Page 4 Harvest Auction, Supper Benefits Monument Church By Millie Wilson A spfci;tl mooting of the Ladies Aid was called last Tuesday. They met at the homo of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Kimmol to make the final plans for the spaghetti sup per and harscst sale which was held September 2(i at the Grange hall. Over 100 plates were sold at the supper. Wayne Leathers proved himself a very able auc tioneer when it came to selling the fruit, vegetables and jellies. A calf donated by Henry Cupper was sold to Raymond Hooker and a mutton donated by Mrs. Ouida Cork was sold to George Mantis. A pig donated by A. W. Beardsley was sold to Tommy Campbell. All in all the evening netted the church over two hundred dollars. The rest of the evening was spent square dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Gates moved home from Thayne, Wyoming where they had spent the sum mer working at construction work. Mrs. Bud Leathers and son and Mrs. Edythe Johnston and daugh ters of Long Creek, attended Iso bel Noel's stork shower last Wed nesday. On September 20th Mr. and Mrs. Mead Oilman took their son, Donald and Charles Roach Sr. took his daughter, Joan to La Grande to register at the Eastern Oregon College. This will be Miss Joan's junior year and Don ald's sophomore year. Mr. and Mrs. George Stlrritt visited friends and relatives in Dayville on September 20th. Iff io Stewart of John Day spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Stirrilt. Mrs. Stewart at tended the supper and harvest sale at the Grange hall Saturday evening. Ronald Round was a guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Round last week. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Molvin Round of .Seneca came for him on Sunday. Fred Shank of Cottonwood was having some work done on his truck in John Day on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon and children had as their guests over the weekend, Mrs. Capon's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reiohen of fort land and a sister, Miss Laura Roichen of Washington, 1). C. Long Distance Nation-Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Pcnland Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338 HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN SAVE... When you drive the new Owners of the new Aero Willys equipped with over drive, according to a nation ul magazine report averag ing 27.3 miles per gallon. Aero Willys have delivered up to 35 miles per gallon. For style.. for safety. .for economy , . . you're way ahead with an AERO WILLYS See Your Willys Dealer Today F A R L MOTOR E Y CO. ill CIV -r ff urn Mr. and Mrs. Ed Round were business visitors in Mitchel last Wednesday. They returned the same day. Charles 11 Ladd, State Fores ter's office, Salem, Oregon and Alvln L. Parker, State Forester's office in Salem wore calling on Henry Martin at the Guard Sta tion last Monday. From here they were going to the old Sam Board man ranch at Boardman, Oregon to gather seeds from the Russian Olive trees planted by Sam Boardman. The seeds will be used for further planting by the Forest Department. Locally grown seed, whenever possible is used for these plantings. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Page left Friday for Canada. They will visit friends and attend to mat tors of business. They stopped in Pendleton to visit Mr. Page's, sis ter, Margaret Elder. Mrs. Helen Brown was called to Portland by the death of her brother-in-law, Frank L. Chris tensen. Mr. Christensen was making his home with his nep hew, Pete Christensen. Mr. Chris tensen was well known in Mor row County, having had a drug store in lone for many years. Helen Brown received word from her son, Lt. Col. Chet Chris tensen, who is stationed in Korea as Baftallion Commander. It was the first word she had had since he was sent over seas. Hugh Jackson, who recently re turned from Korea is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wave Jackson. When his leave is up he will be stationed in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Mead Gilman left Monday for Portland where they will attend Mr. Oilman's brother-in-laws, R. E. Nettleton's funeral services. Tom Campbell got something in his eye while working with chopped hay last Thursday. Mrs. Campbell took him to Heppner Friday for medical aid. Carl Driscol and Al Harper of John Day wore in Monument last Thursday. Mrs. Ethel Leathers took her daughter Deann to John Day for a dental appointment last Thurs day, day. They were accom panied by Mrs. Reta Cupper. Shirley Kroess'in of Prineville and Florence Adams of Spray demonstrated an automatic wash ing machine at the home of Ouida Cork last Wednesday. Those attending were Effie Wedgeworth, Theo Owing, Reta Cupper, Choieey Vandetta, Grace Stirritt, Mattie Stubblofield, Doris Capon and Millie Wilson. After the