Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 17, 1953 Page 7 FOR SALE White enamel wood and coal range, water coils. Priced reasonably. Mrs. Lee Cantwell. South Court St. 27c . SEZ I to myself sez I, Rosewall Motor company is the place to buy. FOR your individual sewer In stallation call Ellis Beeson, Phone 6-9130. Free Estimate. 26-27c FOR SALE House, oneacre of ground, abstract title, nice view, flood proof, suitable to build more houses. See Henry Schulz. 25-27p FOR SALE 1937 Chevrolet pick up. See Willard Herbison 227-28p FORD 1951 Custom Delux fordor, has radio, heater, Fordomatic and other extras, low mileage. Pay $495.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. REGISTERED ANGUs"SALE" 102 HEAD 102 YAKIMA 12 NOON SEPT 19 FAIRGROUNDS This is a complete dispersion- includes 50 bred cows, 10 heifers 40 Calves 2 Sires All tested clean and cows preg nancy examined. Send for Cata log. A wonderful buyers oppor tunity. , FRANK DUNHAM, Owner Kennewick, Washington SI WILLIAMS, Auctioneer Hermiston, Oregon 26-27c THE smart Fords. boys are buying FOR SALE Four bedroom house, 106 Baltimore st. Ray mond McNabb. 25-28p FOR RENT apartment and room with private bath. William L. McCaleb, 101 Gale St. 21p ROSY SAYS: Now that we have the Rodeo and Round-up over we can get back to planting our barley. If you need a truck to haul barley seed or any kind of grain we have some real buys in new and used trucks that will haul anything you load on it. FOR SALE Cotton and burlap sacks each 15c. Cotton com sacks 10c. Walter Jepsen, lone. 27-29p specialTsale . REGISTERED HEREFORDS 49 HEAD 49 HERMISTON, OREGON SEPT. 252:00 P. M. AUCTION YARDS 21 Bulls, Av. 1200 Lbs. 23 Cows, Big Calves 2 Bred Heifers These are good quality and good doing cattle that will make for doing cattle that will make money for you. This is all the Boylen-King owned cattle have not been picked over. BOYLEN & KING, Owners Stanfield-Helix, Oregon. All tested Clean. SI WILLIAMS, Auctioneer 26 -27c BUY YOUR Plumbing supplies from your local plumber. He installs, guarantees and ser vices them, his prices are right. Baker Plumbing and Heating residence phone 6-9964. Member National Association of Plumb ing Contractors. 40tfc Studebaker 1931 equipped with overdrive. This Champion thrift model tudor has new rubber and nice appearance. Pay $435. Oo down. Rosewall Motor Com pany. FOR'SALE Beardless Spray bar ley. Produces good up here. Bill weatherford. 27-29c FOR SALE 100 acres of Prairie1 said day jn tne County Court farmland, 2 miles from Craig-1 Room at tne Court House at Hepp mont. Idaho. Excellent crop ner Oregon as the time and place pro-duction record. ' Write to ( ROBINSON REAL ESTATE, 1418 Main St., Lewiston, Idaho. 26-27c Chevrolet" 1949 fordor, has radio, heater, deep tread tires, new motor. Pay $325.00 down. Rose wall Motor Company. SI WILLIAMS AUCTIONEER LIVESTOCK FARM SALES Bonded Member Nat'l. Auction Association. WESTERN SALE MANAGEMENT Phone 6532 Hermiston Box 87 WATER Well Drilling A. P. De Rosia Contractor. Box 665 Hepp ner orphone 6-9213. 35tfc VEhave tire chains and anti freezing for hunting. Rosewall Motor Co. DR. L. C. RICHEY, Optometrist, 207 S. Main St., Pendleton. Of fice Phone 909. 48tfc rT6FRENT Apartment on Court St. Mrs. A. Q. Thomson. 26-27c FOR S'ALE 1903 Springfield 30 06, slightly customized. G. Hermann Ranch, phone lone, 8-7178. 25tfc PARDON our mentioning it, but it's about time you let Rosewall Motor Company drain and flush your cooling system and fill it up with permanent type antifreeze. You can fill up now at lha tamp nricp VOU will pay after the frost is on the pump- kln Studebaker 1947 pickup with good rubber. Pay $165.00 down. Rose- wall Motor Co. WANTED TO RENT Father and son will lease wheat farm, one ' thousand acres or more for 5 years. Possession this fall. Man 'as ,l ,o "'"-"tithe right to waive any inform- farming f. Write Box 131 ; 0nd, received whenever View, Idaho. Gilbert Rober son . , , , f "v LOST Ladies Elgin gold wrist watch with initials E. D. F. Reward. Return to Fulleton Chevrolet company. 27c FOR SALE Residence. Mrs. A. Q. Thomson. 