Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 19, 1954, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, Augmf 19, 1954
Page 3
Garden Club Names Committee Heads For Year
T Echo Palmoteer I
jne Garden Club held
gust meeting at the city
esday of last week with
lith Niehoson and Mrs.
Dobyns as hostesses,
wood .picnic table and
:were gifts accepted by
J for use in the park,
irere donated by Mrs.
'Brnell, park chairman.
Ti members are watering
k and the country mem
.11 cultivate the flower
Melvin Martin does the
Jarden Club will have a
t the Morrow county fair,
m. Rawlins, Mrs. Monetta
, Mrs. Fredrick Martin
. Edith Niehoson are the
tee in charge,
theme "Golden Fantacy"
losen for the fall flower
) be held in September,
following chairmen were
i by Mrs. O. L. Lundell,
nt, for standing commit
r the coming year: pro
nd year book, Mrs. Ernest
; city park, Mrs. Yarnell;
jrship, Mrs. Niehoson;
ty, Mrs. Martin; flower
Mrs. Rawlins; scrapbook,
mar Rietmann; relief, Mrs.
inert; slides, Mrs. Leonard
1; magazine and nomina
Mrs. Dobyns; teas and
Mrs. Wm. Bergstrom; cor
and arrangements, Mrs.
At the September meeting Mrs.
Rawlins will talk on "Helps for
Preparing a Flower Show" Mem
bers are asked to bring different
varieties of wheat, either thresh
ed or on a stalk. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Echo Palmateer and Mrs.
The lone Garden Club is a
member of the Oregon Federa
tion of Garden Clubs.
The Maranatha club will pur
chase and install carpet for the
Community church. The mater
ial and color have been selected.
The club met at the home of Mrs.
Mary Swanson Wednesday of
last week with Mrs. Anna Lind
strom as co-hostess. They will
sponsor a food sale and a bazaar
later to help pay for the carpet,
and would welcome any dona
tion for this worthy project.
Mrs. Rudy Misitch and sons of
Portland visited her grandmother,
Mrs. Lana Padberg last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Allen and
family returned home from Chy
enne, Oklahoma last week where
they visited relatives. They re
ported the weather to be very
warm there.
Ivan Akers, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Akers, returned
home from Bend last week where
he attended a 4 H camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wilson
of Los Angeles visited relatives
here last week and looked after
fi rai shv
0 outside rooms
.00 and up
c!al weekly rates
Your home base of resHul com
fort and ease in the center of
busy Portland. Enjoy superlative
service and convenience plus
at the gracious CARLTON
. where each guest is an individual.
farming interests. He also visit
ed his cousin and ramiiy, wr.
and Mrs. Martin Bauernielnd at
Mr and Mrs. Franklin tiy leit
Saturday on a trip to Oklahoma
where thev will visit relatives.
They went by way of Reno, Nev.
Mrs. Walter Coney ana mrs.
Joe Gaarsland and children spent
a couple of days with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Seehafer
at Bickleton. Ann Belle Coleman
and Sherry Corley who have been
visiting there returned home
with them.
Mrs. Delmar Crawford gave a
pink and blue shower at her
home Wednesday evening, Aug.
11 in honor of Mrs. John Buchan
an and her daughter Lenna.
Other hostesses were Mrs. Elmer
Holtz and Mrs. Jirrtmy Pettyjohn.
Out of town guests were Mrs.
Robert Buchanan of Alpine and
Mrs. Stark of Pendleton.
Allen Geiken of Sacramento,
Calif, was a recent guest at the
0. L. Lundell home. He installed
thermometers in the Jordan Ele
vator while here.
Books added to the lone Public
Library are: The Gentle House,
by Rose; Forty Plus and Fancy
Free, Kimbrough; The Spare
Room, White; House of Earth,
Wilson; Stillmeadow and Sugar
bridce. Webster: Behind the Hills
Tretwater; Tales of the Two Bor
ers. O'Meara: An Introduction to
Wild Flowers, Kieran; and Ten
Beaver Road, McLelland. A bul
letin board has been installed in
the library.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thome are
in Portland where she is receiv
ing treatment at the Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lily and
family of La Grande visited her
grandfather, II. 0. Ely, Sunday.
George N. Ely is a patient in
the Pioneer Memorial hospital in
Heppner. His son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. trancis 01
Salem visited him last week. He
is reported to be getting along
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley
returned home last week from
Portland where she had been
taking medical treatments. Rev.
Shirley is conducting services
again at the Community church
after being absent for four Sun
days. Rev. Earl L. Soward of the
Christian church of Heppner con
ducted the services while he was
Those from here who attended
the bridal shower for Miss Marie
Linder at the home of Mrs. W. A.
Mr-Pall in Hermiston Thursday.
Aug. 12 were Mrs. E. W. Bristow,
Mrs. Ernest McCabe and Mrs
Tommy Bristow. Miss Linder is
the bride elect of John L. Bristow
and the wedding will take place
Sept. 5 in Hermiston.
Mr and Mrs. David Rietmann
and family and Mrs. Etta Bris
tow spent Sunday in Walla
Mrs. Fannie Griffith is visiting
at the home of her daughter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Haugen in Portland.
Mrs James Cossmann left for
her home in North Hollywood on
Monday after visiting relatives
here for two weeks.
Mrs. Arvilla Swanson reports
that her grandson Billy Lundell
of Milwaukie who has been in the
Navy for four years, will receive
his separation this month. He is
now in Bellingham, Wash.
