Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 11, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1S83. The Heppner Times, established
November 18, 1897. Consolidated February 15, 1912.
Editor and Publisher
Associate Publisher
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March U J954
Boardman Hosts
District Grade
Basketball Tourney
I assocITatio N
I J H-
Published Every Thursday and Entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as Second Class Matter
Subscription Rates; Morrow and Grant Counties, $.100 Year; Elsewhere $4.00 Year. Single Coyy 10 cents.
Our Best Wishes for the
"Battle of Morrow County"
We doubt that by the time this gets into print
there will be anybody left in this section of Mor
row county to read it they'll all be watching their
respective basketball teams perform at Salem
but we extend our congratulations to be team
members and the coaches of both lone and Hepp
ner high schools for a really hang up job of show
ing the rest of the state how basketball should be
plaved. To say the least, it is most unusual for
two teams from the same county to have the np
oppotlunily to play in the sla'e tournament, but it
has happened this year. To them both, we wish
the best of luck.
This newspaper normally doesn't do much
editorial fence-straddling, but this is one time
we're coin:' to stay in Hie middle we value our
present friendships in both lone and Heppner and
we can't think of a quicker way to lose them than
to pick one side or the other for a pat on the back.
We hereby pat 'em both and extend our hopes that
when it comes down to the final game next Satur
day nit?!. I to settle the question of which team
shall be first and which second in the state that
it will be lone and Heppner fighting it out in "The
tattle of Morrow Count v.
lone's record of 23 straight wins in the season
and district playoffs gives them probably the best
iTrl of any team entered in the state tourna
t,M nl this venr and the Portland papers have re
cently taken note of the fact. However, Ileppner's
Must a tips can't be sold short, for though they
wore a little slow starting, they came a long way
.since their first game.
One thing we can be thankful for anyway, is
that basketball games can't end in a tie. If our
two county teams should wind up in the finals, one
of them is going lo be the winner. If it could and
should happen to end in a tie, the people of Hepp
ner and lone never would stop arguing which
team was the best.
Apain we sav. ''Good Luck . . . we hope you
come back one two in the state.
the home
By Flossie Coats
BOARDMAN Boardman Grade
school were hosts to the district
grade basketball tournament last
weekend Thursday throiig'i Sat
urday. Schools participating
were lone, Heppner. Pilot Hock,
Lexington. Stanfield, Arlington,
Irrigon and the host team. Stan
field team was the winner with
a ., 0 l.-ist week at
,i; "..,i Mrs Russell Miller. Oth
mie-! were .Mr. ana
Dishrow. Concord, Calif. Thurs
day and Friday.
House guest at the home of
Mr. and Mis. Clifford Pool is Mr
Mrs. Frank root.
and Ellis
to visit
From The
County Age
nt's Office
Ey N. C. Anderson
Eh. Hughes, Stove Thompson, rhea, anemia, v el low coloration of
John Craves and the county agent! the skin, blood urine, cessation of
attended a public hearing in' milk production, loss of weight
Moid last Wednesday on whetheri and abortion. It
Sherman county would have a i ort ion may be
u.'m.'s i'omi.o sorv test program ; onset en
during the long periods of graz
beef cattle, ab-
the on ly symptom
The Resource
Conference, held
Oregon College i
I, a Grande last
or not. Representative livestock
men from Morrow county were
in ited in order that they might
give their opinions of the pro
gram as it ha; worked in Morrow
county during the five scars that
it lias been in operation here.
Morrow county was (lie only
connlv takinc advantage of this
test program provided undor 1!) 15 : Heppnet ,
legislation. The program was! attended.
.. i,,,,, ,.,! for Slii.ntvin connlv :i t I SfTU'S of
this hearing, and it will be
a the Eastern
f Education at
Saturday, was
Each year, we have many
questions from town and farm
gardnets relative to damping off
disease in flat seeding of early
spring flowers or vegetables that
are later transplanted into the
garden. Here is a simple way to
prevent this damping off disease.
