o Heppner Gazette Times, TKursdoy, March 11, 1954 Page 5 o Social Happening! Episcopal Auxiliary ?lon For District Meeting March 19 TJie Womens Auxiliary of the Cpltcopai church held their regu arimonthly business meeting in he; parish house Monday even- Tig. I pjans were made for the area neeting of the eastern Oregon (isbict of the auxiliary to be held n Heppner March 19. Guest peakers will be Mrs. Lucille )ening of Bend, district president ji Miss Hazel Morrison of John KiV district missionary. The neeting will commence at 9:30 Ollowed by a luncheon served at lOOtl. lit was announced that a public ard party will be held in the arlsh house Monday night April 9th. ! Refreshments were served by lOstesses Mrs. Alex Thompson nd Mrs. Robert Gammell to Mes- ames Dick Wightman, Grace ickerson, Frank Turner, Joe Nys, osie Jones, Frank Baker, P. W. lajponey, E. K. Schaffitz, Jack ,oyd, La Verne Van Marter, Lucy tterson, Claude Graham, Robert enland, A. D. McMurdo, John leeves, Mary Van Stevens, Mary Vripht, John Pfeiffer and Elbert !ox. iMrs. Manuel Easter left Wed- .esday evening from Pendleton, y plane, for Newport News, Vir jnla. She was called there by he death of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Michel nd daughters Susan and Sammy nd Mrs. L. Jewitt of Pendleton rere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Whitmer Wright. Altar Society Meets At Ernsdorff Home The St. Patricks Altar Society met at the home of Mrs. John Ernsdorff Monday night with 17 members present. During the business meeting it was decided to postpone the St. Patricks Day dance scheduled for March 13 until Saturday March 20. Members present were Father Frncis MeCormack, Mesdames James Sumner, William Gentry, R. Thalberg, Ed Gouty, William Sowell, Les Wyman. Harry O'Don- nell Jr., James McLaughlin, Ger trude Applegate, Clarence Wise, Floyd Sayers. Charles O'Dohnell, Pirl Howell and Wilbur Worden, and Miss Margurite Glavey. The door prize was received by Mrs. Sayers. Refreshments were served to the group by Mrs. Ernsdorff and Mrs. Worden. OES Social Club Entertains lone Club' The Eastern Star Social club Coming Events Friday March 12 Ruth chapter No. 32, OES Benefit dance, IOOF hall Saturday March 13 Ham dinner, Methodist church Monday March 15 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don nell's Rainbow for Girls American Legion business meeting Tuesday March 16 American Legion auxiliary Wednesday March 17 JayCee- JayCee-ette potluck Thursday March 18 Soroptimists, noon at O'Donnell's Elks Saturday March 20 Lions Club banquet, Legion hall Soroptimists Plan Sixth Birthday Party For April Plans were made Thursday at the Soroptimist club's business meeting held at O'Donnell's, for the birthday party of the club to be held April 8. The committee appointed to P.Ian the party is Mrs. Floyd Adams, Mrs. rump Blakney," Mrs. W. C. Collins audi Mrs. Robert Penland. Committee reoorts were readi Lex. Garden Club and HEC Hold Joint Meet The Lexington Garden club and the H. E. C. held a joint meeting Tuesday afternoon March 9 at the home of Mrs. Car Miller. The Garden club theme for the month was a party for spring birds and Mrs. Mervin Leonard gave a humorous talk on birds. Mrs. Maud Casswell showed slides on landscaping for homes. There were 28 members and " I Thursday evening Trayer ! Bible study 7:45 p. m. Bible study and prayer meet ing, Thursday, 8 p. m. Everyone welcome. j SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST HEPPNER ASSEMBLY OF GOD Robert E. Becker, Pastor Willis W. Geyer, Pastor 'Saturday Services: Services: I Sabbatn st.hooi, 9:30 a. m Minctay scnooi u: u a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. and Christ's Ambassadors (5:45 p. m. tvangelistic Services 7:45 p. m. Sermon, 11 a. m. Prayer Meeting Monday, at :30 p. m. Bible Studies. 1 ,nnnlt0tt tn start ...i (;u5l . l ,llu ,maur,,, . w. ..- ,.- .:Mfs(,lmi,s Hairland. The Dalle April 1 was expiaiiifu by Mrs, Lucy Rodgers. Legion Auxiliary Meets Tuesday Eve The American Legion Auxiliary held their regular meeting Tues- WSCS MeetS At Wells day nifiht March 2 at the Ameri can Legion nan. During the business meeting plans were made for the serving of the Lions Club banquet March 20. Mrs. Kemp Dick and Mrs. Gene Ferguson are co-chairmen for the affair. Child Welfare chairman, Mrs. Home Wednesday The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Tom Wells Wednesday evening, March 3 with thirty-four mem bers and friends present. During the business meeting Richard Carrie Wagonblast, The Dalles; Lena Searcy, Hillsboro; Kenneth Marshall and Melvin Bates. Lex ington. