0 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 27, 1 953 Page 3 Boardman News by Flossie Coats (Too late for last week) Miss Wanda Needles and her mother Mrs. Kate Needles, Silv erton, arrived Wednesday for two weeks in Boardman. Miss Needles is with the Villages Mission and will supply the Boardman Com munity church pulpit during Miss Jean Scott's vacation. Miss Needles was a co-worker of Miss Scott when first at Boardman. HEC met Wednesday Aug. 12 at the home of Mrs. Nathan Thorpe with a picnic dinner at noon. Plans were made for the. north Morrow county Fair. Sixteen members and three visitors, Carla Hill, Marie Cunningham and Mrs. Don Kenny, Irrigon, were present. Committee serving were Mrs. John Walker, Mrs. Walter Hayes Mrs. Delbert Carpenter and Mrs. Elvin Ely. I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and children who had been visiting . his parents Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Evans, Enterprise, stopped at the John Walker home Thursday eve ning on their way home to Oak land, Calif. Mr. Evans and Mrs. Walker are brother and sister. Mrs. Leo Root, Esther and Edna' Knight and Mrs. Chas. Nickeson, motored to Pendleton Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands, of Culver were overnight guests at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.; Rands Wednesday of last week.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow and sons, Pfc Harold and Darrell Marlow motored to Ashland on. Ihursday, Aug. 13, and were guests at the home of Mrs. Mar low's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomas. The Marlow twins were to report at Camp Stoneman Friday even ing after a week at home with their parents. Mrs. Emma Souders who had been staying at the home of Mrs. Maude Moore left for Pendleton Saturday where she will visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. Souders expects to be in Board man for the Fair days before re turning to her home in Portland. Earl Cramer and Gladys Mc Laughlin have moved to the Mc Laughlin apartments in Hermis ton. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and daughters, Ora and Eileen, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lilly and children, La Grande, left Satur day for a few days vacation and will attend the Chandler family reunion at Oregon City. Allen Ely spent the week end at home from his work at Spo kane. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Califf are the parents of a baby son, born August 13 at the Walla BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE In Settles Electric Phone 6-9201 Long Distance Nation-Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Penland Bros. TRANSFER CO. ' Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338 Walla general hospital. This is the first child for the Califfs and has been named David Milton. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Califf, Boardman, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holeman, Her miston. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Califf, Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Zehner, Hubbard, and Mr. and Mrs. Keller of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pjsom, of Ellensburg, were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown on their way to Walla Walla. Mrs. Pjsom is Mr. Brown's sister. Mrs. Sam Beeks accompanied by Myrtle Wright, Arlington, were guests Friday at the home of Mrs. Beeks' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey West Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bishop and daughter Barbara, Biggs, were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Bishop. Sunday dinner guests at the Edd Kunze home were his sister Mrs. Amelia Calvert, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alvord, Kennewick. Airman Ed Wojtowicz, Ronnie La Velle, and Robert Mitchell, also Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Benson, mot ored to Portland and Seaside for an outing Sunda y . Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and son Dick were called to Enter prise to attend the funeral of Mrs. Walker's uncle, Bud Taylor. Mrs. Walker and Dick remained with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans for the week. Guests last week at the Emmet Rogers home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Stopp, Portland, and Mrs. Catherine Kruger, Port Angeles, Wash. The ladies are aunts of Mr. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Kuhn and children left for Tucson, Ariz., after a few days here with his brother Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kuhn. The Kuhns came from New Brunswick, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lindsay and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jones, of Benkleman, Neb., were quests Tuesday to Thursday at the W. E. Garner home. