Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 24, 1953, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 24, 1953
Page 6
Mustangs-Pilot Rock Play To 6-6 Tie
Heppner Underdog
For lone Game
Friday Afternoon
The Heppner Mustangs, travel
ing 1o Pilot Rock Inst Friday for
tbeir opening game, wound up
the afternoon's tussel in a li to G
lie with the Rockets.
The Mustangs were badly
undermanned in Iheir first game,
lining short the services of Dick
Konotien, Russell Taylor, Lance
Tibbies and Kdgar Olson. They
also tell the loss of Ralph Mar
latt, who could only play half
the game.
The Heppner squad looked
pretty ragged during the first half
but 'began to find themselves
during the second lo come from
behind to punch over a score.
They couldn't get the extra point
though, to give them the winning
The Rockets only talley was
made by Stanton ifler a series
of reverse handoffs and power
plays. Their kick for the extra
point was blocked. They kept up
a blistering pace all through the
first half, but couldn't collect
another score. During the third
period the ball was kept between
the .'if) yard lines but in the final
quarter the Mustangs began to
roll with Hill Hughes smashing
over tackle for the touchdown.
The try for point failed leaving
I he game a tie. The Heppner
eleven went lo work again, but
lime ran out on them.
Play lone Friday.
Heppner travels to lone for the
second game of the season this
Friday, and will still be short on
manpower as they will feel the
loss of Taylor, who has been
down with the flu, John Brosnan,
who is lost for the season with a
chronic back ailment and Kdgar
Olson who is still laid up with
an injured arm.
lone, who will go into the con
test Hie favorite, lost only two
men by graduation from last
year's squad so Heppner coach,
Sieve Trukositz has warned the
Mustangs that they will have to
plav heads-up ball if they are to
make it any kind of a contest.
Game time will be 2 o'clock
it the lone field.
New Arrivals To Mr. and Mrs.
Joel E. Abbott, McNary, a 5 lb.
boy born Sept. 19, named Patrick
Glen. To Mr. and Mrs. Blayne E.
Thompson, Heppner, a 7 lb. 1 oz.
boy born Sept 19, named Lyle
Elvin. To Mr. and Mrs. Dexter F.
Collins, Lonerock, a 6 lb. 4 oz.
girl born Sept. 23, named Marilyn
Medical Mrs. Lavonna Gam
mell, Heppner; Mrs. Helen Lind
say, lioardman; Mrs. Suzanne
Jepsen. lone, dismissed; Mrs.
Mary Nell Midkiss. Umatilla;
Charles E. Hastings, Kinzua.
Minor Surgery Mary Diane
Schoolcraft, Kinzua, dismissed;
Debby Myers, Spray, dismissed;
Pamela Cochell, Heppner, dis
missed. Major Surgery Mrs. Violet
VVilmot, Mayville; James M.
Fisher, Spray; Mrs. Lorine Led bet
ter, Lexington.
Outpatients Mrs. Rose Rer
gevin, lone; Mrs. Inez B. Erwin,
Long Distance Nation-Wide
Moving Service
Mayflower Agents
Padded Vans
Pcnland Bros.
Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338
Court Slreet market was broken
into Friday night, police report
ed, but as far as could be ascer
tained, nothing of importance
was taken.
The burglars were observed by
a resident of the neighborhood
who saw three persons break a
rear window. Before police ar
rived however, they had fled.
Unsulphured Molasses Scores .
At Baked Bean Party Supper
S to t ,
4& &k. Av
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Dougherty
and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ferguson
have retumH iiim a trip to
; Yellowstone National Park, jack-
son, Wyoming, into California
and up the coast.
Marvin Casebeer, Floyd Bayers,
Bill Collins, Al"Fetsch, Archie
Munkers of Lexington and Mike
Ingnowski of The Dalles spent
the weekend deer hunting at
Mount Emily archery area.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fergu
son and Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Ma
honey were in Seattle over the
weekend to attend the U of W
Colorado football game.
Mrs. Paul Webb Sr. of Walla
Walla, Washington was visiting
last week with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Cleveland and son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb.
Mrs. Blaine Chapel returned
Monday evening from Corvallis
whore she went with her daugh
ter Ida Lee Chapel, who is enrol
led as a freshman at the Oregon
State College.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Loyd have
as their guests Tuesday, Mrs.
Loyd's sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hales of Pen
Mr. and Mrs. James Healy and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peck of
Lexington spent Sunday visiting
the Maryhill Museum in Wash
ington. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers
had as their guests Monday, Mrs.
Munkers' brother and sister, Mr.
Francis Sharrard and Mrs. Char
les Sims of Arlington.