demonstration the hostess, Ouida Cork served refreshments Mr. and Mrs. Ad Moore of Heppner were overnight guests of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore. On Friday Mrs. Edna Moore took them to their home in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Farrons visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Van Dusen and Mr. and Mrs. John Van Dusen left Tuesday. Mr. Far rons is Mrs. John Van Dusen's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Farrons expect to spend some time with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Tod Durst in Round Basin. The infant son of Mrs. Anita Cork was quite sick last Mon day. She and Mrs. Ouida Cork took the baby to John Day for medical aid. Mr. and Mrs. Spike Miller will go to Portland September 30 for medical aid. Mrs. Anna Lesley came home from Portland last Friday. She is now visiting at the home of Mis. Ouida Cork. Mr. and Mrs. Molvin Rounds of Seneca spent Sunday with Mr. Round's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rounds. V. H. Settle mad,, a trip to John Day for medical aid last Thursday. Darlene Boyor, Anita Cork and Thelma Williams were hostesses to a Stork shower honoring Isobol Noel last Wednesday. Thirty NO MESSY GARBAGE r DISPOSALS i Install it right under your sink, out of sight. Shreds food waste to small bits . . , washes it safely down the drain. Simple as a-b-cl $124.95 Authorized Dealer IENERA10 ELECTRIC DISPOSALLS mm Heppner Hardware And Electric Heppher Gazette Times, Thursday, October 1, 1953 Boardman Host lo Presbyterial By Flossie Coats The semi-annual meeting of the Eastern Oregon Presbyterial was held at the Boardman Com munity church Thursday, Sept. 21th, under the leadership of Dis trict President, Mrs. Joe DeSpain, Pendleton, About forty ladies attended, representatives being from Pen dleton, Stanfield, Milton-Free-water, Pilot Rock, Dayville, Uma tilla and Boardman. Mrs. Gordon Chapman, Pilot Rock, lead the morning devotions, subject "Obedience Is The Test". The principal speaker was Elizabeth Manuel, San Francisco, Western area secretary for the Board of Christian Education. Her fpbject was "Christian Education In Action". Seven Greenfield Grange mem bers motored to lone Saturday where they attended the Morrow County Pomona Grange. The main business of the day was the election of officers for the coming term of office, which is for two years. Elected were, Master, Ray Drake; Overseer, Earl Morgan; Lecturer, Mrs. Carl Miller; Stew ard, Ben Anderson; Asst. Steward, Dolbort Wright; Chaplain, Mrs. Florence Root; Treasurer, Mrs. Nathan Thorpe; Secretary, Mrs. Claud Coats; Gatekeeper, Wade Crawford; Ceres, Mrs. Vernon nil. Ion; Pomona, Mrs. Pearl Devine;! Flora. Mrs. Rav Drakf-T !Hv act-t i Mrs. Dot Halverson: Executive' committee, Clyde Tannehill, Os car Peterson and Henry Baker. Installation date will ho an. nounced at a later time. Going from Boardman were Master and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe,' Mrs. Cecil Hamilton, Mrs. Edd Kunze and Mrs. Claud Coats. The Morrow County Grange Council will be held in the Lex ington Grange hall October 30th with the State officers putting on the program. This will consist of floor work and aid help to the various offices. This is for all Grange members and all are guests were present. Two games were enjoyed. Moya Gilman won first prize and Ann Bastien won second on the first game while Joava Enright won first and Iso bel Noel won second. Mrs. Neel received many beautiful presents. Jessie Jewell and Darlene For rest assisted Mrs. Neel when she opened her presents. The hostes ses served refreshments of cake and ice cream. Harlan Hansen of Long Creek was a business visitor in Monu ment on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carter of Long Creek wont to Kimberly for poaches last Tuesday. They stop ped in Monument on their way homo. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen of Boar Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Jie Legler of Mt. Vernon were in Monument September 20th. across The Counter What should I do if 1 have an accident?" Mr. Jones asked as he stopped by to discuss his car insur ance. "You should get in touch wilh us as quickly as pos sible," I replied, "but first :f all note jhe time, place and circumstances of the accident. Got the names and addresses of all injured parties and available wit nesses. It may ho useful later in helping to settle any claims which arise." "That sounds like com mon sense." Mr. Jones re plied. "Here's another sugges tion which you might fol low. Carry a small note book and pencil in your car. Jot the facts and names down. Don't relv on mem ory." "Of course," I continued, "you should call the police promptly if the accident is within the city limits. The law requires it." "Tlv insurance company will make a thorough in vestigation, but