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Garner are cousins. The Ralph Skoubos and the Ed Skoubos, Mrs. Gene Hiigel and children motored to Walla Walla Sunday for a surprise picnic at the Klicker Bros., for Mrs. Anna Skoubo, who is to leave Friday on a trip to her home country, Den mark. Mrs. Skoubo expects to be in Boardman Tuesday. Larry Thorpe arrived home last week after working during the summer at Adams, Ore. Mrs. Walter Hayes and daugh tor, Mrs. Margaret Beall and her daughter, Patty, also Mrs. Rollin Bishop, motored to The Dalles on Monday. Mrs. Beall and daughter going on to their home in Eugene, Mrs. Ralph Skoubo reports her brother James Getehell, who is in the veterans hospital at Portland is still very ill. Mrs. Getehell was able to return home to her work in Hermiston. Mrs. Marie Cogill, Los Angeles, arrived Tuesday at the home of her father, Elmer Messenger, for an extended visit. She will also visit other relatives before return ing home. Mrs. Pearl Waters left for her home in East St. Louis, Mo., after a few weeks here with her son-in- ,law and daughter, SSgt. and I Mrs. Jason Crutchers. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara returned home after 10 days sojourn along the Oregon coast. Returning with them was their granddaughter, Joyce Garrison, and Marian Ros enburg, Oregon City. Schools Ready in one District for Opening Sept. 7 Leslie E. Grant, county school superintendent, was at the local school office recently on matters pertaining to consolidation of the Morgan district. Grant had called a meeting of the superintendents of the county on Aug. 31. The meeting is in connection with the rural school board. The local school office calls at tention to the people of the com munity the following dates. Wednesday, Sept. 2 Special board meeting. Thursday. Sept. 3 Community meeting for the purpose of gener al school instructions at 8 p.m. in the library room of the high school. Friday, Sept. 4 First faculty Monday, Sept. 7 School form- Elmer Messenger had the mis fortune to step on a nail Friday which has caused him much pain, and so far is unable to get around. W. R. Illy, well driller, is hav ing some difficulty getting throueh the rock at the Riverview cemetery. In two weeks he made only from 79 to 91 inches, Mr. Illy has drilled many wells, and says this is one of the hardest rock beds he has ever struck. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Olmstead, Ronnie and Betty Jo, left Thurs day for a two week vacation trip which will take them into Washington, Idaho, Montana and Canada. GENERAL ELECTRIC, AUTOMATIC Water Heater Does All the Work for You k The G. E. Automatic electric water heater has a heat wrap calrod heating unit The Tripl control is a convenient feature of the GE water heater that makes it more economi cal than ever to operate. It is built to rigid G. E. standards of high quality. Come in and see for yourself all the features of this fine water heater. PRICED AT $IW5 Up ally opens. All students and parents re member the school office is open for regular conferences the week before school opens. All teachers have been contracted and assign to all grades and departments. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ward spent three days in Pasco and Walla Walla visiting and trans acting business. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bushke attended the Umatilla county fair at Hermiston Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett and Richard spent a few days in La Grande last week. Mr. anil J Mrs. David Barnett and Deborah, of Umatilla visited here where! David worked at the service sta tion. Mr. and Mrs. David Heliker and Sharon are visiting in Seattle and Ephrata. Arnica club was held at the Community church basement. June O'Connor and Donna 'Mc Curdy were hostesses. Prizes were won by Maravene White, Bird ine Tullis and Mary Bristow. Mrs. Lloyd Howton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney and sons and Jean Ann Swanson spent the week at Lake Osoyoof near the Canadian border. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomas of Weatherford, Oklahoma, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely. Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Ely are cousins. Clyde Crawford left for Port land where he will take his phys ical for the army Aug. 27. Joe Halvorsen was kicked in the face by a Shetland pony Sun day. He was taken to a physician in Heppner where eight stitches were taken in his face. Markham Baker, Duane and Mardine were dinner guests Sun day at the Lewis Halvorsen home. Mrs, Leo Crabtree and daugh- ters left Thursday for Salem, where the girls had dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and family returned home from the coast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Pete Cannon and Terry and Mr. and Mrs. David Raskin and Mary spent Sunday with the Robert Despains at Echo. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson and family, Virginia and Anna Jep sen left Friday for a vacation at Portland, Longvlew and the coast. Miss Nell Gwynne left Monday for her home at Modesto, Calif., after visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Seehafer. IHJH BiHlik. Trv iff TTT Trl . mm sir ur tsx. M Eilu lb o o oWzf? P EHSOMLIZED CHECKS YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PRINTED FREE ON YOUR REGULAR PERSONAL CHECKS. T4 HEPPNER BRANCH OF PORTLAND tin (hub oiioon TOoirir Here in Pacific Powerland 7 out of 10 heat water, electrically 9 9 ..-SCO 5 s ':) s because it's so convenient and costs so little For a few cents a day your electric water heater delivers all the hot water you want, here where the price of electricity is only half the national average. 2c mf'm ll 1 1 ''"I ll (mm iii 1 rfo 1 . u f tfil ll1 U.S. AVERAGE PACIFIC POWERLAND Vx t UUJJla Heppner Hardware 6- Elec Phone 6-??-55