26-27c BUY guaranteed Atlas tires from Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Dining room set con sisting table, buffet and six chairs. At Brownlow's at K St. and Alder. No Phone Calls. 25tfc IT doesn t matter how mucn you have been paying for automo biles you owe it to yourself to take a ride in the new 1953 Ford. BIG WHOLESALE MEAT sale at the Green's Food Lockers in Hermiston. We sell meats in packages from 5 lbs. up. The best steer and heifer beef in the west, half or whole beef 25c per lb. and up for your lockers and freezers. Phone 6577 or residence 2711, Hermiston. 25 -27c Porcelainize and ride with pride. Phone 6-9152 for an appoint ment to have this beauty treat ment put on your car. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 3-plus acres on Balm Forks road within city limits. Write K. Huffstutter, 7740 Lo bert street, Castro Valley, Calif. 24-27p FOR RENT small store or office building. Formerly Telephone building. Western Auto Supply, deakr,Phone6:9234: lltfc WE will give your car a bath for , $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company.' LOANS ON STOCK AND WHEAT, RANCHES AUTHORIZED MORTGAGE LOAN BROKERS for Prudential Insurance Company of America DODD INVESTMENT CO See or Call PHONE 6178 HERMI'STON, ORE NEED FINANCING? Our ABC financing plan is available for anything we sell, lumber, build ing supplies, tools, paints etc., in amounts up to $1,000. No down payment, up to 36 months to pay. Ask us at Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp ner 6-9212. 7tfc YOUR car will last longer if you let Rosewall Motor Company lubricate it regularly. Has your car had its RPM lubrication this month, CHECK Sewer pipe prices with me. Baker Plumbing and Heat ing Co. Phone 6-9964. Heppner 18tfc Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Patrick McAvay, de ceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, his final account of his administration of the es tate of said deceased and said Court has fixed Monday, the 5th day of October, 1953 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of for hearing objections to said final! account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections to said final 'account or the settlement of said estate are hereby required to file, such objections with said eourtieci sucn trust, ah persons naving on or before the time fixed for! claims against the said estate said hearing. Dated and first published this 3rd dav of September, 1953. JAMES FARLEY, Administrator Jos. J. Nys, Attorney for Administrator 25 -29c TIM BEROITsaTeT UN ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. Timber marked or otherwise designated for cut ting will be offered for sale as follows: Bids on tracts as here after designated as ORAL or SEALED BIDS may be delivered in person to the office of the District Forester at Pilot Butte Inn, Bend, Oregon. If bids are mailed, they should be addressed to P. O. Box 705, Bend, Oregon. All bids must be received either in said office or P. O. Box prior to 2:00 P.M. PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on SEPTEMBER 18, 1953. Information concerning condi tions of the sale including such items as qualification of bidders, procedure for submitting bidsjment of said estate and all per road access, marketing area re-sons having objections to said quirements, payments, and type of bond required, should be ob - tained prior to the sale from the above-mentioned office. The! right is hereby reserved to waive i technical defects in this adver- tisement and to reject any or all; bids. The United States reserves the United States All volumes given are estimates and may be more or less than the actual amounts. IN MORROW COUNTY, ORE GON: PUBLIC DOMAIN: ORAL AUCTION: All timber designated for cutting on SEli SEi, Sec. 35 T. 3 S., R 28 E., W. M.. SE'iNEVi, N'iSEU. Sec. 1; NEKNEV4. Sec. 15.T. 4 S., R. 28 E., W. M., estimat ed for the purpose of this sale to be 298 M bd. ft. marked Ponder osa Pine, 49 M bd. ft. marked Douglas Fir, 9 M bd. ft. marked White Fir, 2M bd. ft. marked Larch. No bid for less than $22.10 per M. bd. ft. for the marked Ponderosa Pine, $8.10 per M. bd. ft. for the marked Douglas Fir, $3.10 per M. bd. ft. for the marked White Fir, $8.10 per M. bd ft. for the marked Larch, or a total pur chase price of $7,026.80, will be considered. Minimum deposit with bid $750.00. 