Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 1 1, 1954 Page 3 Sets March As City-Wide Cleanup Month in tlzen f it. ill? Us 2 ,vc & ways on 23k SCSI y he 1. vou get BONUS MUEAGEV Z' y" gef more , 5 our feera We-in olovvonce III ai t 1; 'oodyear tires put into irvice during cool eather will give you a t of extra mileage; and, oupled with the big ade-in allowance you'll et, you can realize a ter ific savings! Pay as little as $1.25 a week for a pair 'arley Motor Co.iJ HEPPNER 13 During this ach citizen y Echo Palmateer lOnlh nf M.'irrh lms hunn for the annua clean-up U'tention to his ion nf the lone Garden id the city council. i a lovely location and should be justly (loan-up ir.onth h"iihi j:; i o special wn premises, in strips. alloys vacant lots. If one cition can aid Our his neighbor with his clean-up problems, it would lie appreci ated. Organisational building surroundings should not bi for gotten. Our hats are off to the Legion hoys who have already made a Great improvement to their property zens who have finished their projects. A few hints follow to aid the city collector. Burn all rubbish possible, including newspapers, tree limbs and brush. Haul away trash to the dump, if possible, otherwise call S-Tl 12 if assistance is necessary. Harry Tafler and Marvin Pra ecr, table tennis champions, will put on a program al the school Wednesday March Id. They are noted for their speed and skill. i and Mrs. Harold Mr sn.-nt a few days last week in Pendleton and Milton and Free water. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin were Portland visitors last week. They attended the Home Show their Mr honit n v Akers. cirl to Girls State in Salem Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Buraker of June and to Child's Welfare, n ',.,i',h nrr. visitintr her brother! Mrs. Fail Mcl'abe and Mrs UliUiiii't ' and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. V, Dohyns white. Sharon, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker has re covered from major surgery end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Bristovv. He was ac companied by Miss Rovvena lies- Robert Jepsen attended the Inter! which she recently underwent at ak and turn .ormdii. . .. ,, , ... . . .. .u, J.l. nl - t....w.ri.il l,,,t i,it il in: 0 I i.imi'i iit I ni ,1 v ' ; ,- , n, , lid f-i-i ..it - nui... ,n,.,'i,,,i ... busini"! Mr and Mrs. Flul Griiiin were rennieiun noun m renuiciou on tieppnei. ' .,1 '., .,!..ii wk Tlmrsd.'iv of last week. Much Salter made a roruanu o3" i . , , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schulz gave) The t il clubs decorated a trip to Moro Monday. i birthdav party the evening of j window in Swanson's store. i John Bristow, student at Ore March 3 in honor of her father,! H. O. Ely spent a few days with'gon State college spent the week Fdison Morgan. Those present, his son. Flvin Ely in Boardman; . ......! I ., .. ,..w,1. ...wl ,. in ill. ,Pi:ll, vere Mr. and Jirs. iajh ui-Mimim i.im wrr mm i,,,,i m, j,""" Fannie Griffith returned and children, and Jim Morgan or school tournament there. .- n....i ic i,.,rm, i, :,ml M ss Donna i'amm 01 i uaies 10 rememnci Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham ;had as their guests during the j weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William ! Anderson and children of Pendleton. spending a few days Hubert Heard of there Bremerton, teal Mrs. M:ivinn Palmer and Mrs Milton Morgan demonstrated the! degree grang( ',.), ,1,,, !(,- ,..,,!,. it incr at the Masonic nan i nuisua ,,', r,r mniinn invtlM.nrch 4. Thev served these n.I t,. , ,1 It ,,r ,'it i . H-.. .1. : . ,...;.,., ..;,u i.i., ,T...,..a already begun r nvhr. Mrs." Addie Salter. I making of salads and salad dies- Representatives of the Garden 'sing at the Extension Ltii meet club mi .,( flw.l,. " ' ' " " 'v I - .. -. . .1... week and discussed with them salads to tne memneis. i uie the possibility of a clean-up in business meeting papers were the town. The council voted to1 filled out by the members to de erect a cable fence around the'eide on the projects for next vpsi side f .he city park. 'year. Mrs. E. M. Baker and Mrs. The cleo Drakes have moved Jimmie Pettyjohn are on the temporarily into apartments at planning committee. Mrs. Baker Finest Helikers. They have j recently attended the meeting at stm-cd their furniture for the time Pine City. She also, gave a re- l...i..,r I nor! mi Hie A. C. W. W. Pracer is central west-tti and western I'nited States champion and finalist in the A'ational men's doubles. Taller is the New York and Indiana slate champion and a member of the United Slates table tennis team to Europe for the past two years. Mrs. Chester I,. Ward left Sat urday for Portland to visit rela tives. Mrs. Gordon White and Mrs. Noel Dohyns were Pendleton visi tors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley Jr.. of The Dalles spent Sundae with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Alfred, Shirley. I Mr. and Mrs. Corliss MeI.eodj spent the weekend in The Dalles, with relatives. Mrs. I,. A. Curtis: of Portland returned home with them for a visit. She is the grandmother of Mrs. MeI.eod. