Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 22, 1953, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 22, 1953
Lexington P-TA
Plans Chili Supper
For November
By Delpha Jones
PTA mot last Tuesday even
ing in the school auditorium with
v i' ( -president Mary Bales pre
siding. Minutes were read and
approved. Discussion was held
on Christmas treats, program, etc.,
and the ways and means commit
tee reports a chili supper and
program to be held in the early
part of N'overnber. After a most
successful business meeting Mrs.
Norman Nelson and Mrs. Mark
ham Raker gave interesting talks
on their trip to the American
Confederation of Women's Club
convention to which they were
delegates. Later, refreshments
were served in the lunch room by
the following ladies, Mrs. Ken
neth Klinger, Mrs. Art Hunt, Mrs.
Alex Hunt, and Mrs. T. E. Mes
senger Sr.
Mrs, A. F. Majeske and daugh
ter, Mrs. Audrey Ansted and
small son, returned the first of
the week from Portland where
they motored taking Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Majeske's daughter Pat to
her training in Good Samaritan
hospital after the weekend vaca
tioning here.
Mr. and Mrs. New't O'Harra
have had as their guests this
week Mr. O'Harra's brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. O'Harra and
Mrs. price, a sister from Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kobinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Papi
neau were visitors In Goldendale,
Washington on Friday where
they attended the funeral ser
vices of a cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. itay Paplneau and
daughters were Newport, Wash
ington visitors, one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards and
son and daughter, spent several
days visiting friends and rela
tives in Lexington last week from
t heir home in Ephrata.
Dinner guests of the 0. W.
Cutsforths at their cabin Sunday
were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E McMil
lan, Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Irvin
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Jones and children, Mrs. Ithoda
Jones, Mrs. J. H. Johnson, Karl
School News
James Mallon, principal of the,
grade school, spent Monday and,
Tuesday in the Willamette valleyj
where he attended an elementary,
principal's association. As soon'
as he returns he will give a full j
report at a special faculty meet-i
ing. J
Once again we are very proud
of the way the town folks, and;
the students turned oui ai me
Pilot Rock game Friday of last
week and gave support to the
Long Dlstanca Natlon-Wlde
Moving Service
Mayflower Asn's
Padded Vans
Penland Bros.
Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338
Miller, all of Lexington and Mr.
and Mrs. Hon Olson of Milton
Freewater. Bernard Doherty spent a few
days here visiting his family
from Portland where Mr. and
Mi. Doherty have been with their
small daughter who is ill. Mrs.
Doherty who had a major sur
gery is reported much improved
and will soon be home.
Airman first class, Ronald Fahl
spent the weekend in Lexington
from his base in Portland visiting
his wife Betty Fahl.
Mrs. Elsie Peterson is a patient
in The Dalles hospital in The
Sharon Cutsforth spent the
weekend with an aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Munkers.
Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson were
weekend visitors at Newport, Ore.
Holly Rebekah lodge met last
Thursday in the hall with Noble
Grand Mrs. Delpha Jones In the
chair. Minutes were read and
approved, sick members were re
ported and cards sent, and the
plans for the convention were
discussed. After the meeting, re
freshments were served In the
dining room by Thelma Smet
hurst and Delpha Jones. Out of
town guests for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Goss(. members of
the Athena lodge.
Boardman motored to Lexing
ton where they met the local foot
ball team Monday afternoon with
Lexington being victorious 25 to
12, with Larry Groves, and Bob
Steagall making the touchdowns.
Mrs. Coglll of Los Angeles,
California is visiting her brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. E
Messenger Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Messenger
Sr. and family were guests Sun
day at the Frank Hummell home
In The Dalles where they attend
ed a Messenger reunion. There
were about 35 members present
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jensen and
Mr. and Mrs, M. R. Stone were
visitors in Pendleton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Richards and son
spent the weekend In La Grande,
where they went hunting.
Mrs. Art Hunt, Mrs. Francis Mc
iMilland and Mrs. Morris McCarl
were Pendleton business visitors
one day last week.
The old fever of who is to be
the winner at the district playoff
is beginning to take hold of the
school and community. If the
boys follow ihe coaches' instruc
tions and can maintain the pre
sent playing attitude this fever
may prove to be a reality.
A busy week is in store for the
Girl's League of the high school
A dinner will be served by them
in the new cafotorium Oct. 25 and
they solicit the support of the
district in this event. Another
National Assembly will be' held
in the cafotorium Oct. 23 at 10:45
by the Harmoniars.
The school and trie grange wish
all parents and patrons of the
community to join with them in a
Hallowe'en party at the grange
hall, Oct. 31. A real old fashion
ed party will be given followed
by a dance. Further details will
be given later.
Superintendent Chester, L.
Ward, James Mallon, Bill Pendle
ton attended a coach and prin
cipals meeting in Stanfield Oct.
12 where problems on athletics
were discussed.
The seniors, who lost in the
recent contest with the other
classes, will give a party for the
entire student body Nov. 10.
Plans are under way for a Vic
tory party sponsored by the Stu
dent body to be given after the
football season and just before
the basketball season.
