Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 22, 1953, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 22, 1953
Page 3
iarden Club Hears Talk on Home Landscaping
Echo Palmateer
ud Casswell of Hepp-
Demonstrator, gave a
ldscaping for the small
he Garden Club meet
ay Oct. 13 at the Fred
in home. She told of
tance of a good foun
ch as the condition of
. walks and fences and
Jon and placing of
es. Shrubs and flowers
! selected so as to have
J attractive each month
business meeting it was
o hold the Blue Moun
rict meeting here next
V corsage making school
held in Pendleton Oct.
5 and 7 to 10 p. m. and
show school to be held
:. 26, 27, and 29. Refresh
'ere served after the
by Mrs. Martin, Mrs.
iCheson and Mrs. Mat
11. Mrs. Claud Huston
the door prize.
aranatha club met at the
ie Counter
we had the power of
of the "super-men" in
ren's comics, we might
it a magic bulldozer to
th out the bad bumps
fill in the deep holes
i on the rough road we
ravel through life,
chaps, it is jast as well,
iuch a machine might
some of the thrill and
from life. The "unex
3d" and "uncertain"
Ides the basis for our
: remembered
icky, however, the mod
world does provide a
ilon for many of the
hest jolts INSUR
:E. Insurance serves as
lock absorber for many
ards. It is available to
ire you peace of mind
aturally, though, the In
uice can not be selected
hazardly. When the un
ected becomes the "un
icipated" you still face
rough jolt without pro
protection. . survey of your policies
I problems will probably
lover errors, gaps or dup
iting coverage, it may
o save you money. Cer
nly, you will then be
dy to meet many of the
ghest spots with reason
e comfort.
iuch a Survey is part of
' "smoothing" Service,
n't you visit our office,
give us a call?
ippner Phone 6-9652
home of Mrs. Alfred Shirley on
Wednesday, Oct. 14 with Mrs.
Kenneth Smouse as co-hostess.
Final plans were made for the
bazaar and dinner at the grange
hall Nov. 14. There will also be
a food sale in connection with the
bazaar. Mrs. G. Hermann recei
ved the door prize.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bleck of
Chicago are visiting at the G.
Hermann home.
At an American Legion meet
ing last week, plans were made
for a masquerade ball to be given
Nov. 7 and a program planned
for Armistice Day at the memor
ial field at 10:30 a. m.
Joyce and Claudia Noland of
Heppner are staying with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Griffin. Weekend guests at the
Griffin home with their children,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin and
family of Portland. Edward San
ders of Portland came up with
them to visit his mother, Mrs.
Vera Portis.
Phil Griffin purchased the
Oliver Loney house on second
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ransdell of
Portland are visiting at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. Alfred
Mrs frannie Griffith was a
Portland visitor last week.
Mrs. Arvilla Swanson is visit
ing at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lundell in Milwaukie.
Mrs. Harlan Devin and son,
Ralph, spent Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball spent
Sunday in The Dalles with her
mother, Mrs. Elsie Peterson of
Lexington who was a patient in
the hospital there Mrs. Ball is
cooking in the Lexington school
in her mother's place.
Mrs. Anna Lindstrom is visiting
relatives near Gresham and Port
Mr .and Mrs. Fredrick Martin
and children spent the weekend
in Portland where they attended
a Methodist camp sites meeting
and also saw the picture "The
Robe." They visited relatives in
West Linn.
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Troedson
attended the football game in
Portland Saturday. He returned
home, but Mrs. Troedson left on
Tuesday by plane for Chicago to
visit relatives. She was accom
panied by her uncle, George
Brewster of Redmond.
George Ely returned home last
week from Salem where he visit
ed his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, and in
Coos Bay where he visited his
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ely.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Baker and
daughter, Esther May, of Walla
Walla were recent visitors at the
home of his sister and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell.
Among those from here who
attended the Oregon-Washington
football game in Portland Satur
day were:: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Morgan, Mr. and Mrs Milton Mor
gan, Mr. and Mrs. C .E. Brenner,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stefani, Mr
and Mrs. Pete Cannon, Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Emert, Alton Yar
nell and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
The H. E. C. of Willows grange
met at the home of Mrs. L. L.
Howton Friday Oct. 16 with Mrs.
Phil Griffin as co-hostess. A pot
luck dinner was served at noon
and doughnuts and cider in the
afternoon. Final plans were made
for their dinner and bazaar at the
grange hall Saturday evening,
Oct. 24. Mrs. Mabel Cotter re
ceived the door prize.
A Hallowe'en party was plan
ned at the grange meeting Satur
day evening. The party will be
held at the grange hall Oct. 31
with games for the smaller child
ren and dancing later in the
evening. Refreshments were ser
ved by Mrs. L. L. Howton and
Mrs. Phil Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen
and children spent Sunday with
the Hershall Townsends near
The Altar Society of the St.