naturally its ability to get the acci dent settled promptly and fairly depends on your co operation." Mr. Jones smiled. I'll get that notebook. I don't ex pect an accident, but then the unexpected can hap pen." TURNER VAN MARTER AND BRYANT INSURANCE BONDS REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC Heppner Phone 6-9652 urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tannehill and daughters, La Grande are spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill. Rev. and Mrs. J. Norvell Brown, Hermiston and Mrs. E. S. Pelton, Irrigon were callers at the Mrs. Atteberry home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Talyor and children, Bend were weekend guests at the home of Taylor's parent., Mr. and Mrs. Algy Tay lor. Sunday guests at the Chas. Anderegg home were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mathews, Pilot Rock, The Mathews were on their way home from Portland where they had taken Mrs. Mathews' mother Mrs. Elsie Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Dewy West and children motored to Arlington. Mr. West and his father-in-law, Sam Beeks going on to the John Day river to fish. Mrs. West and her mother, Mrs. Beeks motored to Bickleton, Wash., where they were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. West's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Nostern. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow motored to Pendleton Saturday evening to visit Mr. Marlow's mother, Mrs. Julia Marlow, who is a patient at the St. Anthony hospital. Mrs. Allen Ely, nee Phyllis Os born, was honored guest at a bridal shower in the church base ment Saturday evening. The bride received many nice and useful things. The young couple are now living in Spokane, Wash. Out of town guests attending was the brides mother, Mrs. Virgil Os born, Hermiston, and the grooms sister, Mrs. Eldon Lilly, La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie motored to Pendleton Friday. Some fifty people attended the teachers reception Friday even ing which was held in the 'new Boardman gymnasium. Teachers in the receiving line were Supt Ray Anderson, Ronald Black, Thomas VanEtton. David Cady, Barbara Love, Pauline Morris, Doris VanEtten, LaVern Partlow, Zoe Billings and Walter Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely enter tained at dinner Sunday for the following: their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lilly and children, La Grande, another daughter Ora Ely, Pen-( dleton, their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ely, of Spokane, Mr. Ely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mathews and daughter, lone, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil and daughter, Hermiston. I Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan Monday, I was Mrs. Duncan's sister, Mrs., Florence Hill and children, Scap poose, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Williams and son motored to Pendleton on Monday. Here's the new FRIGIDAIRE Fitra-Maik Clothes Dryer Won't throw off steamy heat or sticky lint ! Only dryer with cabinet and drum finished in Lifetime Porcelain! ' No more lifting - bend ing - hanging heavy clothes on washday. It's all -electric - place it anywhere in the home! Built-in FILTRATOR eliminates clumsy vents, costly plumbing! Come in! See our "PR00F-OF-VALUE" demonstration-today! HEPPNER REFRIGERATION Phone 6-9223 Only j- 259.75 1 1 NEW 10W IllRWSlJ Hunt Rites Held At Lexington By Delpha Jones Funeral services were held from the Lexingon Church of Christ Friday for Arthur Lee Hunt of this city, with the Rev. Lewis Wetzel officiating, with the songs "Beautiful Garden of Prayer" and "In The Garden" sung by the following girls: Phyliss and Bev erley Nolan and Betty Messenger, accompanied by Mrs. C. C. Car michael. Arthur was the son of Etta C. and Arthur J. Hunt of this city and was 55 years, 4 months and 22 days old. He was united in marriage Nov. 7, 1925 to Bertha Tucker and to this union was born three children, Arthur Dean, Shirley Ann McCarl and Donald Lee all of Lexington. He spent his entire life in Lexington, where he was engaged in farm ing activities. Besides his widow and children he leaves to mourn his passing one grandchild Tricia Jeannine Hunt and the following brothers Elmer of The Dalles, Lester of Hermiston, and Alex of Lexing ton and one sister, Mrs. Elva Ruhl also of this city. Interment was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery, with the following friends serving as honorary pall bearers, Harry Dinges, Bill Pad berg Sr., Frank Munkers, Paul Biown, Kenneth Peck, C. C. Car michael, and W. E. McMillan; and the following active pallbear ers, E. E. Peck, Lester Cox, Bill Van Winkle Sr., Roy Campbell, Millard Nolan and Oris Padberg. Those from out of town were: Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt, Ralph