Page 5 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 8; 1953 Social Happenings . Soroptimist Club Welcomes Member . The Soroptimist club held their regular monthly business meet ing at O'Donnell's, Thursday, October 1. ' Committee reports were given at this time and committees were appointed for the annual card party to be held October 2G in the Catholic church basement. Pro ;eeds from this party go toward the Halowe'en hayride the club gives every year for all teen agers. i Katherine Monahan Hager was introduced and welcomed as a new member of the club. The Christmas box to be sent ;o the club in Tamworlh, Eng land is to be packed next week ind all members are to bring :heir gifts to the next meeting r leave them with Mrs. W. C. Rollins at the Heppner Cleaners. Those planning on attending he regional conference in Yak ma Oct. 9-1011, are Miss Leta Sumphreys, Mrs. Pearl Devine, Mrs. W. O. George and Mrs. Joe iughes. ,; i . . ; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blake had is their guests over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gallucci and laughter of Portland and Mr. ren Harper also of Portland. Miss Virginia Gonty Given Surprise Party Miss Virginia Gonty was the guest of honor at a surpiise birthday party given by her mother, Mrs. E. E. Gonty, Tues day evening Sept. 29. The guests were Lavern and Janet Keithley, Pete and Virginia Andresen, Chuck Bailey, Forrte Burkenbine, Elaine Stone, Alice Peterson, Raymond Walker, Mack Griffith. Billy Hughes, Barbara iWarren, Betty Rose, Meredilh. Thomson, Ida Sue Stratton, Rita McDaniels, Margaret Hughes, Al Parent, Raymond and Tommy Gontv, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gonty and the guest of honor. 1 1 K 1 hM - i . ...:! I i Coming Events I Friday Oct. 9 Ruth Chapter No. 32, CES 'Monday Oct. 12 Chamber of com merce, noon at O Donneu s American Legion Business meeting .Tuesday Oct. 13 Eockworms Degree of Honor j Wednesday Oct. 14 P-TA at School Thursday Oct. 15 Soroptimists, noon at O'DonneU s Elks, stag night Friday Oct. 16 Sans Souci Re- bekah lodge LEXINGTON P-TA TO MEET The Lexington P-TA will meet TiHsttoy evening October 13, at S;'M) p. m. in the school. Education in other lands will be the theme of the meeting, il lustrated by moving pictures. Mrs. Norman Nelson ami Mrs. Markham Baker will be the speakers. Morning service at 11:00 a. in. Evening service is at S:00 p. m. Prayer will be held Thursday evening at S p. tn. Mrs. Johnson Gives Pinochle Party Mrs. Clarence Johnson enter tained at her home Thursday, October 1 with a pinochle party. Refreshments were served to the following guests, Mesdames Howard Reed, James Allen, Mar ian Huggart, Stanley Holm Jr., ;J. L. Kelly, J. O. Turner, Vivian While, and Floyd Adams. High score was received by Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Adams was low. 1 j 1 lffpx V 2 i ill I PFC OWEEN S. MARCOTTE of Auburn, Wash, is enroute from Japan arid release from active duty in the Women's Army Corps. She will visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stark of Heppner and then join her husban.d Sgt. Leonard J. Mar cotte in Germany. Dinner Plans Made at Auxiliary Meeting I Unit No. 87 of the American I Legion Auxiliary held its regular meeting at the Legion hall Tues-, day evening. - ! Plans were made for the din ner to be given by the auxiliary for the officers of the Eastern Star Friday October 9. President June Bellenbrock an nounced that the afghan lap robe made by members of the auxil iary will be on display at one of the business houses in the near future. Tickets will be sold toi the public and the robe will be raffled at the Armistice Day ban-! quet. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Alec Thompson and Mrs. James Farley. Large Group Enjoys Elks Ladies Night The first Elks Ladies Night of the fall season was held Thurs day October 1 in conjunction with the Elks Hunter Night. Bridge and pinochle won' played by SO women during ihe evening. Pinochle prizes were won by Mrs. John Hartman who received first and Mrs. Eunice Pettyjohn who received second. Bridge prizes were awarded to Mrs. Step hen Thompson first; Mrs. Harry Tamblyn second. Mrs. Loyal Par ker received the door prize. Hostesses were Mesdames La Verne Van Martcr, Alec Thomp son, Robert Gammell, Robert Mil ler, Bradley Fancher and William Labhart. BABIES BORN TO O'DONNELLS AND STEINKES Mr. and Mrs. Russell O'Dotinell are the parents of a baby girl born October 3 at St. Anthonys hospital in Pendleton. She is their third child and has been named Mary Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Steinke of Olex, former Heppner residents, announce the birth of their fourth son, Ronald Lee, born September 27 at The Dalles. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Karl L. Soward. Pastor Bible School at 9:1:"). Mrs. Fred Hoskins, assistant superinten I dent in charge. The young people present the opening program. ! Morning Worship at 11 a. m. I The pastor will continue the ser i ies of sermons on Home and 'Church United program. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. Monday evening at 7 p. m. the Men's Christian Fellowship will meet. The Christian Women's Fellowship hold their regular Monthly all day meeting. Choir meets at 8 p. m. on Thurs day of each week. Weekend hunting guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wells were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wells of John Day and Wayland Wells of Travis Air Force Base, San Francisco, California. CHORAL CLUB TO MEET The Choral Chili will meet at the high school Monday at 7:30 1). m. The new director this year is Mr. Morris Stone of Lexington.. Rainbow Girls Hold Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the Rainbow Girls was held Monday night to make preparations for a special meeting to be held next Monday in honor of the Grand Worthy Adviser, Mildred Patton of Baker who will visit their group at that time. Mrs. Frank Wilkinson served as acting mother adviser during the absence of Mrs. Mary Van Stevens. CHURCHES. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Episcopal John R. Reeves, Rector 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion 9:15 a. m. Church School 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p. m. Young People's Fel lowship First Sunday of Month Choral Holy Communion Wed. 10 a. m. Holy Communion Wed. 1 :00 p. m. Junior Choir Thitrs. 8:0() p. m. Choir prae- t ice J. O. Peterson, Jeweler Nazarene Missionary Group Starts at lone The Nazarene Foreign Mission ary society of the lone Nazarene church held its first meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Brownlow Tuesday night. Mrs. VV. McKay was elected prosident; Mrs. Ralph Crum, secretary, and Mrs. Brownlow, treasurer. Re freshments were served after the meeting. The next meeting will be held October 27, the place to be an nounced later. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson are in Portland this weekend where they will attend the OSC Stanford football game. HEPPNER ASSEMBLY OF GOD Willis W. Geyer, Pastor , Services: Sunday School 9: 15 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.' Christ's Ambassadors (:45 p. m. Evangelistic Services 7:45 p. m. Thursday evening Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. IONE NAZARENE CHURCH W. McKay, Minister Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. We have classes for all ages. A .IT r 1 V 1 OO C m ps JS2 :;i Un!cip ViUmins in irrf) Help Keep Your Resistance up During The Winter Months Lay in an ample supply of m un,caps ORAL COLD VACCINE TABLETS S1.39 For 2 Months Supply. Helps Prevent Winter Colds. it's Pharmacy PHIL BLAKNEV, OWNER Ph r ENMEY'S lone Woman to Have 97th Birthday Mrs. Ellen Reitli of lone will celebrate her 97th birthday on Monday. Friends in lone will honor her with a card shower and others may join in by mailing birthday cards to her. ) ! j i : Li 7 m yJtjjjt&a' - When the Aero Willys hit the mar ket less than two years ago, it rendered conventional car-buying habits obsolete. Its years-ahead styling, backed by its blending of automotive and aero engineering, when considered with its hereditary stamina and economy, made people sit up and take notice. 3 L 4i t ski If you've been in a cir-l iiying rut, you owe it to yourself to s and .drive the Aero Willys Iv!..;.- e you decide. May we show you u hy. tod-y? PRICES START AT m Jn Jiff Aero-lark 2-Door Sedan f.O.B. Toledo, Ohio. Plus Federal Taies, 5tat and tocc: fae; (if any), Traniportalion, Delivery an.t Handiino Charges. Optional Equipment, E.tiru. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY ( V 5it r-'"M " ".'V. - t j mm 7 m m m CL ': fM III , :. :,- ,t r ii "i. gtr a WM SEAM NYLONS & ft i,i "lu!)v..1 t" .bV 5s -v '".. . v it 4' X Iff 11 li 1 i ft See Feci it! This is a hard-to-find value! Heavier,., longer than ordinary hlankcts-it's 4 lbs. pure warmth-giving wool-full 90" iong styled witli extra wide acetate satin binding, in new decorator colors. 5-yr. guarantee againht moth damage. ,-1 'Sit j ' i v . 15 DENIER J 9 51 GAUGE, - 72 x 90" pairs Kjiccntional value! See liow you save! Here, a terrific buy in tilicer, perfect (pialily ny- loii8 with the drama of dark seam. Hurry in! Stock up! Choose Jubilee, a rich taupe brown; Gala, a neutral beige. M 10 11.