Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 22, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Go2ette Times, Thursday, October 22, 1953
Boardman Sunday
School fo Hold
Rally Day Nov. 1
By Flossie Coats
BOARDMAN Sunday. Novem
ber 1 the Boardnian Community
Sunday School will have the
Kally Day program and home
coming, according to the an
nouncement madehy Supt. Mrs.
Ihlssell Miller. Invitations are
lifin; sent out this week by the
invitation committee. Mrs. Leo
Hoot and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie.
This is to be an all day meeting
with pot luck dinner at noon.
Kveryoiie is welcome.
Keular Greenfield Grange
meet ins was Saturday evening
with Master Ralph Sk'oubo pre
siding. Sunday November 8th
was the date set lor joint initia
tion with the Inigon Grange. Tot
link dinner will be served at 2
p. m.. initiation to begin immedi
ately following the dinner. Irri
gon will exemply the first and
second degiee, and Greenfield the
third and fourth degrees
Greenfield Grange is happy to
teport Clyde Tannehill was
cho'-en the County IVputy for
Mormw counts'. Mr. Tannehill
is the outgoing Morrow County
Pomona Master, having served
five years in that office, and has
i never been absent in the five
years. Mr. Tannehil attended a
deputy school in Portland last
week for two days.
Miss Lorna Shannon, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. I'ldon Shannon
returned home from the St. An
Ithonys hospital, Pendleton last
week where she had undergone
surgery for appendicitis,
i Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and
Mrs. Claud Coats motored to
! Heppner Wednesday to visit Chas.
Barlow, who is a patient at the
.Memorial hospital.
II. E. C. met Wednesday Octo
ber Hth at the Grange hall with
Mrs. Clyde Tannehill. Mrs. Ray
Brown and Mrs. George Duncan
as hostesses.
Wednesday evening. October
Mth School Principal. Ray Ander
son. Walter Turner and Miss Bar
bara Love motored to Stanfield
where they attended the Morrow-Umatilla
League meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell and
sons. The Dalles were visiting
Russell's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Seth Russell Thursday. Dale had
the misfortune to get a foot hurt
a couple of weeks ago, but was
able to return to work Monday.
Miss Kffie Bullock. Oceanlake,
Oregon was calling at the Chas.
Anderegg home Thursday and
Friday. Miss Bullock had been
visiting relatives and friends in
.in . i-U
J flake , rr wC WHWJ
- r -: y
nor at 6:30 preceding the meeting.
Convention for district No. 20
will be held at Lexington Thurs-
n,-t ?q. beginning the ami
Osborne, president of seS8ion at 1:30 p. m. AH
Rebekahs Call Special
Meeting For Tuesday
Assembly of. Oregon, I;ebekahs are welcome
m ! 1 j -1 - a r ,,-ir i
4-H'ERS LEARN NEWS WRITING 15 4-H club new reporters took time out from their course in news
reporting last week to have their picture taken. The class was given by Miss June Goetze, infor
mation specialist lrom OSC. Shown seated around the table, left to right, are Nancy Wright, Lex
ington; Dora Sue Davidson, Lexington; James Ferrel, Scout, Heppner; Jerry Andersen, Heppner;
Skip Emmert, lone; Janet Thompson, Heppner; Cornie Anderson, Campfire Girls, Heppner; Wilma
Bothwell, campfire, Heppner. Standing, left to right: Janice Martin, Lena; Joann Brosnan, Hepp
ner; Helen Graham, Heppner; Lucille Kendall, Heppner; Miss Goetze; Carol Ann Anderson, Hepp
ner; Janet Wetzel, Lexington and Charlene Jones. Lexington. (Photo by Maud Casswell)
Lola F.
has called a special meeting for;
. . .;ii, tiio Sfpnhen
Tuesday uct. u o mm u , , from
local louge. uuitr um...
Virb iimoc all members to
tend! There will be a potluck din- week
Noble Grand. Altha Friday even ; ... Qf the
at- .wnere ne "i
Rainier Boer
f VV - quality, first
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and; Mrs. Walter Haves aceom
son Dick spent several days last panied her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
week in Portland. IMelvin Haves. Arlington to Spo-
Mrs. Ralph Earwood and their kane Monday. They will be gone
daughters. Shirley. Mrs. Bill Califf '. a few davs'to visit Mrs Walter
and Mrs. Donald Downey, also 'Hayes, son -in-law and daughter,
Mrs. Guy Ferguson motored to 1 Mr and Mrs. Johnnie Baldino and
Hanford. Wash., Friday. 'daughter.
