Page 2 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 10, 1953 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES MORROW COUNTY'S NEWSPAPER The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1S83. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated February 15, 1912. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION ROBERT PENLAND Editor and Publisher GRETCHEN PENLAND Associate Publisher NATIONAL EDITORIAL asTocITati'Sn pc?!sn?onlike Bll Published Every Thursday and Entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as Second Class Matter Subscription Rates: Morrow and Grant Counties, $3.00 Year; Elsewhere $4.00 Year. Single Copy 10 cents CHECK ON INCOME TAXES Oregon citizens who have been neglecting or evading federal in come tax returns may soon be paying up with heavy fines ad ded. A door to door check -ud- has been ordered by the Collector of Internal Revenue ajid the march of the auditorsat-large has started in several localities of the state. The purpose of the check is not to make audits but to determine whether returns for taxes have been made, including personal, corporation, excess profits, pay roll and excise taxes. The agents are looking for d They are also willing to answer! to stop when a bus is stopped to 4uv-.-iiiuii.-i auuui las ww. ioau or unioaa cniidren. It child- MORE DRUNKS DRIVING i ren are not leaving the bus, There w;ls a 2!5 ner cent in crease last month compared with July In the number of arrests made by the state police for drunken driving according to the last report by the Department of State Police. Fines assessed on the 119 de fendants totaled $21,638.50 acvr- aging more than $245 each for the cases completed in court. Jail sentences totaled 2,272 davs, averaging 28 days for cases com pleted. I The next largest total of fines was for failure to have a driver's or chauffeur's license which to talled $5,112. Sentences totaled 370 days in jail. Rules of the road including il legal parking brought fines to talling $4,000.50 and sentences of 450 days In jail. drivers can proceed after stop ping. This year, many busses will be equipped with red flashing lights on me iront and rear as an ad ditional warning to motorists that children may be in the road and that traffic must remain stopped. The onlv time vehicles are not required to stop when the big yenow busses are picking up or I discharging passengers is when approaching the bus from the on- I posite direction on a three or four lane highway. NATIONAL REWARD Salem's Police Chief Clyde A. Warren this week received a 1953 Gold Seal of Progress Award for progressive law enforcement work. Warren was the only Oregon ponce chief chosen this year in INC0RHCT VnZSSURZ REDUCES TIRE LIFE 32 t"4 1 suggestions for preparing the ramientore underside of the bodv for the breeding season in order to improve his fertility at an ear ly date. Shear the ram three to four weesk before the breeding season heeins. He should be sheared close all over, unless flies worry him considerably. Then it may be wiser to shear close only on the Keep the ram in the mn " Snf i'S"! availabl Provi." noLaiu supply of cool clean water. 01' Feed good quality hay or 0oh pasture and enough oat bran to keen the nm M. physical condition. Usum.. Continued on Page 5 CORRECT PRESSURE 5 UNDER 6 US. UNDER IBS. UNDER TAKE CARE OF TIRES Take cure of your tires! Motorists who fail to look after the "rubber shoes" of their ears head straijrht down a path to trouble, says the AAA driver training book, "Sportsmanlike Driving." Under-inflation is the worst tire fanlt. Under-inflated tires wear out fast, make steering hard and braking uneven. Over-inflation also is a bad fault. liiow-outs are more likely. The middle of the tread gets extra wear. The tire loses road grip. Chances of skidding are greater. Worn tires are trouble-brewers. Sharp objects in the rrfad easily pierce them. Punctures or blowouts constantly threaten." Dangers of accident multiply. Suddenly "flats" put the driver on the spot. Follow seven simple rules for tire care: 1. Drive at reasonable speeds. 2. Keep correct tire pres sure. 3. Even up inflation when tires are cold. 4. Never drive on a flat. 5. Avoid striking curbs, holes, or rocks. 6. Avoid jumpin.-r starts or screeching stops. 7. Keep brakes adjusted and wheels in line. Healthy tires help YOU wear a smile! DR. EDWARD K. SCHAFFITZ OPTOMETRIST Next To Hotel Heppner Entrance Heppner, Oregon TELEPHONE 6-9465 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.Tues. Wed. Fri. 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P M Thurs. Sat. 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Evenings By Special Appointment ANALYTICAL VISUAL EXAMINATION Broken Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted BUS STOP LAW fAIITinw - - w - i.iitj j v. ti ill A reminder from Secretary ofi'he nationwide awards Drofram Mnrao nmi,r3m State Earl T. Ncwbry that school) of the Mission, Texas, Chamber I Ten voun DeonIe from srt busses are on the roads again '"f Commerce. In the past the1. y ' g P P 1 m RCat and require special attention Cold Seal awards have been fol-lerea parts of tlle world are et from motorisls. I lowed bv Department of .Tnstipo' t'"g acquainted with Orecon. its The law calls for drivers an- citations of merit from FFU ni i people and farms this summer linquencies in maklne tax re- OOliSl ;iml tnv mivmnntu Kit ..t.O " i-v"'"" i ni.