It is a fungi's disease that causes
withering and eventual dying of
young seedling stems just after
they emerge. At the time of
planting in the flats, drench the
represented by Oscar Peterson,
lone; Orville Ctitsforlh, Lexing
ton; and W. W. YA Cat hcrford, of
The county agent also
This was one of the
conferences 1 hat have
the 'been sponsored by the college in
second county in Eastern Ore
gon to clean go Hangs disease.
soil with a mild fungicide pre
pared bv desolving three level i for the Part lows.
tablespoons of Ferliam in one
Ion of water. I he drenching m
Tonerock News
By Mary Haynes and Mary Cason
Mrs Ellen Rogers was called
, Silver! Hie first f tasl vveck
... ..mem! the funeral services for
pools motner, .mis. run." ,,,,!,,.. i law. Mr. vanei
Klamath Falls. (!V11. ,jer daughter, Mrs. Homer
Mr and Mrs. Larry Carpenter, !l;lvK look her to Arlington,
have moved to Goshen, Oregon. where she boarded a train for the
whpre Carpenter has employ- res, of l-er .J-Hicks
ment. ,v wem business visitors in Heppner
Mr. Konen .uuivi .ui i Tuesday
henson motored to Portland for,1"1...1 '; Williamson
two days last week. ..JM,'r c:ismt and John.
Mrs. Joe Tatone to her ".K ,r Wednes-
f0; joey to Portland last set k llllM,u.Ss.
where he entered the rn.vidcnc-e, U c Hayes went
Arlington , winning consolation, hospital for virus P''."" " "p (1 Th(, I)a!U,s Thursday
Several hundred people attended Mrs. Tamne expects to bring tne ,lauuhter-in-law,
the tournament. little son home this vwh. !., ,,avi,Si who is a patient
Mr. W. W. Har.le. Pendleton is Mr. and Mrs. C. C. RhocUg. Bend j' ,,,,
a house guest of his son in-law Oregon, were .Saturday evening ( ja, S(.h(ll meeting on
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.1 guests at the home ot Mr. an,,:Ti;urs:(av Mrs. A lev Madden was
Frank Marlow. Mr. Hartle recent- Mrs. Clyde TannehHl. elected school director to fill out
ly returned from a trip to Wicker- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alien , ...u,XI)iri,(i term of Homer
burg Arizona. 'motored to Bremerton, Wash., on i rpsign(,(l
Mrs. Leo Root and mother, Mrs, priday of last week to spend a Mp. ,., Hanes and
Olive Mefford !cli Wednesday j few days with their son ';CmVi--,riivn and Mr and Mrs. N.att
morninc for Arlington. Oregon, who is hospitalized at the al,, ' .j(ks W(MV u(,sls a, a birth
where from there they were taken hospital at Bremerton. The Aliens, hon(ir ot victor Lov-
.,. n m. u., ,,i Mi-m At. ..in nkn motor into Seattle tor a o,, )'
HI VUIVCWII.- l)y .ill. tout ... in."
bert Macomber. Mrs. Mefford short time.
will t-flninin 'it Iinr KuniC this Airs t.eo Root and mother, Mrs.
summer. The Macomb-rs and olive Mefford were overnight
Mrs. Root will return home after guests Friday at the home of Mrs.
a few days vacation. Meffonl's son-in-law and (laugh-1
A large crowd attended the .r, Mr. and Mrs. Max Deweese
evening worship serv ice at the crandview, Wash. 1
Boardman Community church on Mrs, Earl Briggs spent last
Sunday. The Gospel Troupe from week in Spokane with her son-in.
Pendleton and vicinity had full law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
charge of the meeting. The mes- Bill Campbell and children,
sage was given by Edgar Keck, Weekend guests at the home of
and special music by the male! Mr. and Mrs. John Marti was
quartet and a very fine young Mrs. Marti's mother, Mrs. Hazel
trumpet player. Twelve were in stutte, Portland.
the troupe. Mrs, Flossie Coats and Mrs.i
Mr. Ralph Skoubo motored to' Florence Root motored to Pendle-,
I Torin nor Thnnibv where lie :it-'l,,i, SSmdav where thov attended!