According to groi;e,nian. Walterj Mrs. Claud Coats and Mrs.
Hayes there has been thirty-five j Frank Marlow motored to Pen
deer brought into the cold room, dleton Saturday.
One group of ten men all came, GuWsts Thursdav at the home
home with a deer Sunday. going.of Mr. and Mrs." George Sicard
out Friday evening and Saturday (Were Mrs. sicard.s brother-in-law
morning. They were Vernon anci sister Mr and Mrg- Perl
Russell, Phil and Andy Jones. ; RusSi Mlike 0reKon. Mr and
George and Bob Sicard. Gunner Mrs. Russ were recently married
ami i.eo M-couno. lari .Miles, ol
Boardman; Bob Zerba Pendleton
and Ernest Tyler. Portland. Many
others were also lucky. Robert
Harwood made a short time of
his hunting trip. He with R. B.
Rands left home at 2 a. m. Satur
day and was back home before
noon He found the buck
south of Heppner.
Mrs. Earl Briggs left for Spo
Kane. Wash., Monday to be gone I
for several days
and were returning from a wed
ding trip into Vancouver, B. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ely, Spo
kane, Wash., were weekend
guests at the home of Elys par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely.
Larry Thorpe, son of Mr. and
' f Tl i r:n
OUjj.tu.s. .auian uioipe, anu Din
: Coder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Coder returned Sunday from
Kansas City. Mo., where they at
tended the National FFA conven-
. ..
Sklo' SjHik J IH BltttlT), lllC.
MIS Main Phone 1512 Pendleton, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gammell
and Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van
Matter Jr. attended the University
of Washington-Oregon football
game in Portland during the
V -A v25V.t - W'
.. a . . X
-fa&Pgotafty number When vou're
i:;.ikin;,' out ol town c.ilU ou ll tind th.it vour e.ills
en !htiuu:h t.ivter twice .is t.M- it mu eivc the iipcr.itor
the teli phone number vou w.uu rather than just the
tyme .uul .uiviies. 1 h.u w.i, ou see, on won't have to wait
w inle she c.ills "Intnnu.uion" to yet the number
ini're calling. So why not keep a list ot out-ot'-tow n numbers
h.inJv it's surprising how much tune you'll save.
tY Oft 'V O'i-
. . . with liaiivls extension telephones.
No more missing u. :-:t.!nt .-fe T1
cjHn, simply lecaiiM vou , !""'
were in .1 ilistatit part of
the Iniuse and couuln t get ? vTol,irK;
to the phone in time. You can
enjoy extension telephones now - ","C.
lor just a few pennies a day.
' tion. The hnvs pntoved the trin
Katie Bickford. La Grande. . anf nnit" .vnwion h,,t
was a weekend guest at the home WPr0 lad t0 be home again '
'n oi-i .-son - in .oiu uaugnuT
Mr and Mrs. Arin Hug. She came
over with her son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Hawes and daughter. Puby. who
went on to Portland for the week
end, all returning home Sunday
Hoy Ball Jr. and daugher.
Thressa. Wostfir. Oregon spent
the weekend here with Ball's!
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball
Sr., the two boys. Delbert and!
Franklin Ball all went deer hunt-'
ing Saturday. !
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen'
motored to Seattle, Wash. Friday:
returning home Saturday morn-;
Mrs. Bob Zerba and children.!
Pendleton were weekend guests
at the home of her mother. Mrs.
Blanche Jones. Zerba went hunt
ing with Phi! and Andy Jones.
Mr. Fhner Messenger motored
to The Dalles Sunday where he
attended a Messenger family re
union of his family at the home
of his son-in-law and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammell.
Mrs. W. K. Garner, Mrs. Dewey
West Jr. and Mrs. Pay Gronquist
motored to Pendleton Monday,
Overnight guests at the Walter
Wvss home Monday were Mr. and
Mrs. Sig W'yss. and Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Webster. Sheridan. The two
Wvss men are brothers.
