; Dick 'ilkinson, Heppner, rodent and Insect con trol. Adjournment of the business meeting is scheduled for .:X) p. m. The annual social hour and banquet is scheduled for this List evening with the Heppner branch of the First National liank of Portland, as host for the social hour. The banquet will be held at (!:.'t() p. m. Both evening events will lie held at the fair pavilion. Following the banquet, the an nual cowboy shuffle will follow with Duke Warner's orchestra providing the music. The entire program and aetivbies are open to the public" and all are invited to attend. YOU CAN BANK VEAL SHOULDER ROASTS ... LB. Lean and tender VEAL SHORT RIBS Bake some tonight FRANKS Fresh stock ALLSWEET OLEO Swift's best LOCKER BEEF Half or whole, cut and wrapped. Heppner LOYD BURKENBINE MORROW COUNTY'S LITTLE MISS 1955. and her mother were caug u by tl e GT phetogrupher when the young lady was less than 12 hours old, Ghe is Via Lens Edwards, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ealo Edwards el Condon and was born at Pioneer Memorial hospi tal at 3:20 a. at, Tuesday, January 4. (GT Photc) FIRST BABY CONTEST WINNER IS DAUGHTER OF CONDON COUPLE A Gilliam county couple", Mr. and Mrs. Dale Edwards, Condon, are the proud patents of a new la by girl, born at 3:20 a. in. Tues day in Pioneer Memorial hospital and the Utile miss won for her self and her parents tne idle "p0!iee Dent Ask Ilennner's first babv of 1955. and l rU,lte "-P"' 5 ail the gifts that go with the title. Little Miss Edwards, who has been named Dai Leite, and who weighed 4 pounds, i3 ounces, was the first baby to be born at Pioneer Memorial hospital in the new year and will receive a host of gitls that range? from cases of babyfood to a new sport shirt for her dad. She will also have a bank account set up in her name and when she gets old enough to count tier money, she will find at least $311 awaiting her. Be cause of her timely arrival, she also saved her father one-fourth of her mother's hospital bill which was the gift of the hospi tal. Many other gifts were offe red by local merchants. Dai Lene's lather, Dale works Shamrock Five Wins Two More ilepi'iier's Shamrocks boosted themselves into contention for! league honors again this year by notching two victories the past week over league rivals Arlington and lone. Arlington proved to be a rugged opponent in a rough but fast game played at Arlington as they led the Shannocks at the end of the iliiid (planer H to 3'J. In the final pciind Heppner careful ly controlled the ball, making every shot count, to pull the game out of the fire by a Til lo -17 mar,, in. Ilu.'.geU and Dov.en led the Heppner attack wiih 15 points each. Monday night the Shamrocks played host to lone and easily downed the visitors in a free scoring affair 8'.) to 52. Heppner quickly jumped to first quarter lead of 21 lo u' and from theie coasted to an easy triumph. Rich "Johnny" liea was the big gun for the Shamrocks with 21 points, followed by Stan Kemp with 15. Lee Palmer tallied IS for lone. Next home game for the Sham rocks, a league contest, is Wed nesday, January 12th, against Uoardman, co-league champions last year with Heppner. ON THESE FOOD 37c LB. O LBS. - A A " AW LB. JQp d3 LB. OOn Good dry lot cowc. iiarke Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 6, 1 955 , on a ranch near Condon for his father, Delbert Edwards. She is Mr. and Mrs. Edward's first child and was brought into the world by Dr. Schwisow of Condon. Residents' Aid Heppner police this week asked the assistance of 'residents in pro tecting their property. Chief George Keid made the re quest J hat if local residents will advise the police department when they are going to be out of town and away from home any length of time, the police will be glad to make periodic checks of their property. Keid said that when they know a family is to be gone for several days, the police watch the house closely for signs of breakins or burglary. Such information helps them keep a better watch over property. ! a Lutheran Church Names Officers j At a meeting held Monday i evening (Jan. 3) at the Henry Rauch residence, temporary offi cers were elected for the Heppner Lutheran church. Elected were: Irvin Rauch and Elmer Schmidt, deacons; John Hartman and Fred Hermann, trustees; Ed Collison, secietary; and Henry Rauch, treasurer. The Luiheran group is at pre sent using the SDA church for tegular Sunday school and bi monthly .services. A fourth Sun day school class has been added which will be taught by Mrs. Elmer Schmidt. -o- JOINT INSTALLATION