Claude Brashers and Mrs. Edna
Kinsley of Lyle spent the week
nH with his Barents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Ray. Tommy Brashers
and Norman Goodrich, who have
been visiting at the Ray home,
returned home with them.
Dates to remebmer:
The grange picnic at the 411
camp on Herron Creek Sunday,
A.im.st 22. A uotluek picnic din
ner will be served. The Willows
orange will furnish the ice cream
and coffee.
Among those from here who
attended the Shrine circus in
Pendleton last week were Mr.
anH Mrs. Fredrick Martin and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petty
john and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John Proudfoot and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl McCabe and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Matthews and children.
nuane Baker and Herbert Peter
son are in La Grande practicing
football. They were chosen to
play in the the Shrine East -West
game to be played August 28.
Harvesting was delayed the
first of the week by rains. Most
of the farmers are through.
Mr. and Mrs. La Vem Hams
and daughter, Susan spent the
weekend in Portland. Their
daughter, Linda, is visiting her
grandparents near Hardman.
The following Boy Scouts spent
this week at the Boy Scout camp
at Wallowa Lake:. Ellis Ball,
Wayne Hams, John Howton, Mel
vin Martin, Paul Pettyjohn jr.,
Dallas Rea, and Bruce Rigby.
Lloyd Howton has charge of the
boys. He and Paul Pettyjohn tooK
them over to the camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Springer
and son and her parents, Mr. andi
Mrs. Delbert and family of Big1
Springs Nebr., spent a few daysi
in Portland and at the coast last i
Chester L. Ward, Superiatewiemt
Details and plans for the open
ing of the lone schools will bo
ready for the next weeks issue
of tlie paper. Complete faculty
assignments will be given then,
letters will be sent to the parents
and bus drivers concerning the
opening of school. Everything
is all ready and all are looking
forward to a very good school
year. i
The smaller children are very
happy with the completion of the
wading pool. This was made;
possible through the splendid in-j
terest and cooperation of the
manv natrons. At this time we!
wish" to thank the following for
their donations toward the wad
ing pool: J. 11. Bryson. $"0; Earl
McKinney, $G0; the Beta Omega
Chapter of the Epsilon Sigma
Alpha. $200; and the City of lone,
$350. Co-operation like this
shows that the people are inter
ested in the welfare of the child
ren and the school.
Again we give a hearty and
sincere thank you.
fci.H turn fni i' it 1 1 nil III liihMn
? begin your travel
l Monday, Tuesday or
i, Wednesday with
Union Pacific's
You'll find the most in travel comfort on the Ufilon Pacific, the Road of
the Famous Daily Streamliners. . . Modern sleeping can of the latest
type and deep-cushioned coach accommodations, lounge cars, dining
cars serving wonderful meals.
STREAMLINER "City of Portland"
Fastest and only through Streamliner between Portland and
Chicago, with connecting service, through without change, from
Tacoma and Seattle.
STREAMLINER "City of San Francisco"
Fast, through service between San Francisco and Chicago;
STREAMLINER "City of Los Angeles"
Fast, through service between Los Angeles and Chicago.
STREAMLINER "City of St. Louis"
Fast, through service between Los Angeles and Denver, Kansas
City, St. Louis. Also connecting service, through without change
from San Francisco, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.
STREAMLINER "City cf Denver"
Overnight service between Denver and Chicago : ; . the last
word in comfort in an all new streamliner train.
STREAMLINER "The Chalienger"
America's favorite economy train returns, offering 39 U hours
service between Los AngeLs and Chicago.
week. i
Mr. and Mrs. David Raskin and
family spent the weekend here.
They "were guests of the Robert
Dp Spains. Mr. Raskins has been i
attending summer school in Port
land and they are on their way
to Pilot Rock where he will teach
music in the schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Haugen of
Portland art the parents of a
daughter, Kathleen Joan, horn
Aug. 11. Weight 9 lbs. 1 or. Mr.
and Mrs. O. S. Haugen of Port
land and Mrs. Fannie Griffith are
the grandparents.
Mr.' and Mrs. Claude Riley and
sons are on a two-weeks vacation.
They will visit relatives at Ta
coma, Wash, and Elkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Adon llamlett
and children spent a few days in
Portland. Mrs. Mary Swanson ac
companied them and went on
to Salem, to visit her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan
and children ar spending a few
davs at the coast. t
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of
Baker spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank En
bleman. Mrs. Vemer Troedson and her
daughter, Shirlee are visiting in
lulu a mfjfrtip? -yt-jfl JfiJ .f
. to Get o i
punter ye j
oofore HoS
Long Distance Nation-Wide
Moving Service
Mayflower Agents
Padded Vans
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Your car will be safer to drive it will handle easier
and your trip will be more enjoyable if you let uj balance
your wheels with our Hunter Balancer.
You'll save money, too, because tire wear is reduced os
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Our Hunter Wheel Balancer is the fastest and most
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Let us check your wheels, FRCE. We can do it in just 2
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PHONE 8-7222
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"OGet the store
rORD already has "tomorrow's" features
Ford brings you features today that the other
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FORD'S Y-blork V-8-the only V-8 in its field
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The world's leading maker of V-8 s
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I0RD gives you Ball-Joint Suspension
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Ball-Joint Front Suspension is the
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You get superbly easy handling ... a
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FORD'S worth more when you sell it, too
Analysis of used car prices shows that Fords return
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Bider Ford's low initial cost . . . Ford's low ruiuung
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And we are giving
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So many mor people are buying Fordi that
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a "Worth More"
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