Boardman News
Miss Evelyn Oveson, Wallowa,
arrived for the weekend holidays
with her aunt Mrs. Ronald Black.
She will return home with Mrs.
Black on Tuesday, who will mo
tor to La Grande to meet Mr.
Black who was attending the
teachers' institute.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Benson and
Mrs. Margaret Klity motored to
Pendleton Tuesday.
For party-happy appetites, treat your guests to old-fashioned baked
beans fragrant with sweet unsulphured molasses. 'Ihe meat topping
maybe canned luncheon meat or" frankfurters. Buns, cheese-broiled,
and cabbage slaw complete the hearty fare.
By using dried beans, you will find this a very economical main uisn.
Though baking time is about five hours, the beans require little watch
ine once in the oven. The unsulphured molasses is the sweet kind that
Colonial women spooned over baked beans for traditional Saturday
night dinners in New England. For a quickie casserole, canned beans
may be used with unsulphured molasses added for step-up in flavor.
Old Fashioned Baked Beans
4 cups (2 pounds) pea beans 1 cup unsulphured molasses
2 medium onions, sliced 3 tablespoons vinegar
4 teaspoons salt teaspoon 1 abasco
cup catsup 2 teaspoons dry mustard
2 cans luncheon meat
Wash beans. Cover generously with cold water; soak overnight. Add
onions, salt and if necessary additional water to cover beans; bring to
boiling point in covered saucepan. Simmer 1 hour. Drain and save i cups
bean liquid, add water to make 3 cups if necessary. Mix bean liquid with
catchup, unsulphured molasses, vinegar, Tabasco and dry mustard.
Place beans in roasting pan; add liquid. Cover, "casting pan does no
have cover use baking sheet. Bake in a slow oven (325'F.) 4 hours Add
boiling water when necessary during baking. Slice luncheon meat, add
to beans. Bake 1 hour longer.
YIELD: 12 servings.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ferguson
and Mr. and Mrs. William Zinter
and son spent the first of last
week at Caylord, Oregon where
they attended a family reunion
at the home of O. T. Ferguson,
the occasion being his 77th birthday.
The Oregon Congress of Parents
and Teachers has announced that
the next school of instruction for
this area will be held in Hermis
ton Sept. 28 from 10 a. m. to 2 p.
m. at the Westpark school.
It is held for the benefit of of
ficers, committee chairmen and
members interested in attending.
A drivers license examiner from
the secretary of state's office will
Still Have a Few Left Turn-A-Lum
r&fi 5?
We still have an overstock on popular size dcors in a wide choice of woods, so to
get them out of our way, we are marking them way down. Hurry, make your se
lection NOW
3 2-0 x 6-S x 1 3-t Birch Slab, P. G $8.50
1-2 6x6-8 x 1 3.i Birch Slob $10.50
12-6 x 6-3 x 1 3h Birch Slab $9.50
1 2-S k 6-8 x 1 3 8 Birch Slab - $9.50
2 2-0 x 6-S x 1 3 s R. C. Mahogany Slab $9.00
10---2-S x 6-8 x 1 3s R C. Mahoqany Slab $1 1 .00
4- . "3-0 x 6-8 x 1 3ii S. C, Mahogany Slab $22.50
x 6-8 x 1 3s V. G. Fir Slab ... $1 1 .50
42-0 x 6 8 x 1 3h V. G. Fir Slab $9.50
6 2-8x6-8 x 138 V. G. Fir Slab ... $12.50
1 2-6x6-8 x l3s R.C. Fir Slab $8.50
1 0 --2-S x 6-8 x 1 3 s R. C. Fir Slab $9.00
122 8 x 6-8 x 1 3 s 1 panel fir $8.00
Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose 15 OFF
i-Mi in con
be in Heppner at the court house
in Heppner Tuesday, Sept. 29 be
tween the hours of 9:30 a. m.
and 3:30 p. m.
Persons wishing licenses or per
mits are asked to file applicatons
well ahead of closing time to per
mit completion of tests.
Tuesday, September 29 is Our
vi ?53 Estft gjJ tra K3 ss -U J W
-Ma "rr a 1 r ixf&
I rt
-wmaa il mm m m ararngsi
mm mm m pmmn
E33 M
O Hell
Wc Want You To Help Us Celebrate
Double Green Stamps
Free Balloons
Other Prizes
We want to express our thanks and sincere apprecia
tion to all of you who have been our customers since
we took over operation of the station just a year ago.
We value your patronage and we will continue to
make every effort to give you the kind of service and
quality products you have asked for.
alley's Richfield Station
PHONE 6-9212
H i I I i
. ESS than
Federal Excise Tax Paid
Rosewall Motor Co.