Mrs. Ralph Skoubo motored to
rendleton Friday. She was ac
companied by her mother, Mrs. B.
C. Getchell. Hermiston.
An overnight guest at the N.
A. Maeorr.hor home was Macom
ber's uncle. Baxter Macomber, of
4-H Club News i
The Merrv Cookers met for the,
first time at the home of our as-1
sistant leader. Hazel Mahoney.
Our leader is Happy Graham.
We elected the following officers:
Mary Kay Slocum, president;
Carolyn Slocum, vice president;
Beverley Blake, secretary'; Shan
non Mahoney, treasurer; Janet
Thompson. reporter; Sharon
Harshman, song leader .and yell:
We discussed what we would
do at the next meeting. We also
learned a new song. The meet
ing was adjourned.
Janet Thompson, reporter.
Case Furniture Co. Opens
New Maple Department
!- t "i i
- .1
" .1
i m - it ,r it --lif tmiii AitoMwJ m.mmt I m nn ''t-'
Symptoms of Distress Arising from
(Ver five million packages of the VVii.l.id
Tkeitmemt have been sold for rehel i.f
symi-'onisul diire-yi anjinc fruni Etomaeh
and Duodenil Ulcr due i' Elects Acid
Poor Digestion. Sour or Uret 5omch,
Gaiiiness, Heartburn, Sieeptrftres,
etc., due m Eice Acid. lor 'Willsrd'j
Meukt" which iuiiy n;ilains U,: remark
auio Ihjiik? trcatmeni tree at
Case Furniture Company this week is proud to announce
the opening of their new Maple Department, giving the people
of Morrow county an opportunity to see and buy this popular
line of Living room, Dining room and Bedroom furniture which
is priced within the reach of all budgets.
Shown in the photograph are just a few of the many pieces
which they now have in stock. In the foreground is the beauti
ful SO inch dining table which sells for $112.50 and chairs which
start at just $21.45. In the right background is the matching
14 inch buffet priced at $130.50.
Also included in their stock in this new department which
displays solid maple and matching birch furnishings are a big
variety of living room pieces including davenport, occasional
chairs, coffee and occasional tables, wall racks, magazine racks,
floor lamps and many other pieces. An extensive stock of
matching birch bedroom suites is also being shown.
Case's urge Morrow county residents to stop in at their
convenience and examine this line of beautiful, fine quality
furnishings that is designed to please the most discriminating.
(Pd. adv.)
I It's Not Too Early
Prove FREE
Muscular Pains Relieved
In Few Minutes
With Doctor's External Ptttciiption
Make This 24 Hr. Test
Vse MI SCLK-IU B for th tired,
aohmif a!i-.vtT Muscular pains. Ml'S-CLE-KVB
gives fast, aoothmg relief
from a!l r-.si.-cii-, t-ait'.s ai'"i ahes.
Apply MVSCLE-HVB f.'.'1-tiy on sore,
aching spot. nJ er.joy tint instant
soothing arm iviu f Ihat thousands
of MVSCLK-RVB usors have known
and praisod far years.
No interna! dosir.fr. K-MVSCLK-RVB
differ from , -,-h.
ioned liniments and rubs. Lsi j no
unpleasant odor. To pet f.i;. o,u.-k
relief, simply a: p!v this rlfasar.t'.v
scented lmuid KXTKRXALLT when
ever you feel pain limbs, joints,
shoulders, neck. baok. Note how much
mora comfortable you (eel all day,
how many hours of restful sleep vou
get at ntihu
Don't unprepared when p:
strikes. Keep a bottle U Ml SCi-E-Kl'B
handy a! all limes.
Money Bach Guarantee
Get Mu.ele-Kub today from eu
Drujif.jt. I'se half the bottle If ou
are r.ot delighted with rt-u'.ts. rr-tura
whats left to your Pr-iiiist. who
will cheerfully r-lu'vl ur r.:or.e ,
Kesular sue ta ttle il 15 Y u save
when buying the Uttft Eontnjr
Ui5 sue,
Muscle-Rub Vt'"
Heppner Gazette Times
Pacific Telephone
S-'-i-UiLjtiJiX.t l V.YY- i