i . i i : l r- . . , 1 . i i:..,.li ,.ni.irn.ii?tnFc mnnt in cr '
lonueu a .son v onsen ai ion iiievt- tne uisuici waiiiiaanio ""
ing. held in the LaFontines Cafe,,
Mr. and Airs. Roy Part low are following a 2:00 p. m. dinner. i
the parents of a baby boy born! Mrs. Walter Hayes and Mrs.;
March 2 at the St. Amhony's hos-jpollin Bishop motored to Pendle-!
pital, Pendleton. This is the: ton Wednesday. i
third son and the fourth child, Mrs. Nate Macomber enter-
The little man tained al d'nner Sunday for Mr.1
le gal. weighed ten pound:', four ounces Macomber's birthday. Guests
g may, and has been named Richard were their son-in-law and daugh-
gren ranch on Hale Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Haynes, and
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ion Hicks at
tended the dance at Rhea Creek
Saturday night.
Word was received here that
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huddleston are
the parents of a baby boy, born
Friday at Hermiston. This was
the first baby born in the new
hospital there, and is the first
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Guests at the Pete Haynes
home Sunday where Mr. and Mrs.
John Haynes and Rovvena of Mo
lalla, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Haynes and Jeannie of Heppner.
Miss Helen Bassett and Miss
Nancy Cunningham of Condon
conducted services at the church
on Sunday.
John R. Reeves, Rector
8:00 a. m. Holy Communion
11 a. m. Church School
11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer
7:00 p. m. Young People's Fel
lowship First Sunday of Month Choral
Holy Communion
Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion
Wed. 4:00 p. m. Junior Choir
Thurs. 8 p. m. Choir practice.
Aberdeen-Angus Sale
1:30 P. M.
8 Bred Heifers 12 Open Heifers
Smith & Nelson, Owners
Walla Walla, Wash.
Si Williams, Auctioneer
Hermiston, Oregon
the East Orc,v
that the L' ma till
a Cattl'
made m
'mans As
sociation had agreed to circulate
petitions for a Bangs compulsory
IcM county there, too. A hearing
is held after petitions have been
citcitlated. If I'matilla county
lisestoel.inen react favorably to
this law, .Morrow ciinty will he
in a vety line position with Hie
two ;o 1 1 1 1 1 ional counties testing,
vv hii'h v. il! i'isn:e lo-.s bangs cat
tie in' iv ing into the county from
ad j.ioen! areas.
commemoration ol their 2.th an
niversary. This conference svasj
dedicated to agriculture, withi
lore oil Stale College assisting,
i The afternoon discussion groups'
j in farm crops, livestock and for-;
VMrv. discussed many problems
!of the area, with mans' good re-;
conimendat ions made.
IVpf-.en'.il iv es of the various
county livestock associations.
along with tho-e of the Ort
Call lematis Ass-vial ion, met
Friday wilh the state emergency
board to urge that an appropria
1 ion be made to begin to combat
Eopto-phosis, a livestock disease
lhat has spread through the
lioithwesl during the past few
years, t'i'lil recently, laboratory
diarnosis was not possible closer
n files of the Gazetp
March l.'i, 1 92 1
With the few days of weather Snow is only eighteen inches
that hints of spring being just deep at Ellis Ranger station and
around the corner, farmers are throughout this section of the
beginning to apply nitrogen to inountains there is only about
pustuies and oHmr crops. Al- one third the usual amount of
thoiiuh anhydrous ammonia, aPuMiow for this time of year.
plied before Feeding, is popular as:
a source of nitrogen in Morrow Ren Anderson was here on Wed.
county, many are mailing top nesday. He is again located on
dressim applications of amnion- pis Eight Mile farm, where he
iiitu sulfate or ammonium nitrate.' expects to become a fixture in the
be done a day or two ahead of Curt. Grandparents are Mr. and ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys
seeding, if preferred. As the' Mrs. Pan! Port low. P.aardman and and family. Pendleton,
young plants emerge, a second Mrs. Marie Golden, Springfield,! Mr. Walter Hayes, Mr. and Mrs.