24-27C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Marie Monahan was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Morrow, the executrix of the estate of Frank Monahan, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly verified, to said executrix at the law office nf Jus. .T Nvs. at Ttpnn- l1(,r 0rPKon, within six months from (he da(e hereof Date(, an(, first pubisIl0d this 27lh day of August 1953 MARIE MONAHAN, Executrix Jos. J. Nys, Attorney for Executrix. 24-28c "notice of sale in the county court of the state of oregon for the county of morrow. In the Matter of the Estate of Alice Gentry, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That by virtue of an Order of the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, duly made and entered of re cord on the 31st day of August, 1953, in the matter of the above entitled Estate, the undersigned Administrator of said Estate, will on and after the 5th day of Oct., 1953, offer for sale and sell at private sale the following de scribed real property belonging to the said Estate, to-wit: 81 feet of the West end of Lot 6 Block 1, Looney's Addition to the City of Heppner, save and except the following described property, to-wit: Beginning 300 feet West and 225 feet North from the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block 2, of Johnson's Ad dition to the City of Heppner, running thence East 25 feet, thence North 122.76 feet, thence West 25 feet, thence South 122. 76 feet to the place of begin ning, all being in the City of Heppner, County of Morrow, State of Oregon. The Sale will take place at the law office of Mahoney and Fan cher, Collins Building, Heppner, Oregon. Harry Munkers Administrator Mahoney and Fancher Attornevs for Administrator I 25-?8c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given thai the undersigned has been duly ap- 'pointed executrix of the estate of Raymond McDonald, deceased. by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and nas accept- are hereby required to present the same to the executrix at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publi cation of this notice. Dated and first published at Heppner, Oregon, this 27lh day of August, 1953. elvira Mcdonald Executrix. 24 28c NOTICE OF FINAL-ACCOUNT- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, executrix of the es tate of Albert Wilkinson, de ceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final ac count of her administration of the estate of said deceased and said Court has fixed Monday, the 12th day of October, 1953 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the County Court Room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settle- i final account or the settlement lof said estate are hereby re quired to file such objections with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing, Dated and first published this 17th day of September, 1953. MYRTLE E, SMITH Executrix Jos. J. Nys Attorney for Executrix 27-31C NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Trobate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, executor of the estate of DAVID A. WILSON, deceased, and all persons .having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified by law to the executor at the law office of Ma honey & Fancher ot Heppner, Oregon, within six months from i the date hereof. DATED and FIRST PUBLISHED this 17th day of September, 1953. ALVA W. JONES, Executor MAHONEY & FANCHER Attorneys for Executor Heppner, Oregon 27-31c COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Court Proceedings for the Month of August, 1953. The Court passed a resolution authorizing Garnet Barratt to execute and sign all documents and papers necessary in perfect ing said application commonly known as the Hill-Bartcn Act, for financial assistance in the con struction of an addition to the Pioneer Memorial hospital. The Court