Turning from the activities of
the school to the students much
stress is being placed on the
acedemic work each day and the
students are working hard and
faithfully on their assignments
to keep the upper brackets of
their grade. All in all with fine
cooperation of the teachers the
lone public schools are very busy.
lone football team play here
Friday Oct. 23 with Echo at 2
p. m.
750 Cattle Needed
We have been tortunate In getting buyers for 500 calvei and
250 yeatling steers (In fact we have one man who wants 500
steer calves and will pay above the going price for quality
You may bring your cattle in soon Monday, day or
night, or Tuesday morning tor this sale.
This will be the outstanding weaner calf and yearling
sale of '953.
As a courtesy to rail shippers from this sale we will order
and load your cars for free.
Friday, October 23
at Hermiston. Kindly get your sheep in early as the sale
starts at 11:30 a. m.
The Fastest Crowing Market in Oregon
Phone 2601 Delbert Anson, Mgr.
Monument News
'Continued From Page .il
a week hunting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Coe and Rev.
Jack Hett of Lostine were here
for Pr esbytery. They were over
night guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Wilson. Also Rev. Fred Swanson
of Burns and Rev. Jimmie Corneli
us. Rev. Cornelius of the Indian
Reservation was here 43 years
ago to Presbytery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hobby and
daughter Margery of Mitchel
W'ere business visitors in Monu
ment Saturday. They were en
route to John Day.
George Legler and son Glenn
are driving a new car this week.
The Leglers carry the mail to
Courtroek from Monument.
The Ladies Aid Society served
a turkey banquet last Tuesday
evening, honoring the visiting
ministers and friends who were
here for the Presbytery meetings.
About two hundred plates were
served. Mrs. Hooker and her
4-H club girls arranged the tables
and the girls served. Thanks to
Mrs. Mildred Beardsley, the tables
were lovely, decorated with
flowers and autumn leaves, en
twined with gold ribbon to sig
nify the 50th anniversary of the
church in Monument.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward of
Portland and Mrs. Karl Farns
worth of The Dalles left for their
homes Monday after spending
several days with Mr. and Mrs.
C. N. Wilson.
Anna Bayless of Heppner, who
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson
were called to St. Louis, Missouri
by the death of his sister, Mrs.
Martin Johnson.
was in Monument for the dedi
cation of the new Presbyterian
church, was a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. George Stirritt. Mrs. Boh
Swick took her home last Tues
Fred Cox of John Dav sDent
several days at the home of his
brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Clov Hutchenson
are jhe parents of a baby boy
oorn uciooer itn at me John
Day Medical Center. Mr. Hut
chenson is employed by the Col
umbia Co-op Association.
Mrs. Richard Cox was in Hepp
ner Wednesday for medical aid.
Mrs. Tom Campbell was having
dental work done in Heppner last
Mrs. Grace Stirritt accompanied
her sister, Effie Stewart of John
Day to Klamath Falls last Satur
day, where they will visit their
sister, Mrs. Geraldine Cox.
Lottie Foss, Mamie Fereersen
and Grace Stirritt drove to John
Day last Monday to attend the
iunerai services tor Kenneth
Dewey Irvin and Ben Vinson of
Heppner were here to visit Ben's
daughter, Pearl, but she was
away on a trip. ,
Virgil Fisher of Heppner spent
Monday and Tuesday with Mr.
and Mrs C. N. Wilson. Virgil en
joyed fishing for salmon but he
wasn't lucky enough to catch one.
Jim Healy and Roy Gardner
were business visitors from Hepp
ner Monday.
The M. M. M. Club met at the
home of Ivy Barnard, October
15 with twelve present. They were
the hostess, Ivy Barnard, Ella
Durst Wave Jackson. Doris Ca
pon, Lois Hill, Trella Boggs, Helen
Brown, Martha Matteson, Daisy
Rilev. Olive Cox. Grace Stirritt
'and Millie Wilson. Plans were
made for the annual Thanksgiv
ing dance. Mr. Russel, principal
of the Monument high school met
with the club and it was agreed
to allow the high school students
to put on their play before the
dance, starting at 7:30 p. m. The
club plans to give away a cedar
cheKt, quilt and several other
articles to the one who holds
the lucky number. A special
meeting will be held at the
Grange hall October 29th. It will
start with a potluck lunch. Then
the members will work on the
quilt. The next regular meeting
will be at the home of Dai-
Riley. ,
Mrs Dallas Wright, ot
aiiu ' --
John Day, Mrs. riorencc ..
and daughter Barbara of Denver,
Colorado, were guests of Mr. and
if-.. v, pminrivi last Wednesday
'Mrs. Wills and daughter came
from Denver to attend Kennetn
"Wright's funeral services.
CHECKING... Wtk&&m
1. The prestige and convenience
of immediate identification.
2. A means of bank safety for your
money yet with pen point avail
ability. 3. A record and receipt of all your
4. The convenience of paying bill
by mail.
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Get your new Ford Pickup with 45-cu.
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