- iciw tew is ior Olivers a p- ' ions oi mem iror ing to see conies of tax returns, nroachinrr from thn fmut r.r r,,,,,. rector .1 V.rinar irrmvor (-,' m- in.inwi iv. til - iiuini-i, , " ' . I T .-. f. ....... i : . . . ., ' iin.1n.ntnHrliHrt sugmmeu oy me, ""m ,ola,'ul"K Kinder the IFYE effort to further Temperature Found Important Factor In Ram Fertility -fero fwfys Information i Salem Chamber of Commerce on' GIVES YOU Inside Outside IT Warren's record as Salem's police Zakkay of Israel, Henir Ghez of unt-i mii'.wu yourn activities lunisia, Kenan Arteaga of Equa such as Third Base Club, Soap 'dor and Mikhail Khoury of Syria. Box Derby, traffic control inno-jFor periods ranging from six valion of radar checking and weeks to three months, they will Salem's absence of traffic fatali-jlive and work with Oregon farm ties so far this year, keeping families. filiirv, fr,.n ,P !1 i i I ... ...... . ui LUMiiufiuni ganiDi-j At almost the same time two ing and other vice, civic activ-Who arrived earlier Karen Mel Hy of participating in city gov- lUm of Norway and Toshio Fukui ernment forums, police depart-! of Japan-will be completing rnent displays, Kiwanis and - '.i KOllO All WltUVIl. ( hamber work. i About 75 Portland business 'Lo na" ZTrt' men participated In the presenta- B11., Sf0tiand' . F len lion of the award at salPm .w,ut u" ftion- lun(.i,on ,,Rlro 01 Brazll and Daniel Florez ,,..., of Colombia. Each exchangee VETERANS LOANS UP also visits another state before A record number of veterans returning to his home applied for loans in August, re-1 tv, u ,i n,-iri if r (j.,nfnu i tl i Through the same program, This represent an increase f TrJi Vl!"ter an(I sPr,n8 m South I . . ., irncnca. per cent over the average 200 a . lr,, month received during the past' ' 19!S' IFYE has worked vrar. .toward world understanding by The new higher loan maxi- filvlng mpcd rural youth an mums approv Temperature is an important factor with respect to decree of Final four to arrive are Hagga I fertility of rams, says John Lan ders, extension animal husban dry specialist at Oregon State college. Tests at the OSC agricultural experiment station shows that the lamb drop is often widely scattered for early lambing ewes, covering as much as two or three months, Landers reports. The same ram bred to similar kind of ewes lambing within a three week period. Landers makes the following "WHIN I SAf C0FFCS I MEAN FOLGER'Sf" higher loan maxi- filving splprted rural youth an ed by (he 1953 Iegis- PP0r,Umly to Ret to know peoPle 3 available to Vet.lof other coun,ries at the grass Specification! and trim itihirl (n rtinn- Optional qtiipmvnt, whitt iiduwoll tirl( ,xtra Each seat 5 ft. wide ' Over 3098 sq. inches of glass Driver can see all 4 fenders Today Get a Ride in an ature, made available to vet erans starling July 21 and the continuing low interest rate make the loans attractive roots level. IFYE is financed funds through 4-H by private' clubs, civic' ...v- ....... u.uui uvt:. v.muo, wvii The new act enables a veteran 'groups, farm organizations, indi V to borrow up to $9,000 to acquire a nome or $15,0(M) for a farm. Previously the maximum was SO. 000. Despite the higher loan maxi mum, veterans still may not bor row an amount in excess of 75 per cent of the appraised value of the property, They are re quired under department regula tions tn have some equity in the properly and to have good credit .'ind employemnt records. Farley Mofor Company HEPPNER Four More Foreiqn Youths Arrive For Oregon Farm Stays Arrival of four more foreign youths in the near future will complete Oregon's guest list un der the International Farm Youth viduals, foundations and others interested in rural youth and in ternational understanding. The exchange is conducted by the Na tional 4-H Club Foundation and the cooperative extension service of USDA and the land-grant col leges. iD(M)THY(toh j Ceeams.. FAMOUS DOROTHY GRAY Cleansing Creams are scientifically personalized to do the most for your individual skin type ! No others clean so thoroughly yet give you the same fine beauty care. SALE I Reg. '4 size of each . . . NOW DRY-SKIN CIEANSER ; ; ; Reg. $2.25 size SALON COID CREAM (for normal or combi nation dry-and-oily skin) . . . Reg. $2.25 slzs UQUEFYINO CLEANSING CREAM (for oily skin) . . . Reg. $2 size (All prices plus tax) J STOCK UP TODAYI LIMITED TIME ONLYI PHIL'S PHARMACY PHIL BLAKNEY, Owner r ',( IfcM-, ,1 STAR THEATER, Heppner Thursday Friday-Saturday, September 10-11-12 JUNCTION CITY Charles Starrett, Smiley Btirneite, Jack Muhoney western. Plus THE STARS ARE SINGING lVE5i:nl;,n Stry' 'nith ''"!or Technicolor, and tunes for the hepsters VSVetK? aS daSSi,'al ,,,,m,H'r b' Anna Mari Alb Sunday-Monday, September 1314 SCARED STIFF SrsJif Li'r'8, Ul"th?"' t'annen Miranda, William Ching. Music toiLXnJin !K'1H'lar ',al'r'ms'," - Ivis. is no, 'LhV a,;so lMM,"1assuro ,hnt this time "Johann Mouse", Academy Award 6:30 a7sUn "' arrive in ,imt for t,lU I''ydate. Sunday shous at 2 4:15 Tuesday-Wednesday, September 15-16 THE CLOWN Red Skelton Jane Greer, Timothy Considine. The carrot -topped comic adds pathos to fiis special brand of knock-about comedy for wide audience appeal. Ten minutes behind the wheel of a CMC wuh Truck Hydra-Matic Drive i. an eye-open. tZtST' T,7 U",M What lhis "ving truck Pocketbook. Come in--for a demon.traUon ! .ZcZt " DtU d ' - on IS nV WJ Cst a real truck!, Farley Pontiac Company Yo'J dz ?Mf??r oi fl erf ttv& ;h