ordered the transfer of $8,538.52 in the Motor License Fund to the General Road Fund. The Court ordered the payment of $690.00 to the Oregon State Game Commission as Morrow County's contribution for Preda tory Animal Control. This amount is to be matched by an equal amount from the State Game Commission. The Court ordered the pay ment of $910.00 to the State Treasurer as Morrow County's contribution for Predatory Animal Control, to be matched by State Department of Agriculture. The Court ordered the follow ing Bangs' Disease Control claims paid: Nels H. Kristensen $8.00; David B. Johnston $28.00; W. Howard Cleveland $152.00; Wil liam C. Van Winkle $20.00; Otto Ruhl $18.00; John J. Glavey $112.00; Harry T. O'Donnell $14.98 and John Mealy Estate $36.00. Warrants Issued on the General Fund: Sadie Pnrrish, Deputy $ 198.00 Sylvia McDnniel, Deputy 177.51 Joyce Buschke, Office Clerk 182.37 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy 249.87 Martha Tapanainen, Health Nurse 279.85 Barbara Ware, Office Clerk 77.10 A. J. Chaffee, Janitor . 262.12 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Physician 24.37 Herbert W. White, Jr. Court Reporter 73.12 William E. Garner, Jus tice of Peace 73.12 J. O. Hager, Justict of Peace 149.87 Gustave Fisher, Just ice .of Peace " 24.37 Calvin C. Carson, Weed Control 260.05 Garnet Barratt, County Court 95.19 Ralph I. Thompson County Court 74.33 Public Employes Retire ment System, Salaries $63.65; Social Security $162.86 226.51 State Industrial Accident Commission; Sheriff $1.88; Sheriff Salary 31c; Deputy Salary 31c; Courthouse $1.36; Jani tor 31c; Weed Control $1.20 11.37 City of Heppner, Water Dept., Courthouse 12.14 First National Bank of Portland. Salaries 505.25 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 133.99 Northwest Hospital Ser vice, Salaries 79.10 H. Tamblyn, County Court 5.00 Frank Stationery and Printing Co., Clerk 22.33 Henderson Office Sup ply, Clerk . 3.85 Kilham Stationery and Printing Co., Treasurer 27.94 Henderson Office Supply, Nurse's Incidentals 18.68 The Grolier Soc. Inc. Nurse's Incidentals 3.64 Nursing Outlook, Nurse's Incidentals 6.501 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Nurse's Incidentals 20.43 Court Street Market, Jail 7.63 Baker Plumbing and Heating Co. Jail Repairs 7.30 Pacific Power and Light Co., Courthouse 68.11 The Heppner Laundry, Courthouse 88 Herman Green, Courthouse 3.00 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, Current Ex pense 106.62 Alex H. Thompson, Cir cuit Court 24.32 Bradley D. Fancher, Dis. trict Attorney 31.00 Bradley D. Fancher, Dis. trict Attorney 14.42 Lulu M. Hager, Co. Regis trar 35.00 Heppner Gazette Times, j Official Publication I $91.89: Election $9.25 . 101.14! I Fir A n M,.fnrri,i I Mentally 111 io.00 Gilliam and Bisbee, Courthouse 18.02 I Heppner Hardware and j Electric Co., Courthouse 5.57: Thomson Bros., Jail 20.39 C. W. Barlow, Clerk, I Current Expense 5.50, Nels H. Kristensen, Bangs' Disease Control 8.00 Lexington Implement Co., Weed Control 1794.55 Ray Vinnard, Courthouse 25.00 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff, I Stamp and Envelope I Fund 25.00 Martha Tapanainen, i Nurse's Incidentals 10.50 Warrants Issued on the General Road Fund: Jack Slocum $ 317.70 Eldon Shannon 263.15 Wm. Cunningham 324.77 Dean Gilman 313.05 George Irvln 292.31 Walter Corley 262.67 Dick Borman 305.22 Anderson Hayes 270.11 Fred Booker 270.11 Austin Wilson 286.51 Thoral Broadus 232.65 H. Sherer 355.89 Donald Munkers 327.42 Walter Coleman 178.98 Ray Bailey 262.66 Harold Wilson 332.22 William Heath 327.42 Lewis Ball 337.86 City of Heppner, Water FULLETON'S BEST USED CAR BUYS 51 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, Power-Glide, radio and heater. $1435 1948 Jeepster- Popular model Willys $600 1946 Ford Convertible. New top. $695 1941 Chevrolet 2 door sedan $325 Trucks - Pickups 1948 Ford 2 ton truck with new eng. $1300 1951 Ford Half ton pickup with 4 speed transmission $1150 1952 Chevrolet Half ton pickup $1550 1951 GMC ton pickup, radio and heater, engine Just over hauled $1225 1952 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup $1450 Day or Night Towing Service Phone 6-9921 FULLETON Chevrolet Co. Dept 8.75 O. C. Yokum Co. 31X30.00 First National Bank of Portland 618.30 Arthur Allen 32.15 Umatilla Electric Co op. . 