Jackson, Philip Connor and David Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wren, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hunt, all of The Dalles; Mrs. Zola Case, Portland; Edward Hunt, Dayton, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Fredreckson, Salem, Mrs. Kenneth Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Messenger Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hunt and Jean, of Hermis ton;- Mrs. Vern Peebler, La Grande; Mrs. Ray Ritchie, Salem; George and Sherman Tucker of Spokane and many friends from Heppner and lone. Merle Grey, son of Mrs. Nita Reed, is spending a furlough from Kentucky with his mother and family. Guests at the C. C. Jones home this week were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Horton of Grants Pass, For maximum yield of GRAM invest your fertilizer dollars in SEiHILL 'HEL 'SERVICE Fertilizer it an investment. And some fertilizer in vestments pay better than others. So make sure you get full value from every dollar you invest in fertilizer. Invest in Shell NH3 Service -the com plete fertilizer service that combines the ideal nitrogen fertilizer with scientific application. No one else offers you fertilizer service like this ECONOMY-your money is not tied up in fer tilizer "inventory." You pay for this low-cost nurogen omy as you use it. LABOR SAVING little or no work for you or your help with Shell NH3 Service. EQUIPMENT-supplied by your Shell NHjdealer. No money tied up in special rigs. EXPERIENCE over a half-million applications in 20 years assure scientific treatment for all types of crops . . . every type of soil. VALUE - the cash value of every major western crop has been increased by Shell NH3 Service. SERVICE that's fast, complete -a phone call does it all. INLAND CHEMICAL SERVICE Condon-Ph. 422 Heppner-Ph. 6-9154 Mrs. Lily Payton of Baker, and Mrs. W. E. Miller and sons Don ald, Wayne and Gary of La Grande, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brunelle of Tieton, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vanover have had as their recent guest, her fa ther, Mr. Nelson from Nebraska. The Lexington Christian and Congregational Sunday school and church held a picnic bunaay at the Messenger home. A good ly crowd attended and all seemed to enjoy themselves greatly. Mrs. Owens, the high school teacher also has as. guests this weekend her parents. Mrs. Ronald Ruhl is spending some time in Lexington visiting friends and relatives, and par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Botts prior to joining her husband, Ronald who is stationed now in Portland. They have been stationed in Colo rado. Mrs. R. J. Johnson is spend ing the week in Salem where she is attending to some busi ness matters. Mr. and Mrs. William Smeth hurst have finished moving their household effects to their moun tain home from their ranch in Lexington, where they have lived for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty are spending this week in Port land, where they took their baby to consult a physician .The other children are at the Bob Davidson home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson have moved into the house re cently vacated by the Winters family. Mrs. A. F. Majeske and daugh er Audrey and son Stephen re turned home from a trip to Port land and Waside. Pat who has been vacationing in Lexington DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance Heppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 6-9465 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment ANALYTICAL VISUAL EXAMINATION Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted Agricultural ammonia scientifically applied .:w:iv.ww Degree of Honor Has Business Meeting The Degree of Honor held their regular business meeting, Tues day, September 22, at the Civic Center. Plans were made for guests night to be October 13. Members present were Ida Far rah, Theta Stratton, Bernice Nash, Martha King, Genevieve Sprin ger, Dena LaVelle, Alice McCabe and Mary Ann Jensen. o LEXINGTON H. E. C. PLANNING DINNER The H. E. C. of the Lexington grange will hold a turkey dinner Saturday November 7 at the grange hall from 6:30 until 8:00 p. m. The public is invited and cards will be played later for those wishing to stay. o THOMPSONS ENTERTAIN SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson entertained with cards and des sert at their home Saturday night. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. William Labhart and Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Blake. PAST NOBLE GRANDS TO HAVE DINNER The Past Noble Grands of Sans Souci Rebekah lodge will hold their annual dinner Saturday evening October 3 at 6:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. N. D. Bailey. All Past Noble Grands are cor dially invited. returned to her nurses training with them. mJ 3j