Willow Lodge No. 66, I. O. O. F. and Sans Souci Rebekah lodge will hold a joint installation on Wednesday January 12, it was announced today. o Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeiffer and Julie and Johnny were New Years day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Thompson in Pendleton. rw is i elevision is HER ELECTRONIC SERVICE Has All Equipment To Bring You TV Reception If You Live in Any Open Area -3 TYPES OF -TELESCOPING -FEED LINES -CONVERTERS For Sets Not Equipped For UKF Channel 19 can now be received in nearly any relatively open section of Morrow county, and we are equipped and stocked to enable you to have this fine reception in your home. Call us now for all types of Television service and information. SERVICING ALL MAKES OF SETS Electronic Service GLENN WAY NORTH GILMORE ST PHONE 6-9975 Cattle Prices Show Stronger HERMISTON Kenneth Palmer of Lexington topped the market at the Hermiston livestock auc - tion Friday with a white faced commercial grade cow weighing inin lhs that Kf,tci for $14.40 ewt.: Delbert Anson, manager of the uniform fund. sale reports. Palmer's price, 60c " : above the previous sale, was set!j0Spn Morrison as the first fed cow to appear this) r . .. fall were consigned. It was one RlteS Or Arlington of three new highs set Friday. I , . . wnvi . Funeral services for Joseph Veal hit the highest price in Morrison were held at Arlington about a year, the good quality j 4 in lhe Methodist and strong demand due to a cur-!church wjth burial at Mora He rent scarcity contributing to bringu d u d , tn Arlingt0n vicin- a top of $25.00 cwt, up $1.80 over the previous sale Dec. 17. Other price increases register ed Friday included; baby calves up $1 hd. at $16.; heifer calves, $18.10 cwt., up 80c; stocker steers $16.80 cwt. up 50c; feeder steers $19.20 cwt., up 60c; utility cows $12.8o cwt. up 40c; $9.60 cwt., up 70c; bulls $13.50 cwt., up 60c; feeder lambs $15. 90 cwt., up 15c. Calves: Baby calves 2.50-17.00 hd.; weaner calves, steer calves 17.75-19.60 cwt., heifer calves 16.-50-18.10 cwt.; veal 19.75-25.00 cwt. Steers: Stocker steers 15.75-16.-80 cwt.; feeder steers 17.10-19.20; fat slaughter steers 20.10-21.80; fat heifers 18.20-20.60. Cows: Dairy cows 90.00-135.00 hd.jdairy heifers 21.00-37.00 hd.; stock cows, no choice grade avail able, 92.50-115.00 hd. Slaughter cows: Commercial 13.10-14.40 cwt.; utility 11.75-12.80 canner-cutter 8.00-9.60; shells 6.50-7.20. Bulls: 11.75-13.50 cwt. Hogs: Weaner pigs 10.50-14.50 hd.; feeder pigs 18.75-20.50 cwt; fat hogs 19.40-20.50; sows 15.90- 17.80; boars 7.50-9.20 Sheep: Feeder lambs 14.60-15.-90 cwt.; no fat lambs; 35 old ewes 9.50 hd.; 2 bucks, 355 lbs., 4.00 cwt. Local News In Brief Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Scott had as their Christmas guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Boyd of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt of The Dalles spent the New Years weekend visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harry Duvall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Akdins snent the Christmas holidays at Medford with their son Earl Cris mon. They reported a white Christmas at the southern Oregon city, the first in many years. They were gone a week. Tommy Mahon of Monument visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel over the holi days. Mrs. Maud Robison and Dickie had as their guests for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mahon Jr. and family of Monument; Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Oren Mc Daniel and Mr. and Mrs Richard Robison. E! ANTENNAS MASTS High School Band To Give Concert James Wilson, Heppner school band instructor, announced this week that the high school band will present a January concert at the high school gym, Tuesday ' evening, January 18 at 8 p. m. . Fifty cents admission .will be 'charged and proceeds from the I concert will eo into the band j ity for many years, He is survived by his wife, Mae Morrison of Arlington and three sons, one of which is Jody Morrison of Morgan. He also leaves four daughters. CITY COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1) out that the tax levy voted for the park will not provide any funds until the end of the year so that work cannot be started immedi ately. State Turns Down Request The council received a letter from the state highway commis sion saying that its request for special funds to complete the re surfacing of south Court street had been rejected, because the street was in good condition. Half