application will further reduce Oregon. Z. J. Gillespie motored to Heppner j
the possibilities of attacked from' Ladies Aid met Wednesday .Monday. J ho oniespies visueu
damping off fungi. This method afternoon March ,.rd at the manse,! at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
is e adapted to the home gard with Mrs. Margaret Klitz and Mrs. Charles Barlow while there,
oner who does not have steam Tim Rippee entertaining. Four-j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wyss mo
sterilization equipment for soil teen parlies were present. itored to Pendleton Friday,
treatment. j Mr. .and Mrs. Frank MarloWj Mr, and Mrs. Paul Smith, of
o 'motored to Pendleton Wednesday Union, Oregon, spent the week-
where they attended the funeral end at the home of their son-in-of
Roscoe Leady, who died in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Albany. Oregon, Saturday, Feb- Naihan Thorpe and family. Te
rnary 27th. turning to their home Monday.
Mr. Glenn Carpenter and Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe
Hamilton motored to Heppner on and family and Mrs. Edd Kunze
Wednesday, coming back by way motored to Pendleton Monday,
of Pilot Rock. j Bill Palmer, Merlin, Oregon, is
Mrs. Grace Disbrow, Mullan, in Boardman for a time and will
Idaho, was a house guest three be employed here.
Friday, March
No Admission Donations Accepted
Oddfellows and Friends Invited
t i : i " i;i
i m 1 Now is the time to do it, if sou
istjare going to take advantage of
the spring moisture and get early
spring growth. Mike Matthews,
in the south lone area, is top
dressing his fall seeded wheat
with a ten to fifteen pound act
ual nitrogen application. Newt
O'Harra is the most recent farmer
to apply nitrogen to pasture. He
A new Willys-Knight sedan
was delivered by Colin Auto sum
pany to R. L. Bongo the first of
the week, Harold Colin bringing
the machine up from Portland on
than Hamilton, Montana. Prior, is using 'a pounds ot nitrogen per
to that, all samples of blood for I. acre in the form of ammonium
I.cpi.isi i'osis diagnosis was sent ' sulfate, lie has
to the east coast, With the Emer
gency Board's appropriation
steps wcie taken at once to pro-
side equin':ent and personnel for through the
the diagnostic l.ihoi .dory at (Ire
go n State College, which will pro
Side tie 'CI
the di.sease
I ept 1 1 -piiosi
they show i
follow ing c
less (if iippet
i a ry
ee or
. r.n 1 1"
te. ile;
r identifying
Sv mptoms of
greatly, and
mote (if the
sties: fever,
tension, li.tr-
has a Iso made some i
applications of gypsum as a soil
intendment.. Plans should be
made for periodic appl'c ir,o;r
pasture se.ison fr!
most increased lorage production
and prolonged pasture season.
Holding p fstoc'; gf of these pas-'
tines until the .grass gets a good
start lor an evtr.t two weeks may;
tue.ul -," ,' moie feed for the sea-'
.int. Pastures imed a chance, if
they are !o produce consistently
T 0
Electric Power Will Be Off Sunday
Morning, March 14 From
6 A. M. to 7 A. M.
In order to do some necessary work at our
Jordan substation. Service to lone and
Lexington will not be affected.
"Better ;
(isn't this why more people want and buy
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ffk, f
woij want mos
M i
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See how Chevrolet stays ahead of other low-priced cars in all
the things that mean the most to you. See how much less Chevrolet
costs you it's the lowest-priced line of them all. Come on in
and let us show you how you can have the things you want and
be a good many dollars ahead with a new Chevrolet.
That's promising a lot, but we welcome the chance to prove it!
trrz weinhaw co. portund, ore.
OUT AHEAD with thai bigger,
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higher-priced cars have Body by Fisher
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OUT AHEAD with zippy, thrifty
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tional on all models ot extra cost.
OUT AHEAD with the highest
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Chevrolet's great engines have the
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OUT AHEAD with bigger brakes.
Chevrolet brakes are largest in the low
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'P"' .
tun r u
W or
OUT AHEAD with that smooth and
solid big-car ride. Chevrolet's the only
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-one reason for its finer road-smoothing,
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OUT AHEAD with automatic power
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power features ond control os exfro
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Fulleton Chevrolet