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bamett of Grass Valley were visitors at the home of her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney. ! Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sherer of j Echo were visitors last week at the home of his brother, Harold Sherer. j Mrs. Wallaee Matthews and daughters are visiting relatives j in Rosehurg. j Mrs. Phil Griffin and Mrs. Lan.v Padberg spent Monday in Pen-j dleton. j Charles White who is employed by the Sanycr company in Port-! land, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ileliker gave a birthday dinner Wednes day evening of last week in honor of ' his father. Ernest Ileliker. Other guests present were Dick Hughes of Blael.foot, Idaho. John Hughes and Mrs. Ernest Ileliker. Mrs. Wm. Melena entertained ihe Social Club of the Eastern Star at the Masonic hall Wednes day afternoon of la-4 week. Games were played by the mem bers. Mrs. Wm. P.ergs'rom re ceived the door prize. -,tI pun- Tne Pictmann of Fort Lewis spent the weekend with Fiisj parents, Mr. and .Mrs. lcioi un-i ma nn. Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Crabtree and G;i dozen cooKies wlK faintly returned from Salem last and sent to Camp While by the week." Mrs. ll.ittie Crabtree ac- members of the American Legion eonipanied them and is also visit- Auxiliary Tuesday March 2. Camp in at the home of her daughter, White is a domiciliary for veter Mrs. Lewis liah orsen. Mr.. Leo'ans at Medford. After the busi Ci iliiree attended ihe wedding of ' ness meeting refreshments were Iter brother. Lawrence Sceeler. to served by Mrs. Ernest MeCabe MNs Judv Whitlock in Salem Feb.' and Mrs. Joe Gaarsland. os ! The Auxiliary took in $-13.10 on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Veska of a food sale at their hall March fi. Portland spent the weekend with This will go toward sending a March 12 The members of Willows grange will put on the work at Rhea Creek in the evening. A potluck dinner will be served there before the meeting. , March 1 ti A potluck dinner will be served at the Legion hall for members of the Legion and their families and members of the Auxiliary and their families at 7 p. m. in honor of the Legion's birthday. March 17 Aniica club meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl MeCabe. A host's best friend Tall, frosty glasses of Olympia are always in good taste, always welcome. Keep Olympia on hand for easy entertaining. March 1911. E. C. of Willows grange at the home of Mrs. Lewis llalvorscn. Potluck dinner at noon. I March 20 Grange meeting at! 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker and fomily attended the wedding of Henry Baker's niece. Miss Beverly) Dirks at the Christian church at ; Walla Walla Friday, March 5. j Mrs. Addie Sailer has been ill at her home. j tea !. S ns&2- Olfmpio Br lngCo.,0lr",(lo, Wn., W.J.A.' Shell Love... 1-J BOTH YOU . ... AND HER NEW Maytag Dryer! Man . . . you'll redly be "IN" with the little woman when you have us deliver her a new Maytag automatic dryer. She knows all of its cdvantages-that she just has to put her :lothos in it. set the dials for drying time and all nor work dene for her. It doesn't have to be vented either, for May-m-t exclusive Waterfilm actio Hushes aermal lint down i8 drain. Cm in, 1 w JW Tou odajl ONLY$27995 Heppner Hardware 6 Electric FHOK S Mi5 C j . . ' jf w' KJf ",V (5(f) Lady, if he can't take a hint, come right out and tell him you want an LECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER 1 Ends washday weather worries Low first cost, lowest operating cost, low upkeep make the elec tric dryer besf All eleclric, fully automatic, controlled heat, dependable, clean, dries just right i i Tell him how tired you are of lugging and stooping, stretching and pinning, hanging up wet clothes every washday! Go ahead tell him! Tell him how a dryer can cut your ironing time in half because clothes come out so soft, fluffy and wrinkle-free, many pieces can be put away without ironing giving you more time to spend with him. Tell him, too, it's an automatic electric dryer you want, because they're better in so many ways. Go ahead, tell him bet he'll buy you one! Oh, and don't forget to mention that you can dry a whole month's washing in an electric dryer for only about 554 here vchcre the cost of electricity is less than half the national average. KJ i ' mi! 1 I o ! Saves clothes, time, trouble, work and wony every washday n PACIFIC POWER Ec LIGHT COM PAN Y Elictricity'i cheap in Pacific Powerland TAKE YOUR HUSBAND TO SEE YOUR FRIENDLY ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER TODAY f.jWi,. I,,,,, i - J Ml t t" it J