Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 17, 1953 Page 4 Baby Shower Honors Mrs. E. K. Schaffitz A baby shower honoring Mrs. Edward Schaffitz was given by Mrs. Robert Penland at her home Wednesday afternoon, September 9. An appropriately decorated cake and coffee were served to the following guests; Mesdames Raymond Ferguson, P. W. Ma honey, Stephen Thompson, John Pfeiffcr, Tom Wilson, Howard Reed, Jeff Carter, Emil Groshens and the honored guest. Gifts were sent by Mrs. Claude Gra ham, Mrs. Orville Smith, and Mrs. Oscar George. Carnation Club Has Birthday Party The regular monthly meeting of the Carnation Club was held at the home of Mrs. Lincoln Nash Thursday, September 10. A diversion of the afternoon was a birthday party in honor of members whose birthdays had occurred during the months of July, August, and September. Mrs. Pete McMurtry, Mrs. Lincoln Nash and Mrs. Millard Nolan were presented with gifts. Mrs. Pete McMurtry assisted Mrs. Nash in serving the after noon refreshments. RECEPTION FOR LEXINGTON TEACHERS A reception will be held in honor of the teachers of the Lex ington school on Friday evening Sept. 18 at 8:00 p. m. in the high school auditorium at Lex ington. Everyone is urged to at tend. o USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS JUSTIN New Shipment Holgate IS Holgate toys are designed with the young child in mind for they not only entertain, but they educate. Our big new shipment will give you oppor tunity to choose just the toy for your child. Ideal as gifts, too! A Few of Our Many Models Wiqqly-Push . .1.25 Binao Bed 2.00 Tumble Cart ... 2.00 Rodeo Train ... 5.00 Mechanics Kit . 3.00 Just Arrived Fresh Shipment BROWN Cr HALEY And SOCIETE Candy 1.50 To 3.70 PHIL'S PHARMACY PHIL BLARNEY, Owner Monument Church Dedication Set For October 11 By MUie Wilson The Dedication of the new Church building will be October 11th with Dr. G. Henry Green as speaker. The Anniversary Leie bration this year will be in the form of a dinner, which will fol low Sunday School service on October 11th. It is hoped that all who are interested in the church will be here to enjoy this dinner. In October the Presbyterian Church will begin its second fifty years as an organized church in Monument. The Presbytery will be held in the naw church Octo ber 13th and 14th. This is the first Presbytery that has ever been held in Monument. There will be about forty invited guests here for the occasion that will need sleeping quarters and at least one meal. If there are any in Monument who can furnish either, please contact Onida Cork. Ladies Aid met at the home of Olive Cox last Tuesday with ten present. Three were visitors. Mrs. Weeks, nf Salem came with her daughter, Mildred Beardsley; Mrs. Moffett of - Eugene came with her daughter, Naomi Hook er; Mrs. Russell came with Ann Kimmel. Others present were: Doris Capon who had the devo tional hour, Effie Wedgeworth, Millie WHson and Olive Cox. The next meeting will be held at the home of Lydia Capon. It is at the a pot-luck luncheon after which the ladies will gather and husk ground cherries which will be sold at the Harvest Sale for the church. Winter is getting close and still more money is needed for the heating system for the church. Mrs. Anna Lesley received word September 9th, of the death of her brother, Wallace Jackson in Springfield. Mr. Jackson had been ill in the Veterans hospital for several months, but at the time of his death, he was at the home of his brother in Spring field. Mrs Lesley and her daugh ter, Leila Sloan of Long Creek, left Thursday to attend the fune ral services. Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Neal on Sunday. Itufus Bible of Portland has been a cuest of Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt for the past week. Charles Kent of Dayville has been remodeling Mrs. Mamie Fer gersen's house. Mrs. Mascall, Mrs. Chennouth. Mrs. Floyd Fer gersen and Mrs. Lottie Foss papered one day for Mrs. Fer gersen. Otts and Ellen Stubblefield, Tunis and Beulah Rounds, Ireta Ann Round, and Rufus Bible were dinner guests of George and Grace Stirritt on Sunday. Ed and Goldie Round had as their guests for Sunday dinner, Nick and Letha Bonnifiach and Olive and Grace Wright of Fox, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and son Gary of Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Campbell of Kimberly are the proud parents of a baby boy born at the Prairie City hospital September 9. This is the Campbell's second child Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pepiot of Springfield were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Capon. Mr. Pepiot is a cousin of Mrs. Capon's mother, Mrs. Rex Sweek. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cork drove to Areata, California last Monday to visit their daughter and son in- low, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lesley. They took a trailer load of the Lesley's household goods to them. Mr. and Mrs. Lesley recently pur chased a home in Areata. Rex Sweek drove to Ileppner last Thursday to help his son, Ned move from the apartment to Prove FREE Muscular Pains Relieved In Few Minutes With Doctoi'i External Prcicription Moke This 24 Hr. Test Ve MfSCLE-Ill'B for (hose (trod, cli!iiK all-owl' Muscular pallia. Ml'S-CLE-IU'B give fa.s(, southing relief from all hhkhuis.' pains Hml ailien. Apply MUSCLE-Kl'B gtnlly on sore, mhlng spots, and enjoy that Instant soothing warm rcln-f that thousands of Ml'SCLkMtl'B usora have known and praised for years. No Internal dosing. No ting. Ml'SCLE-Hl'B differs from c fash ioned liniments and rubs. Leaves no unpleasant odor. To (ret safe, quick relief, simply apply this pleasantly scented liquid KXTKKN ALLY where ever you feel pain limbs, joints, shoulders, neck. back. Note how much more comfortable you feel all day, how many hours of restful sleep you get at night. Don't be unprepared when pain strikes. Keep a bottle of iU'SCLE HUB handy at all times. Money Back Guarantee Ge( Muscle-Rub today from your Druggist. I'se half the bottle. It you are not delighted with results, return what's left to your Druggist, who will cheerfully refund your money. Itegular sl bottle $1 2b. You save when buying the large Economy i'2 'ii size. a house on the Harold Evans' Auxj: nrv Meet S At ranch. Mrs. f.-veek Is staying "XIIIQry VeeTS AM with her daughter, Doris Capon MahoneV Home TnUrS. while Mr. Sweek Is away. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conture and" . ,e f ta. meeti"g fFne daughter Peggy Sue, of Fossil, I A11 s Auxiliary of the Epta Mrs Trella Boggs and friend ofl Church was held at the Tillamook and Mr. and Mrs. Rex I me of Mrs P W Mahoney, Sweek were all dinner guests ofi Thursday September 10. Mr. and Mrs. George Capon on It was announced that every September 6th. Mrs. Conture, 'first Thursday of the month Mrs. Boggs and Mrs. Capon are! would be a business session and ddorc anrt Mr nnrt Mrs Rev I the next meeting would be a Sweek are their parents. Mrs. Sylvia Spain took Mrs. Pauline Sweek and daughter, Sonja to Heppner last Thursday. Ron in whn recentlv snent seve ral days in the Memorial hospital present in Heppner, returned for her final check-up so she could start to school. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Riley were business visitors in John Day last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Round and daughter Ireta Ann, of missionary meeting held Septem ber 24 in the vestry of the parish house at 3:00 p. m. Refreshments were served by the hostess to twenty members Boardman News By Flossie Coats Mr. and Mrs. Edd Barlow and daughters Carma and Bonnie, Long spent Saturday night in Board- Creek were visiting friends and man with relatives on their way relatives in Monument last Sun-to DelMonte, Calif., where Mr. day. Barlow will enter the California Mrs. Sim Andrus and son Den- Baptist Bible College for a four nis of Pendleton spent the week- year course. Saturday evening a end with her grandparents, Mr.' family dinner was given at the Mrs. F lorence home for the Bar lows. Families represented all through the afternoon and even ing were besides the hostess and Barlows, Mr. and Mrs. Truman and Mrs. Henry Durst. The Monument schools opened September 2 with a full staff of teachers in both grade school and gis.ered thirty-five students. All Messenger Sr., Gerry, Carrol and the teaching staff are new 'nBet y Messenger, Lexington Mr. Monument except grade school' an Mrs. Truman Messenger, Jr principal Vernon Peterman. The." daughters Hermiston Mr. Irimary teacher Maydeette Hin-'an' Mrs. Albert Mather Mr. on and the high school assistant f Mn, Dale Mackey Arling and coach, Darrell Hawes. This ton. Oregon; Mr and Mrs Dale week being Institute for the Macomber and daughters Sacra- teachers, the children are enjoy-1 nt. "n" Mrs' lvea intz a holiday CorvalHs, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A Cupper took her Max Deweese. Grandview, Wash, daughter, Sharon to John Day Mrs. Vernon Root and sons Cup Tuesday to have the stitches l's a" dMa"r'Ce' Athe"f 1 Mrna"d removed from her jaw. They were M. Z. J. Gillespie and son Don nnsnioH hv Mrs TmWs aid and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mother, Mrs. Murd Stubblefield. Coats- Boardman. Trenton Morrow of Long Creek MeiT0T!LTJ0Jt drove to Portland last Tuesday , returning home September 12th Mr. and Mrs. Barlow and Wash., Sunday to visit a brother Mr. Unas. Bariow wno Jack Sweek, assistant manager a Pa,tl(lnt the Wa la Walla suffering with an injured leg. Boardman school students en of the Columbia Power Co-op, drove to Salem September 6th to attend a radio school for one week. Mrs. Edna Moore and Darlene Boyer brought Anita Cork and in fant son home from the hospital in John Day last Thursday. Joava Enright and Thelma Williams were hostesses at a pink and blue shower honoring Lillian Stubblefield. There were twenty six present and many who could not attend sent presents. Games were the source of entertainment. Mrs. Lucille Ross and Mrs. Reta Cupper won the two first prizes. Mrs. Eva Moline and Lucille Ross won the second prizes. Yvonne Stubblefield assisted the guest of joyed the four day holiday while the teachers attended the Insti tute meeting Monday and Tues day in La Grande, Oregon. Mr. Glen Carpenter accompan ied by Orville Carpenter, Uma tilla, left Friday by plane for honor when she opened her gifts. Cake and ice cream were served as refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Saddler and Mr .and Mrs. Joe Mellor, Joe Ben and Jay Standerfer