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs. W. A. Rug gles, Mrs. My les Martin and Mrs. Anne Smouse. The April meeting of the Gar den club will be held at the home of Mrs. Lee Wagonblast and there will be a plant exchange. Wntli- rnrmoclfwt tll.'4t final plans were made for the: P;i(.h mpmher make a small held 111 the rhi Faster dress for the child public dinner to be church parlors March 1.3. Mrs.lwPifare center in Portland. iM.in:, i-mjui i nun until of the affair named her commit tees and the group decided to serve a Lenton dish as' well as a Mrs. Clarence Johnson, program chairman introduced Mrs. Mil drede Hoberg who gave two read ings, "Yertle the Turtle" and "Peanut Butter Sandwich". Mrs. .Tnhn-mi alsn presented a "Name a nominating commit-'f,, ranifaIli.. mli., ,.,ith the t.ri-,e tee to prepare a list of candidates bpj b M ; K Dick for otfice to be voted upon in the ,..... ., . . ,, ., Pim-Pri hv Mrs Frank Tnrnnr nml! t tu .;..! iMCOlori fulfill cn uir ...i-. v . . -v ........ .v..,..., .. uim imuii-. 1 IIOMT clUOlJlIlltU entertained members of the lone: ham dinner. Eastern Star Social club Saturday I President, Mrs. Whitmer Wright alternoon in the Masonic hall, appointed with a bridge and pinochle party High score in bridge was re- Mrs. W. A. Ruggles received low. Pinochle prizes were won by Mrs. John Lane high and Mrs. Sam McMillan of lone, kiw. Mrs. Walter Becket received the door prize. Refreshments were served to the group by hostesses Mrs. Fred Mankin and Mrs. Marian Hayden. EMBASSADOR 1820 ANCSTRAL-1924 UtACM92l HLft MAJESTt 1930 SILVIA 1934 ANNiVERSART 1S22 ARGOSY 1926 SILHOUETTE 1929 MASQUISE 1932 10VEIACE 1936 "1847 ROGERS BROS. PATTERN REVIVAL" These fine old patterns available again! Offered for the first time in silver plate history! Decide now what essential pieces you need and always wanted to make your service complete for gracious entertaining. Order them today. Factory closing date, April 17. WHY BE "SILVER SHY" . . . COMPLETE YOUR SERVICE NOW! J. 0. PETERSON JEWELER Orders Accepted Now For September Delivery ITEM EACH Teaspoon .90 Dessert Spoon 1.90 Round Bowl Soup 1.90 A. D. Coffee Spoons .90 Iced Dnnk Spoons 1.90 Butter Spreaders 1.90 Dinner Knives, Reg. 3.00 Dinner Knives, Viande 3.00 Dinner Forks, Reg. 1.90 Dinner Forks, Viande 1.90 Salad Forks Oyster Forks Table Spoon Cold Meat or Serving Fork Gravy Ladle CONVENIENT ft RMS were Mrs. Walter Edger. Mrs. HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH Lester D. Boulden, Minister Church School 9:4f a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. ni. Youth Fellowship (:()0 p .m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. The Rev. James Wilson of the First Methodist Church in Pen dleton will be the speaker Union Lenton Service Wednes day 7:30 at the Episcopal church. Junior Choir Wednesday -1:00 p. m. Choir Practice Thursday 8:00 p. m. Lois's Beauty Shop ANNOUNCES FOR EASTER, COLD WAVES -$8.50 UP THROUGH MARCH The shop is open every day of the week and manicure service has been added. OPERATORS Mrs. Alice Smith Cr Bea Curry ing were Mesdames Jack Van Winkle, William Heath. Clarence Tnlinunn Prnvtnn PnhinuMn Smitll. Qu-nnk n,in Rpllnnhrrw-U Richard Since Union Services have been oa()o R Di(,k Rich;m, p anned by the protestant Munkers, and Ehvin churches for each Wednesday jUErilts evening throughout Lent, the so- j hps sm.(1(, ag hos(pss eiety voted to hold their next f n j meeting Tuesday March 30 in- stead of Wednesday April 7 as , . . . scheduled. Cards Enjoyed At Following the business meet- TIL- I nc Minht ing a program based on steward- LllS:j LUU,ci "'y"i ship was presented by program Twelve tables of pinochle and chairman, Mrs. Carl McDaniels. bridge were played at the month A feature of the program was a(jv Elks Ladies night Thursday, vocal solo by Mrs. Lester Boulden f March 4, in the Elks lodge build after which refreshments were nn served to Mesdames Robert Owens, James Vanover, J. O. Ha ger, N. D. Bailey. Nelson Bailey, Alex Green, Floyd Tollison, Ed win Walker, John Ledbetter, J. R. Huffman, Charles Gomillion, Clayton Shaw, Kenneth Carpen ter, Doyle Abern, Emma Ander son, Lucy Rodgers, Leslie Pruitt, Ilarlev Voting. Harry Duvall, Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Walter Barger, Mrs. William, Assembly CHRISTIAN CHURCH Earl