Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 10, 1953, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner flnzatte iTimesJhursday, September 10y 1953
Social Happenings . . .
, kc s ' vis f ; la
Rainbow For Girls
Elect New Officers
iiiK service, "Walking With the
Uplifted Christ," by the pastor.
The evening service begins at
7:30. the sermon "Unshamed,"
also bv the pastor.
The choir will hold its practice
at 8 p. m. on Thursday, basket
The Rainbow for Girls held
their first fall meeting on wn-
riav evening September 7.
New officers elected were Joan dinner next Sunday, ana since it
Keithlev worthy advisor; Mary is to be, "Back to Church Sunday"
Ruth Green, associate worthy ad ; there will be an appropriate gift
,,ior. iw wii'htman. Charitv: ! for the person who has the most
Carolvne Calvin, Hope; Ida Sue relatives present.
Stratton Faith. ; t"lm Sl mn" 1
Appointive officers will be an-1 Tuesday evemngjU 8 p. m.
nonnced later, installation or oi
ficers will be held at the next
meeting Monday September 11.
David George Has
Seventh Birthday
Lester D. Boulden, Minister
! Sunday School 9:45.
Morning Worship 11:00.
; Sermon Topic "The Great
i King". A note from church:
"Having a wondcrlul time, wish
Hoot-en. son of Mr
Mrs. W. O. George, celebrated his you were here!"
seventh birthday Tuesday Sep
tember 8 with a party for sixteen
of his friends.
Those prerent were Larry, Bob
bv and Marlene Fetseh; Dennis.
Darrell and Gary Dick; Judy
Groshens; Neal Penland; Sheryl
Hart man: Dennis, Diane and
TZZocme, the live girls' tune during the recent , Linda Warren; Diane anl Ruby
: 1:1 !Jm. ..i,,!,. wilmfl Hua, Pd McMillsn, Queen Elise BauernleiniCaio I Fulleton; Kit GeorRe and David
i wvcRs, """ ' ' V, (Photo by Delpha Jones)
; Ann Wiglesworth and Beth Ball. LlZlZIl .
Charles Nickersons
Celebrate Golden
Wedding at Board man
By Flossie Coats
Boardman The Golden Wed
fling of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Nickerson was celebrated Tues
day evening September 1st, 1953.
When the community folk gath
ered at the Grange hall for an
evening honoring the couple
with congratulations and pro
gram. ! After the couple and family
were seated, a program of the
following numbers was present
ed. "The Old Flowers", Mrs.
Hugh Brown; The family history,
read by Mrs. Margaret Klitz. This
was written by Mrs. Seth Russell
from information gathered from
the family; saxophone solo,
"Whispering Hope", Connie
Baker; vocal solos, "I Love You
Truly" and "Oh Proimse Me", Bar
bara Eades; Mock wedding, at
tendants Mrs. T. W. Rippee and
Buster Rands, with Anita Garner
flower girl and Dick Walker ring
bearer; with Justice of Peace W.
E. Garner reading the ceremony.
i Mr. and Mrs. Nickerson was
then presented with a' chrome
Sining set and floor lamp, a
rift from the family and com
munity, also many other beauti
iul gifts.
i The bridal couple and their
'amily was ushered into the din-
Coming Events
ing room where a three tiered
wedding cake decked the center
table. After the bride cut the
were beautifully decorated in 32- ES
white and gold flowers. The fol- Monday Sept. 14 Chamber ot
lowing assisted with the prepara-j commerce, noon at O'Donnells
tion: nrocram. Mrs. Russell Mil- Tuesday Sept 15 American Leg-
ler, Mrs. Seth Russell; guest book, ion auxiliary
Mrs. Leo Root; cutting and serv- Thursday Sept. 17 Soroptimists,
ing the wedding cake, Mrs. noon at o'Donnell's
Claud Coats and Mrs. R. B. Friday Sept. 18 Salmon dinner,
Rands; dining tables, Mrs. Chas. Christian church
Anderegg, Mrs. Willard Baker and sans Souci Rebekah lodge
Mrs. John Walker; Kitcnen, Mrs.
George the guest of honor.
Soroptimists Hold
Business Meeting
John R. Reeves. Rector
8:00 a. m. Holy Communion
9:-ir a. m. Church school
11:00 a. in. Morning Prayer
7:00 p. m Young People's Fel
lowship First Sunday of Month Choral
Holy Communion
Wed. 10 a. in. Holy Communion
Wed. 1:00 p. ni. Junior Choir
Thurs. 8:00 p. m. Choir practice
Rally Day at the All Saints
Episcopal church,- originally
scheduled for next Sunday has
been postponed until Sept. 20,
Rev. John R. Reeves announced
this week.
will love yy
STANTON ticK,Mf r'yrZvi
ffi$X .Ail i c4, ""';
The Soroptimist club met Thurs
day September 3 at O'Donnell's
for their regular monthly busi
ness meeting.
Committee reports were read
and the project committee out
lined four projects for this month.
It was announced that Stewart
Hardie, Condon, Senator for the
18th district will speak to the
club on Thursday, Sept. 10.
Final plans were discussed fon husbaruJ Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Par
the float to be entered in the!,.,,,.
rv i.
rodeo parade on Saturday.
Mrs. John Clouston and daugh
ter Mrs. Cason Cahill of Portland
were over night visitors Wednes
day at the home of her sister and
Tu.lt mi, li of OntiJa Lid.