were among those from Monument to attend the Pendleton Roundup on Saturday. Florence, Kansas to attend the funeral of Orville's father and Glen Carpenter's brother, Mr.1 Lewis Carpenter. Week guests at the Dwight Hulit home was Mr. Hulit's bro-1 ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hulit and sons, Hills-' boro, Mrs. Martha Flannagan and granddaughter Marvel Gage, Coos Bay, Oregon. The party at tended the Pendleton Round-Up while here. i A2c Bob Sicard and Sgt Ralph Watts, Larson Air Force Base, Wash., were Sunday guests at the home of A2c Sicard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sicard. The boys also attended the 14th birth day party Sunday of A2c Sicard's sister Maxine Sicard. Other guests at the Sicard home for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam O'Connell, Portland, who took in the Round-Up. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stevens, Port land were weekend guests at the home of Mr. Stevens' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zivney. i Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kunz enter tained this weekend their two sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. I Edd McClellen, Rosemary and Gary McClellen, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kunze and child-! ren, also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Al word, Kennewick; Edd McClellen and family, Portland; Cora and Dick Duelen, Hermiston. Mrs.1 Ervin Flock entertained the group Saturday afternoon with a lawn party honoring Gary Mc Clellen on his birthday. Mr. andMrs. Russell Miller motored to Portland Monday for the day. Sunday dinner guests at the Blanche Jones home was her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Denny, Seattle, also the other son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zerba and children, Pendleton. The Dennys went home with the Zerbas for a day, before returning to their home Tuesday. 'Jim Newman spent Monday and Tuesday in La Grande with his moher, Mrs. Lafe Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Garner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey West and family spent several days at Lehman Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shannon motored to Weiser, Idaho to at tend the funeral of Mr. Shan non's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Benson with Sgt. Dick Kirmse motored to Redmond Sunday, spending the day at the Peterson Rock Gardens also visiting Mr. Benson's grand niece, Miss Ceila Jeffers. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber motored to Pendleton Tuesday afternoon, taking their grandson, Pat Petteys home after spending the vacation days with his grandparents. New Resilient Floors Moke Foil Cleaning Easier Nowadays i nesary to pnd much timt and effort o keep floors sparkling . . . Armstrong's Rstilitnf Floors simplify houn cleaning oil year 'round. ARMSTRONG'S LINOLEUM If housccleaning is taking a lot of your time, remember that Armstrong's Linoleum needs only a liglit dusting daily and an occasional washing and waxing to keep it like new. See the new styles.here now-Carpetone, Spatter, Swedish Modern, Coloi tone, and others. r-5' V i- i 7, A III! $i : iWFfViim'm III It '; 'Jlam'zmi (J E II f m!m f; Jf 11$ f j ,tf I f " m Case Furniture Co. Use Gazette Times Classifieds For Results! Hbu &m 20 li ji Wfmm iU $ 1M mm 2556 63 :HfafigUfc.V' -T,'oiiJ'.".,v. ."VV'.-:.v: Tw S? mmmMMm -a,5jall Why just look and sigh and pass up so much real automobile? Why when this big and beautiful new Buick Special delivers for the surpris ingly low price shown here? Could be you're one of those folks w ho still don't believe that the price of a Buick really is just a few dollars more than that of the so-called "low-priced" cars. So here we show our car and price to prove it. But beyond that w hat you get in this great Buick, for so small a step-up in what you pay, is plenty. More power. Fireball 8 power. The highest horsepower and compression ratio ever placed in a Buick Special. More room. Real six-passenger room even by man-size measurement. More comfort. The solid comfort of Buick's Million Dollar Ride with coil spring cushioning on all four wheels, wide-tread stability, torque-tube steadiness. More pleasure. The pleasure of high visibility, of luxurious fabrics and fit tings, of superbly easy handling and the deep satisfaction of bossing a big and able and stunningly styled auto mobile that does you proud wherever you go. Why not drop in on us and see things for yourself? That way you'll also learn about the long list of "extras" you get at no extra cost in this spirited new 1953 Buick Special things that most other cars of similar price charge for as extras. Can you make it this week? local delivered price of the 1953 BUICK SPECIAL 2-Door 6-Passenger Sedan Model 48D (illustrated) Optional quipmenl, occe:ioiei, ttai and local foxti. If any, additional. Prices may vary tttghtty in adjoining coin muni ties duo fo shipping charges. All prices subecf Jo change without noflct. See The TV FoofbaI Gome of the Week every Saturday" a General Motors Key Event THE GREATEST IN 50 GREAT YEARS WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK Will BUILD THEM Farley Pontiac Company Muscle-Rub At Your Druj Start