of the project was done last year, and all had been accepted by the state for eventual comple tion. The city will protest the commission's action. o Guests of the W. C. Rosewalls on New Years day were Mrs. Rosewall's brother, Grant and Roy Key and families of Weston) Need Letterheads? Phone 6-9228 SYLVANIA Gives You More For Your Money -ONLY WITH SYLVAN I A -EXCLUSIVE HALOLIGHT Eye comfort for the whole family whether you sit close to screen or across the room. SUPER PHOTO POWER MULTI-MATIC CHASSIS The most powerful, most auto matic chassis in television. Exclusive new Sylvania cir cuits automatically adjust for best possible picture and sound, even in fringe areas. Chassis operates with greater efficiency on less power- gives you longer life plus a saving up to 30 in electricity. FULL21" PICTURE-ALL CHANNEL RECEPTION TRICED FROM L. E. DICK AUTHORIZED SYLVANIA DEALER Phone 6-9633 or 6-9920 'Heppner Square Dancing Instruction Planned The Rhea Creek grange is hold ing a square dance party next Saturday night at the hall, it was announced today, and members of the Heppner Square Dance club wil be present to give in struction to anyone who desires it. Ladies of the grange HEC will serve refreshments later in the evening. Anyone wishing to learn to dance is invited. ... r DRUNK DRIVING BRINGS JAIL SENTENCE Jack Earl Baker, Merrill, Ore gon, is serving a 60 day jail sent ence in the county jail after having been convicted of driving while under the influence of liquor. He was fined $150 but was unable to pay the fine. Quinney Floy Hollingsworth, also of Merrill, was given a sits pended 30 day sentence for being drunk on a public highway, de pendent on his payment of a $75 fine. Both men were arrested highway 30 by state police. on CUB MASTER NAMED Ray Ayers of Heppner has been named Cub Scout master for Heppner it was revealed today. He assumes a position which has remained unfilled for several months. It was also announced that there wil be a den mother's plan ning meeting Monday, January 10 at 7:30 p. m. at the school cafeteria. n Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ingalls of Provo, U'ah, were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Soward last Friday. They were on their way home from an extended trip to western Oregon and Washington. Mr. Ingalls is Mrs. Soward's brother and is a specialist in food can ning ajid freezing. NOW-And For Years To the -WITH SYLVANIA -Continuous All-Channel Tuning Exclusive Sylvania automatic channel switch changes from VHF to UHF automatically. -Balanced Dual Speakers For Ki-Phonic sound. All the sound comes directly from the front of the set, perfectly synchronized with the picture. -Silver screen 85 Aluminized Picture Tube Designed and built by Sylvania. $20995 HOSPITAL NEWS New Arrivals To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hovey, Condon, a 8 lb. boy born Dec. 31, named Charles Lawrence. To Mr. and Mrs. Dale Edwards, Condon, a 4 lb. 13 oz. girl born Jan. 4, named Dai Lene. Medical Harlan Adams, Kin zua, (deceased); John Flanagan, Echo, dismissed; Dorothy Wor lein, Kinzua; Elaine Umphrey, Condon, dismissed; Lulu Hanna, Heppner; Theresa Monahan, Heppner; Miles Mclntyre, Hepp. ner. Minor Surgery Jane Saling, Heppner, dismissed; Elberta Car penter, Boardman; Marion Olson, Heppner, dismissed. Major Surgery Inez Meador, Heppner, dismissed; Freda Wil son, Hermiston; Charles Shannon, Kinzua. Out-Patient Mary Pruss, lone. -o 1 Mr. and Mrs. Omer McCaleb and family of Portland visited over New Years with her mother, Mrs. Alex Green. His father, Wil liam McCaleb, accompanied them back to Portland for a visit. Christmas guests at the Green home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hagerman of La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott spent New Years in Kennewick at the home of Mrs. Scott's sister, Mrs. Neil Knighten. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bedford New Years Eve and New Years day were Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Gilham of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill spent Christmas in Salem at the home of Mr. Neill's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kin ton. Later they visited in Port land for two days with other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blakney spent New Years day in Pendle ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams visited relatives in Pendleton on New Years day. Joan Mahon was visiting last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mahon Sr. of Rhea creek. Come