Give sterling to crown her happiness on the day ... to grace
her table and enrich her life forever. A stunning, new design
Reigning Beautv lends aristocratic charm and simple ele
gancevhi'iover used. Four other young spirited patterns to
suit the most discriminating taste. In complete services r
easy to-give Place Settings starling at $29.75. Individual
pieces for as little as $3.50. Federal tax included. Choice of
11. H. or Flat Spreaders for same price.
J. O. Peterson, Jeweler
Lee Harwood, Mrs. Lmma ue-
lano, Mrs. Ralph Earwood and Degree Ot MOnOr nQS
Mrs. I. T. Pearson. Back-tO-School Party
Relatives present were Mrs.
Esther Knight and daughter, The regular meeting of the
Fdna. Boardman. their son and Deerce of Honor was held Tues-
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. day evening at the civic center !j0NE NazARENE CHURCH
Willard Nickerson and son, Ray- building with the theme for the,
m'ond, Boise, Idaho, a son-in-law meeting being "back to school! Sunday school at 10:C0 a. rn.
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- days." j f Morning service Sunday at 11 1
ert Hilder and sons, Gary and Everyone was instructed to o'clock. 1
Bradford, San Bernadino, Calif., come dressed as they were when Prayer meeting will be held as
Mr. Nickerson's two sfsters, Mrs. they went to school and games , usual at 8 p. m. Thursday.
Ethel Nethercott, Jackson, Wyo., that had been played during Avail yourself of this oppor-!
Mrs. Will Heath and Mr. Heath, school days were enjoyed after tunity of hearing the gospel in
Whiteberg, Idaho and their grand- the meeting. Isong and word. All are welcome,
rianrrtitpr violet Kav Heath, also Those winning nrizes were Mrs. I
hi? cousin, Mrs. Clara Vail, Poca- Gladys Connor, Mrs. Dorothy Ap-1 CHRISITIAN CHURCH
tello, Idaho, a, sister-in-law, Mrs. plegate and Miss Mary Ann Jen-1 Karl L. Soward. Pastor
Myrtel Friekey, Pendleton, and sen. Refreshments were served Bible school at 9:45. The junior
Mrs. Nickerson's cousin, He her by Mrs. Bill Farra and Theta high and high school are to have
Booth, Woodland, Calif. Stratton. j charge of the opening service at
o ! this hour.
Tfin Tnnoc i a on in VI Tiff ft USE rJAZETTE TIMES Mornine worship is at 11:00
vacation on the coast.
o'clock. The sermon at the morn-
You're "sitting pretty"
behind the wheel
Take this Bel Air model. First
thing you'll notice is the qual
ity of the interior. Rich-looking
appointments. Roomy seats
with foam rubber cushions.
Turn the key to start the engine
and you're ready to go.
This demonstration was worth
many hundreds of dollars to me!
I thought, only a higher-priced car would
suit me. But then I found out how much
more Chevrolet offered for how much less!
-1 K ?
I miM m
i W
:' -4 :
fb tr.,v Mh.v4&
You can see all around
You look out and down
through a wide, curved, one
piece windshield. The pano
ramic rear window and big
side windows provide a clear
view in all directions.
You get more power
on less gas
That's because Chevrolet's two
great valve-in-head engines are
hioh-compression engines. In
Poverglidc models, you get
the most powerful engine in
Chevrolet's field - the new
115-h.p. "Blue-Flame." Gear
shift models offer the advanced
108-h.p "Thrift-King" engine.
Biggest brakes for
smoother, easier stops
An easy nudge on the pedal
brings smooth, positive response
-right now! Chevrolet's im
proved brakes are the largest
in the low-price field.
It's heavier for
better roadability
You're in for a pleasant sur
prise at the smooth, steady,
big-car ride of this new Chev-
Let us demonstrate
all the advantages
of buying a Chevrolet now!
rolct. One reason is that, model
for model, Chevrolet will weigh
up to 200 pounds more than
the other low-priced cars.
You get greater getaway
with the new Powerglide
A lot finer performance on a
lot less gas. That's what you
get with the new Powerglide
automatic transmission. There's
no more advanced automatic
transmission at any price.
And it's the
lowest-priced line
A demonstration will show you
that Chevrolet offers just about
everything you could want. Yet
it's the lowest-priced line in the
low-price field.
'Combination of PoMerelidr auto
malic transmission and IH h.p.
"Blue-Flamt" engine optional on
"Two-Ten" and Bel Air mudeli at
extra cost.
Fulleton Chevrolet Company
Fine quality socks of cotton.
Choose from plentiful selection
of handsome colors ji'd patterns I,
Stock up now. Ycu save; 1013.
Husky soft combed
gyles that look like
hand knits. They're
That means you can
any way you like . .
run or shrink out of
in. 13.
cotton or
expensive washfastl
wash 'em
they won't
iitl Sizes
I 1
1 125
Box of
3Pr. 3.75
CO gauge, 15 denier
Gay..iode, the name that meant
perfect first quality your greatest
saving! Proportioned lengths for
perfect fit whatever your height,
extra high twist for superb leg beau
ty. Jubilee,, taupe brown; Fiesta,
nude beige; Murdi Gras, mist grey;
Gala, neutral beige. Midge, B-Wjti
Worm S'j-ll; Long 9X-U.