L. Soward, pastor Bible School begins at 9:15. Classes for adults as well as children. Morning Worship at 10:55. The pastor speaks on "Jesus Calls Us To Destiny." Evening Services begin at 7 p. m. The message, "Voice of the Gentile at the Cross." Monday, a district men's meet ing will begin with dinner at 7 p. m. The Reverend Donald Payne, ihe new pastor at Pendleton will be the speaker. Wednesday, the Union Services will be at the Episcopal church. The Reverend Willis Geyer of the of God will be the Collins, Mrs. Oscar George, Mrs jLce Gronemyer, Mrs. Phil Blak ney, Mrs. Ernie Winchester, Mrs. j Alice Smith and Mrs. Floyd sayers. High score in bridge for the evening was received by Mrs. Earl Gilliam and Mrs. Robert 1.90 1.90 2.25 3.50 3.50 Walter Becket, Douglas Ogietree, Miller of jone received second. Douglas Drake, Lester Boulden,, Mrs. Kemn Dick won high score Carl McDaniels, Owen Leathers jn ,,inochle and second prize was Jr.. Charles Vaughn, Whitmer received by Mrs. Sam Turner. Wright, Miss Ona Gilliam and Reverend Boulden by the hostes es Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Darl Hudson, speaker. IONE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Wilfred C. McKay, pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m. Evening services at 8:00 p. m Heppner Bakery's ICE CREAM DEPARTMENT IS Now Open We Have A Good Selection of Our Regular Ice Cream and Will Have Soft Ice Cream Available Later. Mrs. E. J. Dobbie and Mrs. lias Unrein. Fide- 4 H SQUARE DANCE APRIL 3 There will be a benefit 4-H square dance at the lone Legion hall on Saturday, April 3. This is to help the IFVE program. by The door prize was won by Mrs. Richard Wells. Mothers Club Hears Insurance Talk Mrs. Willard Warren was host ess to the Young Mother's Club which met at her home Monday night. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles an(j' presented a program on various SILVER TEA AND BAZAAR Thnm w ill hn n tilvpr 1p:i bazaar at the Christian church! phases of insurance which was satiml.iv Anril 3 from 2:00 I'oioui-,, y M"""" " on until 5:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ruggles have as iheir guesl. her mother, Mrs. Lena Searcy of Hillsboro. THE MAGIC MOCCASIN ' to the u s:j FEET! Performs miracles expected of the "medicine man"... the choice of Miss and Mrs. everywhere... combining the inspiration of the authentic Indian moccasin with the "new as tomorrow" construction ... made of genuine California cowhide leather . . . moulds to your foot like a comfortable glove on the hand. Sizes N and M 4 to 10 495 A Quild MOCCASIN GONTY'S wer period. Members present were Mrs. Ken neth Keeling, Mrs. Nels Anderson, Mrs. Roicp Kulleton, Mrs. Riley Munkers. Mrs. Robert Kerrell, Mrs. Clem Stockard, Mrs. William Heath, Mrs. Douglas Drake, and Mrs. Robert Walker. Guests were Mrs. Fred Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles. The next meeting will be April !5 at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Keeling, during which time Mrs. Richard Meador will give a talk on tirst aid. June Wedding Date Set By Marie Soward Rev. and Mrs. Earl L. Soward of Heppner are announcing the engagement of their daughter Marie of San Pedro, California, to Mr. Vernon Greenhalgh of Whit tier, California, where he is serv ing as the minister of youth and membership at the First Chris tian church. The wedding will take place on June 11 at the Christian church in Heppner. CHURCHES IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. Shirley, pastor Church school 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. When so much is said about "Len. ton Devotions", let us think for a while on the question, "What do we mean by Devotions?" Long Distance Nation-wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Penland Bros. TRANSFER CO. 4 Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338 Penney's Penney Quality is your greatest saving. --t: PASTELS 1 IVORY YELLOW ROSE GREEN BLUE Il f I I i : I i I ! i I I 1 iln I M : I hf i I I 1 U 1 :! I i , . m- i mw Hum W? .-"V j Washable Rayon Marquisette Panels Tlie slieer window always in gt; Ie... always beautiful in any r m ! Put up these dainty mar q isette panels alone or buy tl i'm in colors to blend with your draperies they cost so lit.le at Penney's. You get a choice of pretty pastels in panels with hemmed headed toj s, 1" side hems, 3" bottom hems for neat even hanging. Come in; see them today! eacli 81" long 41" wide 4i 4W- 1 I'.' 1 I ' V