1.00 Pacific Power and Light Co 11.48 Lexington Oil Co op 72 Union Oil Co 1056.23 Boardman Supply Co. .. . .65 Pendleton Grain Grow ers, Inc. 6.75 Northwest Industrial Laundry Co 1.80 Clyde Equipment Co. 47.20 Schetky Equipment Corp. 209.01 Black Mountain Lumber Co. 422.50 State Industrial Accident Comm 196.26 Public Employes Retire ment System 97.71 Northwest Hospital Ser vice 82.80 Delwin O. Nelson 300.00 C. W. Barlow, Co. Clerk 5.65 Barratt Sales Co. 670.60 Farley Motor Co. 213.38 Pendleton Auto Parts 71.84 Heppner Auto Parts 89.20 D. H. Jones and Son 16.25 Lexington Implement Co. 215.66 Akers Motor Service 7.50 Foster Motor Co. 171.60 Heppner Hardware and Electric Co. 6.53 Rocket Equipment Co 24.71 Fulleton Chevrolet Co. ... 17.40 Nelson Equipment Co. . 30.90 Jack Allen Supply Co. . 57.72 Gilliam and Bisbee . 240.65 Rosewall Motor Co. 131.78 Boardman Supply Co. 5.25 Empire Machinery Co. . .. 1273.47 Industrial Air Products . 9.75 Beall Pipe and Tank BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Heppner City ! Meets First Monday VOUnCII Ech Month Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Ph. 6-9618 BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE In Settles Electric Phone 6-9201 4m W it M Hi Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Lex. Center 2nd Tuesday lone Center 3rd Tuesday SEWING MACHINES Sales Service Accessories Free Home or Store Demonstration 2nd and 4th Wednesdays GILLIAM 4 BISBEE FRIGIDAIRE Sales and Service Repairing on all makes HEPPNER REFRIGERATION PHONE 6-9223 Nlte or Holidays Phone 6-9G5G PLUMBING & HEATING Steam Fitting GILLIAM & BISBEE Earle Gilliam, Plumber Phone 6-9433 or 6-9780 - JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O.TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND FANCHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-9210 Off. Ph. 6-69616 A.D. McMurdo, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon SANDERS ' Insurance Agency Harold A. Sanders Jr. All Lines of General Ins. Hotel Heppner Bldg. Corp 1514.55 Feenaughty Machinery Co 54.42 Paul G. Pettyjohn 160.00 Pendleton Heppner Freight 8.18 Warrants Issued on the Miscel laneous Fund: Harold Dobyns, Rodent Fund $ 91.70 Harold Dobyns, Coyote Bounty Fund 54.00 Public Employes Retire ment System, Rodent Fund 1.50 Northwest Hospital Ser vice, Rodent Fund 5.80 Herman Green, Dog Fund 4.00 Glen Merritt, Coyote Bounty Fund 3.00 Oregon State Game Com mission, Rodent Fund . 690.00 Sig Unander, State Treas., Rodent Fund 910.00 Fred Ellsworth, Coyote Bounty Fund 3.00 Wm. Nichols, Coyote Bounty Fund 6.00 O. E. Wright, Coyote Bounty Fund 6.00 Boardman News Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Bishop spent the weekend in La Grande with the Don Tannehill family. Mrs. Bishop left Wednesday with her brother and siser-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chronicle, The Dalles, on a two weeks trip which will take them to Waterloo, Iowa, where they will visit the Chroni cles' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chronicle and family. - ZAAT&SONS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS MacNamee Residence Chase Street OUR ADVICE: Worth Much, costs Nothing for all occasions MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP GENERAL Carpenter Work Louie's Workshop Formerly Bailey's Cabinet Shop CLIFFORD M. WAGNER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 103 Gale St. Phone 6-9114 t . . Call Settles Electric for all kinds of Electrical Work New and Repair Shop phone 6-9201 At Case Apt. Bldg. Res. Phone 6-5315 J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon PLUMBING BAKER PLUMBING AND HEATING Frank Baker, Owner No Job Too Small or Too Large ESTIMATES FREELY GIVEN Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Ofllce In Petsn Building- C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS -MARKERS- See Oliver Creswick Phelps Funeral Home - mm