Williams Catholic church met at
the Delbert Emert home Wednes
day of last week and decided to
build a flue in their church and
made plans for their food sale
Oct. 31 at the Swanson Store at
10:30 A. M.
Mrs. Elizabeth Mead, Seattle is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Phil
Griffin. She plans to return to
Seattle to celebrate her 90th birth
day Nov. 1.
Dates to Remember:
Oct. 23 Ball game with Echo
at 2 p. m.
Oct. 23 Three Links club at
the Rebekah hall.
Oct. 24 Food sale by Freshmen
class at Swanson's store 10 a. m.
Oct. 24 Social meeting of the
Topic club at the Masonic hall
Dessert luncheon at 1.30 p. m.
Oct. 24 Dinner and bazaar at
Grange hall.
Oct. 25 Dinner at the Valby
Lutheran church after the church
services for Missionary benefit.
Oct. 25 High School Girl's
League dinner in the cafetorium
1:30 to 3 p. m.
Oct. 25 Following church ser
vices at Valby Lutheran church
there will be a dinner given by
thP Women's Missionary Society.
Oct. 26 Special meeting ot me
Rebekah lodge at 7:30 p. m.
Oct. 27 Farm Bureau meeting
at the grange hall at 2 p. m. with
potluck dinner in the evening.
Oct. 28 P-TA meeting. Mrs. E.
M. Baker will show her pictures
of her trip to Canada and the
Men's Chorus of Heppner will
sing. There will also be a towel
shower for the kitchen.
Oct. 31 Food sale by Altar
Society at Swanson's store 10:30
a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Phillips
of Portland were visitors at the
Kenneth Smouse home over tne
weekend. Mrs. Phillips visited
Mrs. Anne Smouse in Heppner
and Mr. Phillips went hunting
with Kenneth Smouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crawford
and daughters of Portland spent
the weekend with her mother,
Mrs. Ida Coleman.
Ernest McCabe stated that lie
cut up 69 deer so far at his meat
Mr. and Mrs. Fayne Ely and
son of Forest Grove wore week
end visitors at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Dick Ekstrom, Billy Brannon
and Alvin McCabe left this week
for Portland to attend the Inter
national Pacific Livestock Exhi
bition where they are judging the
4-H livestock.
REA Radio lower
Recently Installed
On Monument Peak
By Millie Wilson
Bob Wheeler and Dell Larson of
The Dalles, spent Wednesday and
Thursday installing a radio tower
on Mounment Mountain. This
radio will be used by Columbia
Co-op Assn. in heir work. Eash
car will be equipped with a radio.
Mr. Wheeler was well pleased
with the reception. He having
talked with The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Spike Miller were
business visitors in Pendleton
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin DeVore
of Roseburg arrived in Monu
ment at 5 a. m. Saturday. Mrs.
DeVore enjoyed hunting. Mrs.
DeVore visited her mother
Daisy Riley and her sister Joava
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams
and daughters Jovce and Linda
Sue, of Hermiston spent Friday
and part of Sunday hunting with
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Saddler,
and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mellor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Enright
drove to Heppner Thursday to
have the cast taken from his foot
and ankle.
Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Megeskie
and Vito Accardi of Portland spent
iContinued on page 6)
f I
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jamison
and family are living in a trailer
house on second street.
Word was received of the mar
riage of Mrs. Maureen Nelson and
Hubert Thoreson Sept. 1. They
were former teachers here and
are now teaching at Roseburg.
Bert and Olga Johnson of Port
land are in lone for a few days.
New RPM 10-30 Special motor
oilcan save up to 4 gallon of
gas in every 5 gallons you buy
Now, n motor oil so superior it serves all cars, old
or new, in ull seasons, all climates! RPM 10 30
Special Motor Oil can boost gas mileage up to 15 "J
in stop and go driving; gives easier, battery-saving
starts; ran cut oil consumption as much us 33 in
many cars; tops for hydraulic valve lubrication;
designed for both older and new cars; gives stepi'd
up power; provides money-saving motor protection;
covers all car manufacturers' motor oil
recommendations. Try new RPM 10-30
Special Motor Oil today I
For more information obout Standard Oil Company
of California products, call your local Standard man
Phone 6-S63J
Phone 8-7125
Here in Pacific Poiverhmd . . .
goes iviik bet
er iivm
Light conditioning
your home brings
hie rewards at Utile cost
a J
Place Your Orders Now For
Let Us Lay-Away Your Order
I njj Mnmmv Kissina Santa Claus-
I l If-")
r':':1'!!:;1: 5;!!!
C f'SlJliSfltM
;;S;'V'v.-ii6':,iK,''i' "il
I ii' ;.'.,", i. ,v:: ! I
Avoid eyestrain with proper lighting fixtures.
Good light here costs only a few cents a day.
1 . .
; .. .. . . k. ; ' ' V V M W. 1 -
Frosty Snowman-Smiley Burnette
and Many More Now in Stock
& IllLif Jf. ,